Poppy (A Force Of Nature Fairytale Book 1)

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Poppy (A Force Of Nature Fairytale Book 1) Page 3

by MA Horst

  ~ Storm ~

  My heart is racing with dread. I can’t lose my precious flower before I’ve even had her. I want to lock her in my heart and never let her go.

  Earlier, when I saw her tears, I thought she was overwhelmed by the events of the evening. All brides cry, do they not?

  But when she started to tremble, and she wouldn’t meet my eyes, it made fear take hold of my heart.

  I rushed the ceremony because I wanted to bind her to me with her vow. Deep down, I know I should’ve been more patient, but I have none when it comes to my love for this woman.

  She’s the queen of my heart now. All it took was a few minutes with her to know that she’s the one I’ve been waiting for all my life.

  But to think that she doesn’t feel the same? The thought is unbearable and suffocating.

  “It’s just what?” I encourage her to open up to me. “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Anything, and it’s yours.”

  Tears trail over her cheeks and I wipe them away with my thumbs before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  “Please, my love. Allow me a chance to fight for you. I cannot protect you if I don’t know what’s causing you such heartache.”

  She pulls slightly away from me and then covers her face with her hands. Sobs ravage her shoulders, and it brings tears to my eyes to see her in such a state. Then my eyes fall on her arm and I see scratches marring her beautiful skin. They weren’t there earlier. My eyes race over her body, looking for any other wounds, while trying to think how she could have gotten them. She was at my side all the time.

  “It’s you, Storm. You broke my heart!” she cries out, ripping me from my thoughts. “All my life, I dreamt of being a princess in my very own fairytale. I dreamt of being swept off my feet by my Prince Charming, and for a silly moment, I actually believed you were him.”

  Her words cut through me, and I quickly grow angry with the situation. I hate not being in control.

  “I know I’m nothing more than breeding stock, so you don’t have to pretend anymore. Do what you have to do so you can return to your mistress’ side and enjoy the rest of the evening. I just want to be left alone with my misery. I may have to open my legs for you, but I’ll never let you into my heart again.”

  It feels as if I’ve been punched in the gut as I suck in a harsh breath of air. But when her words really start to sink in, rage flares hotly through me.

  “Who said you’re nothing more than breeding stock?” I demand. I will rip that person’s heart out for daring to speak to the love of my life like that.

  Her head snaps up at the volume of my voice and I see fear flicker in her eyes. I try to calm down as I don’t want to scare her.

  “I’ll never hurt you, my sweet angel. You have nothing to fear from me, but the person who spewed such lies is going to have to deal with my wrath. I won’t allow anyone to treat you with such blatant disrespect. To fill your pretty head with lies. You’re my wife, the love of my life. Yes, I’m hoping that we’ll have children, but only because I want you to be the mother of my children, to always be round with the proof of my love. You hold my heart in the palm of your delicate hand. There is no other that could ever compare to you.”

  “But…” A look of confusion washes over her face. “Your father said my hips are good to breed his grandchildren, and your mistress said that I’m nothing more than breeding stock so her body will stay beautiful for you to enjoy.” I can hear her heartache in each of her words and it only flares my wrath.

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down for the sake of my bride. First, I need to reassure her, to heal her heart, before I can deal with whoever fed her such hideous lies.

  “It’s true that my father wants grandchildren, but that is not why I chose you, my precious angel. I want to be with you because you shine a light on the darkest parts of my existence. Your touch makes me feel alive. Your smile makes me want to conquer anything that dares to threaten it. Who is this woman that claimed to be my mistress? Is she the one that hurt you like this?” I brush gently over the scratches, wishing that my touch alone could be enough to heal her.

  For the first time, I see a flicker of hope spark to life in my exquisite bride’s eyes.

  She takes a tentative step closer to me and her eyes find mine.

  “It was the black haired beauty that was talking to your father. What she said isn’t true?” she asks with such a small voice it makes my body start to buzz with protectiveness. “You didn’t pretend to care for me just so I would marry you and bear your children?” Her face is filled with such hope that it causes my chest to swell with great affection for this woman that’s now mine. “Do you care a little bit?” she whispers tentatively.

  She’s like a wounded deer, scared that I will reject her, which is madness. I love her so much I’d sooner rip my own heart from my chest than to cause her a slither of pain.

  I grab her to me, enveloping her in my arms. I take a deep breath of her sweet flowery scent and feel my lungs expand with relief that I haven’t lost her.

  “I love you more than life itself. I know it’s soon but it was the same for my parents. They fell in love at first sight, and they were together for thirty-five years before Mother passed. I’ve been searching for that love, and when I saw you, I knew deep in my soul that you are the one. You’re the sun I orbit around. You’re the air in my lungs. You’re my life, my precious Poppy.”

  “You love me?” her voice hitches. She throws her arms around my neck, and her mouth finds mine.

