Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2)

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Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2) Page 1

by Brookes, Calle J.

  Discovering the Doctor

  Calle J Brookes

  Lost River Lit Publishing, L.L.C.


  Also by Calle J Brookes

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74


  O ther Titles by Calle J. Brookes


  D ARDANOS Paranormal Romance

  L ive or Die

  The Blood King

  The Seer’s Strength

  The Warrior’s Woman

  The Healer’s Heart

  Once Wolf Bitten

  Awakening the Demon’s Queen

  The Wolf’s Redemption

  The Wolf God & His Mate

  God of Nightmares


  A Warrior’s Quest

  Out of the Darkness

  Warrior Blind

  The Witch

  Balance of the Worlds

  The Healer’s Soul


  T he Outcast

  The Forlorn

  The Beloved

  The Betrayed

  R omantic Suspense


  B eginning ( Prequel 1 )

  Waiting ( Prequel 2 )

  W atching


  Second Chances











  S uspense/ Thriller

  P AVAD: FBI Case Files #0001

  “ Knocked Out ”

  PAVAD: FBI Case Files #0002

  “ Knocked Down ”

  PAVAD: FBI Case Files #0003

  “Knocked Around ”



  H er Best Friend’s Keeper

  Shelter from the Storm

  The Price of Silence


  I f the Dark Wins


  S eeking the Sheriff

  Discovering the Doctor


  W ounds That Won’t Heal (Finley Creek Trilogy 2 )

  As the Night Ends (Finley Creek Trilogy 2 )

  Seeking (PAVAD: FBI Romantic Suspense 15 )

  C alle J. Brookes is first and foremost a fiction writer. She enjoys crafting paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She reads almost every genre except horror. She spends most of her time juggling family life and writing while reminding herself that she can’t spend all of her time in the worlds found within books. Calle J. loves to be contacted by her readers via email and at .

  C alle has several free reads available at

  F or my grandfather, the best man I have ever known .

  You will be missed .

  Oct . 2015

  F or my grandmother, who gave me the courage to try. Without you and your love of romance, I never would have made it this far .

  Feb . 2016

  Sign Up For Calle’s Newsletter to receive

  Updates and exclusive scenes here !

  D iscovering the Doctor

  M asterson County

  B ook 2

  C alle J. Brookes

  L ost River Lit Publishing, L.L.C .

  Springs Valley, Indiana

  Est . 2011

  T he Lost River Lit Publishing, L.L.C. name and imprint are the sole properties of independent publishers Calle J. Brookes and B.G. Lashbrooks. They cannot be reproduced or used in any manner; nor can any of their publications or designs be used without expressed written permission .

  T his is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, or locations, is entirely coincidental .

  A ll rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever .

  C opyright © 2017 Calle J. Brookes

  Cover by Lost River Lit Publishing, L.L.C .

  All rights reserved .

  D iscover the Doctor

  M asterson County

  B ook 2


  H er sister’s marriage changed everything. Phoebe had gotten married that afternoon, changing everything about Philippa Tyler’s world .

  Phoebe had been the center of their family since they’d lost their mother almost two and a half years ago. She’d handled the day-to-day running of the Tyler Ranch where they had all lived. Kept them all going through some of the darkest days of Pip’s lives .

  And she’d taken over the raising of Pip’s youngest three brothers .

  Pete, Parker, and Patton were going to be Pip’s responsibility for a while. Until the Tylers figured out what to do next. Phoebe’s marriage changed everything. For everyone .

  Phoebe and her new husband, the sheriff of their county, hadn’t wanted to wait to marry after they’d nearly been killed. No one really blamed them. Pip definitely didn’t. How could she ?

  Joel Masterson adored her sister. And had risked his life to keep her sister safe .

  Phoebe being married to one of the county’s most prominent citizens meant the isolation Pip had always counted on for their family at the Tyler Ranch was no more .

