Safe With Me, Special Edition

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Safe With Me, Special Edition Page 54

by Shaina Richmond

  He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath when I touched his cock. I wrapped my fingers around the base and gave it a firm squeeze. Then I turned my wrist and let my fingers wander gently over his balls, cupping them for only a few seconds. His mouth fell open as he nestled lower into his seat.

  I glanced over my shoulder to make sure we were still unnoticed before I moved in just close enough to whisper in his ear and get a clear look at his face. I rarely had a chance to pleasure him without him demanding to reciprocate. And until our flight the previous week, I didn’t know how much I’d treasure such an opportunity. It wasn’t just the act of the hand job itself. It was how sweetly vulnerable he looked when he remained still and entrusted the most delicate part of body to me. It was the only time I got to enjoy the sheer pleasure openly displayed on his gorgeous face. And it was so intimate. I caught myself fantasizing about it during the most inconvenient moments in the days that followed.

  I gave a soft kiss to one of the little cuts that remained on his cheek from Friday night. Then I pulled back a little and breathed against his ear as my hand pulsed around his girth. I whispered, “You’re such a big boy,” in his ear as my hand slid up to his head and back down, pulsing again at the base.

  Tyler moaned quietly. His lips were barely parted. He turned his head to look in my eyes for a moment, and closed them again.

  I went up and down a few more times, watching him grit his teeth to contain himself. I stopped at the tip of his cock and glided around it with my flattened palm, slowly at first, then faster. I looked over my shoulder when I heard the flight attendant’s footsteps, but she walked on by, paying no attention to our darkened area.

  I tightened my grip and increased my speed. There wasn’t a second to waste. I breathed against his cheek, whispering, “I love how you feel in my hand.”

  He let out a hushed, “Yeah,” and sucked his lips in between his teeth.

  “Yeah.” I rotated my wrist from side to side as I went up and down. “It feels so good to touch you, baby.”

  With his eyes closed, Tyler started to inhale repeatedly in strangled gasps. His head rocked lightly against the back of his seat.

  “Tyler... I want you.” I moaned, my hand moving faster, squeezing him tight.

  “Yes.” His voice was quiet. He gazed at me, his long eyelashes flicking up and down. “I want you too,” he whispered.

  I opened my mouth and blew gently against his ear, enjoying the impassioned look on his face. His hips moved against my arm. I whispered, “I wish I could feel your giant cock in my mouth right now.”

  He clamped his lips together tight but I heard a quiet grunt from the back of his throat.

  I knew what he really wanted to hear but I couldn’t get myself to say it. Instead, I just did my best. “I love everything about you, Tyler. Everything.”

  “Yeah?” he whispered between breaths.

  “Yes. Everything.” I looked around to make sure we were still in the clear. I squeezed his thick cock as hard as I could and moved my arm as fast as it would let me.

  “Shit!” He sat up and almost threw the blanket off.

  I gulped and sat up straight, turning around in my seat to see if we’d caught anyone’s ear. The man behind us was snoring louder than ever. It sounded like one of the children who were playing earlier was now crying. The couple across the aisle was reading silently. I let out a whimper of relief and gave my full attention to Tyler, who was wiping himself diligently with a large handful of napkins.

  Several minutes later, with the napkins and blanket rolled up together and stashed rather sloppily inside my carry-on bag, a weak, but grinning, Tyler sat next to me, his eyes shut.

  “You asleep?” I asked.

  “No.” He yawned and forcefully shook his head like he was trying to jar himself awake.

  I fell back against the chair. My eyes had adjusted enough to let me know he was staring back at me. “Hey there.”

  “Hey.” He smiled and closed his eyes again.

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking about my brother. Something he said to me today.” Tyler put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. “Are you sure you can’t get pregnant?”


  “You’re on birth control pills, right? He told me they don’t always work.”

  “Why? What happened?” I turned in my seat to give him my full attention.

  He sighed. “First, let’s talk about us.” His voice got even quieter. “I’m gonna start wearing condoms again, okay?”

  I nodded. “Sure. If you want.”


  “If I’d missed a pill or something I would’ve told you to wear one anyway.”

  He told me about his conversation with Aaron that morning, and how his brother was disappointed about Crystal losing the baby. I didn’t tell him about her crying in the bathroom on Friday night. It was now painfully clear to me: Aaron and Crystal were both devastated by that loss.

  Tyler said he thought he finally knew why Aaron was so angry. “He hates it when people compare us. Doesn’t she know better than to say that shit to him?” His mouth formed a frown. “Oh, and get this. They’re all tiptoeing around me all the time. Afraid I’ll hear something that’ll make me drop out of school and move home.”

  “So? That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know.” He mindlessly massaged my shoulder. “I feel like they’re lying to me. Leaving out the stuff I really need to know about.”

