Kiss the Dragon (Maidens Book One)

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Kiss the Dragon (Maidens Book One) Page 5

by Michelle Fox

  “Okay,” I said, drawing out the word. How much room did Alec need?

  “And you’re soaked with sweat and probably starving. You’re not ready.” His gaze briefly flickered to the pool of vomit on the floor, but he tactfully said nothing.

  “We don’t have a lot of time, Alec.” I pressed my lips together until they thinned.

  “Aye, you’re right. But we have a few minutes to set you right.” He stood up. “I’ll show you where the bathroom is so you can clean up while I go find something to break our fast.”

  I followed him out of his room and down another interminable stone hallway to a bathroom barely big enough to fit me let alone Alec or his brothers. I turned to Alec, bumping the sink with my hip as I did so. “How do any of you use the bathroom?”

  I couldn’t even stretch my arms out without whacking a wall. The guidebooks had warned me of tiny bathrooms in Europe and I’d seen enough to know they weren’t exaggerating, but I still found it astonishing. Had Europe originally been colonized by tiny little fairy folk or what?

  “There’s a bigger one on the other side of the castle.” He flicked a switch, turning on a light over the sink. “This one wasna made with us in mind.”

  “Then who did you build it for?”

  “You or whichever maiden showed up first.” He opened a narrow cabinet by the toilet and pulled out a pile of towels. “Although apparently we underestimated your size.”

  I took the towels and hung them on the hooks next to the sink. “I’m not even a big person. I’d say your scale is way off.”

  “Well, the water will get you clean no matter the size of the shower.” He smiled at me, eyes twinkling. “And you donna have to share with me or my brothers, so there’s that. Now I’ll take my leave and find us some food. Come down to the kitchen when you’re done.”


  The shower stall produced a trickle of water and I kept bumping into the wall, but I managed to wash off the grime of the night before. While I had towels, there were no toiletries, but I had managed to keep my backpack with me through all the chaos. It had the essentials I needed to freshen up, including a change of underwear and a clean t-shirt.

  As I brushed my teeth with my flimsy travel toothbrush, I tried not to think about what was going to happen next. Alec and I were going to consummate the magic that had brought us together. Remembering the kiss we’d shared when we first met, I couldn’t deny that there’d been a tingle, but the idea of something permanent and stable seemed impossible. Those words hadn’t defined my life in a long time.

  And what about the voice? Telling me we were one and all that jazz? Was I possessed? I had no idea, and until I did, I would never feel safe. The danger wasn’t just from others, it came from inside me too.

  Chapter Five

  In the kitchen, Alec sat at the table munching on a cookie. He nodded at me in greeting while Niall welcomed me with a smile and a cup of hot coffee.

  “Thank you,” I said, accepting the steaming mug. When I took a sip, I thought maybe I’d been hasty in my gratitude. The bitter coffee had been mixed with the burn of scotch.

  “Good morn to you, lass. After last night I thought you might need some hair of the dog. You’ve a big day ahead of you and you’ll need a strong drink to keep you upright.”

  “This isn’t hair, it’s the entire dog,” I murmured as I eyed the contents of the cup.

  Niall chuckled, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Aye, that’s how we do it here in the highlands.” He tapped his head. “The best cure for a hangover is an even stronger drink.”

  I nodded politely and decided I would drink only a little bit. The last thing I needed was to get buzzed and give the voice an opening. “Could I have some regular coffee, too?” As much as I feared the voice, I was just as leery of life without caffeine. Especially when in the throes of a hangover.

  Niall poured me a new cup. “Aye. No problem, lass. I made more cookies, too.” He lifted a plate stacked high with lemon sugar cookies.

  I held up a hand as my stomach recoiled. “Not yet. Maybe once the coffee hits my bloodstream.”

  Niall’s smile faltered. “I’m sure they donna compare to your cupcakes--”

  “They’re delicious,” I said, hastening to reassure him. “My stomach is just a little tender this morning, that’s all. And who told you about my cupcakes?”

  Niall nodded to Alec. “He did. Said you had a shop.”

