Princess Evie Young Fiction 2

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Princess Evie Young Fiction 2 Page 3

by Sarah KilBride

  They only had a short run up before jumping. No one dared to breathe as the little unicorn flew into the air. She sailed over the gap and landed silently not far from Evie, Sparkles and Diamond.

  Everyone cheered and whooped and neighed, the sound echoed through the clouds for miles around. “Thank you for saving us,” said Storm, as she leant over to Raphaela and hugged her.

  “It was you and your brave unicorn that did all the hard work,” said Raphaela. “I’m very proud of you.”

  “I’m very proud of Misty,” said Storm, giving her unicorn a gentle hug. “I’ve been so hard on her. No wonder she wanted to run away from me!”

  “I think she’s seen another side to you,” said Evie. “We all have.”

  Storm’s face changed and her smile disappeared.

  “There’s something that I need to tell you, Wanda,” she said, “about what happened in the yard after lunch.”

  “You can talk while we make our way back,” said Raphaela. “We have to follow the red string and find our way to the stables quickly.”

  “Before the storm starts,” said Evie, looking at the dark clouds that had begun to hiss and spit.

  Poor Sparkles hid under Evie’s jacket! He hated thunder and could feel in his whiskers that the storm was about to start.


  Home and Dry

  The unicorns followed the trail of red string, walking nose to tail through the crackling fog and storm clouds. Underneath their silent hooves the dark clouds rumbled. The cloudscape was changing fast. When they came to the end of the red string, Evie searched the horizon but the Unicorn Stables were nowhere to be seen.

  After a few seconds, the sound of neighing filled the air.

  “It’s the other unicorns,” said Raphaela. “They’re calling us back.”

  The unicorns pricked up their ears and neighed back to their friends joyfully. Before Evie and Sparkles knew it, Diamond and the other unicorns were racing over the snarling black clouds back to the Stables. Soon, they were in view.

  “We’ve made it!” cheered Wanda.

  Raphaela led Evie, Juno, Wanda and Storm into the stable yard just as the first flash of lightning lit up the clouds beneath them, making the clouds shudder. All the other unicorns and riders welcomed the rescue party back, relieved and happy to be together again. Professor Nimbus and Madam Mariposa were standing at the front. As soon as they dismounted, Professor Nimbus rushed up to Storm.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she said, giving her niece a big hug. “I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m all right,” replied Storm, “thanks to Misty. You should have seen her jump. She was amazing!”

  “Well, maybe you’ll make the Olympic team after all!” said Professor Nimbus, stroking Misty’s mane.

  Storm told her aunt all about how she and Misty had been stranded on the cloud island. While she listened to her niece, Professor Nimbus glared at Raphaela.

  “Please don’t be angry with Raphaela,” said Storm, as Raphaela led Galaxy to her stable. “I wouldn’t have been able to get off that cloud without her help.”

  “Don’t you worry yourself,” said Professor Nimbus. “Just settle your unicorn in and then come to the Great Hall. I’m sure you and your friends need some cake after all that excitement.”

  All the cloud sprites had fed and settled their unicorns so Professor Nimbus took them to the Great Hall for tea. Juno, Wanda, Storm and Evie took off their unicorn’s tack, brushed out their coats and helped them to recover from their adventure with a gentle massage.The unicorns settled quickly and enjoyed the fresh water and hay that Skye and Madam Mariposa brought them.

  “Well done for today,” said Evie to Storm. “I could never have jumped over that gap. You and Misty are an amazing team.”

  “She’s the best unicorn ever,” said Storm, giving Misty a gentle hug.

  “Your aunt seemed very proud of the way you rode today,” said Madam Mariposa as she helped Storm brush out Misty’s mane.

  “I never thought my riding would be good enough for her,” said Storm.

  “Is that why you wanted a different unicorn?” asked Evie.

  Storm looked embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry, Misty,” she said. “I thought you weren’t as good as the other unicorns but today I realised that it was me that was stopping us from being a team. I wouldn’t bond with you so you couldn’t trust me.”

  “Trust is the key,” said Madam Mariposa. “You learnt that just in time and it saved you and your unicorn from being lost in the sky.”

  “I’ll never forget it,” promised Storm. “It’s not about being the boss like my aunt said, it’s about getting to know each other, listening to each other and being the best team you can be.”

  “That sounds like good advice,” said Skye. “Not just for riders and their unicorns, but for friends too.”

  Storm smiled at them all and then took Wanda’s hand.

  “I know it won’t make up for what I did,” she said, “but I’m so sorry about the way I’ve treated you and Zephyr. I won’t ever make the same mistake again.”

  “I’m so glad you’re bonding with Misty,” said Wanda. “You make a great team.”

  “I think we all make a great team,” said Evie. And everyone cheered.


  Team Cloud Sprite

  When all the unicorns were settled, Sparkles led Evie, Juno, Wanda and Madam Mariposa to the dining room. As they followed the path, Madam Mariposa told them something about Raphaela and Professor Nimbus.

  “Your aunt used to love coming to Unicorn Riding Camp years ago,” she said. “It was here that she met Raphaela and they became best friends. But after a few years, they had to compete for a place in the Olympic team. Raphaela beat your aunt by a whisker in the finals and Professor Nimbus never got over it or forgave her old friend.”

