Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Book 1 - Tutorial

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Book 1 - Tutorial Page 7

by Stuart Grosse

  Stepping towards her, I reached out with one hand and tilted her face up to look me in the eye. “What is your name, little cultist?”

  The girl flushes, pulling her eyes away from my codpiece, and says, “Della Smith.”

  “And Della, tell me, how many of you are here?”

  “I-I can’t betray the Mistress!”

  I chuckled, and began using my skills. “You’re not betraying them. Just tell me how many there are, and I’ll give you a good, hard fucking you’ll never forget.” Between the various effects layered on (and including the Charm effect), she was like putty in my hands.

  As I pressed her against the wall, she told me everything I wanted to know. Between my 184 CHA, Seduction at Beginner 10, the bonuses from my abilities, and the Charmed effect, she simply couldn’t help herself. It seemed there were a total of twenty cultists, as well as a Priestess. They were going to sacrifice a pair of elves in order to summon their Terror overlord. Honestly, a pretty cliché plot, but hey, it is just the tutorial.

  Before long, words became kisses, and soon the cultist was stripped naked. She got afraid when she saw my ‘weapon’, but I didn’t give her much choice in the matter. Pinning her with her back against the wall, I lifted one leg up over my shoulder, and thrust into her. She screamed, but I kept going. This wasn’t gentle lovemaking, but a hard, brutal fuck. And I was enjoying the hell out of it.


  The fun thing about Selfish Lover is that you can set it off right when you want. Since I only let the poor thing cum after an hour’s ‘play’, during which I also used Demonic Drive on myself, well, that may have broken her mind for a little while. While she was out of it, I decided to check out the loot from the three cultists. Three more sacrificial daggers, three sets of robes, three sets of leather armor, some clothes, and some coin. Oh, and a collar with a key. I identified it.

  Slave Collar (Basic)





  Used by slavers the world over. A master places a drop of blood on an unset collar, linking it to himself. When placed on another being, the collar compels obedience to the master. The slave must obey all the master’s commands, and may not harm the master. Basic slave collars can be removed by anyone with the key.

  Oh ho! Quickly, I prick my finger with my skinning knife, and put a drop of blood on the gem of the slave collar.

  Master set as Zayn Darkmore

  Excellent! Walking over to the still dazed Della, I slipped the collar around her neck, and locked it.

  Slave acquired!

  Della Smith

  Human Female Level 5

  As the master, you may view the slave’s status.

  Profession Unlocked!

  For successfully taking a slave, you have unlocked the [Slave Trainer] profession.

  Slave Trainer

  While anyone can own a slave and call themselves a master, it takes a special type of master to be a Trainer. Taking an often, but not always, unwilling slave and bending them to your will, teaching them the skills they will need to serve you or a future master better, this is not something most masters have the patience for. Those who do, however, can find work wherever the slave trade exists. (Hint: pretty much everywhere, even if it is more than slightly illegal in ‘nice’ places.)

  Do you wish to take Slave Trainer as your profession?


  Sure, why not? Could be fun, and I seemed to be going with the right build for it. “Yes.”

  Profession changed to Slave Trainer!

  Gain Intimidation Skill!

  Gain Proficiency: Exotic Weapon (Whips)!

  Gain Whip Mastery Skill!

  Gain Training Skill!

  Gain Blacksmith Recipe: Collar

  Gain Enchantment Recipe: Enslavement

  See a profession trainer for more details.

  Well, I didn’t expect the profession to give me anything overpowered. If I had to categorize it, I’d put it under the ‘romance’ professions. Not that being a trainer is all that romantic (though it could be, for some), but it generally wouldn’t be one of the kinds of professions you’d see top tier core gamers having, since it wouldn’t directly affect their ability to clear dungeons. However, since I’m on my own, and probably will be for a while, this has plenty of potential, especially since it seems I can now make slave collars, or will be able to, once I get someplace civilized.

  “Status, Della.”


  Della Smith


  Chaotic Neutral

















  HP Regen

  1.0 / Min

  MP Regen

  2.0 / Min





  0 PP

  0 GP

  0 SP

  60 CP





















  Points Remaining: 0



















  Enslaved to Zayn Darkmore – Compelled to follow all commands.




  Simple Weapons

  Light and Medium Armor


  Dagger Mastery - Beginner 3 (0%)

  Herbalist - Beginner 3 (2%)

  Sneak - Beginner 2 (10%)

  Move Silently - Beginner 2 (10%)

  Identify - Beginner 2 (18%)

  Poisoner - Beginner 4 (0%)

  Observe - Beginner 2 (75%)

  Throwing - Beginner 2 (0%)

  Divine Magic - Beginner 3 (0%)


  Hmm. Looks like I actually did damage to her with that rough play. Good WIS for someone who isn’t me, though. And a diety chosen. Then there’s Divine magic! Could it be? “Spells, Della.”

