Broken by Desire

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Broken by Desire Page 5

by Dani René

“Sorry Veronica, I was…” glancing at my screen, “… doing research.”

  She smiled, “No problem, that’s wonderful! Listen, I guess we should grab a quick lunch since you’re leaving at four today? Say in about…” she glanced at the delicate silver watch on her wrist, “… ten minutes?” I nodded, and she went back into her office. Opening the email again, I hit reply. I enjoyed the mood he was in. The innocent flirting with him made me smile, and I knew Kenna would approve. She was the one who demanded that I move on from that past two years. Perhaps I was ready to move on from the past. Maybe, Mr. Verán was the one I could move on with? Really Cassie? Your employer? Why not? He’s hot, successful, and he is flirting with me!

  From: Cassandra Winters

  To: Lucien Verán

  Date: June 01, 2014 - 11:25

  Subject: Close Encounters

  Mr. Verán,

  Thank you for the information. I can deal with anything that comes my way; I am a big girl and can take care of myself. Regarding dealing with power and responsibility, I fair remarkably well, I will have you know, Mr. Verán; of that, you can be certain.

  Well, it seems we both have so much to learn.

  Cassandra Winters

  Marketing & Publishing Assistant

  Verán Publications

  I hit send and giggle, this back and forth banter pulled me out of a slump. That’s all it was, and all it can ever be. I had no place in my heart for a relationship. What was I considering? A few emails didn’t mean he wanted to date me! Get a grip Cassie! “Ready?” Veronica stopped at my desk and I nodded. I shut the lid on my laptop, grabbing my bag and follow her to the elevators.

  Chapter 3


  I push the button on the elevator and step inside. As it descends, my mind flits back to her again. When the ten lights up, my breathing stops and as the doors slide open, I see her. God, she’s beautiful! “Ms. Winters,” I take in her appearance, not missing the unmistakable blush on her cheeks. She’s so perfect, I imagine her on my plush carpet, kneeling with her wrists bound behind her. Does she realize I am the devil? She shouldn’t be here; I shouldn’t bring her along on this trip. Against my better judgment, I am allowing her to come with me. Who am I to deny a beautiful submissive girl to train?

  Her smile intoxicates me. Already I am in way over my head and I know it. “Are you looking forward to the trip?” I glance at her and smile.

  “Yes, thank you, Mr. Verán.” Her eyes peer up at me and I want to press her body against mine. To have her kneel in front of me, with those mocha eyes staring up while she swallows my cock. There’s an animalistic feeling coursing through me when she says my name. Oblivious to my discomfort, she rambles on. “I have only ever been to LA and New York. Well, the last time I was in LA was when I was a teenager, but that was only for a vacation.” She suddenly stops herself and my body is on fire. I rearrange myself, but her eyes cut down to my hand. Fuck, she noticed it. How the fuck am I meant to spend the weekend with her and I can’t even keep my erection down when she talks? Although, I realize she’s nervous, I can see her brain working overtime. She’s trying to think of something to say to fill the silence. “Mr Verán?”

  I can’t help the agony on my face when she says my name, and she sees it. How can she not understand how sexy she is? Her soft murmur is like an aphrodisiac. All I want to do is pin her against the wall and… Stop it! Don’t freak her out! “Call me Lucien, please?”

  She gives me a small nod. The innocence on her face makes me think twice about wanting to do deliciously dirty things to her. Things that she would never even dream of. My mind needs to stop this. I have to stop this. Work. Talk about work. How can she not have travelled? I want to give her that. To show her all the places my father took me, I want to take her to Spain. What? Luke, you’re losing it. You can’t take her there, she doesn’t even know you. Fuck, you don’t know her.

  “It’s a shame you haven’t travelled. I will make sure this position gives you plenty of freedom to do just that.” Her sweet lavender perfume invades my senses again and I savor it. She turns a smile on me again and my heart rate spikes.

  My phone interrupts the moment and I am frustrated beyond words. “Forgive me, Ms. Winters,” I give her a grin and swipe the screen. “Verán.” People don’t do what I tell them to and the shit hits the fucking fan. Why is it so difficult for people to obey orders? As the financial director rambles on, my mind goes to the beautiful Ms. Winters standing next to me. I want her to obey my orders so much. Her gaze on me, prickles my skin and it sends blood straight to my crotch. If this guy doesn’t stop going on about the numbers and do his fucking job, I will lose it. “I don’t care what it takes, you need to fix it.” The elevator doors slide open and we step out.