  “That’s so sad. I wonder if they’ll ever be able to be friends again,” said Storm as they walked into the dining room. “I hope so, after all, Raphaela helped me to bond with Misty!”

  “It looks like they might have started,” said Wanda.

  She was right; Professor Nimbus and Raphaela were sharing a pot of tea. They had a lot of catching up to do.

  The friends sat down at their table, which was full of the most divine-looking cakes.

  “All this adventure has given me the most enormous appetite!” laughed Juno, as they all tucked in.

  Evie’s favourites were the cloudberry puffs. They were sprinkled with tiny rain crystals that exploded in her mouth!

  “Well Evie,” said Skye. “I know I said that Unicorn Riding Camp would be fun, but I didn’t think for a minute that it would be quite so exciting!”

  “I don’t think any of us will be awake for the midnight feast tonight,” said Wanda. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Can you stay Evie?” asked Storm.

  “I’d love to,” said Evie, “but we really have to get back so that I can settle all my ponies for the night.”

  “You must come for the next Riding Camp now that you’re part of our team,” said Wanda.

  The friends all agreed that Evie, Diamond and, of course, Sparkles would always be welcome. Then they got up to help Evie prepare for the ride home. Professor Nimbus and Raphaela got up to say goodbye.

  “Thank you for coming to our camp,” said Raphaela. “You’ve been a great team player.”

  “Who knows,” added Professor Nimbus, “if you keep training at Unicorn Riding Camp, you may be selected for the Olympic team one day!”

  When they got to the stables, Evie could see that her unicorn was tired from the day’s adventures.

  “Don’t worry, Diamond,” said Evie. “We’ll soon be home. But first we have to say goodbye to all our friends.”

  The unicorns whickered and touched noses saying their unicorn goodbyes.

  “We’ll see you all soon!” said Evie. as she mounted Diamond using the technique Raphaela had taught them. “Hope you all have fun
at camp tomorrow!”

  “We will!” smiled Wanda.

  The thunderstorm was over and the sunset clouds had begun to glow with warm pinks. As soon as Diamond trotted out through the golden gate, Evie and Sparkles spotted the tunnel of trees.

  When they arrived at Starlight Stables, the sun was setting behind the Golden Mountain and the clouds burned with pinks, reds and magentas. There, waiting beside Diamond’s stable door, was Diamond’s kit. A riding jacket was folded neatly on top of the brushes.

  “It’s a unicorn rider’s jacket for the Olympic team,” said Evie, as she tried it on.

  It didn’t fit her at all, it was far too big. Evie tried to hide her disappointment and Sparkles comforted her with a purr.

  “Of course, Sparkles,” smiled Evie. “This isn’t for me to wear now. It’s for when I’m ready for the team – when I’m older and I’ve perfected all the skills an Olympic rider needs.”

  Evie hugged her beautiful new riding jacket.

  “Thank you cloud sprites,” she said, “and thank you Diamond. What a very special unicorn!”

  “Miaow!” said Sparkles, as he chased a tiny pink cloudlet that floated across the yard.

  Pony Facts





  Starlight Stables


  Apple blossom ice cream


  Going on adventures with my magic ponies




  Training unicorns for the Olympics



  Connemara pony


  Very strong and very good jumpers


  Up to 14 hands


  Grey is the most popular colour but they can be black, bay, brown, dun, roan and chestnut.


  Evie goes to riding camp to learn how to be an even better rider. Can you put these steps to riding a pony into the right order? Write the order from 1 to 7 in the circles. Once you’ve done this then put the other pony facts in order.


  Getting your horse ready to ride

  Check the saddle is on securely.

  Put the bridle on.

  Check your pony is calm and has no injuries.

  Mount your pony.

  Put the saddle on.

  Put your foot in the stirrup.

  Make sure your riding hat is on securely.


  After a ride

  Take off the saddle.

  Loosen the saddle slightly.

  Take off the bridle.

  Walk the horse around until it is cool.

  Comb where the saddle was.

  Put your pony back in its stable or pasture.


  The speeds of a horse






  Unicorn Facts

  Unicorns have appeared in many stories throughout history. The descriptions of them have varied – some are described as ponylike, white with golden horns, others as more goatlike! The word unicorn means single horn, and all unicorns in history have had this in common. Unicorns are supposed to have great powers but are very hard to catch. and narwhals.

  Their tears and blood are supposed to have healing powers. For this reason there have always been people trying to catch them. Unicorns are mentioned in many historical texts but a lot of these authors could actually be confusing them with rhinoceroses, white deers and narwhals.


  Can you unscramble these pony words?

  Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

  1. aerm

  2. olaf

  3. adleds

  4. irens

  5. fhoo

  6. stpareu

  7. bletsa

  8. phrsdujo

  9. nypo

  10. ital

  Fantasy Job

  Evie had such fun at the unicorn riding camp, she’d love to compete in the Unicorn Olympics one day. What would be your fantasy job?


  Can you fill in this crossword by answering the questions below?


  3. Where Evie keeps her special things

  5. Zephyr’s owner

  6. Stables where Evie’s ponies live


  1. Evie’s Unicorn

  2. The type of pony Diamond is

  3. The unicorn empathy teacher

  4. The name for horse’s equipment

  6. Evie’s friend at camp

  7. A pony’s foot




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