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by Amarinda Jones

  I leave you in the safety of my beloved friends, the McDowalls, who will care for you until it is time for you to make your own way in life. I made my choices and regret them all, but for you.

  Your loving mother

  Adrianna Lawrence

  Augusta hiccupped madly as she clutched the letter in her hands and tried to breathe deeply. She always knew there was something more to her life. But this? Had her mother been mad? Was she hallucinating? Had she read what she had? Augusta’s eyes traveled over the words once more. From what little Susannah McDowall had told her of her parents they sounded like a nice couple who had been tragically killed in a car accident. But this? What was this? Augusta scanned the letter again. A dark man? Destruction? “Certain truths” had to be told to her yet her mother had spoken in riddles. Why?

  “Because you have to work this out yourself,” Augusta muttered out loud. What to do? It was not like it was something she could avoid like homework. She went to the pretty pink desk beside her bed and switched on the computer. She liked the internet and relied on it when all other knowledge failed her. Augusta knew it was a shot in the dark but maybe there was something or someone who could tell her more about who she was and what it meant. She brought up Google and quickly tapped the names Hester le Juriste, the village of Plum and the Fifth Earl of Cardissan into the search engine. Part of her expected to find nothing and another part knew that what she would find would change her life forever.

  * * * * *

  Augusta hiccupped and kicked at the files at her feet. She could stare as much as she liked at the ring on her finger but it changed nothing. The dark man was already in her life and at that moment she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

  “But it will not always be that way.” Just because her mother and Hester and countless other Law-givers or Lawrence women died because of their passion, their love and their hatred, it did not mean that she had to follow suit. Augusta’s mind went back to the dark man in question. Argon. “What do I do about him?” She wanted to believe it was a fluke that he had wandered into her life just before her thirtieth birthday but she had never believed in coincidence.

  “Dummy,” Augusta muttered to herself, pleased that no one but the desperate for cash who were paid to file, came into the small filing room. For years she had hardened herself against the moment that she knew would come, yet in one night all that resolve had crumbled in a matter of minutes. She had fallen into his arms so easily. She could have blamed the combination of wine and strawberry ice cream but she knew it had been more than that.

  The ring on her finger was like a claim Argon had over her, and for the life of her she could not remove it. Augusta had tried everything to free herself from the platinum that bound her as surely as the curse did. She wished she could just cut it off but it was too beautiful. Soap and oil could not remove it. Nothing worked. It was on her finger like a constant reminder of what she had done. People assumed she was engaged. There was no way Augusta could tell them the real story for who would possibly understand? So she told anyone who asked it was an old family heirloom. Did immortal beings have family? “I don’t frigging know.” The thought of others like Argon running around was scary “Bloody man.” Argon may be an immortal being but that did not excuse him from being a pain in the ass.

  “Thinking about us, Augusta True?” Argon smiled as he watched the woman he loved jump in surprise. He longed to taste her once more. For the last two days Argon had deliberately left her alone to think about him and what she needed to do. That she was his, he did not doubt. The ring on her finger claimed it as fact. The shy, yet militant look in the dark eyes hidden by those awful spectacles indicated she planned to fight the inevitable. That was okay with Argon, for as far as he was concerned the battle was already won. She is mine.

  “There is no us.” She hiccupped on the “us” making it sound strangled and panicked.

  There it was, the sign that Augusta was on edge. When he had first met her he thought she was an ice queen and was not all that eager to live up to his part of Hester’s little diatribe. He had not wanted to get involved with her at all but the more he saw of her with Tilly and Titch and in the intervening days, he had become more attracted and less worried about how the curse would affect him. He also discovered the ice was merely a façade and the woman behind it was passionate, sweet and shy. Her nickname of Rowdy was a cute paradox.

