Hunted and Caught

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Hunted and Caught Page 1

by Madisen, Samantha

  Hunted and Caught


  Samantha Madisen

  Copyright © 2016 by Stormy Night Publications and Samantha Madisen

  Copyright © 2016 by Stormy Night Publications and Samantha Madisen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Madisen, Samantha

  Hunted and Caught

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Bigstock/Forplayday, 123RF/Mik38, and 123RF/Williamlandeveld

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Chapter One

  The corner of Rena Rain’s mouth turned up into a smile as she saw the green creature’s gaze crawling along her body. “So, what do you say, big guy?” she asked, pushing her hips out to one side and smiling at it.

  She could tell he was considering her proposition. The fact that she might have to follow through with it made her shudder inside but she kept up the act. The Balgo were a pretty disgusting looking bunch, with heads that made them look like turtles and fat fingers at the ends of their stubby arms. It would just be one night and she’d have the part she needed to repair her ship.

  “I don’t know,” the thing said finally in a raspy voice. “You know how we do it here?”

  Rena felt another shiver race down her spine at the thought. Of all the places to have to make an emergency landing, why did it have to be on Balon?

  “I’ve heard a thing or two,” she replied with a wink. “I kind of like it,” she lied. The little green creature in front of her was a Balgo. They weren’t the worst creatures in this part of space, in fact they were some of the tamest. Shrewd businessmen who liked their drink and had a particular weakness for human women, though she’d never tried to find out if that was true before. They also had a very peculiar way of procreating. They only had one head but it served many purposes…

  “Really?” The creature’s eyes lit up.

  Rena swallowed and tried to keep smiling. “Really!” she replied, trying her best not to gag at the thought of what she’d have to do to get the part she needed.

  “I’ve never met a human woman as willing as you are,” the Balgo murmured, his smile widening. “Come in the back. I have an office where you can pay for your part,” he continued, the smile curling wider into a sickening grin.

  Rena suppressed a shudder as she started walking toward the door the Balgo was pointing at. She tried not to think about what she was about to do. It was really her only choice. If she stayed on Balon much longer, the Bani would definitely find her here. This wasn’t exactly deep space. She’d been warned once already that her debt was due. If they saw her again, they’d make her a slave and the thought of becoming a Bani slave was infinitely worse than the thought of what she was about to do.

  Rena was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t see the green creature’s eyes go wide with fright. She didn’t notice when he stepped backwards, pressing himself against the wall. The only thing she felt was the cold steel that clipped around her wrists and the gentle humming of the electronic cuffs. When she tried to spin around it was already too late. She’d been caught.

  * * *

  Riks had had to look twice when he’d seen the girl. She looked nothing like the mug shot of her he had next to his captain’s chair. Beneath the tight-fitting flight suit was a curvy body that would make any man take notice. Even if he hadn’t been hunting for her for the last six cycles he’d have given her more than a second glance. Now that she was right there, he couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. He felt his cock harden as he slipped quietly toward her, unclipping the electronic cuffs he always had dangling at his side.

  She didn’t see him coming. She seemed too involved in the little green Balgo she was talking to, ugly little thing that it was. Slipping the cuffs onto her wrists was almost too easy and Riks could barely believe his luck. With the bounty the Bani had on her head he’d be able to pay his crew what he owed them for the last three cycles. As soon as the cuffs had clicked into place her body tensed as her instincts kicked in.

  Riks watched her try to duck, her leg getting ready to sweep back and connect with his chest. He gripped her arm with a strong hand so she couldn’t execute the kick but as soon as he did, he felt her turning instantly the other way, shifting her center of gravity, ready to launch another kick. He caught her easily, but her fighting spirit only served to arouse him more. She would have to be tamed on the trip over. The Bani didn’t want trouble. They would pay well for a willing slave, less if they had to train her themselves.

  His grip iron-like, Riks spun Rena around. He caught a whiff of her scent, that sweet smell of a woman, with the slightest edge of sweat. Perhaps she’d run here, or perhaps it was fear? It smelled delicious.

  “Get the hell off me!” Rena thundered, twisting to try and escape his firm grasp. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Riks stared at her for a moment before answering. The fury in her eyes, the anger twisting her face, the tension in her body was intoxicating. He could see she would require extensive training to bring her to submission the way the Bani wanted. Lost in her deep blue eyes, he could barely bring himself to speak.

  “I’m Riks. Jonas Riks. Bounty hunter. There’s a bounty on that pretty little head of yours that’s going to keep my crew fed. Didn’t anyone tell you not to borrow credits from the Bani?”

  Riks watched as the muscles around her mouth began to twitch as the fury from her eyes sank down into the rest of her face. If she hadn’t been in cuffs, even he would have been a little worried at what she might do. Thankfully she was mostly helpless with her hands behind her back. He barely saw the gob of spit that flew out of her mouth before it connected loudly with his forehead. For a split second he stared at her, incredulous. No one had ever dared to do anything like that. Not to him. But after a moment he realized she couldn’t have given him a better excuse to start her training right there and then.

