His to Reclaim

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His to Reclaim Page 8

by Shelli Stevens

  She buried her head against his shoulder, her arms wrapping around his back. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I want you. Need you before I do this.”

  “You’re crazy,” he muttered and lifted the dress from her body, tossing it across the room. “And so brave. I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

  He cupped her breasts, thumbing her nipples into tight points.

  “Right now? I’m thinking about you,” she admitted with a gasp.

  “Good.” He unbuttoned his jeans and adjusted them enough to free his cock. He sprung free, erect and aching. “Because you’ve got me.”

  Without any preliminaries, he grabbed her ass and lifted her, impaling her down onto his dick.

  “Hunter.” Gemma choked out his name, gripping his shoulders.

  Despite her obvious surprise, she was already soaked and ready for him. The soft walls gripped his cock, massaging him as he sank deeper inside her body.

  He backed her up against the wall, pinning her against it to hold her still for his thrusts and to give him better leverage.

  “Gemma,” he whispered her name, his fingers biting into her ass cheeks as he pounded harder into her. “What if something happens to you?”

  “No. Please, Hunter, don’t think like that.” She angled her head, her mouth finding his.

  His lips crushed against hers before he slid his tongue deep to plunder her mouth. He slammed his cock harder up into her, faster. Almost blind with need and fear.

  Gemma cried out, and he knew by the way her nails broke the skin on his back he was using her rougher than she was used to. But she didn’t protest, just gave him her mouth again and hugged him tighter with her inner muscles.

  He pounded into her, making her body slide up farther against the wall. Gripping her ass, he pulled her back down onto his cock until his vision blurred and his sac tightened.

  “Hunter.” She ripped her mouth from his, clenching her eyes shut, her whole body shaking in her climax.

  “Yes.” He buried himself to the hilt and exploded, letting everything, including a bit of his soul, empty inside her.

  Gemma pressed her hands against his shoulders and lifted her head, a small smile of regret on her face. “I think I really needed that.”

  “You and me both, angel.”

  She kissed the side of his neck. “Mmm. We should shower. I can’t go to Jeffrey’s smelling like sex.”

  At the mention of her mission, he stiffened. He didn’t want her to go at all. Unfortunately he had no choice in the matter. Lowering her to the floor, he bit his tongue and led her to the shower.

  Hunter remained quiet the entire drive to the drop-off point. The team had agreed to release Gemma several miles from Delmore’s estate, in case he was monitoring the grounds.

  “How are you feeling about all this, Gemma?” Joaquin asked, glancing back from the driver’s seat.

  “Good. I feel real good about it.” She gave a confident nod and glanced over at Hunter.

  Hunter tightened his grip on her hand, his mouth curling downward. His stomach clenched, and he forced a steady breath. He still hated that she was putting herself in this situation, but he had ceased trying to dissuade her. Knew it was pointless.

  The vehicle slowed, pulling to the side of the road at the edge of the forest.

  “This is it.” Joaquin turned in his seat. “If you have any hesitation, tell me now.”

  “None at all.” She unfastened her seatbelt and opened the door, climbing out.

  Hunter followed her before she could close the door again. She turned, surprise registering on her face.

  “Be careful.” He cupped the back of her head and closed his mouth over hers. Brushing her lips once, then twice. “I’ll be nearby.”

  “I thought you were going back to the safe house?”

  He shook his head. “If shit hits the fan, I’ll be nearby. I’ll be your first response.”

  She gave a soft sigh and then kissed his cheek. “Nothing will go wrong, Hunter.”

  “I know. But just in case.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “Good. Jeffrey thinks I’m running back from the coast. So he’ll expect me to arrive just shifted.” Gemma gave a rueful smile and pulled her dress from her body and tossed it back into the SUV. “He’s going to be waiting for me. And before you say it again—yes, I’ll be careful.”

  With a wink at Hunter and a wave to Joaquin, she sprinted off into the forest, the sleek curves of her body already shifting into jaguar form.

