Watch Over (The DeLuca Family Book 1)

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Watch Over (The DeLuca Family Book 1) Page 8

by Amy Reece

  He chuckled and navigated to Netflix. “So no slasher flick. How do you feel about sci-fi?” He clicked on a fairly recent blockbuster space drama. “Have you seen it?”

  “Nope. Looks great.”

  “How would you feel about scooting over here and letting me put my arm around you while we watch?”

  She wanted to, of course, but it scared her at the same time. Stop being such a fraidy-cat! He’s not Evan! She moved closer, letting him drape his arm over her shoulders. She held herself a few inches away, however, not quite ready for so much physical contact. She was grateful he didn’t say anything and let her get used to him, slowly relaxing until she was leaning against him. He was so warm and he smelled incredible, a blend of subtle aftershave, detergent, and clean male skin. They stayed that way for the entire movie, except when Mel leaned forward to refill their glasses. He fell asleep halfway through the movie, helped, no doubt, by the two glasses of wine. She gently removed the glass from his hand before he spilled the dregs in his lap. She leaned against him quietly and let him sleep. Please let this work out. I like him so much! Probably too much.

  He woke as the credits rolled. “Well, I guess I still haven’t seen it, huh?” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I better go. You need to get to bed.” She took the empty glasses to the kitchen and loaded them in the dishwasher. When she returned to the living room, he was fastening the walking boot back on his right ankle.

  “I’ll walk you home.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “Yes, I do. Get used to it.” The stubborn set of his chin told her arguing would be futile.

  She sighed and bent to scoop Fluff into her arms. “Thank you.”

  When they arrived at her front door, he held his hand out for her keys. “I’d like to go in first and check, okay? It would be great if you’d let me do it without a huge argument.”

  “Fine. Go be a cop. My lips are sealed.” She placed her key ring in his outstretched hand.

  He winked at her and went inside, leaving her on the porch to cool her heels. He returned a few moments later. “All clear. Come on in.”

  “Thanks, Finn. I don’t mean to be such a brat. I will actually sleep better tonight knowing you checked.” She stepped inside and turned to glance back at him. “You want to come in for a while?”

  He smiled at her crookedly. “I better not.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She tried not to feel hurt.

  He sighed and stepped toward her. “Hey. That’s not it. Come here.” He pulled her into his arms, rather awkwardly because of his crutches. “I want to stay. Believe me. But I don’t want to rush anything.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s different. Thanks.” She looked up into his handsome face, grateful he was trying to be sensitive to her fear, but at the same time wanting more.

  He framed her face with his hand. “Would it be all right if I kissed you before I leave?”

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Good.” The words were whispered against her lips.

  His lips were firm and warm, sweeping her into a maelstrom of sensation as she clung to him. He moved his mouth against hers, gently nibbling her lower lip. It was the most romantic kiss she’d ever received. She sank against him, her hands creeping up to his shoulders. He pulled back after a moment, resting his forehead against hers. “I don’t know about you, Mel, but that pretty much rocked my world.”

  She had rocked his world? This gorgeous man, who could have any woman he desired, was rocked by kissing her? Wow.

  “Mel?” He looked adorably unsure.

  She realized he was waiting for her answer, but she didn’t think she was capable of speech just yet, so she lifted her face to his and kissed him again.

  He groaned and pulled her closer, his hands slipping around her waist. Long moments later he finally lifted his head. “I could kiss you all night, but I better get home.” He brushed his fingers across her soft cheek before securing his crutches and stepping away. “Any chance you’d be available for a date tomorrow night?”

  “A pretty good chance, actually. I had a last-minute cancellation.”

  He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her again quickly. “Well, pencil me in, please. I’ve been cooped up for months. Maybe we could see a movie and then go to dinner. Dancing will have to wait, I’m afraid. Oh, and you’ll have to drive. But we can take my car.”

  “Consider yourself penciled in, Mr. DeLuca. Call me tomorrow with a time?”

