His to Reclaim

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His to Reclaim Page 3

by Shelli Stevens

  “She’s too young for you,” Hunter warned quietly.

  “She’s eighteen.”

  “That’s too young. And she didn’t ask for any of this. Don’t traumatize her more by trying anything.”

  Irritation flickered in Brad’s gaze. “You know me better than that, Hunter. I agree she’s too young. I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t noticed her. But I know where to draw the line.”

  Relief had Hunter easing onto his back, drifting slowly with the current.

  “I have to ask… do you?” Brad asked, kicking with his feet to float another few inches away.

  “Do I what?”

  “Know where to draw the line with Gemma?”

  “Gemma’s a different story. We have a history.”

  “She was supposed to be getting married today. I’d say that history is pretty much—”

  “You have no idea what we had,” Hunter snarled, finding his footing on the bottom of the river again. “And don’t bullshit me with pretending her fiancé was some kind of saint. We both know what kind of scum he is.”

  “Look, I’m not going to disagree with you there.” Brad paused. “But are you sure she doesn’t know about Delmore’s dealings?”

  “She doesn’t know.”

  “If she ends up being involved with the ring, you know we have to bring her in and have her prosecuted—”

  “She doesn’t know.”

  “But if she is involved—”

  “Then yes,” he snapped. “We prosecute her with the rest of the bastards.”

  Brad watched him steadily and then shook his head. “I hope you’re right about her. We took one helluva risk with this little abduction today. The bigwigs at ESA aren’t thrilled.”

  “I’m right about her. And you know as well I do that having her out of the way makes it easier for us to go in and do the sting.” Hunter dunked his head under water then emerged, shoving the wet strands of hair back off his forehead. “Besides, now I can question her. Find out if she is involved. Though, like I’ve said, I doubt it.”

  “Does she know you work for the ESA?”

  “No. I plan on telling her tonight.” He hesitated, debating how much to confide to his friend. “We had a relationship five years ago. It was getting pretty serious, and then the McGowan case shit all over my life.”

  Brad blinked and then gave a short laugh. “That’s some fucked up timing. Did you ever get a chance to explain to her? Give her a message?”

  Hunter shot his friend a hard look. “You know the answer to that. There’s no way I could’ve. My own goddamn mother didn’t even know what happened to me.”

  Brad was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, man. It sounds like she really meant something to you.”

  “She did. Still does.” He shook his head. “And I’ll get her back.”

  “Well…good luck with that. I’ve got to say, she didn’t seem too thrilled to see you.”

  “No, I don’t think she was.” Hunter laughed softly, a smile curving his lips. He swam toward the shore of the riverbank, Brad following behind him. “I’m going to see her shortly. Talk with her, explain why I took her today, and tell her who I am. Why I disappeared five years ago.”

  “I don’t envy that conversation, man. I’ll say it again. Good luck.”

  “Thanks. Why don’t you put a feeler out on Megan? See if she might know anything about Delmore.”

  “Already got it covered.” Brad grinned. “I’m relieving Joaquin and having dinner with her in about an hour.”

  Hunter cast his friend a warning look. “Remember what I said. Hands off.”

  “Hey, I already told you. Any fantasies I may have about the girl stay right up here.” He tapped his head, and then a devious look crossed his face. “Well, for a few more years at least.”

  Hunter closed his eyes and then shook his head with a soft laugh. “You’re trouble.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “I’ll catch up with you later tonight. We can discuss anything we learned from the women.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  * * * *

  Gemma paced the room, no longer searching for a way to break down the door. Hopefully Megan was faring well, though her poor cousin was probably beside herself with fear.

  Hunter wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her, though. She knew him well enough to realize that. Megan was likely lounging around in perfect comfort, watching television—while of course, being guarded by one of Hunter’s friends.

  She paused in front the window, looking out over the mountains that surrounded them and the river rushing by below. She spotted Hunter and Brad, walking back from the river. They were naked but fortunately too far away for her to see their bodies clearly.