  Tonight at the wedding reception she’d been forced to deal with far too many people for her sanity. She’d had to escape before she lost the ability to breathe completely .

  For Pip, escape had always meant one place .

  The horse barn .

y Dancer, the gelding she herself had delivered when she’d been only sixteen, whickered when she entered the stable that would be his new home. Pip greeted him quietly, then rubbed against the soft nose. This was one of her babies, and she would miss seeing him every day .

  She liked horses far better than she did people. There was no doubt about that in her head. Horses weren’t as mean, as malicious, as people. It was as simple as that .

  The itch to ride was hard to resist. Pip slipped out of the small jacket that covered her only piece of formal wear, a pale pink dress that was a bit too tight, and far too short. She didn’t like dresses much, always feeling exposed and naked in them .

  She was more comfortable in flannel and jeans. But for Phoebe, she’d made the effort .

  They’d come so close to losing her older sister, just like they’d lost their mother so abruptly .

  None of her family took that lightly. If Pip had to step up and fill Phoebe’s shoes with the rest of the Tylers, then she would .

  She’d just do what she had to do; but tonight…tonight she just needed to get away. To ride .

  And that was what she did .

  * * *

  D r. Matt Masterson, the only vet in Masterson County, knew pretty much every horse on the property jointly owned by him and his youngest brother Levi. And he knew the big bay gelding shooting across the field just as the sun was setting .

  He even knew the redhead riding like the wind .

  First, the horse was distinctive, and belonged to his brand new sister-in-law. Second, there were only a handful of redheads quite that small anywhere in Masterson County. Third, there were only four women he’d ever seen ride like that .

  One redhead was inside, coordinating the party as his family’s housekeeper, the eldest redhead had just been carried away in his brother Joel’s arms, and the third had just left to work her shift at the Masterson General Hospital, along with his younger brother Nate .

  That left little Pip as the only real possibility .

  Pip .

  The quiet one. The one who looked at the world with fear. He had yet to figure her out. She was so afraid, especially of men, yet when faced with losing a loved one she was the bravest woman he had ever seen .

  He’d never forget seeing that bravery in action. He still dreamed about that day, about her, in the middle of the night .

  Something about the quietest Tyler sister had stayed with him. From the moment he’d dragged her from a raging river and covered her body with his own while a madman tried to kill them all. He’d thought of that woman nightly, at least, ever since .

  He stepped up to the fence and just watched as she flew across the field, the animal beneath her. He could almost sense her hurt, her confusion .

  Her fear. It was that fear that kept him from acting on the attraction that burned in him—even months after that day .

  A luxury sedan slowed on the highway that bordered their pasture, across the field, and Matt suspected he wasn’t the only one captivated by the sight of the fairy--every Tyler female looked like a damned fairy--flying across the field on the back of a red unicorn .

  She slipped from the back of the horse and began walking him down. Matt made certain to stay in the shadows .

  Matt didn’t want to frighten her. Pip was so easily frightened .

  He had yet to figure out why .


  R owland Bowles was a self-taught man, and had made his first five million by his twenty-fifth birthday. He knew a good story--and he knew the people to play in those stories. When given the chance, Rowland preferred to use locals at each location. He loved discovering unknown talents. Of making careers. It gave him a sense of power, and his work a sense of authenticity that many in the film industry tried to emulate .

  Very few succeeded. At thirty, he was confident in his skills, and just cocky enough to expect everyone to give him what he wanted. Because he was Rowland Bowles .

  Masterson County, Wyoming was the perfect place for the script he’d written himself. It was a genre mashup of fantasy and American Western. He had a particular type of world and characters in mind. He had most of the principals already cast, but he’d lost his Gretta and still needed to find his Keith among the local yokels. The actress slated to play Gretta had unfortunately found herself on the wrong end of the law. It hadn’t been pretty. And he’d struggled to find the right Keith in Hollywood .

