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Conviction Page 120

by Joey Bush

  I didn’t want to go to the back door. I didn’t want to see who it was because then they would be able to see who I was. I breathed in as deep of a breath as I could gather and I slowly walked toward the kitchen.

  I peeked around the corner and I could see a male figure standing on my back porch. Because I had all the lights on in the house, it was difficult to see who was standing there. But since he wasn’t trying to break in or anything like that, I decided to move closer.

  “Chris!” I screamed as I realized it was him.

  I moved quickly to unlock the door and was about to fling my arms around him when I realized he had his arm in a sling.

  “Hey, babe,” he said with a wink.

  “Don’t hey babe me! I have been going crazy. Where were you? Are you alright? Who were those men? Why were they after you?”

  Chris held his finger up to his mouth in a clue for me to be quiet. Then he took a step into my kitchen and shut the door behind him. His ocean blue eyes looked down at me and his lips moved to touch mine. All my worry and concern was vanishing and I felt his passion as our tongues moved in time with each other. My lip quivered and he calmed it with his touch.

  I worried about where to put my hands, as I didn’t want to hurt him or his shoulder, so I wrapped them around his waist. It felt so good to be next to Chris and feeling him on my body. It felt so good to know that he was safe and there was nothing that could take him away from me, at least nothing there in that moment.

  My body finally relaxed from the fear of the day and melted into the comfort of Chris. His tall frame kept me safe as his muscular body would surely keep the bad guys away from me. This was the perfect ending to a horrible day. Now I just had to sit him down and get him to tell me about what was going on.

  My safety and the safety of my friends in town was very important and I didn’t want this group of bad guys getting in anyone’s way. I didn’t want them coming back to town to hurt me or the people I love.

  Chapter 33

  “Come and sit down,” I said as I grabbed Chris by the hand and took him over to the couch.

  I wanted to freak out and start screaming about everything that had happened the other day, but I didn’t think Chris would respond well to that. Instead, I just sat on the other end of the couch and stayed quiet. He would have to be willing to tell me his story without me chasing after it.

  The awkward silence seemed to last for a very long time, but I was resigned not to be the first one to talk.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday,” Chris said as he finally broke the silence.

  “Yeah, that was intense. I’m glad to see you doing well. I thought you had been killed. It freaked me out a lot.”

  My attempt at being strong had quickly failed and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I tried not to look at him as my whole body started to shake again, remembering how the day had gone so wrong. Chris moved close to me on the couch and put his good arm around me. He pulled me up against him and we sat in silence again. This time he didn’t break the silence and I didn’t either.

  The feeling of his tough, muscular arm wrapped around me felt so right. It felt like that was the exact place I was supposed to be at that exact moment. I was exhausted and having Chris next to me gave me just the right amount of comfort that I drifted off to sleep. Chris also fell asleep, having had a much worse day than I did.

  We were both able to sleep another five hours before the warmth of the sun and light from the windows started to wake us. I looked up at Chris and kissed him. The delicate sun kept us warm and it felt like the start of a new day. Not only because it was morning, but because we could start with something fresh and new between us as well.

  It felt so good to have his lips on mine. His body reacted to the kiss and I could feel his cock getting hard. There was an intense need in his eyes and I could see him thinking through how he could have me when his arm was still in a sling and he was in pain when he moved.

  He grabbed me with his good arm and pulled me over so I was straddling him. I could feel the girth of his cock between my legs and started to rub my body against him. Our mouths searched one another with desire and he used his other hand to unhook my bra. He then moved his hand and grabbed my shorts. He yanked on them until I lifted myself up and pulled them down to the ground.

  By this time, he had started unbuttoning his pants and trying to slide them down with one hand. I grabbed them with both of my hands as he lifted up his hips. His cock sprung free and I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my lips around him.

  He was large and full of desire. I could see his need to have me and that made me want him even more. His throbbing member danced around to entice me. I wanted to feel it dancing inside of me, making me feel excitement like I couldn’t imagine.

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to him, urging me to slide onto his massive member. As my body wrapped around him, I could feel him moving deep inside of me. I wiggled around a little to press him even deeper into my body. I tucked my head into the corner of his neck and moved my hips back and forth against his body. My lips gently touched his neck and ear and he could hear my quiet moans of pleasure as we moved in time with one another.

  My clit rubbed up against his firm abdominal muscles and soon I could feel the combination of excitement and explosion building inside of me. I held my arms around his neck as I thrust harder and harder against his body. Soon I could feel myself getting ready to cum.

  “Cum for me baby,” Chris said as he grabbed my ass.

  He pressed my body to move even harder and faster than I already was. My hips moved up and down as they thrust his cock deeper inside of me. Then I felt the buildup coming to a finale that I so desperately needed.

