Hard To Regret: Scarlet Bay Book 1

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Hard To Regret: Scarlet Bay Book 1 Page 8

by Kris Pearson

  His lips curved and he glanced at his watch. “Frosty, you disappoint me. I reckon I can go until way past then.” He finished his wine and reached for her fish’n’chip wrapper, screwing both paper packages up together in his big hands. Then he rose, eyes full of heat again. “Come on - we’ll give those birds the show of their lives.”


  To his great pleasure and relief, she couldn’t keep her hands off him, touching and stroking him at every opportunity, exploring his body with her hands and tongue.

  The birdsong slowly faded away outside, and the evening air grew still. Not a breath of breeze washed over them as they lay stretched out on the big sleeping platform beside the open windows. Jason had expected to be inside her again by now, craved it with a fierceness he didn’t dare voice, but plainly she was happy again. That thought alone was enough to have him silently vowing not to push her so hard he scared her away.

  She licked across the sawblade scar on his thigh. He drew a surprised breath, looking down at her as she inspected his groin. His cock lay long and thick again, and as tall as the snake.

  “Magic hydraulics,” she murmured, spreading her fingers out and running her hand over both. “How did you get them to match? Don’t tell me you got a hard-on to guide the tattooist?”

  “Fuck, no,” he said, shaking his head, loving her touch. “Last thing you think of when they’re going at you with that needle. It might thrill some people, but not me.” He gathered up a handful of her long hair and brushed it repeatedly from his balls to the tip of his cock, holding her gaze with his and enjoying her surprised expression every bit as much as the delicious sensation before admitting, “I marked the place on my belly with a pen.”

  Anna couldn’t contain her mirth. She giggled and snorted and then asked, “In a private moment?”

  “Jeez, yes! I don’t go flashing it around in public.”

  “I’m very pleased to hear it,” she said, still grinning. “Wouldn’t want you frightening the local virgins.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Not many of those here. Most of the women in Scarlet Bay must be over seventy.”

  “But not during holiday time.” She outlined the snake’s head by trailing one of her sea-green fingernails over it. “I thought this was dead-centre when I saw you strip off to go surfing. I thought ‘how rude’. I really wanted a better look to be sure.”

  Jason’s gaze settled on her caressing fingers. “Look as much as you like, Frosty.” He released her hair after a few more tickling strokes and caressed her cheek with his knuckles. “I started by only wanting the head for a joke, and then it got way out of hand. The tattooist had a field day. Suggested a python wrapping around me as though I was prey.”

  Anna smirked at that, running her hand down his belly to his thigh, fingering the sinuous curves. “All those tiny overlapping scales,” she said, scraping her nails over them. “It’s a beautiful job. So dark in places and so delicate in others. When you move it really looks alive.” She laid her head on it, looking upward and watching the slight pulsing tremors that sometimes shook his cock. “You can’t keep it still, can you?” she whispered.

  Jason breathed out a long gusty sigh. “Not with your eyes on it like that.”

  “Not when you’re thinking I might do this?” She touched her tongue first to the snake’s head and then to the 3D version.

  He groaned, and his hand clamped around her head and then immediately relaxed again. “Woman, don’t do that unless you’re serious. The snake and I can only take so much teasing.”

  “I think you can take hours of it,” Anna whispered. “We’ll see, shall we?” And she kneeled up beside him and enclosed his long shaft in one hand, squeezing and sliding while she lowered her face and dropped soft kisses all around the ridge of his crown.

  He tensed as she gathered up his balls in her other hand, holding them like treasure, then licked lightly up from there to his sensitive tip before sealing her lips around him and taking him deep.

  He swore softly, and then not so softly as she slid him further and further into her hot mouth. His body became rigid and his hips thrust up toward her, legs tensing hard as steel, hands tightening in her hair again until he was dragging in ragged breaths and hissing them out through clenched teeth in a vain effort to retain control.

