The Book of Deacon: Book 03 - The Battle of Verril

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The Book of Deacon: Book 03 - The Battle of Verril Page 1

by Joseph Lallo

  The Battle of Verril

  Joseph R. Lallo

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2011 Joseph R. Lallo

  Cover By Nick Deligaris

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Chronicling the tale of the Chosen is a monumental task, and one that cannot and must not remain half done. If you have read the volumes already written, then you know well the trials that heroes must face. Already there have been triumphs and there have been tragedies. Friends and allies have been pulled from the jaws of doom, while others have not been so fortunate. Despite these adventures, the truest tests of the Chosen still remain to be told. With these final pages, I shall set that right.

  To do so I must begin where my last account ended. Myranda, a young and dedicated wizard, had returned. Believed dead by the other Chosen, she swept in to snatch her friends from defeat. When all had been brought to safety, and for a moment things seemed calm, she agreed to share the events of her absence. They begin where the others believed that Myranda's life had ended, in the lowest level of the personal menagerie of Demont, a general of the Northern Alliance. The devilish structure, filled with nightmarish creatures, was quickly consuming itself in out of control flames. She held the burning fort together with the strength of her will until she felt her friends had escaped, then relented, ready for the whole of the structure to collapse upon her, ready for fate to claim her. Fate, it seems, had other plans.


  The boards beneath Myranda's feet gave way just as the remaining ceiling over her head did the same. The wizard dropped down into some sort of recess into the floor. Scrambling backwards away from the very fort that was coming down on top of her, Myranda’s desperate hands found their way to a metal handle. It was attached to a low door seemingly carved into the stone of the ground. With moments to spare she pulled it open and dragged herself into the blackness beyond. The roar of the structure collapsing on itself rumbled all around her as she clawed her way down the pitch black tunnel. As she did, the rumble became more muffled, debris settling in above her. She pushed aside the thought that it was burying her alive. So, too, did she ignore the concerns of what this place was or what she might find here. The only thought on her mind was survival. Get away from the fire, from the collapse. The rest could wait.

  The fire had taken a greater toll on her legs than she had realized, as several attempts to stand failed. The sound of buckling stone behind her convinced her that it was better to crawl now than to die trying to walk. The smoke from the smoldering debris that had tumbled in behind her continued to burn at her lungs as she crept every inch of distance her body could offer before collapsing. The rumble and roar drifted away as Myranda's body finally reached its limit.

  Perhaps hours, perhaps days later, Myranda's eyes opened to the blackness. The smoke no longer stung at her, but the air was stifling and stale. She coughed and sputtered as she rolled to her back. A sharp pain prompted her to pull something free that had jabbed her in the shoulder blade. As wakefulness fully returned to her, the stillness permitted the concerns she’d brushed away to rush back in. What was this place? If the monstrous creations she'd seen inside the fort were any indication, she shuddered to think of what kind of beasts might be kept in the catacombs beneath. In darkness such as this, her eyes may as well have been closed. Desperate for some form of information, she listened. Nothing. The silence was eerie, oppressive, and complete. Her nose and tongue told only of the acrid residue left from the burning wood, so she was left with touch alone. What it told her confused her.

  The floor was . . . tile. A mosaic of it, she felt, and skillfully made. She rolled to her stomach again and felt for the wall. It too was of the same intricate tile. Then her fingers came to something smooth, like a strip of metal or glass along the wall. As she ran her fingers against it, there was a white-blue ember of light that silently faded in, terrifying her at first. But as the soft glow of it spread along the strip, splitting and winding across what revealed itself to be an arched ceiling, she realized that she sensed nothing powerful, threatening, or purposeful behind the light. It must have been added simply to illuminate the walkway. Bathed in the glow of the curling ribbon of light that swept and wound its way down the tunnel, she caught her first glimpse of what she'd been feeling.

  It was indeed a mosaic; one that seamlessly sprawled across every surface of the tunnel, spreading backward as far as the caved in ceiling behind her, and onward into the depths of the tunnel, further than her dry red eyes could see. Irregularly shaped pieces of white and black tile gathered together into forms. Some forms seemed to be composed of the black tiles, others of the white, such that every inch of the masterpiece was some part of a creature, interlocked and entwined like pieces of a puzzle, locked in some struggle or dance. The beasts depicted varied greatly, from horses, birds, dragons, and other creatures she knew, to beasts that had no eyes, no legs, nothing that she knew a creature should have. And yet, she knew that a beast it was, that somewhere this completely alien form lived.

  With considerable effort, she raised herself to her badly burned legs. Next to where she had been laying, the object that had jabbed her in the back was revealed to be the broken head off of her staff. The rest was nowhere in sight. She scooped it up, immediately wishing it was whole again, as she badly needed something to lean on, but for now the wall would have to suffice. As she moved painfully down the tunnel, the images of the mosaic began to seem more familiar. The creatures that had been borrowed for Demont's purposes appeared again and again, changing slightly each time. The dragon she had seen where she awoke began as white, and as she moved on it appeared again and again, each time with more black mixed in. Each time more twisted. Finally the dragoyle was all that remained. Worse, the shape of a man began to recur, slowly making its way toward the nearmen that she had fought so often. The images chilled her to the bone. To see something she knew corrupted so was one thing, but the truly disturbing thing about it was that each successive form was so subtly changed, she might not have noticed the shift at all if she hadn't seen them so close.