  Hunter’s throat tightened with fear, and tension radiated from every muscle in his body. He didn’t like this. Dammit, he didn’t like this. She’d made the call earlier this morning to Delmore, and it had gone surprisingly well. Her fiancé had held only a small amount of suspicion, but overall, he had seemed relieved to have her returning.

  “Hang in there, Hunter.” Joaquin jerked his head at him in a reassuring nod. “She’ll be fine. I need to head back.”

  Hunter gave a terse nod and shut the door to the SUV, slapping the door good-bye as Joaquin pulled a U-turn and headed back to the safe house.

  Turning, he focused on the forest Gemma had just taken off into, hoping everything would be okay but unable to shake the dark premonition in his blood.

  * * * *

  “Can I offer you a drink, darling?”

  Gemma fastened the last button on her dress, relieved to once again have her flesh hidden from Jeffrey’s gaze.

  He’d been waiting in the front hall, a dress in hand for her to put on. She’d barely managed to sneak the tiny monitoring device Joaquin had given her out from under her tongue and stick if between her breasts before slipping the dress on.

  Turning, she offered him a rueful smile. “I could certainly use one. I’ll have a dirty martini.”

  His gaze, already lingering on her body, flared with heat. “Of course. Stedman, please bring us a dirty martini and glass of white wine.”

  The butler, who’d been lingering in the hall, nodded and disappeared.

  Jeffrey’s eyes narrowed, and he took a few steps toward her. “A dirty martini for a dirty girl.” His hands slid out to cup her hips, pulling her firmly against his body. He was shorter than Hunter—skinnier. Pale, with light blue eyes and almost white blond hair.

  His cock, thin, long and already erect, brushed her hip. Revulsion swept through her, though she tried her best not to react. Instead, she let her fingers trail over the collar on his crisp white shirt.

  “I know I’ve already apologized.” She licked her lips and looked at him through her lashes. “But I’m so sorry about yesterday, honey. I panicked.”

  “Did you now?” he asked in a lazy tone. Cupping her chin, he forced her head up so she had to look at him.

  Giving a delicate shrug, she let her lower lip protrude into a seductive pout. “Yes. The idea of marriage just seemed so overwhelming. So… committed.”

  “And is that not the point, Gemma?” He gave a soft laugh. “To commit yourself to me…and only me, for the rest of your life?”

  “Yes. And yesterday—”

  He cupped her breast, his hand squeezing her flesh almost to the point of pain. Swallowing back her disgust, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body tighter to his.

  “Yesterday?” he prodded, the expression in his eyes unreadable.

  “As I just said…I panicked. I bolted from my cabin and shifted, running all the way to the coast. I spent the day at my favorite lighthouse. Thinking.”

  “And your decision?”

  She gave a husky laugh. “I was being a spoiled fool. I… love you, Jeffrey.”

  She’d been proud of her acting abilities until she’d choked on the word love. Damn. That had been hard to force out. This man, whom she’d once thought she cared for—had shared a bed with… now made her want to hurl up her breakfast.

  “Hmm.” His fingers moved inward on her breast until they caught her nipple and pinched. “You ruined your dress, darling. And if I r
ecall, it was very expensive.”

  She winced in pain but forced another light smile. “I’ll purchase a new one.”

  “And all the money that went into a ceremony that never occurred.”

  “Please, Jeffrey, I already feel awful.” She forced herself to brush her mouth across his, then whisper, “I’ll make it up to you. Any way you want.”

  “Anyway, darling?” His expression relaxed, and a shimmer of lust filled his eyes. His hand moved down her body before grabbing her crudely between her legs.

  She jerked away before she could censure herself. Before she could rouse his suspicions, she gave a husky laugh and stepped close to him again, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. “I’m in dire need of a shower, honey. You wouldn’t want me now. My skin and hair are salty from the sea water. Tonight, though. Anything you wish.”

  “Hmm. You are right. I prefer you clean. Although…there’s no reason you couldn’t pleasure me.”

  His zipper went down and Gemma about fainted.

  “Your drinks, sir.”

  The butler’s sudden reappearance had Jeffrey pulling his fly back up.

