More Nights With Kate (Jack Ryker)

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More Nights With Kate (Jack Ryker) Page 15

by M T Stone

  This is so intense…. I’m not going to last much longer… God I love this… She tightened her grip on my hands once again and began to bounce her hips in search of a long awaited release. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat as I joined her in the quest for a mutual climax. I lifted my ass slightly and tilted my hips to provide the most advantageous angle for both of us.

  Kate’s legs began to tremble more violently and I could tell that she was right on the verge of an incredible orgasm. She abruptly lost her grip and her hands slipped from mine. I knew that it was up to me to push her over the edge and into the physical abyss that both of us had been waiting for all day.

  I reached under her leg and slid her off to the side. I immediately positioned myself between her legs and pinned them back using my arms. My lips crashed hungrily into hers as I repeatedly thrust into her using the full length of my shaft to take her to the next level.

  “Right there… Oh god, yeah…” she shouted out, as our bodies mutually spiraled toward the breaking point from which there would be no return.

  I continued to give her everything that I had, even though I felt a sharp twinge in my chest. If I’m going to die, this is exactly how I want to go, was my only thought, as my pacemaker immediately corrected the situation. I should’ve gotten one of these years ago. I gripped the sheets and kissed her with more passion than I had ever felt. Our sweaty bodies continued to drive each other into a state of pure euphoria. I have never fucked like this in my life… even when I was in my twenties… Kate was emitting a steady stream of increasingly vocal moans as I gave her every ounce of pleasure I could possibly muster. As her breath caught, and her body tensed beneath me, I gave her several more deeply satisfying strokes, before exploding into the most incredible orgasm I had ever experienced. It felt as if it came all the way from the core of my being and ripped through me like a bolt of electricity.

  “Oh my god. That was absolutely amazing,” Kate cooed, completely overcome with emotion.

  “I know. I’ve never had such amazing sex in my life.”


  Jack wrapped his arms around me and held me so tightly. We both relished the warmth that radiated from our bodies as we began to recover. The endorphins that washed over us were as warm as a blissful summer day. I thought back to how my sister and I used to love playing outside on those warm summer days when we were young. In those early years, we didn’t have a care in the world. I want to feel like that again.

  “I love you,” Jack said, as he brushed a few strands of stray hair from my face.

  “I love you, too. I’m just a little curious… what got into you?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. I could tell you that it was the pace maker, the stem cells, or any number of things. The truth however, is that I’ve never felt so passionate in my entire life. It felt like I was going to completely lose control,” he replied with a hint of hesitation. “I’ve never felt such intense love for anyone or anything in my entire life.”

  “Me, either,” was the only thing I could say without bursting into tears. I can’t believe he just said that. All of my wildest dreams have just come true. The previous five weeks had felt like a wild rollercoaster ride. There had been times when I was quite certain about our future together, but then something would happen that would crash me back to reality. Ever since Jack’s brush with death, though, everything had seemed to stabilize between us. Each day I had grown more certain that things were going to work out. That afternoon was the icing on the cake. It wasn’t just what he had said, but the sincerity with which he had said it. Even the fact that my phone had buzzed several times hadn’t fazed me. I couldn’t care less who was calling or texting me.

  “There’s a little switch on the side of your phone that you can press…” Jack teased, as if I didn’t know how to mute it. I had been too preoccupied with the red silk sheets and roses to worry about my damn phone. He’s such a smartass sometimes…


  I don’t know which surprises me more… the fact that I chose to say those words to Kate or that it was the absolute truth. I always loved Eva, I love my family, and of course, my kids… but this is completely different. The level of passion that she brings out of me seems almost supernatural. Simply lying here with her is enough. There is nothing more that I need in this world. For once in my life, I’m completely content. There’s nothing that I need to do, and no place I would rather be. It’s very strange.

  “Oh, great.” Kate said sounding instantly agitated when she looked at her phone.

  “Who was it?”

  “My father,” she replied, as she retrieved his voice mail message. “He apparently chose Valentine’s Day to get back in touch.” She closed her eyes, as a look of dismay quickly replaced her glowing smile.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Dad wants to talk. He probably feels responsible for the fact that I’m in love with a man more than twice my age.”

  “He said that?”

  “Not exactly. He just said that it’s something very important. Why else would he call after all of the time that has gone by? As if he could solve my ‘daddy issues’ anyway,” she said, throwing her phone on the bed.

  “So you believe that you have ‘daddy issues’?”

  “Of course I have issues… my father abandoned us when we needed him most. Who wouldn’t have issues with that? But that’s not why I fell in love with you,” she retorted, seeming shocked by my question.

  “I wasn’t accusing you of anything, Kate. I’m sorry that he hurt you and Belinda like that. I can’t even imagine how that would feel. It’s difficult enough to cope with losing someone that you love as an adult.”

  “Yeah, imagine having one of your parents literally walk away without a word. I’ve spent so much time convincing myself that he’s a loser and that I hate him. I don’t even want to talk to him,” she confided, as her eyes filled with tears.