  When she glances up at me, my fingers brush the small of her back and the electricity between us is unbelievable. A simple touch. Like we’re magnets meant to be locked together. Robert is waiting at the car and I need to end this call. “I am away this weekend you know that.” My eyes fall on her pert ass when she slides into the back seat and my cock strains against my zipper. I slip in next to her. “I do not care. I am sick of these excuses. Get it done.” When I hang up, I take a deep breath, needing to calm down. When I offer her a smile, I notice her eyes flit to my lips and dimples.

  “Sorry about that. Business.” I shrug my phone back into my pocket and turn my attention to her. The pulse in her neck spikes and I can’t help smiling. I affect her as much as she does me. This is perfect because I want her. Fuck the consequences. I can deal with those when they crop up. Relaxing back in the seat. Her soft trembling hands are in her lap, and I want to place mine on them so she can calm. She’s so nervous. You better be scared of me darling. I reach over and press a small remote, Fall Out Boy wafts through the back of the SUV. Her face is a picture. Guess I have good taste in music. Somehow, the lyrics of the song are appropriate for how I am feeling about this girl.

  “So, have you been on a shoot before?” I wait for her to answer and she doesn’t disappoint with her innocent rambling. Goose bumps rise on her smooth skin and I wonder how else I can make her tremble. So many possibilities. I can’t believe how nervous she is, I haven’t even begun to play my games with her and she’s like a shaking leaf.

  “No, I um… This is my first real job; I have… I just moved here.” She doesn’t meet my gaze, but the pink on her cheeks tells me she knows I am watching her.

  “Cassandra…” Her name rolls off my tongue, low and serious. “Do I make you uneasy?” She smiles and mumbles something about me being her boss. She licks her lips again, her little nervous tick. I like it, the way her tongue darts out slowly, the way her lips glisten. Fuck! Immediately I avert my gaze; I can’t do this in here. I am about ready to fucking pounce on her. The need to calm her down is coursing through my veins. She can’t spend a whole weekend with me like this. “I don’t want you to be nervous. I am just the person that goes jogging every morning.” Her reaction to my statement is priceless. I watch her thighs squeeze together and that is more than enough for me to take full advantage. She wants this as much as I do. Don’t worry darling once I have made you come hard over my tongue you won’t be so nervous anymore.

  “Yea, I need this position, so I need to make a good impression.” She’s scared I would fire her? Why the fuck would I do that? I reach out to her and touch her shoulder. Fucking hell! The electricity surging through me when we touch is incredible. I need to run my fingers over her naked body right now! Verán, relax! The need to calm her is unbearable. I have to think about the next words out of my mouth.

  “Trust me, that’s not something you need to concern yourself with. When I first saw you I realized you were perfect for…” I want to tell her for me, but it’s too soon. I can’t have her. There is no way I can keep her. She wouldn’t even give me a chance if she learned about what I want. Her instinct would be to run for the hills if I even mention it, so I opt for the next best thing. “… Verán Indust
ries.” With a reassuring smile, I see her thighs squeeze together again and I am certain she knew the words I was too scared to say. Her mocha eyes fall to my mouth, her pupils dilate and I realize she’s as turned on as me.

  “Thank you, Mr. Ve… Lucien.” When she replies it falters, but she remembers to call me by my first name only. As soon as my hand leaves her shoulder, I feel strange. The need I have to touch her is unbearable.

  “Tell me, Cassandra, what appeals to you?” I steal a glance at her; the blush is permanently on her cheeks. Has she never had a man’s attention? Surely, she must have men falling over themselves to get to her. I realize Jayce will like her. The thought doesn’t sit well with me and I don’t know why. It’s not like she’s mine.

