Hard To Regret: Scarlet Bay Book 1

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Hard To Regret: Scarlet Bay Book 1 Page 12

by Kris Pearson

  She heard his quiet laugh. “You trying to distract me? Trying to get my mind onto happier things?”

  “Is it working?” Please God it is?

  “Hell, yeah. But give me back my hand for a minute because I need it.”

  Mystified, she released him, and a few seconds later he turned off the main road onto a barely visible beach track. They bumped along for a while over tufty grass and weeds which slowly gave way to hard-packed stones closer to the pounding waves. He stopped short of the sand, turning the van until Anna sat side-on to the ocean.

  She gazed out to absolute solitude; no swimmers or beach walkers, no joggers or other vehicles, no boats except one lone fishing trawler halfway to the horizon. A big wave crashed over, splashing toward them until it thinned to a skim of creamy froth and sucked back over the sand with a sibilant hiss.

  “Okay,” he said. “This’ll do. No-one to see us here. Hop out and take your panties off, Frosty.”


  She ripped the sunglasses off and glared at him. Truly? Just like that? He expected her to be instantly ready and willing? She eyed the hard stones below the van’s wheels and the gritty sand where it gave way to the beach proper.

  “You should see your face,” he whispered, lips quirking as he removed the All Black cap from her, then smoothed her hair out so it fanned down her back. Cupping her face in gentle hands he tilted her mouth up to his for a long, deep kiss.

  Once again she felt the power he had over her. The warm rush of absolute wanting that flowed between them. The way he made her conscious of the place deep inside where she needed him with great urgency.

  He drew back and kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t worry, I have plans. But I still mean it - hop out and take your panties off.” He left her sitting there, astounded, as he swung his door wide and crunched around to her side of the van. A waft of much saltier air billowed in, and a few seagulls wheeled by, checking if food was on offer before soaring away again.

  Jason opened her door, undid her seatbelt, and slid a hand behind each of her knees, tugging her toward him until she was close to the edge of the high seat. “Or shall I do it?” he suggested, brown eyes eating her up as his hands caressed her thighs.

  “Here?” she squeaked.

  “Here. Right here. We’re miles from anywhere. There’s no-one to see.” He gave her hips a gentle push. “Lean back.”

  He bent and kissed her again, and the scent of his warm sun-kissed skin washed over her. No-one had ever treated her this way. Not with such arrogant certainty she’d obey.

  In the second or two it took her to process his demand he’d made quick work of pushing her skirt up to her waist and dragging her panties far enough down to swipe his tongue over her clit.

  Anna gave a huge gasp. Outraged. Not believing this was happening to her. And totally blown away by the sensation of his slippery tongue. “Noooo…” she moaned, easing her shaking thighs apart while her brain insisted she should clamp them together and slap his handsome and far too amused face.

  He looked up at her, wet-lipped, hot-eyed, with a hectic flush spreading across his cheekbones, and pressed a couple of quick kisses on her inner thigh. “Did you put these on especially for me?” He smoothed her panties back up and ran a finger over the front panel, tracing around the embroidered rose on the tiny triangle of sheer red fabric.

  “Maybe,” she conceded, sure from the heat in her neck that a tell-tale blush was spreading ever upward and confirming it. But it was absolutely worth it to see how they affected him.

  He continued to run his finger over the fabric, around and around the rose, and then across the centre of it.

  “Oohh!” she gasped.

  His lips twitched. “Right there, eh? Right in the middle of the pretty flower? Little bump there. Wonder if I can make it a bigger bump?”

  His finger continued to stroke her. Gently.

  Maddeningly gently.

  Anna’s internal muscles started a gigantic twitch-fest. So good. But so not quite good enough. She spared a guilty second to scan the beach, ensuring no-one had appeared to spoil their solitude. “Go… under the fabric,” she begged. “Because… mmm… yes, I did put them on for you.”

  “So I could take them off?” His finger coasted around and around, getting ever closer to the centre of the rose, nudging the very edges of her clit, but never making enough contact to be really satisfying. In the warm air she could smell her own arousal.