  Spell List

  Divine Magic

  Light (Level 2, 4%)

  A beacon in the darkest places. Touched object glows like a torch. Duration and radius increases with level.

  Duration: 1 hour. Radius: 20 feet

  Cost: 10 MP

  Piercing Light (Level 1, 0%)

  A focused ray of light that scorches everything in its path. Damage and range increase with level.

  Damage: 5-25. Range: 30 feet

  Cost: 20 MP

  Healing Hands (Level 2, 2%)

  With a touch, you can heal the wounds of living creatures. Has no effect on constructs. Harms the undead. Healing (or damage) increases with level.

  Healing: 50 points.

  Cost: 20 MP

  Blessing of Loviatar (Level 1, 25%)

  Inflicting exquisite pain and suffering upon your enemies is your duty to the goddess. But take care to not kill them too quickly. For the duration, every attack (or even your very touch) deals an extra 1-6 Holy damage, and heals the victim for 1-3 damage. Duration, damage, and healing increase with level.<
br />
  Duration: 1 minute

  Cost: 50 MP


  Hmm, might want to check out this ‘Loviatar’, and the rest of the pantheon.

  “Pantheon Information.”

  Pantheon of Farenna

  Note: Most deities in Farenna accept worshippers of all alignments. To gain a patron deity, speak to a priest in one of their temples. One need not have a patron to pray for a deity’s favor, however, a patron is more likely to listen to a worshipper in good standing than to one who follows another.

  There are many dieties in Farenna. These are the most common ones, however.

  Auril – Goddess of Winter and Cold

  Demeter – Goddess of Spring, Farmers, and Life

  Eomere Windfather – God of Elves, Forests, and Hunters

  Faheld – God of Martyrdom and Mercy

  Gatta Glittergloom – Goddess of Gnomes, Jewlers, and Merchants

  Infernus – God of Summer and Fire

  Loviatar – Goddess of Inflicting Pain, Suffering, and Revenge

  Moradin – God of Dwarves and Blacksmiths

  Mystra – Goddess of Magic and Mages

  Necron – God of Death

  Poseidon – God of the Sea

  Sharess – Goddess of Passion and Love

  Tempus – God of War and Barbarians

  Yavenna – Goddess of Fall and Music

  By this time, poor Della was starting to come around. “Good, you’re awake. Get dressed, and arm yourself. We’ve got some hunting to do.”

  “Wh-what? What did you do to me?” She blinked, suddenly unsure as her body began moving without her mind giving the orders.

  “Oh, your buddy with the missing head liked collecting interesting toys. That slave collar around your neck was in his pocket. So I’m your master now. Anyways, heal yourself up, and let’s get going. We have a ritual to stop.”

  Chapter 11 – Before the Altar

  Not having a choice (in anything, any more), Della reluctantly joined my party, and we began with the killing. Honestly, she was a little more cooperative when I promised her that she could watch me take the Priestess. That whole giving suffering thing is her gig, after all.

  The cultists we encountered were, for the most part, insane, not all that evil. Della was one of the exceptions to the ‘batshit crazy’ rule, but then, she’d been on the run from some officials who took a dim view of her activities. You try and start a torture brothel next door to a temple of a god that values chastity, and everyone loses their minds!

  Anyways, she had to move, and fell into this cult as a way to get out of town quickly. Once in, hard to get out. Especially since, by that point, they were already well out into the woods, to meet up with the Priestess at her cabin. And seeing the collar around her neck, she pretty much figured that Ambrose (the guy I relieved of his head) was going to try and get it on her at some point during their patrol today. Lucky for me, I got there first.

  Steadily killing cultists was a lot easier now that I was in a party, and had a healer at my back. Easy enough that I managed to find time to use those Sacrificial Daggers. I enchanted Della’s, and a second one for myself, both doing bonus Dark damage. We quickly found out that it counted as a ‘sacrifice’ if the enemy was either bound or helpless upon an altar, or if the killing blow came when you did some kind of coup de grace, like slitting their throat or stabbing them in the heart while calling out to a deity. I picked Sharess, for reasons.

  Anyways, that’s how I gained the Dagger Mastery skill, another level, and stat boosts in WIS and STR. Della got to level 7, and got some stats in CON. Oh yeah, more loot, and some trash items that I’d sell later, once we got to civilized lands. I saved my stats from levelling, but had her put hers in INT and CON. She needed more HP and MP.

