Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2)

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Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2) Page 7

by Brookes, Calle J.

  Things were going to get easier. Someday. Joel had already asked her what had happened the night her mother died, and had promised her he’d find the answers. The possibility for an insurance settlement had been mentioned .

  Perci was afraid to hope, though. Hope was a good way to get yourself smacked in the head by life, after all .

  Her eyes landed on her twin. They hadn’t been in the building five minutes and Pip already had that look on her face that said she was hitting panic mode .

  Pip thought the rest of the family didn’t know that she still feared practically everything to do with people. But Perci knew. How could she not? Pip was so damned scared .

  Perci started to step toward her sister, to protect like she always had .

  Someone else was there first .

  Matt stepped up to Pip’s side--he hadn’t been that far away from her sister at all--and took Pip’s hand in his. Separated her sister from the room, putting his big body between Pip and the crowd. Protecting her .

  Pip looked up at him with an expression on her face that Perci had never seen there before .

  It gave her a weird feeling in her gut. Like Pip almost didn’t need her to protect her any longer .

  She’d been protecting Pip pretty much their entire lives. The idea that some guy was there now unsettled her .

  She knew it was crazy, but she’d never thought even once since they’d lost their mother and their world changed that there would possibly be a guy or two show up to unbalance their world again .

  She should have. Her sisters were beautiful, wonderful, kind, loving women who deserved men to love them for exactly who they were. Phoebe had found that first, with Joel. So out of the blue, so quickly, so high-stakes that everything could have been lost .

  Now here was his brother, barely able to look away from Pip .

  With Phoebe and Pan both out at the Masterson place now, it was just Perci and Pip at home. Doing the things that they’d always done, plus more .

  If Pip and Matt got serious, what would happen next? Would her sister leave , too ?

  Perci could deal, though, if it meant Pip ended up as happy as Phoebe, couldn’t she? Her family happy was all Perci really wanted in the world. Especially Pip .

  She watched the two for a long time and contemplated what she had to do to help her sister be happy. The way Pip deserved. The way Pip hadn’t been in a very long time .

  Whether Perci wanted to accept it or not, the only choice she had was to step back and let things happen between Matt and Pip the way they happened .


  S he hadn’t danced with a man in years, but as Matt put his hot hands on her waist and pulled her closer Pip felt her skin tighten with a mix of nerves and anticipation .

  Pip wasn’t stupid. She hadn’t missed exactly what the people around them were thinking. They were thinking there was something between her and Matt. And they were watching to see exactly what that something was .

  She could have told them all he was just a friend—becoming a good one .

  She could have said he was just a family connection, thanks to her sister .

  She could have told them anything at all. But the truth was, she didn’t know exactly what Matt was .

  Or what she wanted him to be .

  She knew what he was. He was strong and hard against her, and she could feel his heat surrounding her. And he was holding her far too close for it to be just casual .

  She didn’t know how she felt about that, either. Pip wanted to curl up against him, right where she was .

  Pip hadn’t been this confused about a man in a really, really long time .


  I t was so quaint. Rowland honestly thought he saw gingham on a few of the women. The dance was held at the local community center, a white building probably built in the 1950s. It was old, tacky, and filled to the brim with the citizens of Masterson all decked out in their finest. There was actual lace and ruffles, and a string tie or two .

  Rowland was a man on a mission .

  He was finding his Gretta tonight. And he wasn’t stopping until he had Perci Tyler’s agreement to do exactly what he wanted her to do. Rowland was a healthy man and that thought elicited more than just business plans for a long moment or two .

  He’d never been with a redhead before. Or at least he couldn’t remember if he had. There were a few times in his twenties when he wasn’t entirely certain what he’d been with. Not times he was proud of, but ones he owned. Personal responsibility, and all that .

  He pushed his way through the crowd, looking for the handful of production assistants who trailed after him everywhere. He’d already told them to keep an eye out for a cluster of small, beautiful redheads .