  Dark concerns about the same thing happening in the world around her began to emerge in her mind. There were so many nearmen, fiendish creations that masqueraded as humans. By now, surely the bulk of the army was composed of them. Yet she had only learned of their existence so recently. Did the other soldiers not realize? Did they not care? What other parts of her world were being twisted before her eyes so gradually that she was blind to the change? What were these other creatures? Before long the burning in her mind was as unbearable as the burning in her legs. Ahead, a door approached. She hurried as best she could toward it.

  When she had reached the door, Myranda paused. It bore no lock, no markings. Nothing secured it at all. It was not the way of the D'karon, her enemy, to be so careless. Something was on the other side of the door, something secret enough to bury it deep underground. Surely there was some measure in place to protect it. Of course, none of that mattered. The way behind was blocked. The only choice was to go forward.

  Carefully, cautiously, Myranda pushed the door open. The instant that she did, all of th
e light behind her vanished. A warmer, orange-yellow light like that of a torch took its place. The room before her illuminated. It took no more than a glance to guess who owned this place. Just as in the laboratory that had fallen behind her, the room was immaculately kept. Thin, leather-bound books lined shelves along the wall in neat little rows. Sketches of this creature or that were pinned to boards and hung with care. A cabinet stood, filled with vials labeled in a placeless language. Everywhere, sheets of paper neatly lettered with the same unnatural runes sat in meticulous piles or organized files. If the fort above had been the laboratory of General Demont, craftsman of the horrid creatures, then this must have been his study.

  If it were another time she might have been fascinated by it all, but she was weary, wounded, and certain that if she remained in this place, she would be discovered. The room was not a large one, and there was but one other door. Best of all, a telltale draft whistling beneath it told her that beyond it lie the outside. Without the wall to support her, Myranda had difficulty navigating the room. She paused briefly to attempt a spell to heal at least some of her injuries. It was a futile gesture. The strength spent holding the fort together long enough for her friends to escape would take days, perhaps weeks to recover, and this was no place to rest. The best she could hope for was to reach her friends. With them by her side she could at least rest knowing that she would not face the next threat alone. If she was to join them again, she would have to hurry.

  When she reached the door, again she found no security to speak of. She sensed no magic protecting it, though her recent ordeal had dulled her mind at least as much as it had her other senses. She pulled open the door and stepped outside, into the icy wind and biting cold of the north. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of light as she crossed the threshold. The door jerked shut behind her. She threw herself against it, hoping to stop it from shutting tight, but the force of the slam threw her to the ground. She placed her hands on the frozen ground and tried to stand. A clicking sound on either side of the door that had ejected her drew her attention. Two alcoves, one on each side of the door, slid open. From each recess strode a beast that only could have come from Demont's twisted mind.

  The creatures were long and lithe, their bodies not unlike that of a panther. The head, though, looked at best like a collection of cutlery grafted onto the beast. Two pairs of great serrated mandibles clacked together menacingly in the place where a face should have been. A jagged, blade-like horn jutted from the “forehead” of the creature, though the lack of eyes, ears, or anything else that a creature should have robbed the area of any resemblance to a head. Cutting edges ran like stripes along the creature's hide. The beasts could not truly look at her, but each most certainly had its formidable weaponry pointed in her direction.

  Desperation and fear momentarily allowed her to ignore the state of her legs and she lunged aside as the first beast dove at her. The second galloped off, away from the door. As Myranda rolled to her knees and tried to stand once more, the beast quickly recovered from its missed attack. The two creatures moved as quickly and surely as the cats their form had been cruelly adapted from, and it was mere moments before the first creature was ready for a second attack. The second creature had put a fair amount of distance between them, and now turned, bursting quickly into a full sprint.

  Myranda gathered together the frayed remains of her mind and threw up a meager defense. A pulse of mystic energy phased the nearest creature only slightly as she sidled over to the door and heaved herself against it. It would not budge. She turned her eyes to the nameless beast that faced her. Jagged, unnatural blades clacked expectantly. The hero's broken staff was raised, but it was a futile gesture. Her spirit was drained. Defeat was at hand. What little strength her aching body could offer was poised to make the victory a costly one. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Her heart pounded in her ears. As it had so often before in the heat of battle, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Her mind was burning with fear. Her skin tingled. With each passing heartbeat the sensation grew. This was not fear. This was not anticipation. This was something more.