  Argon had always known he would come across her one day. He had never known her name only that he would be called to her when the time was right. It was not something he looked forward to. But then Argon had never dreamed she would be this hidden goddess who went out of her way to dull down her natural beauty. That in itself intrigued him. He was a man who could have had any woman he wanted, yet a woman with broken glasses, scraped up hair and who hiccupped intrigued him. While Argon really had no need to stay now that the problem with his colleague and friend Titch had been resolved, he found he could not leave. Argon always thought he would run from the one who was his fate, but when he found her he couldn’t. The curse had been an inconvenience up until he’d found Augusta.

  “You are a terrible liar,” he responded and smiled as his words were greeted by yet another hiccup. What had happened between them was unforgettable. She had allowed herself to give in to passion and give a part of herself she had withheld from all men but him. There was amazing power in that one act. But then Augusta was fated to be his as he was hers. What once may have scared him now exhilarated him. Part of him had no idea what was to happen to them next, but he had no plans to leave this woman. “We made love, Augusta True. It’s not something I will ever forget.”

  “It was okay.” Her voice was tight with unexpressed emotion.

  “You screamed,” he pointed out, remembering the moment she came in his arms, shuddering and calling his name.

  “Well, you surprised me.” Augusta hiccupped three times in a row.

  “Want me to kiss those hiccups away?” Argon moved toward Augusta. She backed into the filing cabinet with a crash in her need to move away. “Want to be surprised again?” He watched as her eyes widened. Argon reached over and withdrew her glasses.

  “Here?” She looked around her wildly. “I mean no,” Augusta corrected herself quickly.

  Argon pulled her against his body and kissed her. He had to. The need to taste and touch Augusta once more overwhelmed him. His hands moved down to her skirt-covered ass cupping the plump cheeks as he rubbed his hips against hers. His cock was already hard with need and it was a need that only Augusta could fulfill.

  “Don’t,” she choked out as she broke off the kiss, her eyes glazed with passion.

  “Really?” Argon placed soft wet kisses against her mouth. He would stop if she really meant it but he could see in her eyes she was confused. That was understandable. What was between them was new and wild and a sweet madness that he was glad to give into.

  “Argon,” Augusta panted in between kisses. “This thing between us cannot possibly work.”

  He chuckled lightly at her words.

  “We have proved it can. We fit together nicely.”

  “What about Hester’s curse?”

  “I thought you said this was a silly rhyme?”

  “We both knew it is more.”

  “Oh yes, much more.” Argon dropped to his knees and flipped up her skirt.

  “Stop it,” Augusta demanded in a panic. Not because she was worried about someone walking in on them. It was more that she was enjoying his touch and it was the last thing she should be inviting any further into her life. Sex with Argon was supposed to have been a one-off. Yeah right. Augusta pushed at Argon’s shoulders then realized she should have been smacking the hands away that now had her underwear down around her at her ankles. The man had fast, fine hands. “Argon, we can’t. Not here.”

  “Why not?” He was pushing her legs apart.

  “I barely know you and in the biblical sense doesn’t count.”

ber the dream? Remember two nights ago?” His fingers found her clit and he smiled as she moaned. “I believe I have known you forever, Augusta True.”

  “Don’t this to me.” Her fingers curled into the soft curls of his hair. She wanted to push him but she did possess the power to deny either of them. “Please, Argon…”

  “Yes, Augusta,” he murmured as he leaned in and licked her clit.

  Augusta felt her knees wobble and she clutched at his shoulders to stop herself from falling. Argon continued to lick her in long stokes that made her shake.

  “The door isn’t locked you know.” It was a half-assed plea even to her ears.

  Argon waved his hand, the soft sound of a lock clicking shut sounded.

  “It’s locked now.” He looked up at her. “Any other objections and don’t tell me it’s wrong.”

  She shrieked when he sucked down on her clit. Her hips instantly arched forward for more. Augusta’s knew her nails were probably scoring his flesh but to lose contact with him now would have her collapse in a trembling heap on the floor.