  Still, her body responded to the memory of Hunter’s incredible physique. How it had looked, felt, tasted. A warm shiver ran through her, and she bit her lip, folding her arms across her chest. She couldn’t go there. Wouldn’t go there.

  The past was behind her. Where it belonged. Hunter had made his choice five years ago.

  And now she’d made hers. She would have given anything to be safely wed at this point. It would have been another wall put up between her and Hunter. And she needed that wall. Especially now that he was back in her life. Why was he back?

  Her gaze lifted to the horizon again. The sun had set moments ago. If her day had gone as planned, she’d have been Mrs. Jeffery Delmore right now.

  The window was locked, but even if it hadn’t been, she was too high off the ground to jump out.

  Like a princess in a tower…

  Only she wasn’t a damn princess, and her prince sure as hell wasn’t going to rescue her. No, if anything, her prince was the one who’d put her in here.

  “He is not your prince,” she whispered fiercely to herself, knowing she couldn’t let herself feel anything but hatred for Hunter. “You are not a naive virgin anymore. Your prince was standing at the altar a few hours ago, wondering where the hell you were.”

  Her stomach rolled, and she pressed her hand against it. Poor Jeffery. The man had been nothing but patient and tolerant with her. He’d pursued her for years before she’d forced herself to give up on Hunter and move on with her life.

  Walking to the bed in the corner of the room, she sank down onto the plush mattress.

  She may have given up on him in her mind, but her heart never had. As she let herself acknowledge that depressing truth, her lips twisted into a bitter smile and her eyes misted.

  As if her thoughts had summoned him, the door unlocked, and Hunter stepped into the room.

  Dammit. Of course, he’d have to catch her like this. Defeated and with tears on her cheeks.

  He closed the door, watching her intimately. “I know you must hate me a little right now.”

  “A little?” She gave a harsh laugh and brushed the tears off her face. “That’s the understatement of the century.”

  Something flickered in his eyes, and for a moment, she thought it might have been pain. But that wouldn’t have made any sense. She’d probably just wounded his ego.

  “I’ve come here to talk.” His gaze once again turned unreadable. “I want to explain why I did what I did.”

  “I’m sorry, would that be kidnapping me on my wedding day? Or the part where you fucked me five years ago and forgot I existed.”

  He was across the floor, pulling her up from the bed before she could blink.

  “I never forgot you,” he said thickly, his face pressed close to hers. “Let’s just clear that up right here and now.”

  Her heart tripped, but she swallowed the hope that threatened. She couldn’t afford such weakness.

  “Forget I said anything. It doesn’t matter anymore.” She swallowed hard, forcing herself to say, “I’m in love with another man, or have you forgotten?”

  His nostrils flared, and he shook his head, mouth thinning. “Don’t lie to me, Gemma. I know you better than that.”

  Was she really
that transparent? Frustration boiled in her belly. It wasn’t right that he could read her so easily.

  “Apparently you don’t know me that well.” She lifted her chin, forcing her gaze to be deliberately hard. “You have to let me go at some point, Hunter. So know this. Once you do, I’m going straight back to Jeffrey, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

  He blinked, the only indication that she’d gotten to him was the slight tic in his jaw.

  “What makes you think I’ll let you go?” he asked softly. His gaze moved over her body. “You promised me forever, and I don’t take well to people breaking their promises.”

  She stopped breathing. Her legs weakened and her mind spun. He was screwing with her head. Of course she knew it. There was no possible way he could literally keep her hidden forever. But it still didn’t stop her gut reaction and desperate panic.

  She clenched her fists. She couldn’t love him again. Wouldn’t love him again. Gemma reloaded with the only ammunition she had and then took her shot.

  “You were not my only lover, Hunter.”

  He flinched, his face tightening as if she’d hit him. But he recovered all too soon, saying stealthily, “But I was your first, Gemma. And I intend to be your last.”