  With a sound like the very fabric of reality tearing, a slash of light split the air above her, like a bolt of lightning that stopped in midair. Then another, and another. The slashes widened as feathery cracks began to spread out from them, each splitting and cracking finer and finer. In mere moments, what hung above her was like a thorny wreath of pure white light. She closed her eyes against the brightness. A distant cry grew suddenly louder. Even with her eyes shut tight Myranda could see the brilliant pattern in the air.

  With a tumultuous crash, the light suddenly vanished. Myranda opened her eyes. Before her, in a heap, was a young man with unkempt brown hair and a gray tunic. Beneath him was the twitching remains of a now destroyed creature. The inexplicable newcomer groaned in pain, and slowly recognition forced its way through shock, fear, and confusion. She knew this man. He was a young wizard she’d met in a place called Entwell. It was a place of learning, tucked away on the other side of a treacherous cave. She’d spent time there, what seemed like a lifetime ago, learning the ways of magic. He had been her teacher, her mentor, and above all her friend, but she’d had to leave him behind in that paradise. His name was Deacon. She’d reflected upon their time together more times than she could count in the eternity since she’d left. Now, with no explanation, he had returned, and his appearance had crushed the beast that had been threatening her.

  A thousand questions and a dozen emotions fought for Myranda's attention, but one pressing matter defeated them all. The other creature. Before she could draw breath to shout a warning, a second gash in the sky opened and a small white bag came tumbling out. It landed with a force far too great for its size, and directly atop the beast that was only steps away from bringing the unexpected reunion to an all too swift end. Thus, in the most unlikely of ways, the crisis was ended.

  Myranda looked down upon her ailing friend. The fall, and more so what he had fallen upon, had taken a rather severe toll on him. He groaned again and rolled to the ground, rising to his hands and knees, then finally unsteadily to his feet. Suddenly his clenched eyes shot open.

  “Myranda!” he cried, as though he had just remembered the name.

  The wizard's eyes darted around, finally he found Myranda. He rushed to her.

  “Myranda! Heaven and Gods above. It is a miracle! Are you well?” he asked, crouching at her side, his own injuries instantly forgotten. “No, no, you are not well at all! My crystal! Where is it?”

  “Deacon . . . Deacon. DEACON!” Myranda called, finally with enough of her wits about her to appreciate the appearance of her old friend.

  “Here, yes,” Deacon said, scooping up his crystal and rushing to her side. “What requires healing most urgently?!”

  His voice was insistent and desperate.

  “Please, Deacon calm down. Thanks to you the danger is gone. Now, where did you come from? How did you get here?” Myranda asked.

  “From Entwell, directly,” he said, calling to mind his long neglected white magic teachings and beginning to restore Myranda's ailing legs.

  “But how? It is so far. When did you leave? How did you find me?” she asked.

  “I left a few moments ago. I've been watching you as best I could. It has been . . . well, part of a recent change in focus for me,” he said.

  “A few moments ago?” Myranda said, confused.

  “Yes. Instantaneous travel. Transportation. It flirts with a number of techniques we have forbidden, but the principles were there. It just took some digging. Some innovation. A few weeks,” he said, finishing up on the injuries he could see before beginning on his own.

  In Entwell, Deacon had been the resident master of a field of the mystic arts known as gray magic. It was a catchall, dealing with anything that did not explicitly heal or hurt, and was not based on the elements. He’d devoted the whole of his life, since before he could speak, to mastering these arts, and thus they wer
e second nature to him, an afterthought that he understood so thoroughly he often forgot that there were others who did not.

  “How could you have been watching me?” she asked, trying to stand on her restored legs.

  “Well, distance seeing is actually rather low magic. Penetrating the obscuring effect of the mountains required that you be exerting yourself mystically, but that was hardly a rarity for you. It took a bit of diligence, but I was able to pinpoint you rather frequently,” he answered, his voice beginning to waver as he began trembling.

  “Is something the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing at all . . . I am just . . . Is it always this cold?” he said.

  Myranda realized that he was in no way dressed for the northern weather. The same light gray tunic he had worn in Entwell was all he wore now. It was scarcely enough to ward off the freezing wind.

  “Good heavens! Why didn't you wear something warmer?” she asked.

  “I-I haven't been thinking very clearly of late. Not s-since . . . Never mind. I have some things in my b-b-bag which might h-h-help,” he said.

  Shakily, he made his way to the crater that contained his bag and the remains of the second creature. When he spotted it, he jumped back.

  “W-w-what is th-this?” he said, clearly having just noticed the beasts he had saved Myranda from.

  “I don't know, they just came out from the walls. Something Demont dreamed up, I'm sure,” Myranda answered.

  “Demont . . . “ he mused, as though somehow he knew the name. “F-fascinating. I've not seen something crafted in s-s-such a way.”

  “You can study it later. You need to warm up,” Myranda reminded him.

  “Indeed,” he said.

  Deacon grasped the cinched closed end of the bag and tugged at it, but it barely moved.

  “B-b-b-blast it. I was afraid something like this would happen. The transportation damaged the enchantments,” he said. “Won't t-t-t-take a moment to fix.”


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