  I kiss her with every ounce of love I feel for her, and my cock hardens instantly. I need to be buried inside my wife, but first I have to deal with that wench, Camille. She’s going to regret messing with my wife.

  ~ Poppy ~

  My every heartbeat alternated between hope and despair. I was torn between believing Storm, and closing my heart to him to save myself from further heartache.

  But then he said he loved me. I can see the love he feels for me shining in his eyes.

  My heart fills with love for this man, and my dreams start to bloom, each one weaving a beautiful moment that revolves around Storm.

  I kiss him with all my heart, not wanting to even think of the despair I was drowning in a mere moment ago. I never want to feel so lost and rejected again.

  Storm pulls away and places an arm around my shoulders. He draws me into his side, pressing his mouth to my hair.

  “We’re going to deal with that conniving snake first, my love. Then I’m bringing you back here, and I’m not letting you go until I’ve had my fill of your pussy.”

  Just hearing the naughty words makes my cheeks flame, but desire starts to lick at my core, waking my wicked side that wants more of his dirty words.

  We walk back to the party, and when we reach the top of the stairs, Storm comes to a halt. His voice thunders over the crowd with such rage, it makes me cringe into his side.

  “Bring Camille Deville to me at once!”

  He starts to caress my arm, comforting me. I’m just thankful that I’m not on the receiving end of his anger.

  Men scramble to find Camille. Sounds of protest sound up as two men drag an affronted Camille to the foot of the stairs.

  “I demand you let go of me at once. Gale,” she calls out to Storm’s father, clearly seeking help. “Gale darling, please do something!”

  Mr. Royal walks toward us, and the crowd parts before him. When he reaches the foot of the stairs, he looks to Storm. “Son, what’s the meaning of this?”

  Storm gives Camille a death glare, which would turn me into ashes, as he growls, “This woman has dared to insult my wife.”

  Mr. Royal looks to Camille with a raised eyebrow. “Is this true?”

  “No!” Camille shrieks as she still tries to yank away from the two men holding her in place. “The woman is insane! She’s lying. You’ve known me for years, Gale. Are you honestly just going to stand there and let your son disrespect me like this?”

  I feel a gli
mmer of fear as a tear trails over Camille’s cheek. She’s a really good actress, and I’m afraid they will believe her word over mine. Like she says, they have known her for years whereas I’ve only known Storm for a few hours. I wish Storm had just let it all be. I can’t take much more tonight.

  Storm lets go of me and stalks down the stairs. He comes to a standstill in front of a cowering Camille. At least she has good sense to show fear in the face of danger.

  “You dare to insult my wife again? How senseless are you, woman? Everyone knows what you are. You might have gotten away with it, but we all know you drove your first husband to an early grave, and the second one was lucky to have escaped you. How dare you tell the love of my life that she’s nothing but breeding stock, and that you’ll warm my bed? How dare you mar her beautiful skin? Are you that deranged to think you would get away with it?”

  “I … I,” Camille stutters, her face turning red with shame.

  Storm towers over her, and for a moment, I fear that he might harm her.

  “You should fall at the feet of my wife, counting yourself lucky to be in the presence of such perfection. You don’t deserve to crawl on the floor she walks on, or to dare breathe the air that surrounds her. I will make sure you never do business in this city again. You’re finished, Deville. You and your forked tongue are to never come near my family again, or I will destroy you.”

  She gasps with indignation, but before she can utter more lies, Storm commands, “Remove her from my property!”

  The men move fast, lifting a protesting and shrieking Camille off her feet, practically dragging her away from us.

  Storm turns to his father and says, “Poppy Royal is now your daughter, not just the mother of your future grandchildren.”

  Gale looks at his son with pride and then smiles. “Welcome to the family, my daughter,” he says as he looks me in the eyes for the first time since we met. It makes my heart burst with warmth and hope that I might really become a part of the Royal family.

  Storm takes the stairs two at a time until he’s in front of me. Even as he stands on a lower step, he’s still taller than me. My husband is a huge, sexy beast that awakens desires and wants I never knew I could feel.

  “Poppy, will you allow me eternity to prove my undying love to you?” he asks. His eyes are warm and soft, showing me all that he feels for me.

  Storm is proposing in front of everyone. This entire evening is all backwards, but I wouldn’t have it any other way if it means I end up with this man professing his undying love to me.

  “My heart is yours, Storm,” I whisper as I lay my palm against his cheek, already rough with a day old beard.

  People start to cheer and then I’m swept off my feet and cradled in my husband’s arms. He carries me back to the room, and drops me on the middle of the bed before he goes to lock the door.

  When he turns around, his eyes are burning with a hunger that makes my core clench with anticipation of being one with my husband.

  ~ Storm ~

  I can’t control the beast inside of me any longer. I want every inch of her now. I want to bind her to me in such a way that she’ll think of only me every waking moment.