  The vibrations of her laughter shook around him. Then she released him, raising her gaze to his, smiling, running her tongue around her lips to moisten them, and shaking her head slowly so her long hair brushed over him in a soft cloud. She took him in again, pulsing her tongue against him and sucking while her hand continued to massage his shaft.

  Jason needed to be inside her. Deep inside. Needed to be the one in control, but this… this was fucking fantastic too.

  And eventually she won. Intense shudders shook him as he convulsed again and again, groaning out his pleasure as the deep ecstatic pulses made him jerk and flex, and she laughed triumphantly around him.

  “Got you,” she whispered, sliding away and wiping her mouth.

  “I thought you were a nice girl,” he murmured a little later as she lay with her head on the pillow of his belly. He stroked his hand over her hair, playing with the long strands, loving the softness and silky texture.

  She smiled at his comment and glanced sideways at him. “I’m a lovely girl.”

  He shook his head. “Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting that on a first date.”

  “Probably why you got it, then.” He watched as her smile faded and she looked up toward the ceiling again. “And anyway, what’s sauce for the goose gets returned to the gander… or something?”

  He drew a deep breath and chuckled. His belly rose and fell under her.

  “Stop rocking the boat,” she murmured.

  “Stop trying to take over, then.”

  She raised her head, eyes wide, looking indignant.

  Way to go, Jones…

  “I don’t mean to,” she said. “But sometimes you have to… umm… keep control.”

  He stroked her hair some more and she relaxed again.

  “You like being in control?”

  “I like… not having things go wrong. I like knowing where I stand.” She stopped speaking and Jason assumed she was done. Then she added very quietly, “I once lost something very important because I had no control. Not doing that again.”

  His hand stilled. “I lost my mother. I couldn’t do a damn thing about that, either. Had no control at all with Trev in charge.”

  “No,” she agreed. “Hard when we’re young.” Then she turned away so her face was no longer visible to him and trailed her fingers over the tattoo. Across the first coil around his thigh, then the second, then down the tail. “Good thing this doesn’t hang below your shorts,” she said in an obvious effort to change the subject. “That’d really frighten the local virgins.”

  He let loose a rueful laugh, and hauled her up the bed so her face rested on his chest, then stroked her hair back behind her ear and fingered the bright diamond in her lobe. God, she was lovely. Out of reach, but lovely. His for tonight though, and he’d be enjoying her to the full.

  He gave the earring a gentle tweak. “Do you always wear these?”

  “My trademarks,” she agreed. “A special present.” She closed a hand around his bicep and squeezed. “I’m not surprised the tattooist went to town. You’re very prime real estate. There’s room for plenty more.”

  His hand stilled on her ear. He was still wondering who’d given her the special present when he said, “That’s all there’ll be, Frosty. One decent inking. I’m not planning to end up looking like a patchwork quilt.”

  She looked up at him with drowsy eyes. “Yes,” she agreed. “Don’t dilute it. It’s amazing.” And she kissed his chest and drifted away.

  He lay like that for maybe ten minutes, loving her hair spread all over him, tracing a finger over her brow, knowing he’d never made love before to a woman wearing only diamonds, and hoping they hadn’t been a g
ift from an old boyfriend.

  Then he eased himself out from under her and fetched his camera, prowling back and forth, watching how the moon now cast its soft radiance over her. Again and again, he framed her on the screen before he decided how best to capture what he wanted. She stirred immediately she heard the eventual click.


  Anna woke to find Jason sitting at the end of the sleeping platform holding a camera and inspecting the screen.

  “Look at you.” He held it so she could see. “So beautiful.”

  “But…” she objected, blinking, and trying to focus.

  She saw light and darkness, the leaf-shaped mole on her shoulder, the faint curve of a breast through a tangle of streaky hair, her face invisible in shadow.

  “A private one for me,” he said. “I’ve been sitting here watching you sleep, working on angles, wondering how to get what I wanted in this low light.”


  “There’s only that one,” he’d said to forestall further objections. “No-one else sees what’s on my camera.” He clicked back through the other shots and she began to relax again. Nothing but birds.