  “What if—”

  “We’ll face the what if’s when and if they come Augusta True.” Argon lifted his head as his hands gently stroked her thighs. “I need you.”

  The hot desire she saw in his eyes made her heart pound. I want him. God help me, I want him. Was this way her Lawrence ancestors had felt? Totally out of control with need?

  “I…um…” Hiccup Do I say yes and temp fate or say no and agonize over what could have been? When his fingers moved into her vagina, Augusta knew there would only ever be one answer. “I’m going to fall.” she said it more to herself than him.

  “No, you won’t.” His fingers toyed playfully within her, giving her just a taste of what was to come. “I’ll never let you fall, Augusta.”

  “I need you.” The words were out of her mouth before she could think.

  Argon removed his fingers and stood up.

  “Forever?” He caught her to him and ripped open her blouse, buttons popping off in all directions.

  It was so primal and possessive that Augusta now understood the whole concept of bodice ripping. It was love powered by passion and need and clothes just got in the way.

  “Forever?” Hiccup. “Well, at least for now.”

  The chuckle that came from Argon was rich in disbelief. “You are so bloody stubborn and yet I love you.”

  Her bra was off and Argon’s mouth on her nipple before she knew what was happening. His hands cupped her ass pulling her forward against the hard cock that pushed impatiently against his trousers.

  “This is crazy.” Yet I want every mad minute of it with him. Only him. Augusta tried to pull his shirt undone, the need to feel his bare flesh against hers overwhelming.

  Argon lifted his head and wrenched his shirt off as if reading her thoughts.

  “Crazy is good.” His head went back to her breasts, his hands lifting her up so her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “What are you doing?” Augusta was being carried. The mouth on her nipple let go suddenly and the hot, intense eyes of Argon were upon her. The passion and love she saw made her breathless.

  “Looking for a place for you to sit.” He headed to a solid bank of filing cabinets.

  “K to M would be better,” murmured Augusta as she pointed to the cabinet in question.

  “Why?” Argon changed direction and followed.

  “Not as high and better access.” Who was she kidding? The need for him to be inside her overrode everything else.

  “Smart woman.” Argon placed her on the metal surface. “Just right.” He pulled her body forward.

  “It’s cold.” The shiny metal surface sent a chill up her spine.

  Argon leaned in and kissed her hard and possessively. “I’ll heat you up, Augusta True.”

  I bet you will. Were they her hands that sought his zipper? His eyes locked with hers.

  “Go on,” he urged softly, as he reached forward and took her glasses off, placing them on a nearby table. “Scared?”

  “Yes.” That was the truth of it. Bizarre, new thoughts waged with old ideas and conditioning and it went against everything she thought she could have in life before she met Argon. He held her hands and helped her to free his penis. She gasped at the size. Yes, that was how she remembered it. “Condom?” I am going to have sex in the filing room and I don’t care.

  “Whatever you need, Augusta True.” A condom appeared and was quickly rolled over his cock.

  “Are you all right in there?” A voice called from outside. “The door is locked.”

  “Oh crap,” she mouthed silently to Argon. “Yes, just made a bit of a mess and want to clean it up before anyone sees it.” Hiccup, hiccup.

  “Well, okay then but hurry up.”

  Augusta cupped Argon’s ass and pulled him toward her. “We have to be quick.” It did not occur to her not to have sex with him.

  Argon chuckled at her words. “Talk about performance pressure.”

  “Hey, if you’re not up to it…” She licked her lips teasingly. Augusta had to admit she liked the power she had over Argon.

  “Oh but I am.” His positioned his cock at the wet centre between her legs. “I wanted to savor the moment.”

  “In a filing room? Get real.”

  And then it got very real as he pushed the hard length of his shaft inside her vagina. Heat instantly flooded her body and cold metal was no longer an issue. She could feel nothing but Argon. Augusta moaned and her head fell forward on his shoulder as he started thrusting inside her. She grabbed hold of him, not wanting to miss a moment of contact.