  My stomach twisted, sending a brief jolt of pain through my body, but it quickly subsided. January was coming for me. I steadied my breath and tried to sound nonchalant. “If it’s something that important, I’m sure they’ll tell you. They all really care about you, baby. I can’t even count how many people told me you looked happier than they’d seen you in years.” I groaned. “So many people.”

  Tyler’s jaw dropped. “Who? What’d they tell you?”

  “Why? Was it a secret?”

  “Just give me the names.”

  “Gosh.” I didn’t know where to start. “Your Mom. Daisy. Aunt Judy. Aunt Trixie. All your relatives, really.” I bit my lip, thinking. “A ton of people at the bar on Friday. That guy at the gas station who has a mechanical voice box…”

  “What’d they say about me?”

  “Nothing bad.”

  He sighed. “Just tell me. Please.”

  “I already did. They said you looked happy and they hadn’t seen you that way in a long time. I don’t know how they could make that assessment so quickly but they did. A few people might’ve said a little more but it was nothing you hadn’t already told me.”

  Tyler blew a loud breath out of his mouth. “It’s my family. They know everyone. Don’t they have anything better to talk about?”

  “Honey.” I rubbed his thigh. “It’s okay. They love you. They all want good things to happen to you.”

  His downcast eyes focused on nothing in particular. “I guess so.”

  “Hey, you could always be like me. I never go home. Don’t talk to most of my family.” I shrugged. “Couldn’t really care less, either.”

  Tyler’s eyes went straight to mine. “Oh, no. I could never do that. No matter what.”

  I went too far… “Yeah. I’m sure you couldn’t. It’s weird.” I swallowed against tears in the back of my throat.

  “Hey darlin,’ I didn’t mean it like that.” He laid a reassuring hand on my knee. “I just know it’d kill me if I never got to see my brother and sister again. And soon I hope you’ll trust me enough to tell me why you don’t see yours.”

  I couldn’t let it go on any longer. There were other things that could wait until January; this couldn’t.

  I was absolutely determined not to cry. I’d done far too much of that lately. By sheer force of will, I steeled myself, squashing my desire to bawl hysterically. I stared into Tyler’s comforting brown eyes and waited until I could speak without falling apart.

  I drew i
n a deep breath and kept my eyes set on his. I had to tell him before I lost my nerve. “They blame me for killing our parents.”

  He stared at me in silence. In his eyes I saw one thought after another pass through his mind until he finally decided on a question. “What? They died in a car accident, right?”

  “Well...” I gulped. My eyes never left his. I worked once more to inwardly quiet my emotions before I could continue. “They were both in a car, but it wasn’t an accident. My dad drove off a bridge. He left my brother and sister a note.” My voice broke on the last word. I will not cry... I will. Not. Cry.

  Tyler’s hand remained still on my thigh. His eyes flickered around the plane for a while and finally settled back into mine. His voice was soft. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” His eyebrows furrowed as he squeezed my thigh. “But that’s not your fault. They shouldn’t blame you for it.”

  I waited until the lump in my throat subsided before I said, quietly, “My Mom lost her mind because I was gone. My brother and sister said that’s why he did it. It was all my fault. And maybe it was. Maybe if I hadn’t gotten kicked out of the house she’d still be alive right now.” I pressed my lips together and looked down in my lap. Tears filled my eyes but I was desperate not to let them trickle down.

  He reached behind my back and brought me close to his side. “Hey,” he whispered. “Look at me.”

  I blinked a few times and quickly smeared away the few tears that spilled onto my cheeks before I lifted my face to his.

  He shook his head. “Susie, you weren’t the one driving that car. It couldn’t have been your fault.”

  I had to look away. There was so much I couldn’t bear to tell him yet. “Maybe it was, though. He was so mad at me. There’s a lot you don’t know--”

  Tyler interrupted me with a stern whisper. “You’ve told me enough to let me know it wasn’t your fault. Nobody made him do it. He was an adult who made a terrible decision.” He shook his head, sympathetically. “Do you know how many times I’ve wondered if I could’ve done something to keep my dad from having a heart attack? Like, tried to get him to go to the doctor even when he bragged about being so healthy all those years? He never went. And even if I could somehow go back in time and make him do it, it might not change anything.”

  I sat perfectly still. His eyes, his face… he meant those words. I pulled a tissue out of my purse and waited for the river to flow.

  “Baby.” He gave my shoulders a little shake. “Honey.” Another shake. “Sweetie.”

  An unexpected laugh came from my throat.

  “Talk to me,” he whispered.

  My words came out slightly broken, right on the edge of crying. “I can’t believe it.” I drew in a slow, steady breath through my mouth, trying to maintain contact with his honest eyes. “I just told you the worst thing about myself.” I swallowed. “And you’re still here.”

  “Did you expect me to jump out of the plane?”

  I brought the tissue up to blot my eyes as we both laughed. I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  He wrapped me in his arms. “I told you. You can’t get rid of me.” He kissed my cheek, then my ear. “I love you, woman.”