  Masterson County shouted authentic Western. How could it not? Everywhere he turned was another cowboy--or cowgirl. Beautiful cowgirls, like the trio of redheads he was attempting to follow into the quaint little country diner. They were quite young--early to mid-twenties, at most--and very small. The largest was probably just a bit over five-four or so, and a whopping one-hundred thirty pounds. Maybe. The other two were even smaller, and looked enough alike to be twins. One wore full Western wear and looked like the real deal. Bowles barely looked at her. It was her twin that had caught his attention. The pale pink hospital scrubs were nearly the same shade of pink as the dress worn by the woman he’d seen just two nights before .

  The small town—hell, the entire county—was perfect for what he’d wanted. And the night he’d taken the car and driven around the country roads himself had just shown him one thing .

  His Gretta. Soft, feminine, sweet. Sexy. The girl he’d watched ride the other night would be perfect for Gretta, sister of the hero. Gretta was soft and wounded, and the hell she’d gone through triggered a rush of powerful magic that damned near destroyed her. Rowland wanted that redhead. He’d get her .

  No matter what he had to do. But first he had to deal with Dr. Matt Masterson, his new personal nemesis .


  M att wasn’t pleased with his latest duties, but the town had banded together and nominated him and his brothers as hosts for the last group Matt ever wanted to see in his town .

  The knowledge that Rowland Bowles, the legendary hot-shot film director, wanted to use several ranches in Masterson county to film his latest so-called masterpiece had thrilled the locals--and the town board. Tourism wasn’t exactly a big money maker in Masterson .

  As Mastersons, and prominent citizens, he, Nate, Joel, and Levi had been nominated to see that the film crew had everything they wanted and needed. None of the brothers had been too happy about it, but since Matt had been the only one not at the meeting due to a sick horse call, his loving brothers had pawned the director and his half a dozen assistants off on Matt .

  He’d be getting back at Joel, Nate, and Levi first chance he got .

  Bowles wanted to use the Masterson homestead as one of their sets. Matt was not the least bit thrilled about that .

  Worse. Bowles himself had been in that damned sedan watching Pip the evening of the wedding. And the man wanted her .

  Badly .

  There was no way that was going to happen. Matt wasn’t about to let it. A guy like Rowland Bowles would terrify her .

  “What exactly are you going to be needing from the people in this county?” Matt asked as he and Bowles watched the trio of beautiful redheads cross the street. Matt had seen Pip and her two sisters when they’d pulled in. Pip’s truck was a distinctive orange and white. He’d watched them for a while as he’d half listened to Bowles chatter on. “We are busy people with busy lives around here. And we like our privacy .”

  “Of course. I’m very respectful of location characteristics, Dr. Masterson. Tell me, those women there, do you know them ?”

  “You might say that. One’s my housekeeper. Their oldest sister is currently on her honeymoon with my brother. They’ll be back in a few days .”

  “So you know them. Tell me about them?” Bowles sounded too damned eager, didn’t he? Matt fought the instinctive urge to tell the man to just back off .

  “They’re busy people who really like their privacy.” Matt watched Perci turn to her sisters and walk backward a few steps. He heard their laughter from where he and Bowles stood. Light, beautiful, perfect . “Why ?”

  “That redhead in the pink. I want her. For my Gretta, I mean. Although, she certainly is beautiful, and if she wanted more—well, I’d make an exception to my business only rules .”

  “Yes, the twins are gorgeous women .”

  “Twins?” Bowles puzzlement was clear. “Oh. I didn’t realize the other one actually was her twin .”

  Matt looked at the man like he was an idiot. Even clear across the street, it was hard to miss the fact that Perci and Pip looked exactly alike. “They’re identical. Only difference is a scar. And clothes, of course .”

  “Is there? Interesting. I don’t think it was the other one I saw. Is she actually hiding between the other two?” Bowles winced. “I’m sorry. You said they were family. I don’t mean to be insulting. I just know who I need when I see them .”


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