  So embarrassing, but he didn’t seem to think so because he bent over her, breathed in deeply, shaped his lips around the embroidery, and sucked.

  Anna’s hips left the seat and she gave a long frustrated groan. “Don’t tease,” she begged. “You’re getting me so wound up.”

  Jason raised his head and kissed her belly. “I’m getting us both wound up. This is going to be even better than last night.” His big hands cradled her hips, thumbs running up and down either side of her navel. “Got the matching bra on?”

  She nodded, speechless.

  “Need to see that too, then. Let’s get you out of this skirt. He undid the lowest of the metal buttons and ran his finger across the rose again. She saw one side of his mouth curl up at her indrawn breath.

  He unpopped the next one. Caressed the rose again. Stifled another smile at her helpless reaction.

  Out on the road, a hundred yards distant, a motorcycle roared by and kept right on going. She didn’t notice.

  He undid the third button. Kissed the skin over her hipbone, turning his face so his bristly stubble scraped deliciously across her skin.

  Undid the fourth.

  “Good thing it’s a short skirt,” he murmured. “Five buttons. Lucky last, Frosty.” And then he peeled it aside so the denim lay like two wings on the seat.

  Anna raised her head and scanned the beach again. Only seagulls and foaming waves. But God! What if anyone saw her doing this? One of the well-regarded Wynn family, making out in public with the local builder as though she was a teenage tart!

  “No-one there,” Jason assured her. “No-one for miles. I haven’t seen anyone parked here for weeks. You keep half an eye in that direction and I’ll do it for this side. Plenty of time to cover up if anyone arrives to spoil our fun. Make you feel better?”

  Anna groaned, torn between her natural caution and his promise of sex as good as the night before.

  “Lift up a mo,” he said as he pushed her pink shirt up her sides.

  Mum’s shirt, she thought with extra guilt.

  His eyes were half closed now. Focussed so intently on her that she burned under his gaze. “Gotta see the matching set,” he murmured, thumbs taking a leisurely tour over her bra and the tops of her breasts before he had the shirt high enough to lift over her head. He used it to trap her arms for a few moments while he looked his fill. “Frosty, you are…” he dropped a kiss on one pale breast, then the other. “Some treat,” he growled.

  Anna lay there, struggling to free herself from the confining shirt, and wanting to connect with the big tanned body looming over her. With all that smooth skin and flexing muscle. All that heat and strength and raw power.

  He held her in place effortlessly. “Nah - let me look. Let me perve for a minute or two. You’re so beautiful, so classy, so far beyond anything I ever expected to have under me.”

  His eyes were practically black now, smoking hot, holding her more immobile than the shirt ever could.

  Anna ceased her wriggling. Have under me. Had he really said that? So basic and male and rough. Even as she thought that, she mentally chastised herself for being such a cliché; the helpless female being subdued - and oddly willing to be dominated by Jason when she would have wrenched herself from anyone else’s grasp, aimed a few choice words at them, and stormed away. How had he done it?

  He pulled the shirt right off, but still confined both her wrists in one of his hands. “Shit, you’re gorgeous. Talk about scarlet for the bay… Did you dress to match the beach again?

  She shook her head, watching as he swallowed. “For you.”

  His lips curved, and he ran a slow finger under the tops of the lacy cups of her red balconet bra. His fingertip caught on each nipple, lingered long enough for Anna to know they’d peaked hard and high. Then he pushed the lace lower.

  She glanced down at herself - exposed and aroused and damn near ready to beg.

  “You have no idea,” he said huskily, “How much power you have over me.”

  She made a scoffing noise.

  “Yeah, half my size and probably less than half my strength, but I’m willing to do anything for you to get what I want. Shames me to say it, but that’s probably a first.”

  Anna drew a deep breath. His intense gaze left hers and slid to her breasts as they rose.

  “Really?” Her nipples had rubbed against the rough edge of the lace as she’d inhaled, and they were now so sensitive she absolutely craved his mouth on them. “What do you want?”