  I closed my eyes and wilted against him. I love you too, Tyler. I almost said it out loud.


  Saturday, December 10, 2010

  5:00 pm

  Ashley giggled. “So, Tyler’s the only one off-limits?”

  I almost choked. “We really did inherit the same horny gene, didn’t we?” My laughter made me blow out the hit I’d just taken.

  “You know it.” She adjusted her perky boobs in the enormous wall-sized mirror and gave her slim, petite body a once-over. Her low-cut, hot pink baby tee didn’t go quite to her waist. She wore her favorite skin-tight jeans, the ones that—she proudly explained--gave her ass a perfect little round, apple shape. “I’m so glad I came here for my vacation. Feels like I’m back in college. It already seems like decades ago.” Ashley fluffed her long brown hair and used her fingers to comb it into place.

  It was the third day of Ashley’s visit and we were in my upstairs guest bedroom. It also happened to be Tyler’s birthday, and he was determined not to have a party. The tradition among my friends was to go out to the birthday boy or girl’s bar of choice, but since the weather was frigid and Tyler was insistent upon being alone with me as much as possible, I decided to make the day of his birthday the same as my usual end-of-the-semester party. He finally conceded after much persuasion from our friends. It wasn’t really a party in the true sense of the word. It was just a bunch of us hanging out, playing video games, drinking… on a night when we really should have been studying for finals, no less. But the very next Friday morning would be our last final and most of my friends were packing up and heading home for winter break shortly thereafter.

  Everyone, that is, except for Tyler. Earlier that week, Leroy offered him a lot of money to stay the week after finals because he was short-handed and needed help with a large contract job he’d taken at the last minute. It had something to do with a transmission recall, alternators, and some campus motor pool vehicles. Tyler tried to explain but it went way over my head. I loved to watch him talk about fixing cars. He always lit up like a little boy on Christmas morning. If I acted really interested, after a minute or two his enthusiasm would build until he was talking faster and using his hands and fingers like he was holding the parts. What he didn’t know was that I wasn’t absorbing any of his words. I was just watching and listening in fascination.

  I carefully placed the pipe on the dresser and adjusted the buttons down the front of my pink sweater, pondering if I should undo more than the first one. As usual, I wore a black skirt with no panties. “Yeah. I can’t believe you’ve already been out of college for three years. Wonder where I’d be if I’d done that?”

  “Bored as hell. Like me.”

  “Bored? Are you kidding? You’re livin’ the life. Single girl. Independent. It’s the dream.”

  “Uh.” She rotated slowly from the mirror, half of her mouth hanging open. “Me? I think you just described yourself. Only difference is, you don’t have to get up to an alarm every day and go to a job you hate. And you probably never will.” She faced the mirror with a groan. “Unless you just want to, for some stupid reason.”

  “You know I’ll share the wealth with you, Ash. Literally. You can quit that job anytime.”

  “Susie, I’d love to quit my job. But I just...” she shook her head as she examined her makeup, “can’t do that.”

  We’d already had this conversation several times in the weeks since we reconnected over my mid-term break. I thought of Ashley as a sister, not a cousin. It didn’t matter that I’d only seen her in person a handful of times in the past ten years. If she wanted to quit her job, I would most certainly take care of her financially, especially after how many times she’d vented to me about work lately. The stupid company laid off more than half of its employees in 2009, which left the remaining employees exhausted and overworked. And nobody received raises. At company meetings they were told they should just be glad they have jobs at all. Ashley couldn’t even get the vacation dates she originally requested. She had the option of taking this week off or waiting until February, after they were finished with their year-end financial reporting. She chose this week because she was desperate for a break.

  It made me feel so guilty for the carefree way I lived. That job of hers sounded like hell on Earth to me.

  I met her eyes in the mirror. “Okay. But the offer’s there. I’m not gonna nag you about it.”

  “You’re a trip. So, back to your friends.” She winked. “If you didn’t have your big studly boyfriend to keep you busy, who would you pick?”

  “Damn.” I gritted my teeth in frustration as I walked to the door to make sure I heard Tyler and Michael downstairs. Then I ran back to her. “Okay.” I breathed in sharply, ready to give her the scoop. “It really depends on what you’re in the mood for. A g
uy? Two guys? Two or more people, some of them female?”

  “I could probably go for anything tonight.”

  “And it’s not too weird for you if it’s someone I’ve been with before?”

  “Hell no! Are you kidding? Did you forget all that stuff we did in eighth grade with those high school boys?”

  “Yeah, but that was a long time ago. We were kids.” I snapped my fingers and pointed at her in one motion. “Hey, if you tell anyone about that, make sure you let ‘em know we never did anything with each other, okay? Because I know them. They’ll say we’re ‘kissing cousins’ or something. And we’re not.”

  “I wasn’t gonna tell ‘em anything, Susie.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “Nothing.”


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