  “Well, I did until a bunch of bad guys showed up. The ones Alec saved me from.” I sipped my coffee, the non-alcoholic one, and wondered if I would ever make it back to my little bakery. “To tell you the truth, though, I’m not sure what the future holds for me in the cupcake department.”

  Niall patted the wooden counter between us. “Och, well this kitchen is always open to you, lass.”

  “Thank you,” I said, warmed by Niall’s generous heart. After Alec, Niall was my favorite of the dragon bikers. Malcolm was next. As for Gavin, I wouldn’t even put him on the list. At the thought of the contrary blond, I scanned the room and did a quick biker head count. “Where’s Gavin?” We were short one tall Scotsman with a bad attitude.

  Alec sauntered over to where I stood and pulled me close for a quick peck on the cheek. The scent of juniper mixed with leather filled my senses and I inhaled it, taking comfort in his steady presence. If I was honest with myself, last night had made me like him close to me. Even when I’d been lost in the voice, I’d called out to him to anchor me with a kiss. When I’d been sick, he’d cared for me like I’d mattered.

  Letting me go, Alec said, “Gavin’s cleaning the bedroom.”

  I smothered a laugh as Alec went to pour himself coffee. Gavin wouldn’t get any sympathy from me, not after all the teeth gnashing the other day. In fact, I rather thought it served him right.

  Offering me his elbow, Alec said, “So, are you ready, Sara?”

  I froze, the mug halfway to my mouth. Oh, that was a loaded question. No, I wasn’t ready, but Malcolm needed all the help he could get and the voice was adamant that Alec was my future. Plus, I kind of did like the guy. Or at least lusted after him.

  If nothing else, I had to reunite the brothers. Not to mention, I would not knowingly leave anyone in the hands of the witches. They had started hounding me a year ago, and while the coven was not the first group to try and grab me, they were the ones who scared me the most. Their magic made nightmares seem pleasant.

  Niall came to me, prying the coffee cup from my hand and setting it aside so he could give me a hug. “Welcome to our family, lass. After today you’re one of us.”

  “I might not stay,” I said, unable to accept the warmth and sincerity of Niall’s words. It didn’t feel real. Despite what the voice said about my future, not having anything or anyone to lean on was what felt true to me.

  Niall drew back to look me in the eye, but kept his arms around me. “What is this nonsense?” He gave me a little shake.

  “It’s not nonsense.” I drew myself up to my full height, which barely reached Niall’s chest. These dragon men were big. “You have your curse, I have mine. Maybe I can set Alec free, maybe I can help save Malcolm, but nothing changes for me.” This was my nice way of saying ‘don’t get your hopes up,’ both to them and myself. No matter how much I’d liked Alec at my side the night before, I couldn’t fool myself that it could last. That would only cause us both heartache.

  Niall looked to Alec. “What is she talking about?” His head swung back to me. “Lass, today you lay claim to the heart of a dragon. He will become yours, you will become his and no one will dare come between you.”

  I hoped he was right. I liked the idea of finding someone I could love and build a life with. It had been a dream I let die a long time ago.


  Alec led me outside, a full mug of coffee in his hand. I hurried to keep up with his long strides. “Where are we going?”

  “The MacTeine stone circle,” he said, slowing a bit as he noticed me struggling to ke
ep up.

  “What for?” I nibbled at one of Niall’s lemon sugar cookies, wanting the weight of food in my tender stomach.

  “That’s where dragons claim their maidens.”

  I swallowed hard. “Oh.”

  “Donna be afraid, lass.” He flashed a smile. “It’ll be the same as when we kiss, but better. I swear it.”

  I didn’t really have a response to that, so we walked on in companionable silence. I worked on finishing my cookie while Alec drank his coffee as we followed a narrow trail that led into the moors surrounding the castle. Clouds had dimmed the sun, keeping it from being over-bright, and the coffee I’d drank earlier kept my head from exploding, so all in all, I didn’t feel too horrible. As late summer days in Scotland went, it was a nice one. The wind was soft and buoyant, stirring my hair and flipping the hem of Alec’s black kilt.

  My mouth went dry at the thought of what was under that dark fabric. Soon, I wouldn’t have to wonder, I would know.