  * * *

  Rena’s heart was pounding in her chest. She looked at the spit that had started trickling down the giant man’s forehead, toward his cheek. As soon as she’d laid eyes on him she’d known he was not to be trifled with. The man looked like he’d been mining maxcite crystals with nothing but his bare hands his whole life. She could see the muscles rippling, even beneath the folds of his funny flight suit. Everything about him was raw power.

  She hadn’t meant to spit on him and she hadn’t cared about how he’d handled her, how his strong hands had easily held her when she’d tried to spin around to kick him. She couldn’t help what she felt when she’d first laid eyes on him. His thick, dark stubble and shock of black hair outlined the strongest jaw she’d ever seen on a man. If he hadn’t just cuffed her, she’d have probably asked him if he’d buy her a drink.

  But the thing was, no one talked to her the way he had. No one.

  She felt his strength again through the fingers of the hand holding her. He’d stood there for so long after she’d spat on him, she almost thought she’d gotten away with it. But then she felt herself spinning the other way again, and then he was bending her over the Balgo’s counter, and she knew she hadn’t. What she didn’t know was what was going to happen next.

  She felt her tightly fitted flight suit being tugged down, then her pants were shucked down as well, until suddenly they were down around her ank
les. She was almost too shocked to speak. Almost.

  “What in the—” were the three words she managed before she felt the full force of the man’s massive hand land on the plush flesh of her rear. “Ah!” she screamed as the stinging bite of his blow tore through her. Before she could get another word out, she felt the same pain mirrored on her other cheek. She cringed, her body flinching and writhing, held in place by his other hand on the small of her back. Over and over his hand moved from one cheek to the other until she felt them both getting redder and redder, burning beneath his touch, the pain of it searing through her body. She tried to look back, hoping her pleading expression would change his mind, but the man who called himself Riks seemed uninterested. His hand kept swinging, crashing into the softness of her ass until Rena thought she could take no more and felt herself slump on the counter, resigned to take as much punishment as he had left to give.

  That’s when the spanking stopped.

  He held her there like that for some time, catching his breath as she caught hers and blinked back the tears that burned behind her eyes. There was something else she was ashamed of that she could do very little about. A hot wetness had appeared between her legs, soaking her skimpy panties and beginning to trickle down her thigh. Rena closed her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t notice it, ashamed of how excited she’d become beneath his hand.

  But when he bent to pull her clothes back up, she felt him pause and knew that he had sensed how she’d reacted to him. Her stubbornness returning, she thought of raising a leg and trying for another kick to the jaw. He seemed to sense that too as she felt his hand rest, softly this time, on the heat burning her ass.

  “You’ll do well to mind your manners,” he growled. Despite herself, his firm touch and low voice only served to heighten her arousal. She didn’t respond.

  The green Balgo stood with his back pressed up to the wall, his eyes wide with incredulity.

  “Don’t sell that part. I’ll be back,” Rena hissed at the thing, daring him to try. She heard a low chuckle behind her. His voice seemed certain.

  “No, she won’t.”

  Chapter Two

  The bounty hunter’s ship smelled like sweat and old laundry that hadn’t been done in months and Rena winced as the smell wafted up her nose. The crew had gathered at the ramp and stared as Riks walked her up and into the ship. It was a funny-looking crew. A couple of young-looking men in tattered helmsman’s uniforms, four grunts that by the looks of it never left the engine room. The only remarkable person was a young human woman who looked to be Rena’s age. She was pretty with a slender physique and almond-shaped eyes and she stared at Rena with what seemed to be curiosity as she was marched by.

  The ship itself looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment. Heat shields seemed to be attached in the most precarious positions around the engines, seemingly to prevent them burning through the hull. The thing was probably a few dozen cycles old at least and just looking at it made Rena wonder if this was going to be the last time she breathed a real atmosphere. With any luck those heat shields would give and they’d burn up on entry into the Bani’s home planet of Ceto.

  As Riks led her through the darkened corridors, Rena tried to take note of where things were. Surely he wasn’t going to keep her in cuffs the whole time and if that were true, she needed to make sure she had a plan for when he dropped his guard. She saw a storage compartment door with its hatch ajar, a dusty pile of blasters lying in a clutter on the floor. A few dozen steps later they came to what Riks obviously intended to use as a brig—a large cage, its bars welded right into the hull. Rena looked at her captor with a raised eyebrow.

  “Surely you don’t mean to keep me in this?” The thing was out in the open with not a bit of privacy. There was even a porthole on one side where anyone passing by could look in.

  “You like it?” Riks asked with a grin. “I used to catch marmle in the Ashima system. I had it put in because I got tired of chaining them down. Poor things would start whining and crying. I couldn’t take that noise. This way they had some room to move around.” He swung the door open and moved her gently inside.