  We still had about five hours left until Bad Things(tm) happened. A bit of rest for water and some roasted wolf meat, and we pressed on, down to the third level of the mini-dungeon. This would be where we’d find the altar, the prisoners, and the Priestess. Oh, and the last five cultists.

  Somewhere along the way (probably starting with me taking a slave and then sacrificing a bunch of people with the dagger of EVUL!) my alignment had changed to Chaotic Neutral. From my understanding of the alignment system, that was pretty fair. I was behaving pretty depraved (chaotic) and not exactly caring about the killing, but doing it to save the world (neutralish). Worked for now.

  Opening the door to the main altar room, we saw the two elves, stripped naked and chained to two columns near the altar. Five cultists were standing in the middle of the room, and the Priestess was by a stone altar. As we entered, they all turned to look at us. During the shock I took a moment to Observe them.

  Alex Damocles

  Human Male

  Level 6 Fighter

  500/500 HP. 100/100 MP.

  Severa Rex

  Human Female

  Level 6 Rogue

  300/300 HP. 100/100 MP.

  Dred Trevils

  Human Male

  Level 7 Mage

  100/100 HP. 500/500 MP.

  Luther Cross

  Human Male

  Level 4 Cleric

  200/200 HP. 400/400 MP.

  Ashen Willow

  Human Hermaphrodite

  Level 5 Barbarian

  600/600 HP. 50/50 MP.

  Jayde Roseburg

  Human Female

  Level 10 Priestess

  1000/1000 HP. 1000/1000 MP.

  Oh great. A party of named mobs. And a Level 10 behind them! Fortunately, I was fairly OP, and the party was lower than my level. Looking at Della, I said, “Hang back, focus on defense, and be ready to heal yourself if needed.” These guys would probably be evil, which meant that her dagger wouldn’t do anything to them. Smart way for the guys at the top to be sure that none of the underlings got ideas of advancement. Meanwhile, I nicely poured poison on my blades, and saw that they would inflict Giant Spider Poison on the enemy for 1 min.

  The priestess recovered before any of her cronies, and yelled out, “SLAY THE INTRUDERS!”

  The party reacted just like you might expect. The rogue went into stealth. The fighter drew his sword and shield. The barbarian roared, and wanted to charge with hir greataxe. And the Mage and Cleric hung back, chanting. Oh, we’ll be having none of that, thank you.

  Running forward, I drew my blades, getting in range of the Mage just as the Barbarian tried to split my head with hir axe. I rolled out of the way, and gave hir a slash on the back of hir leg for an ‘attention getter’.

  You deal 34 damage to Ashen Willow!

  Poisoned! Giant Spider Poison: Lose 1 HP/Second. 60 Seconds remaining.

  Bleed imposed! Lose 1 HP/Second.

  And then I was past. I caught the mage with a Cloud Mind just in time to disrupt his spell. Unfortunately, the Cleric got a group buff off. I’d have to take the casters out quickly. I had evidently surprised this party, since I was much stronger and faster than I ought to be. Just as I scored two Fatal Hits on the mage (he really had no armor on, like myself, and seemed to be a pure offense type), bringing the bastard down to zero, I felt a pinch on my side, and saw the Rogue there, looking surprised. Well, she ought to, since my Nether Shield broke, allowing only five points of damage through from his sneak attack. She had no such luck against the dark tentacles that sprung up, and lifted her off the ground by her hands and feet, with the third tentacle repeatedly slapping her on the behind.

  And then the fighter and barbarian were on me. Too bad for them, I was pretty light on my feet, with a 60 DEX, and danced around the Cleric, putting him between me and the Barbarian’s axe. The Barbarian looked outraged as shi took three-fourths of the Cleric’s HP in a single vicious attack, burying the axe in his collarbone, down to his ribcage. Shi looked even more pissed when my katana relieved the cleric of his head, and the rest of his HP.

  Now it was a two on one, but I was breathing heavily. This had not been an easy fight. Dancing out of the w
ay of the Fighter’s longsword, I cast Nether Shield on myself again. It was a useful ability. Dark magic had almost no direct offensive power, but it was pretty damn good at keeping you alive, if you had other skills to attack with.

  Honestly, at this point the Fighter was my biggest threat. He was a balanced sword and shield fighter with what looked like a chain shirt under his doublet, and could go from offense to defense in a second. Very tough to beat without overwhelming force. The Barbarian, on the other hand, was just swinging around a big weapon with overwhelming strength. If it hit, it would hurt like hell, but it was meaningless if it didn’t hit.


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