  Alec peered at me over his coffee cup, eyebrows raised in concern. “You all right, lass?”

  I nodded and forced a smile. “Nice day isn’t it?” I fixed my eyes on the sky.

  Alec took my hand in his. “Donna fash yourself. We were born for each other.”

  “I wish I could believe that,” I whispered.

  “You will know it after today.” He stopped walking and pulled on my hand until I stopped too. “Why did you agree to this, lass? You could run if you wanted to. We can’t chase you.”

  “I know.” I kept my gaze focused on the clouds above. If I looked at Alec it would be real and I wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. “But it’s my fault Malcolm’s gone. I can’t stop the voice. I can’t keep people from chasing me, but I can try to fix the damage.” I met his eyes then. “I know what it is to live with magic you don’t want. If I can help you, then maybe there’s hope for me.”

  I didn’t mention my vision because I didn’t trust it. It’s one thing to see the future, another thing entirely to be certain of it. The voice had led me astray once before, I couldn’t count on it no matter how much I wanted to believe what I’d seen.

  Alec stepped closer to me and tilted my head up as his lips crushed mine. He kissed me until I was breathless and then let me go. “And this, what does this mean to you?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, fighting to stop the ache that quivered through me at his touch. “It feels like a beautiful lie, Alec. This isn’t my life. I’m not the one who gets to be happy, I’m the one who gets everyone killed and probably dies a grisly death.”

  “You don’t understand dragons then, lass.” He thumped his chest with one hand. “We’re the ones left standing, the ones no one can defeat. We don’t die, we win.”

  We resumed walking then and Alec kept my hand, holding it loosely but securely within his. The warmth of his palm radiated to mine and the tingle that always sparked between us tickled my skin.

  “How much further is it to the circle?” I asked, already tired. The night before had sapped my energy and my reserves hadn’t been replenished yet. I should’ve grabbed more than one cookie.

  “Just ahead.” Alec pointed to a softly rising hill in the distance. If I squinted, I could make out the tops of tall stones. “Dragons and maidens have joined there since we started counting time. Tis a holy place for my clan.”

  I made a non-committal but appreciative noise, unsure of what to say. My nerves were getting to me. Fear and anticipation swirled through me, making me unsteady. I desired Alec, wanted his body against mine and even inside mine, but what that meant terrified me.

  The stone circle sat atop a softly rounded mound covered in verdant grass. A mix of white and purple flowers grew around the stones and Alec picked several of the white ones before stepping inside the circle. I followed him, blinking when I felt the hum of power running around the stones. It was a good energy, light and pleasant.

  “The magic here is nice,” I said, walking slowly from stone to stone.

  “Is it?” Alec began to weave the flowers together. For all that he had large hands, his fingers moved with deft accuracy.

  “What are those?” I asked.

  “Heather,” he said. “The white is lucky for brides.” He finished his weaving and showed me the wreath he’d made. “This is for you.”

  I held my breath as he set it upon my head. Tears gathered in my eyes. My parents should have been here. There should’ve been a bridal shower, a ring on my finger and a honeymoon. Instead I had a groom I barely knew, a sprinkling of magic and a rescue mission. As always, desperation ruled my life, propelling me into yet another situation I had to find a way to survive.

  Alec wiped a tear off my cheek, his gaze tender. “We do not join under ideal circumstances, but my heart beat for you from that first kiss, lass. My fire burns for you, Sara, and all that I have, all that I am is yours.”

  I sucked in air, fighting not to sob and caught the earthy scent of the heather adorning my head. Words came to my lips, nowhere near as pretty as his, but heartfelt. “I will be yours, Alec the dragon, until I can’t.”

  He clasped my hands in his. “We are now bound together, man and wife, dragon and maiden. May the gods smile upon us.”

  The magic in the circle intensified, singing in the air with a series of low, bell-like notes. The voice within me hummed along with it. Above us clouds cleared and the sun crowned us in a golden haze as Alec kissed me. It was the most beautiful summer day I’d seen since I’d arrived in Scotland.

  Alec didn’t stop at a kiss this time. His hand cradled my head, lips searing mine while his other hand cupped one breast and then moved down to do the same to my backside.

