Princess Evie Young Fiction 2

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Princess Evie Young Fiction 2 Page 1

by Sarah KilBride

  For Pip & Jess xx

  Sarah KilBride

  To Agnieszka

  Sophie Tilley


  First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Simon and Schuster UK Ltd

  1st Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB

  A CBS Company

  Text copyright © 2014 Sarah KilBride

  Illustrations based on artwork originated by Sophie Tilley © 2014

  Concept © 2009 Simon and Schuster UK

  The right of Sarah KilBride and Sophie Tilley to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library upon request

  PB ISBN: 978-1-4711-2178-4

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-4711-2179-1

  Printed in Great Britain by CPI Cox and Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8EX


  A Sunny Start


  Away to Unicorn Stables


  Unicorn Camp Chaos


  Raphaela’s Magic


  The Rescue Party


  Home and Dry


  Team Cloud Sprite


  Sleepy Head

  “What a perfect day, Diamond!” said Princess Evie, as she trotted through the gates of Starlight Stables.

  Even though it was early, the sun was scorching. It was much hotter in the stable yard than on the top of the Golden Mountain, where they had enjoyed a lovely cool breeze. The bright morning sun made Evie’s Connemara pony’s coat gleam.

  “I think your friends are pleased to see you, Diamond!”

  Evie was right. All her lovely ponies were trotting to the gate, neighing, squealing and welcoming Diamond back.

  It wasn’t only Evie’s ponies that were glad to see them. Evie’s little kitten Sparkles skipped over to the tie post and rubbed against Evie’s ankle.

  “We’ve just had the most amazing ride,” smiled Evie. “The Golden Mountain is ever so high. At first we were surrounded by mountain clouds, but they soon cleared and then we could see for miles.”

  Diamond was the perfect pony for mountain rides. She had great stamina and was very strong. Of course Evie loved riding all of her ponies, especially on summer days like these. But Evie’s ponies weren’t any old ponies. They were magic ponies. Whenever Evie rode them through the tunnel of trees, they took her on magical adventures in faraway lands.

  Evie’s ponies were transformed the moment they came out of the tunnel. For instance, when Neptune galloped out onto a beach her coat became the colour of the sparkling ocean. And that wasn’t the only magic that happened – Evie’s clothes changed too! She loved the beautiful new outfits she wore on their adventures. When she went to the North Pole with the snow fairies, she wore a gorgeous fluffy pink cloak and warm boots. Evie looked up at the cloudless sky – it was hard to imagine snow today!

  She checked to see if Diamond had cooled down, especially where the saddle had been and under her pony’s elbows and hind legs. Because Diamond’s breathing had slowed down to normal Evie could now give her some fresh water and brush out her shining coat.

  “You’ve worked hard this morning, Diamond, climbing up that steep mountain and galloping along the ridge.”

  Evie went into the tack room to get her grooming kit and Sparkles padded in after her. It wasn’t just Diamond who was hot. Evie had been out in the sun for quite some time and the tack room felt lovely and cool. The walls were lined with saddles, bridles and, of course, rosettes. Evie walked towards the metal trunk where she kept her grooming kit. As her eyes adjusted to the shadows of the tack room, she noticed something.

  “Have we had visitors this morning, Sparkles?”

  Sparkles miaowed. Of course, he couldn’t talk – he was only a cat, but Evie was positive that he could understand every word she said.

  “I think someone’s been here while I was out on the mountain. Look!”

  Evie pointed to the metal trunk and Sparkles hopped up for a closer inspection.

  There, leaning against a bottle of hoof oil, was a golden envelope. “Who’s it from?” asked Evie.

  Sparkles sniffed the envelope, and then looked at Evie, blinking patiently.

  “You’re right – there’s only one way to find out!”

  Evie picked the envelope up and took out the letter. As she read it, she smiled.

  “Come on, Sparkles, I have to read this to Diamond!” And they raced out, to the sunny yard with the letter.

  Dear Evie,

  How are things at Starlight Stables? I hope you’re enjoying this lovely summer with all of your gorgeous ponies – fantastic riding weather, isn’t it?

  I’m writing to you because I wondered if you and Diamond would like to come to the Cloud Kingdom and join our Unicorn Riding Camp. It starts today and should be great fun. There’ll be lots of cloud sprites there and they’ll be loads of lessons and activities to help us learn all about our unicorns. Just leave your kit in the stable yard and I’ll send a cloud to pick it up. I’ll be waiting for you on the clouds when you come out of the tunnel of trees.

  Really hope you can make it – it would be brilliant to see you and Diamond again.

  Lots of love,

  Skye xxxxxx

  PS: PLEASE bring Sparkles too xxxxxxx

  PPS: Please give all your ponies a hug from me.

  PPPS: PLEASE give Sparkles an extra-special hug too!!!!

  Diamond neighed. She loved taking Evie away on adventures and Unicorn Riding Camp certainly sounded very exciting. Diamond and Evie had shared an amazing adventure the last time they’d visited the Cloud Kingdom. They had competed in the Unicorn Games and had even won first prize in the obstacle race!

