Safe With Me, Special Edition

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Safe With Me, Special Edition Page 42

by Shaina Richmond

  I slid my hand across my eyes to wipe them. “Yeah.”

  “Hey.” He moved his hands down to my butt and pulled me closer. “Shh. It’ll be all right. Let’s just pretend, okay?”


  “Yeah. Pretend you’re really my girlfriend and we’ve been dating for a long time.”

  I sighed.

  “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

  He looked so precious. And damn, he was beautiful. Those long eyelashes of his could make me forget my own name. I stood in front of him, wiping the last of my tears away. He moved his hands to my back and pulled me a little closer until his face was only inches from mine. I wrapped my arms around his back and put my chin on his shoulder.

  “Hey,” he whispered in my ear, “you can pretend, right?”

  I wanted so much to say ‘yes’ but I could only hold him, enjoying the way his bare skin felt against mine.

  Tyler kissed my ear and spoke gently, “It’s make-believe, darlin’. You were supposed to be my girlfriend tonight, remember?”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled.

  “And you kissed Jacinda. That really hurt me.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry. I guess I hoped it might turn you on."

  Tyler pushed me away just a little, looking up into my eyes. “No, baby.” He shook his head. “I get jealous when the girl I love’s kissin’ someone else. Even if it’s another girl.”


  “Shh.” He pressed a finger against my lips. “Maybe someday I’ll warm up to the idea. I don’t know. But you were my girlfriend tonight even if it was just pretend. And it meant something to me.” He sighed, sadly. “And you had to go and kiss someone else right in front of me.”

  “I know.” I closed my eyes. His stare was too intense. “I understand if you don’t wanna be with me.”

  “When did I ever say that?” Tyler chuckled. “I already told you, you can’t scare me off.”

  “There’s no way you could know that. It’s only been...”

  He put his finger on my lips again. “Stop saying that. Don’t tell me what I’m feeling. How long’s gonna be long enough, huh? How long do I have to be in love with you for it to count for something?”

  “I don’t know...”

  “Just let yourself go.” His tone was desperate. “Forget about time and fear and logic and just be my girlfriend tonight, okay? Please?” The longing in his eyes made me hurt. “Just give in and let me have you. Just tonight. Be in love with me tonight.”

  I bit my bottom lip. Part of me wanted to give in. Another part of me wanted to run naked out the door. Anything to get away from this. I could only stare into his eyes, completely at a loss for words.

  “What’s holding you back?” he asked. “Please tell me.”

  I sniffled my tears back instead of answering.

  Tyler took my hands in his. “Why’s it so hard for you to pretend? Just pretend with me.”

  “You know it’s not pretend.” I don’t know what made me say it. Maybe I was tired of his begging. Or maybe I was afraid that if I didn’t speak, I might be flooded with tears again. And damn, I was sick of those tears.

  “It’s pretend if I say it’s pretend. And it’s only one night.” His eyes got wide. “Shit! I forgot something.”

  Tyler stood up and pushed me out of the way to go to his dresser and open a metal cannister. I smiled, appreciating the sight of my naked pretend boyfriend. His ponytail fell more than halfway down his back, pointing down to his tight, muscular ass. I was a little disappointed when he turned around so quickly, having found whatever it was he was looking for. But my disappointment quickly faded when the gorgeous naked man walked toward me and I saw the view from the front.

  He strolled past me to the window, muttering to himself as he struggled to push it open with one hand.

  This time I couldn’t help myself. I came up behind him and reached down to squeeze his sculpted butt.

  He laughed and turned to look at me over his shoulder. “The lady likes my ass, huh?”

  “Of course. I almost never get to admire you naked like this.”

  “That’s because I’m drunk, baby. I don’t like how I look naked. Not anymore.”


  He turned around. “I had a six pack ‘til I came to this school. Now I eat all the fuckin’ time. Pizza and beer.” With a disgusted look on his face, he put his hand on his stomach.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re gorgeous.” I stared up at him, amazed. “I didn’t know you were shy about your body. You have absolutely no reason to be.” I meant every word. No, he didn’t have a six pack, but his body was strong and solid.

  I thought of a recent memory of him - the first time I saw him without a shirt. There was no hesitation that night in my living room when I asked him to take his clothes off. He just stood up, dropped his jeans, and pulled his shirt up over his head. Maybe that’s why I had such a fascination with how he looked wearing only his boxers, because that’s what he was left wearing as he stood in front of me that night. It was rare of me to bring a guy home and get to know him intimately so quickly, but as we sat there talking for hours, he became the sexiest man on Earth to me. And the longer we talked, the more I found myself wondering what was underneath that flannel shirt and baggy T-shirt.

  “I’m just a shy person in general,” he said.

  “No you’re not. You’ve never been shy with me.”