  “It’s alright. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” I squeezed her tightly, wishing that I could turn the clock back a few minutes. It was amazing to see the instant change in her demeanor as a result of hearing his message.


  After all of the time that had gone by, my dad had apparently chosen to call me on Valentine’s Day in order to address the fact that I was dating Jack. Really classy, Dad. Never mind the fact that you’ve skipped my last two birthdays and the last two Christmases. Mom must have told him. There’s no other reason for him to call me. The fact that he never liked Jack probably made him even more appealing, but I love him for all the right reasons.

  “Are you hungry?” Jack asked after checking his phone. “Jameson has a nice dinner prepared for us.”

  “I’m starving, but I’ll need a few minutes.”

  “Of course, I’ll let him know that we’ll be down in a while,” Jack said, running his hand along my cheek.

  He always makes me feel better.


  As we sat down to a wonderful dinner that punctuated a fantastic afternoon with Jack, I just couldn’t shake the pit in my stomach. No matter how much I tried not to think about Dad, I couldn’t avoid it. Angry, frustrated feelings kept rising to the surface and the same thoughts were playing over and over in my head. He deserted us. I’m not returning his call. Maybe I’ll call Mom instead.

  “Are you alright?” Jack asked, as I continued to be consumed by my thoughts.

  “If you were in his shoes, what would you have said to me?” I asked, wanting some fatherly insight.

  “First of all, I would never be in his position. However, if I were, I would’ve started out by saying how sorry I was for abandoning you. Then I would’ve simply told you that I’m here for you if you ever needed to talk.”

  “But that’s not what he did. He didn’t even wish me a happy Valentine’s Day. All he said was that his call was important and that I needed to return it right away. Who does that?”

  “If I were you, I would send him a text
saying that you appreciate his concern, but you are doing just fine. Then simply wish him a nice Valentine’s Day,” he replied with a solemn look.

  “I was considering just calling Mom and giving him a message through her. However, I like your idea better. I’ll send Mom a text wishing her a Happy Valentine’s Day as well. I’m not going to say anything about Dad. I’ll wait to see if she asks about it.”

  “If she brings it up, then you’ll assume that she tipped him off?”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.”

  “Well, don’t jump to conclusions. He could’ve just heard about it. We did make the Daily News after all,” Jack replied, placing his hand on mine.


  After dinner, Jack agreed to watch The Notebook with me. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. After a long day of misadventure, sun and sex, followed by a great meal and a glass of wine, Jack was having one hell of a time keeping his eyes open. It reminded me of how my dad would crash in his recliner after a tough day at the office, back when we lived in the old house. The good old days, as Mom would call them.

  “Come on, old man, I’ll tuck you in,” I teased, as I pulled him from the love seat.

  “I woke up too early this morning,” he retaliated.

  “I know, it has been a long day,” I said, as I helped him out of his clothes and into bed. Our life is going to be an adventure, but we’ll have to make sure to get all of the excitement in before 10 pm. I joked to myself before leaving him with a kiss.

  “I’m going to watch the rest of my movie if that’s alright.”

  “No problem, sweetie. Sorry to crash on you.”

  I didn’t mind, actually. It had been a full day and I needed to think about what I wanted to say to Dad. My initial reaction was to tell him to fuck off and go away, but I reconsidered. I know that Mom wasn’t easy to live with and it wasn’t his fault that the entire credit market collapsed. He knew that she would never let him live it down. He had no choice but to leave. I wanted to let him know that everything was all right, while gracefully telling him that I didn’t need any fatherly advice.

  I wrote:

  Hey Dad… I was surprised to hear from you earlier. First of all, I understand why you left us. You were in a no win situation and I can’t say that I blame you for fleeing. It was a very hard time for Mom, Belinda, and me, but we got through it together. Although I’m not happy with the decisions you made, I forgive you. I’m not going to carry a grudge because I really do understand. You may want to talk to Belinda, though. If anyone has ‘daddy issues,’ it’s her. She’s not as strong as me. My life is good and there is no reason for you to be concerned. Take care and give my best to your new wife. Love, Kate

  I should’ve replied by email instead of text message. Tears continued to flow down my face as I tried to turn my attention back to the movie. I do understand why you left Mom, but you should have stayed in touch with Belinda and me. A father should never abandon his kids, it’s just not right. No visits, no birthday cards, no phone calls…there is no excuse for that. Just go away, Dad.

  Chapter 18 – Sprinting Forward

  February 15, 2012 5:00 am


  I woke up exhilarated once again, feeling as if my whole life was ahead of me. It was in such stark contrast to how I had felt just six weeks ago when I had awoken to another New Year. It’s amazing how much difference one person can make in your life... for better or for worse. With our first lover’s holiday behind us, it was time to focus on getting our business affairs in order. Brandon was in L.A. meeting with a few key merchandisers and I needed to get back in touch with Rich to see if he was interested in raising some private equity. If we are going to take on my nemesis, we will need more initial capital.

