Prince: Diablos MC (Diablos MC Series Book 2)

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Prince: Diablos MC (Diablos MC Series Book 2) Page 12

by Eden Rose

  Fuck it. I’m already high, I might as well continue.

  I put the dollar back to its place as I take another sniff.

  The cocaine flows through my nose quickly and I sneeze a little.

  “Silly, Elle,” I tease myself.

  “Hey, Elle!” Bella chimes through the door as I am midway through the second bump.

  I pause. Clearly, I have been caught and there is no telling what she will do or say. Is her allegiance with me or with the club? Will she take my side or run to Beast and tell him I got high?

  It’s not my fault I got high, though. Someone left me the baggy and I had to use it. It is as simple as that.

  “Heeeeey,” I mumble.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Bella demands. Her long brown hair is flying in the wind as she runs up to me.

  “Uh, minding my own business?” I retort with more attitude than probably needed.

  “I can’t believe that you are using drugs!” She yells.

  I shake my head. “Well, to be fair, I have been on them since the very first night. I’m just continuing.”

  She lunges at the magazine in front of me but I’m quicker. I know she is going to try and flush it down the toilet. I can see it in her eyes she doesn’t follow my addiction. That she doesn’t realize I need this to get over what happened to me.

  I am so fucked up.

  “No!” Bella screams at me and tries to rip the magazine out of my hands.

  The delicate white powder shakes a little on the magazine making me gasp. I don’t want the cocaine to fly all over his bed. I also don’t want it to be wasted.

  “Leave me alone, Bella. You don’t know what it’s like for me! I’m fucked. I’m purely and utterly messed up and I have nowhere to go…”

  With a giant tug, she yanks the magazine from me and the powder goes all over the covers on the bed. I feel pissed and something more than that.

  Who the hell wanted me to get high so bad?

  Who would have given a junky drugs to derail their detox?

  “That’s bull shit! Elle, you know Prince is into you.”

  I shake my head and frantically cup my hands to gather up the cocaine. I worry Prince will find it. I don’t want him to realize how weak I am.

  Am I the weak one? Does it make me weak that I have craved coke all this time and now that I have it, I need to use it?

  I don’t think it does.

  “Prince is… I don’t know. I don’t know anything about anything. All I know is I’m lost. The only thing that makes me feel alive is this.”

  Bella slaps my hands away from the blanket covered in cocaine. She’s trying to grab at my fingers and I growl at her. “Leave me alone!” I beg.

  I don’t see her hand as it flies through the air and slaps me across the face. It is so quick and the sting brings tears to my eyes. I have been slapped many times in the past life I lived; but this slap is different. This is the slap of someone who actually acts as if they care about me.

  I fall onto my face and sob into the blanket. My focus is no longer on scooping up the coke. I could care less about it now.

  Now all that is known, is how fucked up I am.

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Prince

  “You have my fucking phone and my fucking property! You white trash bastards!” Two Face growls at us and looks around the room in astonishment.

  “We have your phone and we took the girl. She is not fuckin’ property. She’s a woman,” I answer matter of factly. “Why the fuck you bust into our house like you own it?”

  He lunges at me. It’s quick and he almost knocks over my chair with the force. I push him off of me and he crashes into the desk behind me.

  I stand up and walk over to him. It’s only a couple of feet but I want the bastard to wonder what I’m going to do with him.

  “You stole my property! You stole our star!” Two Face yells.

  “I didn’t steal your property. You tried to steal them back at the mall! Your fuckin’ crony shot my lieutenant.”

  He jumps off his back and forms a fist. I block it and push him back into the desk. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare!”

  Beast, Dragon and the other brothers are surrounding us ready to jump in when needed. I have too much rage for him right now and I want to make him suffer. I want him to wonder if he’s going to live or die.

  “We got your phone. We got all the details regarding your projects on the side. You’re fucked. Then you bust into our house and start demandin’ shit?” I bark at him.