  As we both sat there in ecstasy, I let my head rest on his good shoulder. Something had changed between us and we were definitely not strangers anymore. We were more than neighbors, more than lovers; we were together in a new way. I grabbed his hand and we walked up to the bedroom to sleep some more. Both of us were exhausted.

  I wanted to talk more about what had happened. I wanted to get an explanation for why those men had come to his home to kill him. I needed to know why they were after him and why they would be so brazen as to come to his home. But that would all have to wait. At the moment, I needed to rest. I needed to think about it all and make a clearer decision about what I really needed to know and what I might not want to know at all. There was a clear possibility that I wouldn’t want to know the details of what was going on with his life.

  It made me sad to think that Chris might not be the right person for me. It was possible he was involved with more than I could even imagine. It was possible that I would need to let him go and move on with my life. I didn’t like that thought at all. I wanted him to be in my life and I wanted to move forward with something between us because it felt so good to be with him.

  I also did not want to risk my life, so if that meant I would have to give up on Chris then I would give up on him. I wouldn’t risk my life over something like a relationship.

  Chapter 34

  As night fell again, we continued to sleep and enjoy the quiet of the day. Neither of us was in a hurry to speak, both of us content to feel each other’s touch without much else. My naked body curled up just perfectly with Chris wrapped around me.

  “I work undercover with the DEA,” Chris said quietly as we lay together. “It’s the Drug Enforcement Agency. I work with criminal groups and build a relationship with them over several years. I give information back to the Agency and we eventually shut down the group.”

  I sat up in my bed and thought about what he was saying. It sounded very dangerous. It didn’t sound like a regular police job. To me, it sounded like something out of a television show or a movie. This job of his certainly didn’t sound like something that would ever be safe.

  “Why are you here in Bain?”

  “It was scouted by someone that works with us and they said it would be a quiet town. Most of us undercove
r guys try to live far away from where we work and try to keep a low profile when we finish projects.”

  “So you finished a project? Then came out here? I don’t understand.”

  Chris rolled over and kissed me. His short butterfly kisses sent surges of energy throughout my body. I wanted to keep going and continue kissing him, but he was talking about his job and it was more important for me to figure out what was going on with that. I leaned back and stopped kissing him, urging him to keep talking about his work.

  “Yes, I finished a big investigation and was supposed to get a few months off, but something went wrong and I had to go back.”

  “Who were those people that broke into your house? Were they from the Chicago job?”

  “No, they worked for the people I bought some guns from. They think I’m a bad guy like the people I’m working for in Chicago. They were looking for about five million dollars’ worth of guns that I had purchased for this guy.”

  I shook my head yes like I understood what he was talking about, although I did not fully understand what was going on. I did very clearly remember watching him load the ten bags of guns.

  “Thank you for telling me,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. I’m sorry I can’t tell you more. But you are the only person that knows this about me.” I could see in his eyes that he wasn’t use to opening up to people. He seemed like a loner who kept his life private and didn’t let people get too close.

  “How did you get started working with the DEA?” I said as I tried to get off the topic of what he was doing now and lighten the mood a little.

  “I was a Navy Seal and they recruited me.”

  “Wow, a Navy Seal…check that off my list,” I said with a smile.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, ever since I was a teenager I had a list of things I wanted to do in my life. One of them was a Navy Seal.”

  “You have a bucket list that says fuck a Navy Seal?” Chris said with a shocked look on his face.


  I couldn’t stop smiling at the goofy look he had on his face. He was happy and that wasn’t a look I had seen very often on him. Typically he had a smirk at best, never a full out smile.

  “Okay, wait a minute. You, as little young teenage Katelyn, made a list of guys to fuck?”

  “Oh my god Chris, No! The list is mostly just things I want to see, places I want to go, that kind of stuff. But I saw a group of Navy Seals when I visited San Diego and they were so handsome. I added that to my list when I was about seventeen years old. It wasn’t some perverted thing at the time.”

  “Oh my…you were a little vixen even back then,” Chris said as he reached over to tickle me with his good hand.

  “I was a sweet little girl with some desires that I didn’t know what to do with.” I smiled at Chris and I could tell I had caught his interest.

  “What other desires do you have?”

  “Oh no, no, no. I’m not going to tell you all about my desires.”

  Chris pulled me on top of him as he lay naked in the bed. I leaned down to kiss him and could feel his body growing underneath me. His hard body was amazing to look at naked, it was chiseled with muscles in every spot they could possibly be. He had muscles from his hands all the way down to his feet. His Grecian body was inspiring naked. I didn’t want him to put his clothes back on.

  I stayed on top of him and he reached up to fondle my breasts with his good hand. Then he leaned up and pulled one of my nipples into his mouth.

  “Tell me. I want to fulfill every fantasy you have.”

  Chris looked like he wanted to fulfill all of those fantasies right there at that moment. A wounded shoulder healing from a gunshot wasn’t going to hold him back. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the idea of letting me be in charge for a change. He didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who normally let the woman have much control. His demeanor was much more alpha than that.