  After downing a protein shake, I got on the elliptical for a little interval training. Up to this point, I had just used the treadmill, but I felt so good, I decided that it was time to take it to the next level. During my recuperation week, I had been doing research on various interval-training techniques. The one that really appealed to me was called Sprint 8. The developer of the program had a YouTube video that demonstrated how to do it. It was a quick 20 minute workout, which was very appealing to me. In his second video, he interviewed guests who talked about the incredible results that they were getting in just 8 weeks. That appeals to me, too. The results seemed miraculous and participants claimed that it felt as if they had found the Fountain of Youth. The part that really caught my attention, though, was the surge in growth hormone that occurred as a result of doing the workout. Over the past year, I had done a lot of research on hormones, and the key to youth was definitely growth hormone.

  The workout seemed simple enough. Warm up for a few minutes, go as hard as you can for 30 seconds, and then recuperate for a minute and a half before going all out for another 30 seconds. After repeating the cycle eight times, the 20 minute workout was over. Then I would just have to cool down for a few minutes and I would be done for two or three days. He stressed that I couldn’t do it more than three times per week, which was music to my ears as well.

  My intent on that first day was to limit myself to two or three cycles, then increase by one cycle each time I did the workout. Within a couple of weeks, I would be able to do the entire workout. However after doing my first two cycles, I felt incredible; it was great to get my blood flowing again. I’m going to do four cycles. After the fourth cycle, my heart rate was peaking at about 165 beats per minute, which was something I wouldn’t have dared to do prior to the pacemaker. I coasted for two full minutes and it dropped back down to 145, just as it was supposed to. I decided to do a fifth cycle. I can’t believe how good this feels. I haven’t worked out this hard since my football days.

  Needless to say, after the fifth cycle, I felt as if I was in the home stretch. There were only three more to go and everything felt just fine. Eva always gave me hell about that particular character flaw. I had never been able to ease into anything. Regardless of what it was, I always went all out or I didn’t do it at all. By the end of the eighth cycle, I was glad to be done, and was rather proud of myself for completing it. Starting out with two or three cycles… that advice was obviously for wimps. It wasn’t that hard, I thought as I hopped off the elliptical and went over to the treadmill for a five minute cool down session.

  My cardiologist had told me how important it was to cool down after a hard workout. The goal was to bring your heart rate back down gradually to about 125. Honestly, it was advice that I had never needed to use in the past. As I started to cool down, everything was going just as planned. I watched my pulse slowly drop to 150, then 145, then 140, before my body suddenly turned on me. Oh my god. My stomach began to burn with an intensity that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. I pressed the emergency stop button and stumbled off the treadmill feeling like I suddenly had the flu. Oh shit, this isn’t good.

  I thought about going to a different bathroom so I wouldn’t disturb Kate, but there was no way I would’ve made it. By the time I made it through the door, my head was spinning and I felt as if I had just polished off a whole bottle of bad scotch. My god, I’m going to be sick. Am I having a heart attack? This was so fucking stupid. What the hell was I thinking?


  I awoke to the sound of Jack getting sick in the bathroom. Oh shit, he has the flu, was the first thought that went through my mind. I heard him groan and cough after which I leapt to my feet fearing something far worse was going on. He always coughs when he’s having irregular heartbeats.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, as I opened the door and found him on the floor leaning over the toilet.

  “I’ll be alright… just give me a minute,” he gasped looking as if he was having a heart attack or something. He was all red, sweating profusely, and when he looked up at, me his eyes were completely dilated. This can’t be good.

  I scrambled to the dresser to retrieve my phone and the first relevant number I saw was Carla’s. She knows CPR and how to us
e that defibrillator, I thought as Carla groggily answered my call.

  “Carla, I think Jack is having a heart attack. Please hurry,” I pleaded, feeling a sense of panic wash over me. I should’ve learned to use a defibrillator. I need Carla to give me a refresher on CPR, too.

  “Are you okay?” I asked once again, as I returned to the bathroom to find Jack with his head on his arm braced against the toilet seat.

  “I’m not having a heart attack. I just overdid it on the elliptical machine,” he said, still looking as if he was on the verge of something horrible. Much to my relief, I heard someone running down the hallway towards our room.

  “Is he conscious?” Carla asked, as she burst through the door with her portable AED kit in hand.

  “Yes, he’s on the floor. He says he’s fine,” I replied, moving to give her room. “Thanks for coming so fast.”

  “I just overdid it on the elliptical machine,” Jack reiterated, as Carla quickly surveyed the situation.

  “What the hell were you doing on that?” she asked, as she looked over all of the beads of sweat that had dripped on the toilet lid as well as floor around him.

  “It’s a workout called Sprint 8. It’s interval training,” he replied, as his symptoms appeared to ease a bit.

  “Sprint 8? Are you crazy? You just had a heart attack last week,” she replied with a look of shock on her face.

  “It wasn’t a heart attack, and my heart is fine. I just got an incredible stomach ache after doing it,” he explained, brushing aside her concern.

  “Have you eaten anything this morning?” she asked, as she checked his blood pressure.

  “I had a protein shake, but I probably should’ve eaten something, too.”

  “How hard were you going at it?”

  “I went all out for 30 seconds a few times. It felt really good at the time. During the cool down, I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. It almost felt like I was drunk or something.”


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