  There was no time to lose, Evie raced into the tack room to pack. She found the special riding gloves that Skye had given her, embroidered with little gold unicorns. Then she checked her grooming kit, making sure that everything was clean and in good condition.

  “How thrilling – we’re going to see Skye and her magic unicorn Jewel again,” said Evie as she took her rucksack of useful things down from its peg. “I can’t wait!”

  She carried her kit out into the yard.

  “Skye said to leave our kit here,” said Evie, “I wonder if that’s the cloud that’s going to take it to the Cloud Kingdom?”

  The blue sky had been clear a moment ago but now there was a large white cloud floating over the Golden Mountain. As it came towards Starlight Castle it floated lower and lower, drifting past the turrets, and over the gardens. By the time it arrived at Starlight Stables it was skimming along the ground.

  Sparkles jumped up into Evie’s arms – he’d never seen anything quite like this before! The cloud came towards them and for a few seconds they couldn’t see a thing, then it floated back up into the sky.

  “Look at that!” said Evie.

  There was just an empty space where her kit box had been.

  “Hop up Sparkles, it’s time to go to the Cloud Kingdom!” said Evie as she put on her rucksack of useful things. “I think our luggage will be there before us!”

  Evie and Sparkles mounted Diamond and soon they were galloping towards the tunnel of trees. Evie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


  Away to Unicorn Stables

  When Evie opened her eyes the Cloud Kingdom stretched out around them for miles.
The sunshine made the clouds glitter with pretty pastel colours. Diamond’s coat shimmered with the same soft colours and she now had a magnificent golden unicorn’s horn that sparkled in the sunshine. Evie looked down and saw that she was wearing a smart riding jacket embroidered with fine gold thread, a pair of jodhpurs and gleaming riding boots.

  “I think we’re ready for Unicorn Camp,” she whispered, as they trotted out onto the soft, fluffy clouds.

  “You certainly are!” called a friendly voice.

  It was Skye. The cloud sprite appeared from the shimmering mist on her beautiful unicorn, Jewel. Her pretty waistcoat was edged with daisies and her pale pink jodhpurs were decorated with silver thread.

  “Skye!” laughed Evie. “How lovely to see you.”

  Jewel whinnied and Diamond and Jewel touched noses and said their unicorn hellos.

  “I’m so pleased you could make it, Evie,” said Skye.

  “We wouldn’t have missed Unicorn Riding Camp for the world!” said Evie.

  “Are you ready for a gallop, Diamond?” asked Skye.

  Diamond neighed and tossed her sparkling mane.

  “Follow me, Evie! We’ll be there in no time,” said Skye.

  Skye turned her unicorn around and broke into a fast trot, a canter and then a gallop. Diamond didn’t need any encouragement to follow and soon they were racing along the clouds. Evie could feel her cheeks glow as the wind whistled past.

  They sped through puffy white clouds that splashed the girls with rainbow drops. They sailed over great powdery plains and jumped across small pink clouds that patterned the sky like stepping stones.

  Normally when Diamond galloped Evie could hear her pony’s hooves on the ground, but Diamond was galloping along silently with her glittering mane flying. Evie remembered that a unicorn’s hooves never make a sound – it was one of the magical things about them.

  Skye was right, it wasn’t long before they were at the gates of the riding school in the clouds.

  “This is where they train the Unicorn Olympic Team,” said Skye excitedly. “I’ve always dreamt about riding here.”

  The friends dismounted, landing softly. Evie thought that walking on clouds felt a little like walking on snow. Her feet gently sank, leaving little prints. Skye opened the beautiful golden gate.

  “We’ll take our unicorns to the stables first and get them settled in,” she said. “Then it’ll be time to go to the Great Hall to meet the instructors.”

  As they led their unicorns into the yard they spotted a map pinned onto a post. A little cloud sprite was looking at it. She turned and called over to the friends.

  “What are your unicorns’ names?”

  “My unicorn is called Diamond,” replied Evie. “And this is Jewel.”

  “You’re in stables eleven and twelve and we’re in stable thirteen.” She smiled at her unicorn. “Unlucky for some!”

  She turned to take her unicorn to the stable block when two other cloud sprites arrived and trotted silently across the yard on their unicorns, almost knocking her down.

  “Watch where you’re going!” shouted one rider, who had a long golden plait.

  The little cloud sprite was too stunned to say anything. The riders smirked at her as she stood with her mouth open.

  “You’ll catch flies if you stay like that!” said the rider with the long plait.

  She checked the map and the other rider giggled.

  “Come on, let’s go and make ourselves at home,” said the first rider. “We’re in stables fourteen and fifteen.”

  They trotted off to find their stables.

  “They’re going to be our neighbours,” the little sprite said to her unicorn. “I told you thirteen was unlucky for some.”

  “Are you all right?” asked Evie.

  Tears had begun to well up in the little sprite’s eyes.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry – we should have stuck up for you,” said Evie.