  “I, I read and music. I mean I read books and like music. Um, I suppose I don’t have much that I do outside of work. Is that what you mean?” I nod. She’s obviously completely oblivious to the effect she has on men, keeping her nose buried in a book. I am sure they’re hot romance novels. Robert pulls up to the airfield and I get out. The sun was beating down; I am overdressed in my suit. I walk around the car as Robert opens her door. When she sees the plane, her reaction is exquisite as she breathes the word ‘wow’. Her lips form a perfect O and there is only one thing on my mind. I love when her voice is low and breathy. Jesus, Luke, sounds like you’ve been reading those fucking romance novels! Falling in love? No fucking way! I need to get into her panties. My black heart is on lockdown. Forever. No way some chick will get inside there.

  “It seems I have impressed you today. Come on, Robert will pick up our suitcases.” We stroll together towards the plane; my hand once again finds the lower curve of her back, just above her pert little ass. Why do I want to impress her? I should just show her my cock that will leave her speechless. There’s something about her that makes me want to show her more, impress her, but I can’t. My heart suddenly constricts at the idea of just having her as a one-night stand, but with my demons, there’s no space for a sweet girl like her. I can’t give her anything more than that.

  Once we board the plane, we slip into our seats. “I expect you are ready for an action packed weekend. No sleep and hard work. That’s what these shoots are typically like.”

  “I can handle myself, I am not afraid of hard work.” Her response is easy and relaxed, and I smile. She’s sassy, I like that. The way she takes in every movement I make is adorable, it’s like she’s trying to assess me. Nothing here to see darling, you won’t find what you’re looking for.

  “Mr. Verán, can I bring you both anything?” Miranda asks, she’s been my flight attendant for several years. She’s gorgeous, but she doesn’t hold a flame to Cassie. I don’t think any woman could.

  I glance at Cassie. “Would you like something Ms. Winters?”

  “A sparkling water would be good?” She asks and I nod.

  “You heard the lady and please bring me the usual? Thank you.” As soon as Miranda disappears to the rear of the plane, I turn back to Cassie. “You are more than welcome to have whatever you like, on the flight and over the weekend. Everything is compensated for by Verán Industries.”

  I wonder if she drinks alcohol. She can have anything, including me. Where the fuck did that come from?

  “Thank you, Mr.… um, Lucien.” She falters with my name again, suddenly I am too aware of the way my name rolls off her tongue. When she murmurs my last name it sends erotic shivers down my spine and into my cock. Thoughts of her screaming it out as I pound her whirl in my head and the need for that drink is overwhelming.

  I open my laptop and work as soon as we’re at cruising altitude. My eyes glance up while I work and I can’t help noticing how lovely she looks. It’s getting dark and I realize we will land quite late. She looks tired and I want to put her to bed, preferably my bed. I am certain she looks like an angel while she’s sleeping.


  Once we were airborne I got a few emails done that required urgent attention but left the others for tomorrow. Our flight to Hawaii was five hours and by the time we reached Hanalei it was dark. There was a car waiting for us and Lucien let me slip in first. I was drained and leaned my head back against the seat as we pulled off. It was too dark to see anything anyway so I couldn't take in the view.

  “We should be there shortly. You look tired,” his voice gentle, filled with concern.

  “I am tired now. It’s been a long day.” My eyes cut to him, even in the dark, I see those vivid green eyes that draw me in. A smile curls his full lips and in my deliriously tired mind I wish I could kiss him. The idea vanishes as I turn to look out into the darkness. I can’t allow myself to think like that about him. He was my boss, and I was absolutely not ready for any romance, it didn’t matter what Kenna said. She wanted me to move on, that much was evident, but after the past two years, allowing myself the luxury is not an option. My heart couldn’t deal with losing someone I love again. That pain is indescribable. Lucien seems to be a good person, and I can’t tell him about the things I have done. There’s too much darkness in my past to even fathom sharing it with someone.

  “Cassandra,” I open my eyes and blinked hard. It was still dark. I twist to see Lucien leaning over me, nudging me gently. “We’re here, you fell asleep,” he offered me a tender smile. His eyes crinkled at the corners and his dimples deepen. That smile would be the death of me. Emotions are running through me that I shouldn’t have.

  “Oh, right? I was so tired.” I sat up and suddenly we were too close. His spicy scent, mixed with a clean manly smell enveloping me fully and I breathed him in. I licked my parched lips and his eyes focused on my mouth, his intense gaze was so fierce heat shot straight to my core. If I moved an inch further I would feel his lips on mine. The door opened abruptly, and he cleared his throat. Lucien moved back quickly, and the spell between us broke.