  “Yeah. Lock up as soon as I leave, okay? I need to have Hugh stop by and look at your locks.” He managed to get himself down the front steps and turned to wave before he made his way down the walkway.

  She stood in the open doorway and watched until he reached his house, making sure he made it without incident. Once he had closed his door behind him, Melanie shut her own—making sure to lock it—and crossed the room to her couch, sinking down in a daze. He kissed me! He took me on a date and he wants to take me out again tomorrow. He kissed me! She hugged herself, hardly able to believe what had transpired through the afternoon and evening. Yes, she’d developed a crush on him—what red-blooded American female wouldn’t? But she hadn’t dreamed he would be interested in return. Her history in the romance department hadn’t been anything that would lead her to believe a guy like Finn would want her. She had no idea how long she’d be able to keep his interest, but she made up her mind to enjoy it while she could.



  He locked up and headed to the bathroom to take his first shower in three months. He’d made himself pull away from Mel’s intoxicating mouth before he would need a cold shower, so he cranked the handle to hot and sat on the commode to remove his boot and the bandage beneath. His right ankle was now crisscrossed with scars, both from the accident and the surgeries he’d had since. He took off his clothes and stepped/hopped into the stall, sighing with pleasure as the scalding water ran over his shoulders. He’d never realized how wonderful a shower felt until it was taken away. He’d had to make do with sponge baths and washing his hair in the sink since the accident and hadn’t felt really clean. He washed his overly long hair—he needed a haircut in the worst way—and scrubbed himself all over, letting the water wash over him until it cooled, a sure sign he’d emptied his hot water heater. He deserved the small luxury.

  He dried himself and hobbled back into his bedroom to find a clean pair of boxers, and then re-wrap his ankle. The pain shot the doctor had given him earlier was beginning to wear off, so he needed some ibuprofen before he went to bed. He turned off the lights and crawled into bed, finally allowing himself to review the events of the afternoon and evening. Mel. Ah, God. She was…amazing. He’d certainly kissed his fair share of women—maybe more than his share—but none like her. He’d wanted to deepen the kiss, but had felt her stiffen when he wrapped his arms around her waist. Skittish. He would have to be patient and earn her trust before their relationship became physical. And he certainly wanted it to be physical. She was obviously gun-shy, though, so he’d have to be careful and try not to rush her. He could do that. He’d never been one to try to rush a woman into bed, and Mel was special. Every atom in his body and soul was screaming at him to pay attention because this girl was important. Well, he was awake. He was paying attention.

  He slept late the next morning, finally waking when he heard the key in his front door. He threw on a pair of sweats and grabbed his crutches to hobble out to the kitchen. Cara was fiddling with his coffeemaker, pressing random buttons and swearing under her breath.

  “Did you run out of coffee at your place?”

  She swore louder, startled. “God, Finn! You scared the shit out of me! You’re walking!” She skipped across the kitchen to hug him.

  “Yeah, sort of. What are you doing here?” He took over the coffee-making before she ruined his machine.

  “I stopped by to see if you needed anything from Costco. Why didn’t you set your coffeemaker last night? You alway
s set it before you go to bed. I’m in desperate need of caffeine.”

  “You could always make your own. Or stop by Starbucks. There’s one like, a block away.”

  “I like yours better. Plus, it’s free.” She flashed him the smile that nearly always got the spoiled brat what she wanted. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  He rolled his eyes and finished setting the coffeemaker. “I had a late night and forgot to make coffee.”

  “A late night? What, did you get your cast off and then party all night? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Because I don’t usually care to take my sister on dates.” He leaned against the counter and waited.

  “A date? The day you get your cast off you already had a date? I’m impressed. Was it Mel?”

  He nodded, unable to keep the grin from his face.


  “And we’re going out again tonight. And I’m taking her to dinner Sunday at Mom and Dad’s.”

  “Yay!” She hugged him again. “I like her a lot, Finn, so don’t screw this up, okay?”