  He lunges forward at me again, but I punch him quick in the gut. He bowls over and hisses out a moan. “Oh! I get it,” Two Face says as he coughs up blood. “You like this broad. Ha ha. You like a prostitute. You know you didn’t have to buy her. She would give it up for free. All you gotta do it slap her around a little bit.”

  That gets me going. I reach around the desk until I feel the drawer holding my gun. Once my pistol is in my hand, I aim it at his head. “You are such a piece of shit, asshole.”

  Two Face gives me a smile and a wink. “What you don’t realize, your girl… Yeah, she’s not clean anymore. You should really try and take care of your property better. I’ll tell you when we had her, we had her trained to suck dick and not talk back-“

  He’s cut off as he falls to the ground in a bloody heap.

  “What the fuck?” I demand and turn to see Bella holding a gun that was aimed at Two Face.

  “Bella, baby, you didn’t?” Beast begs and tries to take the gun away from her.

  She trembles as she lets it go. “I, I, I, I’m so sorry,” she stutters but looks at Two Face’s body the whole time.

  “Why did you do it?” Beast asks.

  Bella looks at him like she has never seen him before. Her eyes are glossy and her skin has lost all color. The woman looks like a ghost. “I came to get you and… And he…”

  I nod my head to let her know she can continue. I don’t know if she’s afraid of blowback or if she’s just afraid of what she had done.

  “And he- what?” Beast encourages her.

  “He raped my sister! He gave her drugs!” She yells and stomps her foot.

  “Yeah, he probably did,” I inform her.

  She looks at me and squints. “No, he gave her drugs right now.”

  “Fuck this,” I mutter under my breath before running towards my bedroom.

  I try to door handle but it’s locked. “Elle! Elle, let me in right now!” When there is no answer, I try the door handle again. “Elle! Unlock this damn door.”

  Still no answer.

  “What is going on with her?” Bella cries.

  “Fuck! Did you lock the door?” I ask Bella.

  “No! I wouldn’t do that. I told her I was coming to get you and…”

  I try one more time. “Elle, open the door!”

  Still nothing.

  I lift my foot up and kick the door in. The door splinters off the base and cracks down the middle from my kicking it down.

  “Yo, what is goin’ on?” A prospect hollers from behind everyone.

  “Get the prez a new door!” Six Pack orders.

  “Yeah, yeah,” the prospect grumbles.

  I don’t even bother looking behind me. I know I have all of my brothers waiting for me.

  I march into my room all the while searching for any movement. Elle’s not propped up on my bed anymore and she’s not lying on the floor either. “Fuck!” I yell. “Elle!”


  “Bella, is there any possibility she left?” I demand.

  “I don’t think so!”

  “Think!” I turn and glare at her.

  Beast is quick to wrap his arm around his ol’ lady. “Prez, come on!” He says and then stares at the bathroom door.

  I knew Beast had problems with drugs before, and I even caught him sniffing cocaine, but I never found him in a bathroom. Taking the clue, I rip open the door to find Elle in the bathtub.

  She is still fully dressed with the water runni
ng. Since our water is so finicky, it has already turned really cold.

  I reach into the water to pick her up. I need to get her someplace dry and warm to bring her back from the high. “Elle, please, baby,” I beg and carry her to my bed. I don’t even mind how wet she is and lying her on my bed. Fuck the sheets.

  Elle’s more important.

  “Please!” I beg again not caring how weak it might seem.

  She shakes in my arms. I can feel she’s still alive, but I want to know what they gave her.

  Chapter Thirty-Three: Elle

  My head feels heavy. My body feels like it is being weighed down by a sumo-wrestler. Every nerve ending in my body is hurting.

  Setting off alarms of what I did.

  How far I went to get high.

  In my defense, those bastards put it outside and dared me to find it. I’m not stupid. Well, I guess I kind of am since I couldn’t wait to get high.

  Prince has taken it upon himself to stay as close to me as possible over the past week as I have begun the detoxing all over again. This time, it is different. This time, I’m detoxing for myself.

  Beast checks in on me every couple of hours to see if I need anything. I appreciate him caring about me, but I know he is doing it to make Bella happy.