  “A private one for me,” he repeated. “In case tonight is all I get.” He reached across and ran a hand over her hip, squeezing her butt gently before his fingers travelled down the inside of her thigh. “How are you doing? Want me again?”

  She gave a long, luxurious stretch and smiled as she inspected him. “You look like you’re more than ready. I should take your photo to get even.”

  His lips quirked. “I can put it on auto for you, but we’ll need at least one light source.”

  Anna reached out to the shaded lamp on a nearby table and switched it on, watching as he altered the camera settings. He was now bathed in gold.

  “You look very hot like that,” she said. “Like a Roman bronze. One of those lovely torsos in the museums in Italy.”

  He kneeled up to hand the camera across. “Wouldn’t know. Never been there. Aussie a few times. Fiji. Hard to take too much time off if you’re running a business.”

  She tilted her head on one side, nodding slowly. “But with much more impressive proportions and no fig leaf.”

  He looked down at himself, amused. “Fig leaf wouldn’t cover this.”

  Her tongue sneaked out to moisten her lips. “No, it certainly wouldn’t.” She lined him up on the screen; powerful thighs with that beautiful evil tattoo, narrow hips framing his shadowy balls and up-rearing cock.

  “So the height’s about right?” he asked, wrapping his hand around it to pull it back against his belly.

  “Stay just like that,” Anna said, hearing the strangled note in her voice. She framed the shot and took it. “Yes, you and the snake are exactly level now. That looks incredible with your hand there.” She leaned a little closer and clicked again. “Twist around to the left so I can get you in profile.”

  He obliged, but said, “I was only volunteering for one.”

  “Too good not to take more,” she murmured, enjoying the way her internal muscles had started to clench and twitch again at the sight of him. “You’re turning me on so much I think I should take lots. Tighten your hand so the tendons stand out in your arm. So I can imagine you’re really working yourself.”

  She looked up from the screen to watch.

  Jason stared her down with hooded eyes and began to stroke himself. Up and down, slowly and deliberately.

  The sensations between her thighs deepened.

  He took a deep breath and she watched as his beautiful chest expanded and the muscles of his arm bulged and relaxed.

  “Are you enjoying this, Ms Wynn?”

  She licked her lips again. “Like you wouldn’t believe.” She framed him and took another shot. “There’s just enough light to show what you’re doing. That’s sexy as hell.”

  He looked totally unselfconscious, kneeling there and pleasuring himself. She watched as his big hand gripped and slid; then she flicked another glance up to his face.

  His eyes were still half closed, and a smile curved his lips. “Enough yet?” he asked.

  Anna shook her head and framed him up again. Closer this time. Her pussy gave a sudden clench. “Just one more thing would make it perfect,” she whispered. “It would look amazing if you let me lick you wet and shiny? As though you’re about to come. It feels like I almost am just from watching.”

  He gave a soft surprised laugh. “Jeez woman, any more talk like that and I will.”

  “So I can?”

  Up and down his hand went again, base to crown, slow and snug. And again. And again. Her pussy began to pulse in time with his strokes and she leaned forward, mouth genuinely watering at the sight of him. She swiped her tongue across his dark velvety crown. Around and around, slippery and delicious, coating him until he was as wet as she could make him.

  Jason gave a long, low groan and jerked between her lips. She tasted salt, so concluded he wasn’t too far away. She drew back and took her final photo as gravity let the wetness gather into a trembling drop that shone and quivered in the golden light, for all the world like the real thing.

  “Need you right now,” he said hoarsely, reaching for the camera. She handed it back to him and he sucked in a sharp breath as he checked the last shot on the screen. Then he switched it off and set it on the windowsill before reaching for her again.


  “Two-thirty,” he said, hours later, squinting to check the time by the light of an obligingly full moon. They lay tangled together on the sleeping platform, a rumpled sheet below them, and the summer duvet he’d brought down from his upstairs bedroom over their legs.