  The sheer arrogance of his statement had her reacting without thought, swinging her palm toward his cheek.

  He caught her wrist, eyes burning.

  She finally broke, everything inside her crumbling. There was no fighting him.

  “I hate you, Hunter. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to my life?” she choked out, tugging at her wrist. “I was going to start over today with a decent man. I’d put you behind me. And in one day, you’ve demolished every step I took to get over you.”

  “First, Jeffrey is not a decent man by any means.”

  “Oh. What gives you any right—”

  “And, second,” he ground out. “I don’t want you to get over me. Ever.”

  She swung at him with her other hand, but he captured her second wrist just as easily as the first.

  He dragged her body fiercely against his until her curves were squashed against every hard inch of his body; his cock jammed fully erect into her belly.

  Heat flared in every inch of her body, and tingles of awareness seared her blood.

  His mouth hovered above hers, his breath hot against her face. “You haven’t forgotten me any more than I’ve forgotten you, angel. Admit it.”

  “But I deserve to,” she whispered. “I have every right.”

  “Yes.” His forehead touched hers, his voice unsteady as he said, “But thank God you didn’t.”

  He crushed her mouth with his, the ruthless invasion of his tongue leaving no doubt in her mind that he meant to claim her again tonight.

  She struggled, knowing she had to or else she’d be sucked into the vortex of familiar passion between them. Knowing she would lose everything she’d fought to gain by trying to love Jeffrey.

  She almost succeeded in overpowering her own emotional draw to Hunter—almost made it convincing that this kiss was one-sided. And then he changed the tide.

  His lips softened against hers, moving in a gentle caress. This time, when his tongue entered her mouth, it was to tease hers with soft flicks, to coax a response from her.

  She gave in all too easily. Her body turned pliant against his; her nipples tightening into hard points as moisture gathered heavy between her legs. Hunter caught the cry of surrender that escaped her mouth.

  He released her wrists, but only to slide his hands under the back of her knees to pick her up.

  Cradled in his arms, he never broke the kiss as he crossed to the bed.

  He laid her gently on the mattress, taking off the cotton dress she’d put on earlier, leaving her once again naked and vulnerable to him.

  His gaze scoured her from head to toe before he let out a strangled groan. He shed his clothes, exposing a body that she could never forget no matter how much she wanted to.

  Golden skin, broad shoulders, wonderfully defined muscles on his chest and abdomen. And then lower, strong thighs with a long thick cock between them. He was ready for her. Not that she’d had any doubt.

  “Gemma,” he whispered, crawling onto the bed next to her. “I need you. You have no idea how much I need you.”

  Beyond reason and living only for this moment, she lifted her arms to reach for him again.

  Chapter 4

  Hunter’s chest tightened with emotion. She’d stopped fighting him, if even for just a moment. He hadn’t come here with the purpose to make love to her. He’d planned to talk. Needed to make her understand.

  But he’d lost it when she’d goaded him about Delmore. Had lost all reason and kissed her. And now, with Gemma giving her body to him readily, he couldn’t back out. Only a fool wouldn’t take what she offered.

  Not willing to let the mood change again, he claimed her mouth once more, tasting her sweetness and drawing forth her fervent response.

  Moving his hand off her shoulder, he slid his open palm downward. Cupping a breast, he lifted and jiggled it in his hand, testing the weight.

  She was fuller here now than she’d been at the beginning of her womanhood.

  He scraped his thumb over her nipple, and she drew in a quick gasp, her tongue sparring faster with his.

  Lifting his head, he glanced down at her breasts, observing the hard, dark pink tips. His mouth watered to taste her. Everywhere. To taste and touch the woman who’d dominated his thoughts for the last five years.

  His head swept down, and he closed his mouth over her nipple. His tongue running over the tiny ridges and sucking on her soft flesh.

  Beneath him, Gemma moaned and dug her fingers into his hair. Her body arched.