  He grinned. “That’s because you make me feel like I’ve known you forever.”

  Before I could even process a response to the sadly sweet thing he’d just said, he lifted his hand to my eye level and opened his palm. He held a thick joint and a lighter.

  “Oh,” I said. “That’s what you went to get.”

  “Yep. Got it from Cyrus the other day. With you in mind. Been standing here trying not to crush it. Take it so I can use my hand to open this stupid window."

  I grabbed the items at once. Tyler turned around and used both hands to fight with the old-fashioned window. It made a loud screech as it opened. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s an old house.”

  For the next few minutes, Tyler and I stood at the open window while I smoked a joint. He wouldn’t take a drag because he said it made him sick if he smoked when he was drunk. But he did stand behind me with his hands cupping my breasts as I puffed and exhaled out the window. He said it was to keep me warm while also hiding my nakedness from anyone who might happen to walk through the yard and look up. But if anyone had really looked up, they would only see the head of a girl blowing smoke, and the head of a guy standing behind her. They wouldn’t know he was spooning her while he played with her boobs.

  After a few hits, I let my eyelids fall blissfully shut and my body fall back against his. He squeezed me a little tighter each time a draft of cold air blew in through the window. I felt his semi-stiff erection nudging me just a little. The feel of his naked chest against my back had become one of my favorite sensations. I was in no rush to finish that joint. I smoked it down as much as possible until I nearly burnt my fingers, and then I just stood there, enjoying a few silent minutes with Tyler.

  After I shivered from a particularly chilly gust of wind, Tyler reached around me to pull the window shut, trapping me against the wall and his amazing body in the process.

  “Mmm. I like this,” I said, watching his muscular arms work against the old noisy window.

  Tyler laughed and slammed the window shut, then spun me around to face him. “Your eyes are all puffy.” Leaning down, he pressed his forehead to mine. “Maybe now you’re high enough to pretend with me.”

  I threw my arms around him and stuck out my tongue to slide gently between his lips.

  We stood there for a long time, naked, embracing, and locked in a deep, open-mouthed kiss. Our tongues slid around each other in perfect harmony. He let me explore every part of his mouth without rushing me. He simply held me tight and let me do what I wanted until he decided to take over, holding the
back of my head and plumbing the depths of my mouth with his tongue. When he released me, we both had to wipe our mouths, each with a smile. He took my hand and pulled me along to his bed where he slid under the covers, reaching for me to lay beside him.

  I didn’t argue. I just crawled beneath the covers into his warm embrace to lay on my side, using his massive bicep to cradle my head, facing him.

  Tyler’s cheek was flat against his pillow. He brushed the side of my face with his fingers, then moved on down to hold one of my breasts. “What is it?” he asked. “What are you smiling about?”

  “Just thinking about how much I love to kiss you.”

  “Aww.” He kissed me, deliberately sliding his tongue across my bottom lip. “I love to kiss you too. My tongue loves every fuckin’ part of you. And when I finally cash in some of those hours you owe me I’m gonna use some to lick you all over. Head to toe. Then flip you over and do it all again on the other side.”

  “Do you know how wet you just made me?”

  Smiling, he reached down to my inner thighs to find out for himself. “Mmm. That reminds me. Another thing I wanna do sometime is see how long I can lick your pussy before my tongue wears out.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m serious,” he whispered. “I wanna bury my face in your pussy and take my time with it. But I might have to put a gag in your mouth. You always scream at me to go faster or start fucking you. But I wanna do it for me for once. Worship it at my pace for as long as I fuckin’ want. Might be all day.” He smiled. “Would you let me do that?”

  What kind of moron would say no to something like that? I wasn’t quite sure of the ‘gag in my mouth’ part but I was too high for any sort of negotiation. “Of course I would. It’s even in that thing you typed on your computer. You can lick me anytime you want.”

  “Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.” He chuckled. “It means you have to give me total control of your body.”

  “Aren’t you usually the one in control? You’re always bending me over and throwing me around and stuff.”

  Tyler looked at me thoughtfully. “It’s not the same. I want you to really submit to me.”

  “Okay. But I might have to get high first.”

  “No. I want us both sober for that.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I want your real reaction.”

  I decided it was time for a subject change. This one was making me a little uncomfortable. “So what’s this about you being shy? There’s nothing shy about you.”

  “Aw hell, Susie. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”

  “No. I haven’t noticed. It’s bullshit.” As I stared at him in disbelief, I thought again about the day we first met. “Shy guys don’t introduce themselves to girls in coffee shops.”

  Tyler laughed. “That’s because I’m also very competitive and there was some clown at the next table checkin’ you out. Had to act fast.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.”

  “Me too.”

  “I thought you really wanted to study.”