  She smiled and stretched. “Poor Jason, did I wear you out?” The floor was littered with condom wrappers and empty coffee cups. Despite the still-open window it seemed to her the air smelled of sex and warm skin. “You did damn well. And I think,” she said, dropping a cheeky kiss on his shoulder, “That if we did it once more I might be worn out too…”

  He rolled and pinned her underneath him. “Woman,” he groaned. “I’m not worn out, but this time of night I’d be working damn slow. We mightn’t finish until five o’clock, and then where would your reputation be? Sneaking in like Cinderella for all the early dog-walkers to gossip about? The rich girl and her bit of rough?” His lips roamed gently over her brow, each eyelid in turn, the tip of her nose, the corners of her mouth. “Learning you,” he said when she tried to turn it into a full-on kiss. “In case we can’t swing this again for a few days. At least I’ll have that photo to remember you by.”

  “But I won’t have the ones of you,” she grumbled, kneading the long muscles of his back. “Unless you send them to me?”

  He nipped her ear and whispered, “No way in hell, baby. Those aren’t getting out into the world. They’re just for us.”

  He saw the curve of her smile in the moonlight before she said, “So no letting on to your men… no telling my dad or my uncle… no being seen around the district together in case it gives the game away? Honestly, you’re not going to be a fun boyfriend.”

  “A boyfriend?” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “Have we been doing boyfriend and girlfriend things? I thought we went way beyond that?”

  “Way beyond,” she agreed, yawning. “And I’m not a rich girl. It’s my parents who have the money.”

  He felt her go slowly boneless underneath him, and she gave a slight snore. He eased away and reached for the camera, framing her tousled moonlit hair over the curve of a shoulder, her relaxed and parted thighs with her hands lying fingers-up over her pussy, so sexily modest. She murmured something he didn’t hear, and he focussed close on her kiss-swollen lips, caught the gleam of her teeth between them. Then he lifted a long lock of her hair and let it drift down over her breast. Perfect in the semi-darkness - pale skin, and that lush curve that could be nothing else. One shot, two, a third from a different angle showing the dim outline of her nipple when she didn’t stir, and more until she did.

Regretfully he set the camera aside and touched her shoulder. “Come on Frosty, that’ll do you for tonight. Put your pretty dress on and I’ll take you home.”

  “Really don’t want to go,” she mumbled, pushing up on one elbow, then standing and casting around for her clothes.

  Out in the moonlit trees, the little owl called Ruru gave his double-note call. A few seconds later a fainter roo-roo echoed from further off.

  “Calling for a mate,” Jason said. “Or laying claim to territory, maybe.” He grabbed his jeans and boots and slid into them, then bent and pushed the duvet to the rear squab and closed the windows. While Anna tidied herself in the upstairs bathroom he hefted the front squab up and took it to the van, heaving it into the back and closing the door so she wouldn’t see it. By the time she returned he had his T-shirt on, the coffee cups and wine glasses were on the kitchen counter, and the condom wrappers had hit the garbage pail.

  He drove slowly, wanting the time to last. Once he’d drawn up beside the old cottage he walked hand in hand with her to the door and stood for a few moments, listening intently. Nothing stirred except lazy waves running up the shore in a drowsy rhythm.

  “I may as well check the houses while I’m here,” he said, drawing her close for a final kiss and then burying his nose in her sweet-smelling hair. “And I want to know your door’s securely locked,” he added as he released her. “Sleep tight, Frosty.”

  “Thank you for a lovely night.” She sent him a sleepy smile.

  “And we’ll hope for a few more as good.”

  Her smile faded as she stepped inside, and he waited until he heard the bolt slide home.

  “Locked,” she said through the wood. “Good night.”

  “Night, Frosty. Sleep well.”

  He walked quietly up the steps behind the hedge, circling to check nothing on the site had been disturbed. Then he stood a few minutes on the big deck of his house, watching the waves in the moonlight and the distant flash of the Scarlet Bay beacon on the headland. The faintest breeze fanned across his face, and above him the big trees sighed, letting loose a sprinkling of red silk.


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