  Rowland had trained his people well. They’d find every redhead in the place before it was over .

  Rowland didn’t have to look too hard to find them. It seemed almost a given that if he found one of those damned larger-than-life Masterson brothers, he’d find at least one or two of those Tylers .

  Apparently tonight was going to be no exception. The first one he saw was the tallest one. The strawberry blonde, who worked for the Mastersons .

  He’d caught her on her hands and knees mopping her sister’s new kitchen last time he’d been out there. Hard worker, and he’d taken advantage of coming up behind her without her knowing he was there. He’d watched her a good five minutes before he’d made his presence known .

  Pandora Tyler--unfortunate name there--was built just the way a man liked. That was evident tonight. The green dress she wore was simple, yet flattered every curve. Ridiculous how beautiful the girl was—she was the most classically beautiful of her sisters--it was wasted here in the back country .

  And she had three older sisters nearly as beautiful who’d entered the community center right behind her. Rowland was a man, and it was damned hard not to appreciate. Even if he preferred a more sophisticated type of woman .

  Phoebe Tyler Masterson looked just perfect right there next to her tall, broad-shouldered husband, and it was hard to miss. They were the darlings of the town. Rowland had certainly gotten an earful when he’d asked around .

  Strangely enough, the Masterson citizens didn’t know too much about the Tyler girls but they were eager to chat about the four brothers who were such pillars of their community--the sheriff, the physician, the veterinarian, and the rancher. Tall, good-looking, successful, and strong, the Masterson brothers drew attention wherever they went. It was almost ridiculously difficult for an ordinary man to compete in this little hamlet, where women were outnumbered almost two- to -one .

  Someone should make a movie about them sometime. About some type of mystery they’d solved, or something. It was an idea for later. He might not like the small-town life himself, but Rowland knew his audience did. And he was all about his audience--they were his paycheck, after all .

  Pandora and Phoebe were beautiful, but it was the women who entered behind them who were his true objective .

  Once he figured out who was who, that was .

  He hadn’t realized they were that identical. He should have. That vet had told him they were. But every time he’d seen the two, it had been Perci who’d stood out. And the sister who had hidden herself from him .

  From everyone, really .

  It took him a moment to study the two, but body language always told its own story. Perci was comfortable in the simple sundress she wore, and in the crowd in general .

  Her twin was most definitely not. She looked afraid, to be honest. Shy, a little awkward, even. And that damned Matt Masterson was hovering over her. Protectively .

  Like he had before .

  She worked with horses, didn’t she? And her twin was a nurse .

  His Gretta had been riding a horse like she’d spent hours in the saddle of the big beasts. And it hadn’t been a small, dainty creature the rider had been controlling. It had looked to be a red half-wild animal far too big for a fairy to ride .

The Tyler sisters all looked like live-action Tinkerbells .

  Every time he saw them he became more and more convinced his phantom Gretta was one of those Tyler sisters .

  The eldest had been on her honeymoon. The youngest had hair that was just too light .

  And Perci refused to say whether it was her or not. Just smiled at him every time he mentioned it. Mysteriously. Because she knew who it was .

  He’d never asked the last sister, had he? Had he even spoken to her? She’d been there the day he’d stopped off at the Tyler Ranch, hadn’t she ?

  Yes. The dust-covered, sweaty little female who’d been with Masterson that day. He hadn’t paid much attention to her at all after Perci had returned home. He’d never gone for the tomboy type .

  He hadn’t thought his Gretta was one, either .

  But...Perci Tyler’s manner was all wrong. Even for that five-minute glimpse he’d had of his Gretta, she’d been quiet, and shy, and hurting. Vulnerable. Made a man want to protect her .

  Much like Matt Masterson was hovering over the other twin .

  It made him think, made him wonder if maybe he’d been an idiot, after all. Everything added up. Perci was supposed to have been at the hospital that night. Her sister was identical. Her sister worked with horses. Her sister was the quiet one. The one the others most likely wanted to protect, for some reason. The most vulnerable, apparently .