  “Tonight it is,” he murmured with a grimace and turned to greet the butler. A moment later, he handed Gemma her drink.

  Gemma wrapped her fingers around the thin stem on the glass and took a quick swallow, needing the liquid courage.

  “Come, let’s make ourselves comfortable in my study.” Jeffrey caught her hand and escorted her down the hall into the other room, then shut the door, locking it firmly. He gestured to the leather couch for her to take a seat.

  She sat down, crossing her legs and glancing over at the laptop on his desk. Now she just needed a chance to get on there and grab the information.

  Jeffrey went to his desk, pulling something out and fiddling with it. But with his back to her, she couldn’t see what.

  “I’m glad you came back, darling. You have no idea the distress I was under when you simply disappeared.”

  “I… can’t imagine.”

  He crossed the room and sat down beside her, catching her chin in a ruthless grip. “Tell me, Gemma. How was the coast?”

  She swallowed hard. “Breezy.”

  “Hmm.” He leaned his face toward her and grabbed a handful of hair, nuzzling it. Then he turned his head, and she felt his tongue graze across her cheek.

  A shudder ran through her body, and she closed her eyes.

  “You don’t taste like sea air, darling,” he said softly. “In fact your skin tastes clean… your hair smells like shampoo. But not your normal shampoo.”

  Cold sweat broke out on the back of Gemma’s neck, and she felt the blood drain from her face. She’d showered with Hunter. God, she’d walked right into that one.

  “Oh, that’s right. I showered at the beach.”

  “Gemma, my darling.” His grip tightened on her chin, and he gave a soft laugh. “Just how fucking stupid do you think I am?”

  She stopped breathing. “What do you mean?”

  “I have cameras in every cabin, including the one you used to prepare for the wedding.” He rubbed his thumb across her mouth. “I saw those vile ESA agents take you.”

  Gemma’s head spun as panic slammed into her full force. She hadn’t foreseen this. She knew he monitored various parts of his property, but each cabin that guests stayed in? Oh, God.

  “I trust no one,” he went on as if reading her thoughts. “I watch everything.”

  “Then you knew they took me?” she whispered. “And did nothing?”

  “Why did you lie to me, Gemma? Tell me you went to the coast?” He answered her question with a question. “If you had truly been an innocent victim, then when you returned to my estate, surely you would have told me the horrors you endured.”

  Shit. Twice now she’d walked right into his verbal traps.

  “But I don’t think you endured horrors, darling. You let that man fuck you, didn’t you?”

  She licked her lips, her heart pounding against her ribcage. “You knew your phone was bugged, didn’t you?”

  “Of course I did.”

  “You weren’t at all worried about me.”

  “Answer me, darling. You enjoyed having that filthy ESA agent’s hands all over you.”

  Her chest rose and fell as she held his cold gaze. It didn’t matter what she said. In Jeffrey’s mind, she was already tried and convicted. By now the ESA was probably making plans to come in and rescue her. And they’d never have—would be lucky to ever get—solid proof on Jeffrey’s organization.

  Taking a deep breath, she made an impulse decision and hoped it wouldn’t cost her her life.

  “Yes,” she replied quietly. “He did have his hands all over me. And to say I enjoyed it would be an understatement. He is my mate, and I love him with all my heart.”

  * * * *

  The sound of Delmore slapping Gemma came through loud and clear. At her startled gasp, rage exploded inside Hunter, blurring his vision and sending his pulse into overdrive.

  “Fuck this, I’m going in,” Hunter rasped and charged through the forest on foot.

  Unlike Gemma, he hadn’t thought to use one of the oral communication devices that could be placed in his mouth. He’d settled for the head unit, which wouldn’t hold up if he shifted. And he needed to be able to hear what was going on.

  “Careful, Hunter,” Brad came through on the radio. “We’re sending in back-up.”

  Hunter barely heard him, his body too tense as he listened for further conversation on Gemma’s end.

  What was she thinking, goading him like this? God, you’d think she wanted Delmore to kill her.

  “He told me all about this fuck hunt ring you run, Jeffrey.” Gemma’s voice was harsh. “What kind of man are you?”