  His Scottish burr a deep rasp, he said, “I will devote my life to making you happy, love.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I panted. The heat of his body so close to mine made it hard to breathe.

  “Dragons always keep their promises,” he said, solemn. “Especially to their maidens.” His hands went to the hem of his shirt and he pulled it off. I watched the way his biceps flexed and how the rack of muscles in his stomach ripple as he moved. His skin gleamed bronze in the sunlight, reminding me of caramel.

  He came for my shirt then, lightly but inexorably lifting it over my head. I didn’t stop him, although I considered it, but I’d committed to seeing this through. For my sake, as much as Alec’s and that of his brothers. I’d meant what I’d said. If I could save them, then maybe there was a way to save me, too.

  Alec’s gaze skimmed my body and I trembled, wondering if he would find me wanting. I’d avoided people so long, I’d stopped worrying about how I looked.

  He slipped his hands under my bra straps and slid them down my shoulders. “You’re so pale, lass. Like marble.”

  “Sorry,” I said, abashed that I’d been found wanting.

  “Nay, donna say that, not to me. You’re pure as the moon waiting for the sun to set her afire.” He nuzzled my neck, nipping the skin there while his hands unhooked my bra. The fabric fell away and our skin met for the first time.

  I gasped at the contact. “You’re so warm.”

  “Aye, tis the dragon in me.” His eyes twinkled. “The verra same dragon about to be in you.”

  I laughed, finding relief in the humor. “It’s a threesome,” I quipped, but then I frowned. “No, it’s not. There’s four of us.”

  “Your voice?”

  I grimaced and nodded.

  “Och, lass. I will help you beat back that voice. I swear it. I will not let it own you.” His arms tightened around me. “I like the Sara I know verra much and I will not give you up without a fight.”

  I drew my head back, tilting my chin so I could meet his eyes. “How do you know you like me? We’re like on day two and kiss number five.”

  “Aye, the time has been short, I grant you that, but I know that you are brave and good. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”

  “I like you too, Alec.” I gave a shy smile.
r />   “And how do you know that?” He kissed my nose, making me giggle.

  “Because you’ve been strong and sure even though I’m a crazy woman who hears voices.”

  He gave a broad grin. “Well, I do believe we are halfway to true love then.”

  I raised a doubtful eyebrow.

  Alec smoothed a finger over my brow. “Now, lass, donna fret. Just let me take you the rest of the way and you’ll see what I mean.” His hands went to the waist of my jeans and he hesitated for a moment. “Sara, tell me, have you ever known a man?”

  “Known?” I frowned and then realized his meaning. “I’m not a virgin, Alec. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  He cupped my face between his hands. “Nay, lass, that’s not why I asked. I donna want to scare you by going too fast or too hard.”

  I looked deep into his eyes, marveling at the sparks I saw there. “What about you? Have you known a woman?”

  He went still and then gave a curt nod. “Aye, I have.” His hands were back at my jeans, this time unbuttoning and unzipping. “Let me show you what I learned.”

  Alec inched off my pants and before I could stop him, he ripped off my panties. The lace fabric gave way without protest.

  “Hey, I only have two pairs of underwear,” I said.

  “I will buy you more,” he growled. “And then rip them all off, one at a time.”

  The image that promise put into my head, made my heart thump. “That’s going to get expensive.”

  “I can afford it, lass. Right now, I need you to be naked and under me.” He took my hand and pulled me down to the soft grass that filled the stone circle. “Remember when I said I could wait?”

  I nodded as I fell back on the grass.

  “I lied.” Parting my knees, he slipped a finger into my wet cleft. At the same time, he nibbled at the ticklish flesh of my inner thigh. I squirmed under him, hips dancing both closer and then away as the intensity of his touch became too much. He followed me, though, no matter how I moved. If I strayed too far, his one hand would pin my hip in place with a firm grip.

  When he lowered his mouth to flick his tongue over the delicate nub between my legs, he had to use both hands to keep me anchored in place. I strained against him, continuing to want more contact alternating with the need for less, but it wasn’t about what I wanted, Alec was in control.


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