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Discovering the Doctor (Masterson County Book 2)

Page 10

by Brookes, Calle J.

  "I want to go home, Matt. I’m done. I don't want to be here any longer ."

  "Then we go, right now. We just need to tell your sisters we’re going. And I'll take you home. Is your dad there ?"

  She shook her head. "No, Dad’s still down in Texas at the W-Deane ranch. He and the owner are working on an experimental organic beef program. Dad won't be home for a few more weeks. He’s delayed because of some trouble the owner had. The boys are staying with my uncle this evening ."

  "So your house is empty ?"

  "Yes." Suddenly she didn't want to go back to an empty house. To be alone with just her memories. Her stupid fears. If she did, she’d just lose what resolve she’d found .

  Matt seemed to understand that. "Then we’ll head back to my place until Pan and Phoebe can join us. And we'll just forget Jay Gunderson even exists. How does that sound ?"

  Like she was being a big wimp, needing the big handsome strong man to rescue her .

  She wasn't certain how she felt about that, but he didn't give her any time to protest. Nor did he let go of her, even once. And as they crossed the crowded community center, the only thing Pip could focus on was the feel of his strong hot hand wrapped around hers .


  M att could easily sense her confusion and it made him furious. That son of a bitch was no longer going to have the power to hurt her. No matter what he had to do. He'd gotten the rest of the details from his brother when he'd stopped to explain to Joel where he was taking Pip. He'd seen the fury in his older brother’s eyes , too .

  Joel had had to deal with Gunderson tonight. Gunderson was very fortunate that Matt hadn't been there; if he had, he probably would've decked the guy for what he had done to Pip .

  Instead, Matt just focused on her .

  She didn't say anything other than a quiet thank you until he had her back at his house. Until they were digging into some of the homemade ice cream Pan had left in the freezer. "It's Pan’s recipe, isn't it? She's always made the best ice cream ."

  Matt nodded. One thing he could say about his housekeeper, the woman knew her way around the kitchen. He was just glad there'd been some ice cream left. Especially as he watched Pip lick it off the spoon like a dainty little kitten. "I think I’ve put on ten pounds since Pan took the job ."

  "I think I've lost it. I can cook, but Pan always makes the best desserts. Thank you, for tonight. Sorry to cut your evening short because of me ."

  "Pip, you are my evening. The only reason I went to the damned dance at all was because you were going. I'm not going to lie to you about that ."

  "I …"

  He could easily see the confusion in her big blue eyes; now wasn't the time for any serious discussions about what he wanted from her .

  But he couldn't resist touching her, just once. She'd left her hair down, soft and silky around her shoulders. Matt brushed it gently. Ran one finger over her cheek .

  The sunburn was still there, but it didn't detract from how soft the woman’s skin was. Her lower lip trembled .

  "It's you I want to be with. No one else. Whether that's in that damned community center or right here on my couch. It's you ."


  P ip couldn’t breathe. This man meant it . “ I — “

  “I know I confuse you and I didn’t mean to blindside you, honey. But I’m not going to lie or hide it from you. I want honesty between us. If you want me to scoot back over here, then I’ll do it .”

  She didn’t. That was the last thing she wanted. Pip wanted the exact opposite .

  Pip reached out and brushed a hand across his cheek . “Matt …”

  She looked at him for a moment, a long moment, until she finally figured out just who the man in front of her was. Figured out what he wanted from her. “I don’t want you to move over there. I don’t know exactly what it is I do want yet, but I don’t want you over there .”

  His indrawn breath thrilled her. Pip smiled as it sank in that she didn’t have to be so afraid with this man. That he wanted her for her and would never do anything she didn’t like .

  And that made all the difference .

  Pip leaned forward and pressed her lips against his .

  Matt didn’t rush her, didn’t push for more than she was ready to give. He just held her, touched her, let her touch him, until he was missing his shirt and her blouse was undone and for the first time in her life Pip was making out with a man she wanted .

  It was him that finally called a halt, when they heard the sound of a big engine outside .

  Pip kissed him one more time and righted her blouse, just in time to be greeted by her eldest sister .

  Despite Jay Gunderson, it had been one of the best nights she’d experienced in a very long time .


  S he didn’t get to see Matt for two days. Mostly because the entire county was practically in riots after a virus struck half the cattle in the county. It was curable, but it meant every vet and tech—Matt and his people—plus those from the surrounding three counties were run ragged .

  He’d made a point of calling her before she’d gone to bed both nights. Just to talk. Pip had never had a guy do that and it had felt weird at first. But only at first; within two minutes she was just fine. Perci had ragged at her for two days, just teasing her in general .

  But today when she’d come out of the barn from feeding Wind Lover, he had been there. Waiting .

  There was a tall handsome man waiting on her porch, a bouquet of zinnias clutched tightly in his hand. It wasn't a store-bought bouquet, of that she had no doubt. In fact, it looked like he may have helped himself to some of the zinnias Phoebe had planted along the walk before she moved out .