  “I’ll give it my best, Cara. I’d hate to let you down.”

  “Shut up. When is that coffee going to be ready?”

  He scrambled them some eggs while she drank a cup of coffee. She’d offered to fix breakfast, but he was sick to death of everyone waiting on him hand and foot. He did allow her to fetch the salsa and butter from the refrigerator—carrying things was a challenge with crutches.

  “You need to teach me how you get your eggs so good someday.” She forked another fluffy mound in her mouth.

  He smirked; she was a terrible cook and unlikely to have the patience to wait for scrambled eggs to cook on the lower heat that ensured a creamy finished product.

  “So, where are you taking Mel tonight?”

  “She’s technically taking me, since she’ll have to drive, but we’re going to see a movie and then grab some dinner. I am beyond ready to get out of this house for a while.”

  “I’m sure you are. Hey, you want me to pick you up any, you know, supplies while I’m at Costco?”

  “If ‘supplies’ is a thinly veiled euphemism for prophylactics, then no, thanks. You must have an inflated opinion of my stamina if you think I need a seventy-five-pack of condoms on my second date. I still have a broken ankle, you know.”

  She laughed and carried her plate to the sink. “I was thinking of a nice bottle of wine, actually.”

  “Of course you were. Yeah, pick up something red. I think she likes red wine. And see if they have any wine glasses.”


  Mel arrived promptly for their date, looking fresh and tempting in a pair of tight jeans with a flowing top that skimmed her shoulders and had him itching to touch and taste. She’d braided her hair, leaving her long neck exposed; Finn was distracted all evening by various fantasies, all involving his lips on her creamy skin.

  Tonight he insisted she drive his Jeep, saying she would love how easy it was to park compared to the boat she drove. They decided to see a movie first and she suggested the new theater with reclining seats so he could prop his leg up. He’d been meaning to check it out, but hadn’t had a chance, so was amenable to her suggestion. They saw a fairly forgettable earthquake saga, but reclining next to her with a bucket of popcorn and a shared soft drink was something he didn’t think he’d forget any time soon. Once the popcorn was finished, he set the empty bucket on the ground and held her hand, linking their fingers. She turned her head and smiled at him, making his heart ache with her beauty and grace. He knew he was falling fast, but he couldn’t seem to care.

  For dinner, he suggested a favorite pub that featured some good local craft beer. Over the last few years, Albuquerque had become a contender in the craft brew scene, with lots of new micro-breweries appearing. The one he chose had adopted an Irish theme and served some of the best fish and chips in the city. His mother, a native of Belfast, even approved, although she claimed it wasn’t quite as good as it would be in Ireland. Mel seemed to enjoy it and the Irish Red brew quite a lot. After dinner, they went back to his house and sat on the back patio, talking and sipping wine from his new glasses, for hours. The warm summer evening was perfect as they watched the sun sink behind the West Mesa, silhouetting the inactive volcanoes known as the Three Sisters.

  “I’ve never seen such gorgeous sunsets before,” she mused. “The colors are stunning.”

  The vivid orange and pink watercolors painted the western horizon as they gazed. Finn thought it was one of the most perfect moments of his life. “They say it’s all the dust in our atmosphere that makes New Mexico sunsets so pretty.”

  She turned and smiled at him; the glorious sunset was immediately forgotten. He wanted to know everything about her: what she was like as a little girl, who she dated in high school, what she studied in college, etcetera. As she spoke about her past, he noticed she glossed over her college years and he tucked that information away for later. There was something she wasn’t comfortable sharing with him yet. He would have to be patient and give her time. He had a feeling it might be related to why she was so skittish.

  He walked her home when they finished the bottle, grateful she didn’t try to talk him out of it. He did a quick check of the house, but everything seemed to be in place. Finally, when nothing else was standing in his way, he pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, quickly losing himself in the wonder of kissing her again. Tonight, he couldn’t stop himself from going a bit further, letting his tongue taste her lower lip before seeking entrance to her warm mouth. She complied and he swept inside, groaning, as he truly tasted her for the first time. She met him, tasting him stroke for stroke as he tightened his hold on her waist. He got a bit carried away and let his hand steal down to caress her shapely bottom and pull her closer, clueing her into how much he desired her. He realized his mistake when she stiffened and pulled away.