  He transferred his attention to the other breast and closed his mouth over it, gorging on her tits like a man starved. He caught her nipple between his teeth, tugging on it just enough to make her cry out. God, she tasted sweet.

  “Hunter,” she gasped and wiggled out from under him, rolling onto her stomach. She crawled toward the headboard, pleading, “It’s too much. Wait—”

  “It’s not enough.” Her ass was now waving in his face like a red flag, and he growled and grabbed her hips, stalling her retreat.

  She groaned, her head falling to the pillow, but made no further attempt to escape. In fact the position she’d just put herself in raised her ass and pussy more prominently for his use.

  Coming up behind her on his knees, he rubbed his cock against the slit of her sex. Discovering the slick cream between her swollen folds.

  “Stay like that,” he ordered, his voice rougher than he intended. “Just like that, angel.”

  He brought two fingers to his mouth and licked them before placing them between her legs. He toyed with the slit, parting the folds and swirling around the evidence of her desire for him.

  Gemma let out a ragged moan, and he watched her head twist on the pillow.

  Hunter leaned forward, kissing the middle of her back at the same time he slipped one finger deep into her silken heat. His cock tightened, and his blood pumped harder. Hot. Wet. So snug.

  He added a second digit, stretching her and readying her body for when she’d ultimately take him.

  “Hunter,” she whispered, clenching the bedspread, thrusting her hips back so he sank deeper. “Please.”

  He pulled his hand from her to cup an ass cheek in each hand, leaning down to kiss the swell of one side.

  “You always had the best ass,” he muttered, squeezing her cheeks and giving her a gentle bite on one side.

  With his fingers still wet from her, he pushed one against the tiny rosebud between her buttocks. Her body went rigid.

  “Relax.” He pressed with enough pressure to sink deeper into the dry, tight hole. “I’ll take you here. Not tonight, but soon.”

  “Hunter…” Her muscles clenched around him.

  With a soft laugh, he pulled his finger from her body and focused his
gaze lower again.

  “But right now, I need to taste your sweet pussy. Remind myself what I’ve been deprived of all these years.”

  He drew his tongue down the curves of her bottom to her. She whimpered, her ass clenching in his hand.

  “I know you like it when I do that. Would you like me to fuck you with my tongue?”

  Not waiting for an answer, he slid his hands down to part her labia and hold her open to him. Leaning forward, he breathed in the musky scent of her, let the perfume of her arousal intoxicate him. His dick pulsed harder for release.

  With a hoarse groan, he speared his tongue deep inside her. Her guttural scream in response sent a surge of triumph through him. Good. He wanted her to lose control. Wanted her to be insane with pleasure.

  Her juices coated his tongue, a combination of tart and sweet, making him want to taste more. He retreated and licked his lips, savoring the sharp flavor of her before he went back for more.

  He moved into her channel deeper this time, and then faster. Setting a rhythm in which he tongue-fucked her. Knowing it might not be enough to bring her release—though it was damn close to bringing him his—he reached beneath her to find her clit.

  He discovered the little nub hot and swollen. It was the fuse to her orgasm. The minute he touched it, she went off like a firecracker.


  Her thighs shook and the muscles of her channel clenched around his tongue.

  Not giving her a chance to recover, he came to his knees behind her and gripped his cock. Sucking in a quick breath, he placed his cock at her entrance and drove himself into her.

  The hot spongy walls of her gripped him, still pulsating from her orgasm. He sank deeper, each inch into her body bringing him closer to nirvana.

  “Gemma,” he whispered, closing his eyes to savor the feel of her. “Oh, God, Gemma.”

  Too damn long. It had been too long since he’d been inside her. The last time being when he’d taken her virginity. His throat tightened with emotion. With regret. And then with anger. Anger that the bastard Delmore had touched her.

  Never again. Never again would he allow that to happen.


  He gripped her ass and slowly pulled back out of her. Poised at her entrance, he teased her for just a moment, rubbing his cock against her clit, before plunging back to the hilt.


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