  “Bare yourself to me,” I demand. “I have a consuming need for you to show me that you love me as much as I love you.”

  She gets to her knees, and while keeping her eyes locked with mine, she slowly starts to pull the dress and bra from her body.

  Her panties are safely tucked away in the pocket of my pants.

  My eyes feast on her creamy skin, her perky breasts, and flat stomach. They lower to the valley between her legs. She’s pure perfection in every way.

  She shoves the dress from the bed and sits back with her hands fisted in the covers behind her. To my surprise, she brings her knees up, and, opening her legs, she exposes her beautiful pussy to me.

  Swiftly, yank my shirt off and step out of my pants. I watch her eyes grow as she looks at my proud cock that’s ready for her.

  I know I’m a large man, and that she’s so petite. I’ll have to be gentle with her. I just hope I can remember this when I’m being consumed by passion.

  I stalk to the bed, and taking hold of her feet, I yank her towards me. She lets out a shriek of laughter, but quickly stills when I lean above her.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, my wife. I promise to make sweet love to you later, but right now, I need to fuck you hard and feel your pussy clench around my cock.”

  Her cheeks and beautiful breasts flush from my words, making me smirk with satisfaction.

  “My innocent flower likes it when I talk dirty, doesn’t she?”

  She nods, her lips parting slightly on a lust filled breath. I cup her pussy, and I push a finger inside of her, feeling how tight she is. Her pussy greedily tries to suck my finger deeper, showing me just how much she needs me.

  “My flower needs my cock badly, doesn’t she?”

  She nods again and her hunger for me makes her eyes dark blue as she licks her lips. My cock aches for her mouth, but first, I’ll have her pussy.

  Her lips part as she utters the words that shatter all of my control, unleashing the wild beast inside of me.

  “I want to be your slut. And flower …” Her cheeks flush, and I can see it’s taking a lot for her to admit this to me. “Your dirty, slutty flower.”

  Every part of me is overtaken by need, and I move over her with such speed that my cock is at her entrance before I can stop it. I slam into her, and the force makes a cry tear from her.

  Instantly, I still as her body trembles beneath mine. For a moment, I want to kick my own ass for being so rough with my virgin bride.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, using my elbows to lift my heavy body from hers. But she reaches for my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. Hooking her legs behind my lower back, she yanks me down so that my body is crushing hers.

  “I love the feel of your body pinning mine to the bed, and don’t be sorry. Being so fast didn’t cause me a lot of pain. I’m fine now, and in need of my husband’s cock.” Her face heats up as she says the words, making my cock jerk inside of her.

  “Say it, my flower. Tell me that your pussy needs my cock to fuck her hard,” I demand.

  She buries her face in my neck and then she whispers, “My pussy needs your cock to fuck her hard.”

  I start to thrust, unable to stop myself from slamming into her tight channel. The walls of her pussy grip at my cock, sucking just as hard as I’m fucking her.

  “I love how your greedy pussy milks my cock,” I growl breathlessly. She throws her head back in euphoria as she presses her naked body to mine. Her breasts are squashed against my chest, and her nails dig into my back. “You’re an eager little flower, aren’t you?”

  I keep driving into her, and the sound of slapping skin, along with our sensual moans, fill the room like an orchestra of passion.

  “Take it all, baby,” I growl as my cock pounds into her tight pussy. “Every. Last. Inch.”

  She comes apart under me, and starts to chant my name with every powerful thrust of my hips.

  “Storm … Storm … Storm.” Then she screams in rapture as her body shudders against mine and her pussy pulses around my cock.

  Her scream of wild rapture takes me over the edge, and I spill my seed into her as my body tightens like bow. Every hard inch of me is buried deep inside her glorious heat.

  She’s mine now in every possible way. Nothing will be able to break the bond we have formed.

  ~ Poppy ~

  Storm has just stepped out of the shower, and I can’t stop staring at his magnificent body. There’s a constant ache between my legs that only he can ease. I’ve never felt such a ravenous hunger for another person.

  “If you keep staring at my cock like that, I’m going to have to fuck you, my flower.”

  His words only make my desire for him grow. I throw the blankets to the side and crawl to the edge of the bed.

  “I have another idea,” I
say as Storm moves to stand in front of me.

  I place my hands on his hips, trailing my fingers along the delicious V until I reach his cock. I have to use both hands to stroke him. I take a deep breath, and wanting so badly to please Storm the way he’s been pleasuring me, I lean forward and take his cock into my mouth.

  His body jerks, and his hands quickly get lost in my hair.

  I twirl my tongue around the swollen head of his cock while stroking him harder. A groan escapes his lips, and it sounds like he’s in pain. I stop and quickly look up at him to make sure he’s okay.

  “Did I hurt you?” I ask as my eyes search his face.


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