  “Everything I can get for as long as we can swing it,” he said, sliding his thumb and forefinger either side of one pink peak and moulding it as though her flesh could be made longer and harder.

  She found he was right.

  He smiled down at her, still holding her wrists with his other hand. “Right now I want to play with you a little while, make you come, make you come twice maybe, and then I want to fuck you against the side of my van.” He bent down and shaped his lips around her elongated nipple, catching it between his teeth to hold her still, and swiping his tongue to and fro across its tip.

  Anna let loose a deep groan.

  Jason raised his head and looked down into her eyes again. “When I was bashing away at the bathroom, I kept seeing us here. You with your hair flying in the wind, me bare-assed and driving into you like there’s no tomorrow. So are you on for that?”

  Anna swallowed. “Take my bra off,” she whispered. “So you can do that properly. And let go my hands so I can touch you, too.”

  He made short work of the centre clasp and peeled the cups aside, bending again to feast on her beauty. Minutes later he slid her little panties down, left them hanging over one shoe, and pulled her legs around him. Anna linked her ankles and closed her eyes for a few seconds, savouring the sensation of her skin against his… her sensitive inner thighs pressed tightly against his warm waist.

  Then he bent and laid his lips on hers and they sank into a long ravenous kiss.

  The sun dipped slowly lower, and so did Jason. Waves crashed and tumbled, swishing up the sand and sucking back again, covering them both with a fine mist of salt. Occasional vehicles sped by on the road, unseen and unheard. Out past the breakers, the gulls soared and screamed.

  He soon had her soaring and screaming too, just as he’d promised.

  “Better rescue your panties, eh?” he suggested eventually as he pulled away, smoothing his bristly cheek along her thigh. He kissed her belly and reached down to untangle the lacy red thong from her ankle, tossing it onto the dashboard while he held her steady with his other hand. “Now I want to look,” he said, and his warm breath was a sensuous caress against her supersensitive flesh. “Legs further apart?” It was a command far more than a question, and the hand which had claimed the panties returned to hold her ankle exactly where he wanted it.

  Anna groaned with both embarrassment and ecstasy. It was still broad daylight; he’d be able to see everything. And indeed, as she raised her head to look at him, he drew back a little, focussing on her with an expression of pure appreciation.

  “Don’t,” she moaned, trying to push him further away.

  He shook his head. “No way. I couldn’t see you properly last night. It’s a real turn-on exploring where I’ll be in a little while.” He bent and licked her clit again. “Knowing exactly what that magic button of yours looks like, and how your little hood draws back.” He slid a finger either side of it, pushed up gently, then licked again. Anna’s hips jerked and she gasped, “Oh God!”

  Another long exhale. Warm air, in the softest of caresses. Then a slow, flat-tongued stroke that had her sighing and grabbing at his hair to hold him right there.

  “Frosty,” he murmured, teasing her by inserting a long finger. “You’re practically sucking me in. So slippery.” He added a second finger.

  Anna made a noise of protest, but Jason’s laughter puffed against her and then he licked again before he drew back.

  She heard a crackle, and raised her head from the seat to find him producing a condom packet and opening his shorts. “We can’t do it here,” she protested. “You’ll break my back.”

  He grazed his lips along her thigh. “Wouldn’t want that,” he said, looking down at himself for a moment to check all was well with the condom, “I’ve been imagining sliding into you here at the beach almost from the moment I met you.” He reached sideways and gave the cargo door a shove.

  Anna swallowed. Did he mean on the mattress in the back? It was too basic, too teenage, too altogether crass. She shook her head. He couldn’t possibly be serious.

  Undeterred, Jason reached into the van and hauled out the padded squab he’d slept on in the early hours. He held it steady against the salty breeze with one hand, and slammed the door shut with the other. Then he leaned it up against the door and scooped her off the seat.


  Hell, she was amazing. Going off twice for him. Trying to stifle her screams, but not succeeding. Grabbing at his hair. Clutching any piece of him she could reach. Pulling him closer and closer.