  “Mr. Verán, I have put the luggage in the foyer.” The driver’s tone was sharp and rumbled through his chest. I am pulled from the dirty thoughts of Lucien’s lips against mine. Or any other part of my body.

  “Thank you, Robert.” Lucien slipped out of the car, turning around he offered me his hand. As soon as I slid mine into his, the electric spark that coursed through my veins every time his skin was in contact with mine shot into my arm. “Let’s go, Cassandra. You’re in need of a bed.” The way my name rolled off his tongue caused me to tremble.

  I stared up at the mansion and gasped, it was magnificent. A double-story home, white slats, with wooden window frames. There were fairy lights along the pathway. The house had enormous windows with what would have to be a sea view. Even though it was dark, you could tell that this was an incredible home. A dream house on an island.

  “Did I impress you twice in one day?” Lucien asked pleased at my reaction to the house. All I could do was nod. “Well, I will give you a complete tour when you’re not falling asleep. Let me show you to your suite and you can rest.”

  My suite, as Lucien suggested, was unbelievable. It was double the size of my apartment back in LA and as soon as I laid my head on the pillow, my dreams of Lucien’s lips, hands and every other part of him took over.

  Hours later, I groan at the incessant ringing next to my head. When I reach out to find the source and swipe the screen. “What?”

  “Jesus, Cass! What’s crept up your ass?” Kenna! I totally forgot to text her last night.

  “Sorry babe, I am so tired. What's the time?”

  “It’s 6 am…” I grunted into the phone and she giggled, “… but I needed to talk to you!”

  “At 6 am?” I questioned her incredulously.

  “Yes! My paperwork came through from LA; I should be there in about three weeks. My contract is confirmed. They’re giving me a minimum of 6 months with the opportunity to extend.” She was very excited, but I was groggy with sleep.

  “And you assumed 6 am would be the right time to tell me?” She chuckled at my grumpiness. Yes, I am always this evil before I have had my morning coffee. />
  She giggled again, “Well, I was impatient. Wait a minute missy! Why are you still asleep? Don’t you typically go for your jog this early?”

  “I do. Although I am not in LA. I am on location.” I sat up and opened my eyes fully. “OMG!”

  “What? Wait, where are you?” I didn’t answer her, but rather took in the view from my bedroom. “What’s going on? Cassie, spill it!”

  “I am in Hawaii with my boss, on a shoot and I have the most un-fucking-believable view from my bedroom!” I got out of bed and stood at the massive sliding doors. The sun wasn’t up yet but from where I stood I looked out at the clear blue ocean in the dawn light and the exquisite garden below.

  “You’re where?! With who?! OMG! Cassie! Is he hot?” Kenna was shouting now, and I had to keep the phone away from my ear. “Cassie!!”

  “Yes, yes, hold your horses. I am in Hawaii. We’re here for a shoot.” I evaded her question about Lucien, but she wouldn’t let up. This is why she’s my best friend.

  “You didn’t answer my question!” She cried loudly, and I flinched.

  “What Kenna?” I realized she wouldn’t give this up till I responded.

  “If you don’t tell me I will Google him!” She warned, knowing I would give in and tell her. I shook my head, realizing I didn’t have a choice.

  “Yes, he’s hot, okay!” I giggled. At that moment, I spun around and laid eyes on Lucien standing in my doorway with a mug of coffee and a wicked grin on his face. Fuck! He heard me. Shit! “I got to go!” I hung up before she could respond.


  Once I am at her door, I hear her talking. She must be on the phone. I turn the doorknob and see her standing in a tight white tank top and a pair of boy shorts. Holy fuck! Her pert little ass looks good enough to eat. God, help me! Her words catch me off guard. “Yes, he’s hot, okay!” As she spins around, her startled gaze falls on me and I offer her a wicked grin. Her eyes roam over my body and I hope she doesn’t notice the bulge in my pants, I can’t help it, she looks so fucking good in those panties. “Hi…” Her voice is a low whisper and her body trembles with embarrassment. She stands in shock and stares at me. Her eyes drop to her attire and her cheeks pink. She reaches for her robe, pulling it on. I have already seen your tight panties, darling.


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