  “It’s a good job you didn’t,” said the sprite, looking down at her scuffed riding boots. “They’re the Sunshine Girls and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of them. I met them at last year’s camp. It’s best to keep out of their way.”

  The little cloud sprite turned and led her unicorn away.

  “What’s your name?” Skye called after her but she had already disappeared around the corner, taking her unicorn to her stable.

  “Let’s have a look at the list,” said Evie, as she scanned the map. “Here we are. She’s called Wanda and her unicorn is Zephyr. I wonder if she has any friends at the camp.”

  “Well, I think we should be her friends. That’s what camp is all about,” said Skye. “Let’s keep an eye on her and make sure that the Sunshine Girls don’t try picking on her again.”

  Evie and Skye led Diamond and Jewel to their stables where their grooming kits were waiting for them.

  “I told you they’d be here before us, Diamond!” said Evie.

  “We’re opposite Wanda,” smiled Skye.

  “And the Sunshine Girls,” added Evie.

  The riders who had just been so rude to Wanda were now busily settling their unicorns in. They were making quite a lot of noise about it – singing and shouting, shrieking with laughter and chasing each other about.

  “They look like they’re having fun,” said Evie as she gently put her hand on Diamond’s muzzle.

  She could feel her unicorn getting twitchy and knew that Diamond didn’t like all this noise.

  “Let’s get our unicorns settled,” said Skye. “We need to be in the Great Hall for the introduction to camp in half an hour. If we team up with Wanda we’ll get it done quickly.”

  So Evie and Skye went to Wanda’s stable and introduced themselves. Soon they were busy helping each other.

  Wanda collected some golden apples from the barrel in the yard, while Skye filled three buckets with fresh water. Evie and Sparkles went to the barn to collect some straw for their unicorns’ bedding. They needed a whole bale, but the bales were too heavy for her to pick up on her own.

  “Do you need a hand?” asked a kind voice.

  Evie turned around. Standing behind her was the most beautiful cloud sprite she had ever seen. Light seemed to shine from her sky-blue eyes and soft curls floated around her face. She wore a pair of pale blue jodhpurs and her silk shirt had tiny pearl buttons.

  “Come on,” she said with a smile. “Let’s go and find a wheelbarrow.”

  As they lifted the bale into an old wheelbarrow, Evie found out that the beautiful cloud sprite’s name was Raphaela Plume and she was one of the camp’s instructors.

  “I used to come to Unicorn Camp when I was younger,” said Raphaela. “I hope you have as much fun as I did!”

  Evie smiled, then she remembered the Sunshine Girls. She hoped they weren’t going to spoil things.

  The wheelbarrow wobbled all over the place and by the time they got back to the stable Raphaela and Evie were giggling.

  Evie introduced her new friend to Skye and Wanda, but the cloud sprites didn’t say hello or even smile. They just went red!

  “See you at the meeting!” said Raphaela.

  She waved and headed off towards the Great Hall. Wanda and Skye stared after her, speechless. Even the Sunshine Girls had stopped messing about and were staring at the lovely sprite as she disappeared around the corner.

  “I don’t believe it!” gasped Skye. “Raphaela Plume – the most famous unicorn gold medallist in the Cloud Kingdom.”

  “She was chatting and laughing with you, Evie, like a normal sprite!” said Wanda.

  “Well, she is normal,” said Evie. “Not like you two – staring at her and not saying a word!”

  “You don’t understand Evie,” said Wanda. “She is the most fabulous unicorn rider in the entire Cloud Kingdom!”

  “I hope she’s going to teach us some of her riding secrets,” said Skye. “Oh, this is going to be such an amazing camp!”

  She did an excited littl
e jump into the air.

  “Come on you two, before you get any giddier!” said Evie, as she picked Sparkles up. “We’ve got five minutes to get to the Great Hall for our meeting.”


  Unicorn Camp Chaos

  The Great Hall was on an enormous cloud. Sparkles led the way along the path that followed the soft curves of the cloud. As they climbed the steps, the hall’s magnificent door magically opened.

  “Look at that!” Evie gasped.

  She pointed to the domed ceiling. It was painted with a beautiful skyscape of shimmering clouds. On one side of the dome, the morning sunrise was painted in warm colours. The evening sky was on the opposite side. It was a deep blue that looked as if it went on forever, scattered with constellations of gold stars. The arched windows were open and pale blue curtains floated gently in the breeze.

  A little crowd of sprites was already waiting and the air was full of chattering and laughter. Clouds the size of plates floated from sprite to sprite, carrying tasty marshmallows, pink candyfloss on cocktail sticks and tiny fairy cakes that were so fluffy they almost floated away! Whenever a plate began to look empty, it magically filled up with more treats.

  Skye and Wanda met a few sprites they knew and Evie recognised Rosy from when she, Diamond and Sparkles had taken part in the Unicorn Games. Rosy smiled and waved as she came over to say hello. Then the huge wooden doors at the end of the hall opened and in walked three important looking cloud sprites.


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