  Prince kisses me on my lips. “You can’t do that to me again. Do you understand me?”

  I nod. The pain from nodding hurts me more than I expected it would. Hell, my whole body hurts me. “Yes, I promise.”

  “You want to get high? You want to fuck everything up in your life? You come talk to me. You come talk to me and we will work it out.”

  He pulls the blankets down and slides into the bed with me. “You can’t do that to me again,” he whispers.

  I’m still naked from the shower and I feel his arousal against my bare thigh. I shiver with anticipation over wanting him. He nods his head. He knows what I want.

  I put my leg over his hip to line his dick up to my sex. I have gotten used to the fact sex feels good over the past couple of weeks. I’m not comfortable sucking his dick yet, though. Prince seems to be okay with it as much as he can be.

  “Baby, you can’t fuckin’ do that to me again, I can’t lose you, too.”

  I nod, knowing what he means. After he told me about Isabella and Cass, I knew how deep the man truly is. I knew he cared deeply for those around him.

  I know he cares deeply for me.

  He slides inside me at a slow pace. It’s a slower pace than normal, but all too perfect. Prince bucks his hips against me in a lazy way.

  He kisses my lips, I kiss him back. We kiss, touch and hold each other as he works himself in and out of me.

  “You’re mine. Do you understand me? You need some shit, you ask me,” he commands and slams further inside of me.


  “That’s right, baby.”

  I knew in that moment, everything would be all right. I just didn’t know how long it would take before it wasn’t.

  Epilogue: Part One: Chloe

  My fucking brother is nowhere to be found.

  I shake my head and pound my fist against the treadmill to get it to stop. Now that I’m back full time, I have to lose the weight I gained from the twins.

  My phone rings to the left of me and I hop off the machine to go and get it. I look at the number and it reads UNKNOWN.

  “Delacruz,” I answer and wait for the reply.

  “Chloe, it’s me,” Barry mumbles in the background.

  “Where the fuck are you?”

  “I found her. I found Emily.”

  My head heart hammers in my chest. “Where is she?” I demand.

  “She’s about to be sold in Mexico. You need to save her! I failed her!”

  “Fuck, Barry.”

  He sobs in the background. “Go get her before it’s too late.”

  “Do you have anymore information?” I hiss.

  “No. I gotta go.”

  He hangs up on me before I can say anything else.

  That fucking asshole.

  Epilogue: Part Two: Dragon

  To say I’m jealous the president and his right hand man fell in love would be an understatement. I talk a big game about whoring around and sleeping with a bunch of randos, but there is only one girl for me.

  The one girl who had the ability to turn my head. The one girl who holds my heart, balls and head in her hands.


  I have been in love with her since I was a freshman in high school. I followed her around like a damned pussy who couldn’t wait to see her. To smell her sweet perfume.

  I rub the back of my neck and chug the rest of my beer. “Fuck!” I yell as the beer flowed down my throat.

  “Hey, Dragon, want some attention?” One of the whores asks me.

  “Nah,” I answer.

  “All right,” she whines and goes over to see Fat Cat.


  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  “Mother fucker!” Beast shouts while climbing to his feet to check who’s at the door. I know he hates it when people show up unannounced.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He growls.

  “Look, I need to talk to Prince,” a woman says and enters the clubhouse like she owns it.

  “He’s busy,” I call out.

  “I need someone’s help in finding this girl. She’s about to be sold in Mexico!” The woman begs.

  I climb off my bar stool and stroll over to her. She’s pretty, but I can see she’s a cop. She smells like one, too. “Let’s see the picture,” I slur.

  The woman hands over a piece of paper with a picture on it. I drop my beer bottle to the ground as I look at the brown eyes of the woman I used to know.


  “Where is she?” I beg.

  The cop backs up a little. “How do you know her?” She asks.

  “I know her.”

  “Can you help me find her?”

  “Yes,” I promise.

  The End!

  Dragon’s Story Will Be Out in 2020!







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