  “Mel, hey.” He cupped her cheek and forced her to look at him. “I’m sorry. I got carried away. I won’t push.”

  “It’s okay, Finn. It’s my fault. I’m just—”

  “What? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “Nothing. I don’t, I mean I’m not…I don’t know.” She stepped away from him, her arms wrapped around her middle as if protecting herself.

  His heart melted at her obvious pain. What had happened to make her like this? Or rather, who? He’d like to bash the bastard’s face who had done this to her. He stepped close to her again, brushing a stray wisp of her silky hair behind her ear. “Mel, sweetheart. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but I need you to know something. I like you. A lot. And I want to explore this relationship. I want to get to know you better, and I hope you want to get to know me better. And yes, that includes a physical relationship.” He stopped as she looked away. “But I would never push you into something you’re not ready for. I can be a very patient man when necessary. You’re worth waiting for, Mel.”

  She finally looked at him again and he was appalled to see tears shining in her eyes, threatening to spill over. “Finn. I like you too. A lot. I’m scared. I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, and I’m not sure I’m any good at it.”

  He smiled and leaned in to kiss her quickly. “Why don’t you let me worry about that? So far, you’ve impressed me with your abilities.”

  She laughed slightly, as he’d intended. Now wasn’t the time to get heavy and serious. He’d prefer to wait a few dates and maybe not be on her front porch. He pulled her close again and kissed her thoroughly, leaving his hands firmly on her waist.

  “Good night, sweet Mel. Sleep tight. We have dinner with my family tomorrow, so get plenty of rest. They’re a handful.”

  Chapter Nine


  She changed three times. The dress had been too…dressy. The jeans were too casual. She finally decided on a skirt and matching top in a light coral shade her aunt had always told her complemented her coloring. She wanted to look good this
evening when she met his parents. I’m not ready for this. I can’t do this. His family is huge! There will be too many people. I need to cancel. But then she thought about Finn. He’d been so sweet and patient with her. They’d gone out for brunch earlier and he’d talked about his family, about how they drove him crazy, but he was still good friends with all his siblings, especially Cara, Hugh, and Izzy, who were closest to him in age. When he told her about his niece, Janey, his eyes had lit up and Melanie had thought about what a great father he would be someday. He’d told her about how Izzy had sat them all down one day, nearly six years ago, and dropped a huge bomb: she was pregnant. They’d been shocked, he said, since she wasn’t even dating, having broken up with her long-time fiancé months before. She’d refused to talk about the father and they’d swallowed their surprise and supported her. He was so proud of his parents for not reacting badly and letting any of the disappointment they must have felt show to their daughter, who exhibited steely determination to have the baby and raise it herself. Love for his family had practically oozed from every pore.

  You can’t let him down. Stop being such a baby and get yourself over to his house. Now! She turned from the mirror and grabbed her purse before she could second-guess herself again. She knocked lightly before letting herself in with the key Finn had presented her with at brunch. He’d told her it was simply to make it easier for her since he was so slow on his crutches. He wasn’t trying to pressure her in any way. She knew that. She believed him and trusted him. It was herself she didn’t trust.

  “Finn? You here?” The house was awfully quiet and she wondered if maybe he’d fallen asleep.

  “Back here,” he called.

  She followed the sound of his voice, stopping short at his open bedroom door. He exited his bathroom, shirtless, wearing a pair of low-slung jeans. Holy. God. Wow. His torso was magnificent: sculpted, tan, with defined abs below a mat of black chest hair. She’d never cared for the waxed look on men. She couldn’t quite make herself look away from him and struggled to swallow with a throat that had suddenly gone bone-dry.


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