  That was obvious in the way she always had a sister by her side in the crowd tonight .

  And Masterson had barely taken his eyes off of her .

  Rowland made a point of asking for information from the next woman he danced with. She was around the same age as all the Tyler sisters and he figured she’d know quite a bit. She seemed like the type .

  “I suppose everyone is talking about them again,” she said, when he asked about the redheads with the Mastersons, as if he didn’t know exactly who the sisters were. There was a bite in his partner’s tone that intrigued him .

  “Oh ?”

  “They thought they were all too good for Masterson. Barely came around the town at all. Kept to themselves out at that dumpy old ranch of their father’s. Until that older girl got involved with Joel. She almost got him killed .”

  “Oh? I’m afraid I haven’t heard the story yet.” To be honest, he hadn’t paid much attention to the married Masterson-Tyler pair. “What happened ?”

  “Tom Rutherford was using a corner of the Tyler Ranch to grow drugs for revenge. He hated Phoenix Tyler, and the Tyler sisters. I guess he dragged Phoebe out of the cabin she was sharing with Joel at the time and nearly killed her. Would have if the twins and two of the Masterson brothers hadn’t shown up. Rumor is that Matt pulled Pip and Phoebe out of a raging river. It was the talk around here for weeks a few months back .”

  “And Pip is...I’m afraid I can’t tell them all apart .”

  “It’s no wonder. They all look alike and have those silly names. Pip is that one, in the light green shirt, denim skirt. She works the ranch with her father, I think. I never even knew Perci had sisters until a few months ago. They keep to themselves. Well, they did. Until Phoebe took Joel. Now they’re all over the Mastersons. Heard Levi told some of his friends to stay away from Pandora, too.” There was a bitter light of jealousy in his dance partner’s eyes. Rowland had never found that attractive in a woman. He felt for the younger Tyler in that moment .

  Raymond had never been able to resist poking the bear. “And which one is Pandora ?”

  “That one. With the reddish blonde hair. Levi’s right next to her. Hasn’t left her side all night, damn it. Or danced with anyone other than her or her sisters. He never used to be like that. He’s wearing that blue shirt .”

  Rowland dutifully looked toward the Mastersons. Levi Masterson was right there with his three brothers, the beautiful Pandora next to him. “So they are involved then? What about the twins? I take it they’re here with the other Masterson brothers ?”

  The woman, he couldn’t remember her name, almost snarled. “Not that I know of. But you can’t see a Masterson brother around this town without seeing one of them anymore. Perci and Nate, though...rumor has it they despise each other. Work together at the hospital and are always fighting. Levi has that Pan with him all the time. Some say she’s his housekeeper, but I think she’s just using that .”

  “And the other one? Pip? She’s the twin in green ?”

  “Hmm. No one knows much about her. Just that she’s a Tyler. I think it’s because her sisters keep her quiet for some reason. Likely there’s something wrong with her. Mentally. It’s the only thing that makes sense .”

  Catty women had always disgusted him. This one, though she was reasonably pretty, was no exception .

  Rowland looked over his partner’s shoulder .

  There certainly didn’t seem to be anything wrong with Pip Tyler. She was standing between two of the Masterson brothers, looking more and more like his Gretta by the minute .

  Rowland was a writer, first and foremost. Obsessed with the story. The characters. In that moment, he just knew. Pip Tyler was his Gretta—not Perci .

  As she took the dance floor with Matt Masterson, something else clicked in his brain. Keith , Gretta’s brother’s best friend, was a tall, dark-haired man much like the Masterson brothers. His storyline was still in flux. Rowland hadn’t known what to do with him, how to resolve it, but he’d wanted to give the guy a happy ending. His audience would be expecting it .

  Rowland just hadn’t known how .

  Until this very moment, watching the vet take the girl who would be his Gretta into his arms .

  He didn’t just want Pip, did he ?