  I also didn’t think of him as the type of guy who stuck around long enough to build up a rapport with a woman. Building that close of a relationship was key to getting what I wanted. I wasn’t sure I was ready to tell him about my fantasies, but it was certainly something I was going to talk to him about later on. If he stuck around that long.

  “How about we talk about my fantasies when your arm gets better? You’ll need two working arms to satisfy what I have in mind.” I said with a wink.

  He grabbed my hip and rubbed me back and forth against his cock. If he wasn’t going to get to hear about my fantasies he certainly was going to get to feel himself inside of me again. I reached down and obliged him, grabbing his cock and sliding it inside of me.

  Quickly we worked together. He thrust hard and fast and I slid my body up against his. I felt the buildup coming on fast, which I normally would have slowed down. But at that moment I just wanted to feel the explosion again. I just wanted to cum hard. No thinking, no slowing down, nothing stopping me from getting what I wanted.

  Chris seemed to be thinking the same thing as he didn’t hold back either. His thrusts were hard and fast and he quickly came. His final thrust was just what I needed to send my body into overdrive and I felt my body tighten on top of him. I thrust my hips hard against him and felt the pleasure that I was becoming accustomed to.

  Chapter 35

  The next couple of days were like a Hallmark card. We made meals together, we worked in the yards and we made love. Chris didn’t go back over to his house, but I didn’t blame him. Two men had been gunned down in his living room and it wasn’t something I would want to remember if I lived there. I was curious to see how the cleanup had gone and assumed the carpet would need to be pulled up and some work done to the walls. My brain was in remodel mode constantly.

  Chris helped me take my cabinets down and strip the old finish off of them. We worked for hours, day and night, to get just the right layering done so I could start the new finish. He seemed very comfortable working with his hands and looked damn good while he worked. I often found myself staring at his body as he sanded the wood and built up a sweat. His shirtless torso was something any woman would be distracted by.

  “I’m going to go take some pictures if you don’t mind. The clouds are looking amazing today,” I said as I grabbed my camera and started to head out the door. I kissed Chris and left him sanding the wooden doors while I went to snap a couple pictures.

  Since my art show, I had taken a break on the picture-taking for a little bit. It had been such a great night and all my photos sold. The validation I felt from that event was huge. I finally felt like I could call myself a photographer, but now it was time to get back to business.

  I headed the couple of blocks into town so I could get a nice picture of the city with the clouds behind it. My eyes stayed focused on the sky as I searched for just the right moment to take my picture. Looking through my lens was one of my favorite things to do and I could do it every day and never get bored. I felt empowered by my camera.

  As I walked through the city, I got a weird feeling that someone was following me. I looked back and there was no one there though. The feeling continued as I got to the other end of town and I started to get scared. I wished that I would have invited Chris to walk with me, when he was with me I always felt safe. I found the perfect picture and took a few from each side of the street. I loved how the clouds looked like cotton balls swimming on top of the little town of Bain.

  Bain, Missouri was one of the quaint little towns that you drove through on your way to nowhere. There was a small pharmacy, liquor store, and a few other local companies. It didn’t have a mayor and instead used a City Manager. There was no police department, but the county Sheriff patrolled the area as needed.

  The streets of Bain only lasted about four blocks and it was stuck in the picturesque history of the 1950’s. I took a couple more pictures of the town and then started to head back home. Again, I felt the pang of someone following me or watching me. I looked up and down the street and thought I saw
someone go into the hardware store. I walked quickly down to the store and was about to walk inside when I saw Chris standing in front of their door.

  “Were you following me?”



  “To make sure nothing bad happened to you.”

  “What? I thought we were safe. I thought those guys that came after you were dead and there was nothing else to worry about?” I could feel my anger growing. He had made it seem like things were safe. He had made it seem like he was staying with me because he wanted to spend time with me, not because he was protecting me from someone.

  “You are safe. I’m here.”

  “No! Don’t lie to me like that. I thought you wanted to spend time with me and that was why you were at my house.”

  “I do want to spend time with you.” He flashed me that smile and I couldn’t help but calm down a bit. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was smiling like that.

  “Do you have a gun right now?” I reached around and tried to feel behind his back, but his skills at defensiveness far outweighed my curiosity.

  “Yes,” he said as he held me back with one hand.

  “Chris, what are we going to do? I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

  He just smiled at me and grabbed my hand. We started to walk back to my house.

  “I’m not going to get hurt. My guys are taking care of the rest of their team. I’ll just relax with you and get myself feeling better.”

  He seemed so calm and relaxed; I had no other option but to believe him. But certainly something was going on. He wouldn’t have followed me all the way through town if he wasn’t worried about something.

  Chapter 36

  “How about I walk with you and you can take pictures without worrying?” Chris said as we were walking back to the house.

  “Alright, I did want to go out by the dairy farm and take some photos out there.”


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