  He only had half a dozen, or so, but if her sister ever found out that he had been the one… well, Matt would be in serious trouble. "Those are Phoebe's flowers, Matt. She's not going to be happy with you ."

  "Then she’ll have to be unhappy with her goats. I found a couple of them loose when I came up. These were the only flowers that survived. And I figured rather than let them go to waste, or become a snack later, I'll give them to the most beautiful girl in the world. So… here you go ."

  She knew he was full of it, but Pip's cheeks still turned red. She held out a hand and took the flowers gently. No man had ever given her flowers, even those rescued from goats before. She’d treasure the gnawed-on flowers for the rest of her life, wouldn't she ?

  "Why are you here today, doctor ?"

  "To see what you are doing this evening ."

  "Well, Phoebe and Joel are coming over to get the boys. I've got them packing a bag each right now. Parker and Patton, especially, are missing Phoebe. I think they said something about watching kids’ movies over at your house tonight. Those yellow Twinkie looking characters, I think ."

  "I'm not asking about the boys. I want to know what you have planned, after they leave ."

  "I don't know. I am probably going to do some laundry, do some weeding in the garden. Phoebe used to take care of it, but she hasn't had much time for it lately . "

  "How about if I help you with the weeding quickly, and then you allow me to take you into Masterson and buy you dinner. Rumor has it they’re hanging up a sheet next to the community center and going to show one of that moron Bowles’ latest films; since he's a local celebrity now and everything. They like him and are celebrating he’s chosen Masterson. Pitiful ."

  "You want me to go with you." He wanted her specifically to go on a date with him. It wasn't a family thing, it wasn't her getting a ride, it wasn't anything other than a man asking a woman on a date. And there wasn't a moment's hesitation, or a moment of fear .

  She wanted to be with Matt .

  And that's all it was .

  She trusted the man in front of her enough to finally not be afraid .
/>   Pip almost forgot how to breathe as the enormity of that sank in .


  S he had a great time. And she had to admit the movie was one she greatly enjoyed. Rowland Bowles was an exceptionally talented director; everyone knew that. She could see why the town of Masterson had greeted him with open arms .

  That didn't mean she wanted to be in his movie. The mere thought of it was enough to break her out in hives. Public speaking of any kind was just too much for her. It had been enough for her when people stopped her and Matt and asked which twin she was .

  How was she supposed to make Rowland Bowles understand that? He'd shown up twice since the dance. And she was pretty certain she saw him across the crowd at the diner, eyeing her. Eyeing her and Matt with a strange sort of intent .

  Matt led her to the back booth, and took the seat across from her. "You have an admirer. Bowles is having a hard time keeping his eyes off of you ."

  "He’s relentless about that movie. He’s shown up twice since the dance. This last time he offered me a lot of money to do it. I just can't ."

  "Don't let him force you into doing anything. He gets too pushy, send him to me. I’ll fill him in on the way of things around here ."

  "I can handle him, Matt. But the offer is appreciated. I don't know why he wants me instead of Perci, anyway. She could do what he wanted. Easily. But he insists it's not her that he wants, that it's me; but that doesn't make any sense to me. It's not like we’re not identical or anything, after all. He likes the way I look. Well, Perci looks just the same ."

  "When a man stares at you long enough, baby, he sees the differences. Your sister is a remarkably beautiful woman, yes. And yes , you are identical. But there's something about you that sets you apart. It's that something that Bowles wants. Hell, it's that something that's kept me from ever confusing the two of you. Nate, too. I don’t think he’s ever mistaken the two of you, either. You are you , not Perci; just like Perci’s Perci and not you. I see that. Nate sees that. I think Bowles is probably wiser than he appears. He sees it, too. Plus we both saw you the night of Phoebe and Joel's wedding. The way you flew across the field. Breathtaking. A man knows what he wants when he sees it, sees her ."

  "What do you want from me, Matt? Because you changed after Phoebe and Joel's wedding, too. Didn't you? I mean, the dance, then tonight. The way you look at me ."

  Matt leaned forward, and then he took her hands in his. "Baby, there's something you need to understand. I have always looked at you the way I'm looking at you right now. From the moment I bought those horses, and you and Perci rode in on Wind Dancer and Air Dancer, I have looked at you and no other. Pulling you out of the river that day just cemented what I already knew with one look. It's you I'm looking at, Philippa Tyler, and no one else. What you want to do about it, is up to you, but it's not going change how I feel ."


  J ay sat in his booth at the diner and boiled with rage. She was with him again .

  That Masterson bastard. Why was she with him? Didn’t she see that Masterson was just another prick who would use her for sex and then drop her when he was finished? Masterson was a few years older than Jay, and like all of his brothers, he’d had a steady stream of women in his life. And he’d not been serious about any of them. What would make him be so serious about Pip ?

  Masterson was using her. It was clear to him. Why wasn’t it clear to her ?

  Jay wanted to rush over to that table she shared with that bastard and yank her away. Protect her. Let her know that she didn’t need a man like Masterson .