  How was he going to convince a man like Matt Masterson to be in his next film ?

  Rowland hadn’t exactly made friends with the man .

  Still, he’d always enjoyed a challenge .

  * * *

  R owland wanted her to look at him. That’s why he’d crossed the room and asked what he had .

  Pip Tyler just looked up at him out of those seriously enchanting blue eyes, like she hadn’t quite heard him correctly. “ Excuse me ?”

  “I said, may I have this dance, please?” He held out his left hand to her and tried his most charming smile .

  She hesitated, looked around the room shyly. Just like Gretta would have--if she’d been real, that was. He so wanted this woman to help him make Gretta real. He needed her. But how to make her see ?

  “I’m not Perci .”

  “I know. Pip, I believe. I don’t want to dance with Perci. I want to dance with you.” Rowland had taken the first opportunity he had. The instant Matt Masterson stepped away from her, he’d swooped in .

  He couldn’t lose his Gretta to some cowboy. No matter how much he wanted Matt for Keith. He needed to secure her as his Gretta first .

  She did look damned good next to the vet, though. With the proper costuming, she and Masterson would look perfect on the screen together .

  “But why? I know what you want from my sister.” The wariness made him doubly careful, but Rowland was determined. He wanted five damned minutes away from everyone else to just talk to this girl. Figure her out. He was an excellent judge of character, after all. Character was his stock in trade. And Rowland prided himself on being good at what he did. “She’s not interested .”

  “Oh? I believe I can make it worth her while.” And there was always a way to get what he wanted. Usually with cold, hard cash. Everyone in town had loved to talk about the Tylers, after all. Rumor had it they were strapped for cash. Extremely so .

  Everyone could be bought. Even if he had to use the rest of the Tylers as extras—everyone could be bought. He just suspected the Tylers had an actual cold hard cash price. He just had to find it .

  He didn’t doubt his Gretta was no exception. But what was this small woman’s ultimate price ?

  “Dance with me.” Rowland took a gamble--he wrapped his hand around her much smaller one, took the soda out of her other h
and and sat it on the table next to her and guided her onto the dance floor before she even had a chance to protest .

  Rowland didn’t miss Masterson’s glower from clear across the room at the refreshment table. Score! He’d nabbed Masterson’s girl. Rowland smiled back at the man .

  Then he looked back at that girl .

  She trembled against him and for a moment he thought it was because she found him attractive. Then he looked closer .

  Pip was frightened of him. Of course she would be. It fit her character, didn’t it? “I’m not an axe murderer and I don’t harm kittens or horses. In fact, both kind of scare me--more than an axe murderer, actually. I’m Rowland, by the way. You’re Pip. I watched you the other day, with Dr. Masterson, and that yellow horse .”

  “Wind Lover. She’s a buckskin, not yellow,” she said quietly. “Welcome to Masterson, Mr. Bowles .”

  “Thank you. I’ve been here for about a week now. I’m looking for a few places to shoot a movie. Someone mentioned I might want to take a look at your place. I am going to use the Masterson place. If I can get the brothers to agree. Apparently, it’s hard to get the four of them to agree on anything .”

  She smiled softly. Rowland blinked. She had a killer smile, this girl. Perfect white teeth, soft pink kissable lips--oh, how he wanted to!--slightly tilted at one end. She’d look beautiful on the screen. Even more beautiful in some lucky man’s bed. He strongly suspected she’d already been in Masterson’s. Why else would the guy be glaring at Rowland so hard? He threatened Matt Masterson, didn’t he? “They know their own minds, don’t they ?”

  “Rather like you Tylers, from what I’m hearing.” Rowland wanted to hold her closer, but he didn’t dare push her .

  Pip Tyler was the very definition of skittish, wasn’t she? A wave of something completely foreign rushed through him--an almost desire to protect this lost little waif. Strange. It had to be because she was part fairy, or something. Able to make a man forget his own head somehow .


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