  Now he was standing, he had the added extras of her long hair spilling over him and her smooth legs wrapping around his hips, as strong and sinuous as the snake around his thigh.

  He pressed her back into the softness of the foam squab. “Hold still,” he whispered, nudging at her entrance. Hot and wet. Welcoming him in. He slid up inside her, watching her face until she clamped tighter around him and flinched. “Too much?” he asked, pulling back a little.

  “Just to start with,” she whispered. “You take a bit of getting used to.”

  He kissed her again and again, going luxuriously deep with his tongue, rocking his hips slowly, working himself all the way up as she gradually relaxed. Both his hands were full of delicious female backside, and two beautiful breasts brushed against his chest. The reality was far better than he’d imagined. Her heat, her closeness, her total accessibility.

  He thrust steadily, cock sliding against slippery skin, into hot flesh that squeezed and caressed him, and against twitching muscle that he knew would clench a lot harder when she went out of control around him. He turned his head aside with a groan as she nipped his ear and progressed down the side of his neck, nibbling and licking.

  “I must be too heavy,” she murmured as she smoothed her cheek up past his ear again.

  You have to be joking.

  “Could hold you forever, as long as I’m doing this.” He buried his face in her hair as he rocked and flexed, driving himself into her again and again. “But I don’t have a spare hand to help you along, so can you get one of yours down between us?”

  He pulled back to see if she would. Her face! Mouth open in a startled O, and an instant blush.

  “I… really?”

  “Really. I want you coming hard around me when I lose it.” He gazed into her blue eyes, loving that blush. “A little self-help, Frosty. Just to tip you over the edge.”

  He watched as she worried at her bottom lip with even white teeth. As she slowly relaxed her grip on his hair and lowered her hand. As her lashes swept down.

  “Don’t shut me out, babe. I want to watch you and see your eyes when it happens.”

  She shook her head and whispered, “No-one ever asked me to do this.”

  He couldn’t stop the way his jaw tensed. How many men hadn’t done their best for her? And if it came to that, how many had there been in total? Not that his track record showed him as any kind of angel, so he hardly had leave to wonder, but... “Mister Medium not exactly full
of good ideas?” he couldn’t help asking.

  “Tiny Tim? Not your business.” Her lips pressed together as though she disapproved, but then a reluctant grin appeared and she slid her hand into place. He watched avidly as her fingers moved and her eyelids drooped, sensing the difference it was making to her as she adjusted the angle of her hips and pressed closer for a long, luscious kiss.

  Slowly she took herself up, making furtive eye contact as he’d asked. Then her lids fluttered down and her breathing quickened before she gasped and opened her eyes wide. He felt the absolute instant the first surge hit her. Heard her gasp again, loving the helpless groan that escaped through her clenched teeth, and watched her face contort with pleasure as her body pulled at his, over and over - until the world went half dark, and he emptied himself with violent jets so intense he almost blacked out.


  Anna clung around his neck with one arm, trying to retrieve her other from between them. Jason’s big body pressed her hard against the padded squab, and his mouth sought hers even as he fought for breath. She turned her face aside, dragging in air, and he bit her shoulder instead, still groaning her name between tortured gasps.

  Her legs had no grip left. She let them slide down his body, enjoying the long stroke of skin on skin, grateful he was leaning in so hard, because she surely couldn’t stand unaided yet. At last her hand came free and she clutched his shoulders for balance, grimacing at her drenched fingers, and feeling the tension in his arms from holding her up for so long.

  He sank downward, bending his knees to avoid a painful disengagement. “You’re not tall enough, Frosty,” he panted, pulling out and burying his face against her hair. “Oh jeez… never, ever… are you okay?”


  Jason removed the condom and urged her close again, unwilling to let her see how much he’d been affected. That had been everything he’d imagined and much more besides. Fuck, she was amazing. His heart still thumped double-time, pounding in his throat like a jackhammer.

  Anna, gasping for air, pressed a kiss there. “Yes, I’m fine. Never better.”


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