  “Real enough for you?” Argon’s hips kept up a steady, demanding pace that had them both sweating.

  “Oh, Argon.” The feeling was so exquisite that words failed her.

  “I love it when you say ‘Oh, Argon’ like that,” he growled in primitive, male satisfaction.

  And I love you. Oh crap where did that come from?

  “I know.” Argon lifted her face to his.

  “What?” she panted out, feeling the welcoming tightening of orgasm approaching.

  “What you refuse to say.” Argon pulled out and then slammed back into her.

  Augusta screamed as the most intense feeling shook her insides. She hungrily accepted the deep, passionate kiss Argon gave her. So this is life. I like it. Augusta gripped her man to her and reveled in his final thrusts, pleased that she was not the only one caught up in the moment.

  Argon broke off the kiss. “You love me.” He lifted her hand, kissed the ring on her finger and left.

  Chapter Three

  How Augusta got home, she wasn’t really sure. The car was on auto pilot and her mind was on Argon.

  “Like it could be anywhere else.” Her thighs ached pleasantly and she still felt the heat of him within her body. This was all so confusing. Just when she had decided she could ignore him, he went and did stuff to her that made her insides feel like molten liquid. How did you ignore a fire when you were being engulfed? Sometimes it was better to burn and think about the consequences later. “And they’re going to suck.” It wasn’t that Augusta didn’t believe in love and marriage. She did. Some people did those very well. But then they hadn’t been forewarned by a crazy ancestor about fate and suffering just before she was burned on a stake as a witch. “Yep, my life is beyond weird.”

  Augusta let herself into her apartment, shut the door and instantly went to her computer to turn it on. It was a throw back to the days when she was working with Tilly at the agency. The email was constantly monitored as people relied on them to rid them of whatever supernatural being they thought was after them, or they were awaiting information on how to tackle said being. Neither Augusta nor Tilly were experts in what they did. They pretty much made it up as they went along, relying on the information supplied by their network of cyber friends.

  Getting caught up in email and not thinking about Argon was exactly what Augusta needed right at that moment
. She sat down at her desk and clicked on the email icon. She had linked the old agency inbox to her own personal one as some people still emailed them wanting something done. Augusta felt compelled to check and tell them of the closure. Tilly did not check but then Tilly was in love and her mind was on other things. Momentarily, Augusta thought back to Argon and how having sex on the filing cabinet had loosened some of the drawers in K to M. Among other things…

  “Stop it.” She chastised herself. “He is not for you, he is not for you, he is not for you.” Chanting it out loud didn’t make her feel any better though. “Let’s hope the email has some complex problem I have to solve.”

  “Perfect.” Fifty-seven emails awaited her. The first one was from Newton Cadwalder in Wales. He was part of what Tilly liked to call the geek squad. But without Newton’s geekiness they would have been in trouble many a time. Augusta liked Newton. She had first met him online when she was sixteen and trying to work out the whole Cardissan-Law-giver thing. Newton was the one who had helped her find the link to Hester le Juriste who had died because of Lord Cardissan. They discovered that the Earl had been too weak to stop Hester from being tried and condemned for witchcraft. Together Augusta and Newton has spent countless hours conversing online trying to work out the Cardissan-Lawrence history. From what they had discovered, after Hester died the Earl died. Some said he took his own life while others said it was the curse they heard spoken from Hester’s lips. Unfortunately, legend, fact and gossip all got mixed up so it made it hard to grasp what was real and what wasn’t. All Augusta learned that was the curse often skipped decades of Cardissan and Lawrences for no apparent reason at all. She was inclined to agreed with Newton that only the truest strains of DNA were touched by Hester’s words as intermarriage with other families and deaths in either family made only some susceptible to the curse. Some Cardissans did not appear to be as immortal as others. This all made their research almost impossible as there were so many branches to the trees of both families.


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