  Rena tensed, realizing this might be the moment she was waiting for. If he took the cuffs off she’d have to be ready. Not just to bolt, but to punch him. Hard.

  But he didn’t step inside the cage with her. Instead, she heard the bars of the door swing shut with a loud clang. When she spun around, he was looking at her, a smug grin on his face.

  “Didn’t think I’d take any more chances with you, did you?”

  Rena felt a fury brewing inside her but realized letting it show would get her nowhere. “You’re going to keep me in cuffs?” she asked, trying to sound as sweet and innocent as she could.

  “No. Turn around.”

  She did as she was asked, turning to face the wall. She felt his strong hand around her wrist, heard the hum of the electronic cuffs dissipate into silence, then felt him release her from his grip. She spun back around but he’d already stepped back too far for her to reach, even through the bars.

  “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Rena asked, trying her best to mask the desperation in her voice.

  He sighed. A long and tired sigh, staring at her with a strange look in his eye. “Ceto,” he answered plainly but with a hint of… was it sadness?

  “You’re selling me?” Rena whispered. “To the Bani?” She was doing her best to keep from shaking but it seemed like her fate had been sealed. She’d managed to avoid them for so long and now it seemed like a certainty—she would become their slave.

  “Look, little lady, I wish I didn’t have to. Trust me, I wish catching marmle were more lucrative than this but it ain’t. It won’t take long to get there and you’ll be as comfortable as I can make you while you’re here.”

  “Oh, gee, thanks!” she shot back sarcastically. “Always nice to ride to your demise in style.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who borrowed credits from them and couldn’t pay them back. Now look, you just sit tight right here. I’ll get the doc and get you examined then we can be underway.”

  “Doc? What the hell for?” Rena asked, glowering. “I’m not sick.”

  “Just want to make sure you’re good to travel. I’m not flying all the way to the other side of the galaxy just to find out there’s something wrong with my cargo. It won’t take long. Just a quick exam.”

  “Like hell I’m doing that!” Rena snapped. She grabbed the bars of the cage and shook with all her might, a scream erupting from her. “Let me the fuck out of here!”

  She watched Riks shake his head, then walk back the way he’d come, pocketing the cuffs he held in his hand. Though she wanted nothing more than to break out of her prison and run back to her ship, she couldn’t help but look after her captor’s hulking figure as he walked away. The memory of his hand on her rear made her feel a shadow of the pain he’d caused. With it came the same strange ache she’d felt between her legs, and moments later, more wetness. Rena shook her head, trying to forget about her body’s strange response to the large man’s discipline. With any luck, the doctor wouldn’t be on his guard and she’d find her chance to escape.

  * * *

  “Hey! What are you three still doing here? You get back in the engine room and replace that fuel supply!” Riks roared at the grunts who were still milling about the ramp. “And you,” he thundered, “get up there and make sure those heat shields are secure! You want us to burn up on the next descent? What the hell do I pay you for anyway?”

  The grunts scattered in a few directions, none of them getting anywhere near where Riks could get a hand on them. Riks heard one of them mutter something about not being paid but decided to pretend he hadn’t. They did have a point. Hopefully everything would be fine with this prisoner. Hopefully the doc would say she was safe and could make the voyage. And hopefully the Bani would pay the price they’d advertised. That is if he could train her before they got there.

  “That’s better,”
Riks grumbled. “Now where the hell are my helmsmen? Hury? Aamer?”



  He watched the two come running out from under the ship.

  “Just doing a final check on the new radar unit we installed,” Hury explained.

  “Hm,” Riks grunted. At least someone was doing what they were being paid for. “Fine. Carry on.” He watched the two as they scrambled back underneath the ship.


  He turned at the sound of Jayne’s voice to see her come bounding down the ramp and onto the landing pad where he was standing.

  “Hiya!” he said with a friendly smile. She was the only person in the crew he allowed himself to smile at because she was the only one of them who wouldn’t try to screw him over at the first chance she got.

  “Hi. I just wanted to ask—”

  “What’s up?” Riks replied before she could finish.

  “I just wanted to ask if it was okay to talk to her?”

  Riks scratched his head. “Talk to who?” he asked.

  “The girl. The one you brought on board. She looked kind of… sad.”

  Riks felt his heart sink. Now this was something he hadn’t been expecting.

  “I don’t know…” he said, but trailed off. He saw Jayne’s big blue eyes searching his face for compassion. The girl was a prisoner. If the two of them became close it would make things harder when she had to go. “It’s not right, Jayne. It’s just not a good idea.” He tried to sound as gruff as possible but as he watched Jayne’s shoulders drop and her whole body sag, he felt a pang of remorse at his answer. After a moment she looked up again.

  “What’s she done anyway?” she asked quietly.


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