  That she had him .

  Instead he forced himself to calmly walk out of the diner, as if he hadn’t seen them, and head out to the old truck his father had kept for him while he’d been in jail .

  Instead of heading home, though, he headed to her place .

  Just to see what she loved, to smell her .

  To plan .


  M att took her back to his place with him. Pip knew she’d surprised her sisters when she’d arrived, but she didn’t care. Phoebe looked at her with a question in her blue eyes, but Pip just shook her head. Pan made a snarky comment about something being in Masterson water .

  Pip said nothing in response. She wasn’t the least bit embarrassed to be with the man next to her .

  She never would be .

  Instead she helped herself to some leftover popcorn and gummy worms—Parker’s favorite treat—and settled at the dining room table in Matt’s house .

  All four brothers lived there, but it was just a temporary arrangement. Matt and Levi both had other properties they were refurbishing nearby. This was the family homestead, even though their mother didn’t live there with them any longer .

  This was where Matt grew up. And it was where Phoebe’s children would grow up .

  It was a beautiful place. She could see what about it had attracted Rowland Bowles .

  The boys were all asleep and she didn’t even try to move them. There was no point in it .

  Instead, she let Matt drive her home. Perci had worked a half shift and was waiting for her. When she kissed Matt good night on the front porch, she knew something had changed between them once again .

  And it was a change she would never regret .

  * * *

  P an showed up an hour after Pip had finally taken a break the next day. She needed to drive into town and stop by Matt’s office to pick up an antibiotic for Air Dancer .

  Matt had taken a look at the horse that morning when she’d asked, after stopping by on his way into town. He’d said it was because he wanted to check on Wind Lover, but she knew the truth .

  His kisses hadn’t lied .

  It was just a matter of time before they took the next step. Pip was ready .

  She’d had a long discussion with Perci about that very eventuality the night before. Her sister had lectured about safe sex and then went into a strange tirade about how that meant the devil was going to be an even greater part of her life somehow .

  Sometimes Perci was weird .

  She convinced Pan, who was irritated at something Levi had said or done again, to ride into town with her .

  She just didn’t want to go to town by herself .

  They stopped off at the vet clinic and went in. Matt was there, talking with a vet tech and a patient’s owner when she walked in .

  He looked up at her and smiled. Pip just stopped walking and smiled back .

  “Pitiful. You’re as pitiful as Phoebe, Pippy,” Pan said. “Get what we came for , ok ?”

  Matt finished with his patient and stepped over to them. He looked at Pan. “Close your eyes, little sister .”

  Pan obliged. “This is getting ridiculous. Next, it’ll be Perci and Nate. I’m putting a hundred pennies on it. Any takers ?”

  “Hmmm, later,” Matt said, right before he swooped down and kissed Pip .

  Kissed her for all the world to see. Except her baby sister .

  Pip just kissed him back .


  J ay had followed her and that blonder sister of hers into town, making sure to keep distance between her truck and his. It had just pissed him off when she stopped at that damned vet clinic right away .

  She’d driven right to him. Walked right in to him .

  Let him kiss her right there in front of the window. Where anyone in the whole damned inbred town could see .

  Did she want Masterson to touch her or something? Was she that confused ?

  Jay found himself driving around the town, just waiting for her. Wondering .

  His rage continued to build .

  He forced himself to park his truck and go for a walk, to fight back some of the anger before he did something stupid. Like shoot out that window and reveal exactly how he felt about the great sonofabitch Matthew Masterson once and for all .

  Instead, he found himself walking into a small boutique on Main Street that hadn’t been
there before he’d been convicted. The woman at the counter was a tall, stacked blonde who smiled at him. “Can I help you ?”

  Jay didn’t recognize her, but she was worth a second look. Not as good as his Pip, but still a good-looking woman. “I’m looking for a gift for my girl .”

  She smiled. “And what does she like ?”

  “She loves horses. She has a cream buckskin mare that she really adores .”

  “I have some horse merchandize in that corner over there. If you need any help just let me know .”

  Jay found what he wanted in the bin of stuffed animals and made his purchase .

  Before he realized what he was doing, he turned his truck back toward Masterson’s clinic .

  Her orange and white truck was still there .

  Only Masterson was walking her and her sister over to the diner. He had his arm around Pip, like it belonged there. Like he was shouting to the town that Pip was his .

  Instead of Jay’s .

  Jay turned his truck around and just drove .

  Until he ended up right back out at the Tyler Ranch .

  No one was around and it was a simple matter of popping a screen off of a back window. Within moments he was inside her house .

  He could imagine it smelled like her .

  There were four bedrooms on the first floor and he found hers easily enough. The nurse’s room had scrubs in the drawer. Pip’s had her jeans and tiny lace and cotton bras. Jay spent a good deal of time with Pip’s bras .

  As the rest of the afternoon went—and she still didn’t return—Jay lost control of the rage consuming him, for the first time since he’d stepped out of prison a free man .


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