  “It provides me with an absurd amount of money. Besides, what is the world with a few less freakish shifter girls?”


  “Yes, Gemma. Your kind is an abomination. You’re not normal.”

  “I’m more normal than a sick fuck like you could ever be.”

  Another slap resounded. And Hunter’s stomach rolled. Stop, Gemma. Stop goading him. At least until he could get there and kill the bastard.

  “I suppose you came here today to find evidence. Perhaps find something on my computer?” He laughed. “What, you think I didn’t notice you’d been looking at my files? I’ve been watching you, darling. For months now. That’s why I’m not really surprised to be having this conversation.

  “I spared you, Gemma. I could have made a nice coin on your sweet ass. But I kept you for myself. And this is how you repay me?” His voice grew louder, and Hunter knew Delmore must have gotten closer to her.

  “Get off me, you bastard.” The sound of her struggling was clear. “I would have turned you in sooner, had I known. You make me sick.”

  “I don’t participate in the pleasures, I just arrange them.” Delmore paused, and when he spoke again, his tone was silky. “Until today. I think I shall partake in my very first fuck hunt. Of course, my darling, I’m going to need your participation. I’m sure you understand.”

  Hunter stumbled, his blood turning to ice. No. Oh, God, no.

  “No.” Gemma’s shrill scream came after a moment’s silence. “Stop, get off me.”

  The sound of fabric ripping could be clearly heard.

  “Shit.” Hunter picked up the pace, plunging through the trees. “Joaquin, Brad, you guys almost there? You hearing this?”

  “We’re hearing,” Joaquin confirmed. “Our location is about ten minutes out. How far are you?”

  “Just a few minutes.”

  “Get there, Hunter. Get there in time, because we may not.”

  “Jeffrey, please don’t do this,” Gemma begged, the sounds of a struggle in the background.

  “A little late for…what the fuck is this?” Delmore roared. “You’re bugged? But I watched you when you came in naked. It wasn’t there.”

  “Should’ve c
hecked my mouth, asshole.”

  “Goddamn it. You fucking bitch. I’ll show you what you can do with your mouth.”

  Gemma screamed before everything went silent.

  Hunter’s knees almost buckled, fear paralyzing him. And then he snapped. Delmore had just sealed his own death warrant. With a ferocious war cry, he pulled the communication device from his head and ran. Shifting into jaguar form, he let his primal side take control. He ran. Ran to try and save Gemma, and ran to satisfy the bloodlust that now consumed him.

  * * * *

  Gemma hit the floor hard, landing on her hands and knees. She gasped in a breath in an attempt to fill her lungs again. Her dress hung from her body in shreds, ripped down the middle.

  The punch Jeffrey had landed on her diaphragm—just after grabbing the bug from her chest and smashing it—had left her dazed and winded.

  “Get up.” He gripped her elbow, jerking her to her feet. The next moment, she felt a sharp sting in her arm.

  She pulled away, but a moment too late. He’d already injected her with a hypodermic needle. Oh, God. What had he done?

  She backed away from him, her stomach rolling with terror. “What…what did you inject in me?”

  “It appears we don’t have time to fuck, darling. But no worries, I’ve done that before.” Delmore’s face contorted into a sneer as he crossed the room again. “We’ll just have to skip to the hunt part.”

  Hunt? Her mind froze on the word. Oh, no. She could barely form a thought. What had been in that needle? A spasm rocked her body, and realization dawned with horror. She was shifting without trying. Even now fur spread across her hands and her nails turned to claws. He’d forced her to shift.

  Her gaze jerked up, and she watched Jeffrey unlock a cabinet in the corner of his office; behind the glass was a rifle clearly on display. He was going to shoot her.

  Run. Her instincts kicked in and she ran for the door, unlocking it and throwing it open before she sprinted outside.

  Jeffrey’s ominous laugh followed her. “That’s right, run, Gemma. But you won’t get far.”

  Heart pounding in her throat, she stumbled down the front steps of his house. With her body only half shifted, her movements were awkward and sluggish as she attempted to put some distance between them.


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