  He nodded. “I wanted that too. I guess. I mean, I needed to. That test was rough. But that’s not why I offered you a seat.”

  I smiled, knowing that Drunk Tyler - if he was indeed as drunk as he claimed to be - was also Honest Tyler. And me, being Stoned Susie, needed to use this situation to my advantage. I asked a question I had pondered for many days. “You know, I saw you with a few different girls on Facebook...”

  “Yeah, and I saw you hid your profile again.”

  “That’s beside the point.” I cleared my throat for emphasis. “So, these girls...”

  “Yeah? So? I knew a lot of girls at home. Mostly just friends.”

  “But some were girlfriends, right?”

  “Yeah, I suppose.”

  I took a deep breath. “I couldn’t help but notice that I look a lot different from those girls.”

  Tyler shot me an angry look. “You’re one to talk about Facebook pictures. I could ask you some questions...”

  “Back to you, Mr. Campbell.” I once again cleared my throat with a loud ‘ahem.’ “So what’s up with you and all these skinny girls?”

  He shrugged. “What about ‘em?”

  “Uhh...” I lifted up the cover and peered down at my naked body. “I don’t look a little out of place compared to them?”

  Tyler smiled. “Yeah, you do. You’re beautiful and they’re not.”

  I didn’t want to smile but I couldn’t help it. He said the perfect thing. But I wanted to know more. “Thank you, and that’s very, very sweet. But you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  He grunted, painfully. “Yeah, I do. And I could never get drunk enough to walk into that bear trap.”

  I tossed my head back, laughing hard. “It’s really okay.” In one sweeping move, I grabbed the portion of covers that were keeping me warm and tossed them Tyler’s way to expose my nakedness. Then I scooted away from him just enough to give him a full view of my fleshy body on the bed as I propped myself back on my elbows. “Do I look ashamed to you?”

  Tyler’s smoldering brown eyes locked on mine, then they slowly crept down my body. He craned his neck a little, going all the way down to my feet. He licked his lips repeatedly as he worked his way back up, letting his eyes settle into mine again. “No. And you have nothing to be ashamed of.” He gave me a big smile, diving toward me and planting a massive kiss on my lips.

  As we kissed, his hand found my breasts, giving them each a little jiggle. A second later he placed his hand against my belly, making me inhale sharply. He dug his fingers gently into my skin, kneading my soft stomach. He used just enough force that it felt nice and didn’t tickle. Then he wedged his hand in between my thighs. I could tell he was trying to pry them apart.

  I pushed him away just as I felt his knee take the place of his hand. “Not yet.”


  There was something else I was in the mood for. And in my compromised state, it seemed like a good idea. I could give him a unique gift and, in the process of giving him that gift, prove to him just how confident I was. “You wanna take some pictures of me? Video, maybe?”

  He sat back on his heels, his eyes as big as I’d ever seen them.

  “What?” I giggled. “Don’t be scared.”

  He remained perfectly still with the same shocked look on his face.

  I puckered up and blew him a kiss. “Come on, baby. Your laptop has a webcam, right?” After waiting impatiently for a little while longer, I sighed loud enough for him to hear and swung my feet around to the floor to go his desk and open his laptop. “You know, you really should set a password on this thing.” It didn’t take long to get his webcam software to open.

  “Shit! What are you doing?” He got out of bed and rushed to his desk to look over my shoulder. “You’re serious?”

  “Absolutely.” I sat the laptop down in the seat of his desk chair and pushed the chair closer to the bed, trying to get it at just the right height for me to give him a little show.

  “Susie, I can’t let you do that.”

  “Why not? I want to. It turns me on.”

  “But how do you know someone else won’t see it besides me?”

  “I don’t.” I sat down on the bed and smiled up at him. “But you should probably password protect the file. I guess I’ll just have to trust you to do that. And to keep this to yourself.”

  Tyler gave me a concerned stare. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on.” I took my breasts in my hands and looked at my image on the screen. I smiled and blew a kiss directly at the camera. “This is just for you. That is, unless you don’t need any new material for personal use.”


  “Or maybe I don’t really turn you on." I gazed into his eyes and squeezed my nipples between my fingers. “Maybe you’d rather go look at some other girls online.”

  “No,” he said, frantically shaking his head. “You turn me on.”

d.” Keeping my gaze locked on his, I gave my nipples another squeeze, then closed my eyes in a display of ecstasy.

  I stopped looking at Tyler and concentrated instead on the screen in front of me. I played with my boobs for a little while longer, even bending my head down to lick one of my nipples and take it into my mouth. I smiled when I heard Tyler’s approving moan. I glanced over to see how he was doing. His eyes were huge, like someone had stapled his eyelids to his eyebrows. I quickly refocused on the camera, making sure my pretend boyfriend would have plenty of entertainment waiting for him on his laptop.


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