Across the Stars and Ashes (Guardians of the Night Book 3)

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Across the Stars and Ashes (Guardians of the Night Book 3) Page 3

by Pixie Lynn Whitfield

  “Wait. It says on the video that Seth is his brother? Draven will see that? I thought Seth told you and that’s how you found out.”

  “No. Seth is rather secretive about a lot of things. I had to constantly be on his case to have him open up for some of the information I did get. I found out because Nathanial mentioned it in the video then went to Seth about it. Why?”

  Zeke frowned, his face turning grim.

  “That’s not good.”

  Chapter Five



  Seth? Brother?


  Draven continued sitting at his desk long after the video ended in a stunned silence. How did he not have any memory of his life before being turned? He could only remember waking up in the hospital of the Compound with Nathanial near the bedside explaining to him what he’d become and what he’d be doing if he joined the Guardians.

  Now something at the back of his mind began to stir. Nothing in particular. Only fuzzy images—flashes that were trying to spark. He replayed the video without the sound this time. Despite the gruesome images, he had to see the wings again. When he did, they seemed more familiar and déjà vu washed over him.

  Draven hit rewind and pause, staring at them. He lost track of time. Only when a knock sounded at his door some time later did he look up at the clock and realize it was close to sunrise. Another day with Zarah gone. Six days.

  He closed the screen of his laptop before going to the door.

  “I take it you watched the video?”

  Thomas stared at him from the other side of the door frame with a concerned frown. Draven could only imagine how he appeared. He hadn’t looked in a mirror in a while. He nodded in response, unable to form coherent words to express any of his thoughts.

  “I think it’s time to go talk to Seth then, don’t you think?” He watched Thomas turn on his heel and start down the hall toward Seth’s room. Briefly stunned, he remained at his door with his jaw slack until his confidence and voice returned and he chased after Zarah’s brother. In many ways, they were alike. Both were strong. Compassionate of others. Sarcastic. Competitive. Stubborn. Of course, someone couldn’t tell them they were alike because they both would deny it.

  “Have you said anything to him?” Draven asked when he caught up.

  “Of course not. I waited until you saw the video.”


  When Thomas stopped abruptly, Draven almost collided into his back. “I hope he can help you remember because I’d like to know why you were there the night my mother was killed.”

  Seth opened his door and suddenly it was as if Draven’s mind cleared. He could see the resemblance. They had the same dimple in the cheek on the right. The same slight crook in the nose. Square jaws. Though Seth had more height on him by a couple of inches, they both were taller than others.

  He subconsciously ran a hand through his hair before speaking. Which made another thought occur—the dark auburn that sometimes appeared through highlights at his roots came from somewhere, and staring at Seth’s long strawberry-blonde hair, he could see where.

  The Fallen narrowed his eyes in suspicion at them as he waited in the doorway. Then as if realization struck, Draven watched his eyes widen. “Shit. Did you see the video?”

  Draven sputtered, taken back. “You know about the video?”

  Seth looked back and forth in the hall to make sure it was clear before stepping back.

  “I guess you should come in…brother.”

  Chapter Six


  Zarah felt Draven through their bond for the first time in days. His confusion struck her so powerfully it caused a sharp pain in her temples making her clench her eyes shut against the cold concrete wall. It passed within seconds, turning into a familiar warmth encasing her limbs. She figured she’d only been able to connect with the bond due to the little bit of blood she’d had earlier that night.

  Zeke was gone. He’d had to leave before one of the guards found out about his visit but she had a feeling he would be back soon. He needed to be. She wanted answers. He couldn’t just leave without telling her why it was a bad idea for Draven to learn about his past…. Now she was stuck, frustrated, waiting in her small room for whatever else was to come next. The cuff still clasped her to the metal bar over a thin, dirty mattress.

  Draven’s confusion told her enough. He’d found the video. He knew.

  Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the locks releasing at the door. She backed closer toward the wall, waiting anxiously for the incoming visitor. She hoped it was Zeke again, but with her luck, it wouldn’t be. Besides, it was too soon since he’d last been there.

  When the door opened, a Warrior that she hadn’t seen before stood just outside the frame, standing guard. Zarah watched and waited patiently, hearing footsteps in the hallway as someone approached.

  Taking their sweet time, she thought with an agitated snort and a tug of the silver restraint on her wrist. It clanked against the metal bar, echoing loudly through the room. She let a curse go.

  “Comfortable, Miss Duncan?”

  Zarah looked up and saw Lucas staring at her with amusement.

  “I don’t know. I could use a magazine.” She feigned a bored sigh and shrugged.

  He ignored the quip. “How about a visitor instead? I know someone who has been waiting to see you.”

  She straightened and turned her attention to behind the Fallen. A figure came into view and her eyes narrowed.


  “Well, I expected more enthusiasm.” He stepped into the room with an amused smirk. She felt a growl rise up from her chest. She should’ve known Nathanial’s former first-hand Rogue leader would’ve been here helping Lucas. And she should’ve killed him like Thomas had wanted while the chance was presented to them instead of taking him back to the Compound.

  “You sold us out,” she hissed. It wasn’t a question.

  He turned back to Lucas. “Could we be alone, please?”

  “There will be guards stationed outside. You have ten minutes.” Then Zarah watched the Fallen Master and his Warriors step out, slamming the door shut behind them. The locking mechanism bolting in place on the other side seemed louder in her ears this time, ringing throughout the silent room.

  She met Ethan’s gaze.

  “The last time you were in a position similar to this, you’d been stolen by Nathanial. Oh, and I do recall being in the room alone with you like this also. How interesting is that?” He raised his eyebrows.

  Zarah lunged as far as she could, swiping her free hand through the air furiously. The metallic clang of the cuff echoed when it shifted against the bar. He laughed at her attempt.

  “I tried to put some trust in you because you’d become one of us and this is what you did?” Her words came out slow and fierce from her clenched teeth. Suddenly he was in her face with his hand at her throat. Her body was pushed tight against the concrete wall, pinned by his.

  “Would you shut-up for two seconds, Zarah?” he whispered in a rasp against her ear. “You heard Lucas. I only have ten minutes and then I have to get out. I take any longer and they’re going to get suspicious.”

  She froze beneath his grip. He wasn’t being gentle, but he wasn’t hurting her either. He was helping? Confusion muddled her brain.

  “W-what?” she stammered.

  “I don’t have much time to explain, so you need to just sit there and listen. Keep your mouth shut until I’m finished and don’t jump to conclusions, okay?” She stared into his hard eyes before slowly nodding in agreement. He pulled away from her and sighed, running fingers through his hair before continuing. She watched him open his mouth several times to start, only to close it again in frustration as if he couldn’t find the words. It was uncharacteristic. The Ethan she’d met a few times was cocky. Often too chatty.

  Zarah frowned knowing that time was ticking. “Would it help kick-start the conversation if I just asked what the h
ell you’re doing here at all?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, okay, that works,” he started. “I’m here to help save your ass.”

  She stared at him blankly, waiting for him to elaborate. What she really wanted to do was laugh in his face but held it back.

  “Oh, you’re really wondering how it is I’m on the Fallen’s good side?”

  “That bit of information would be good to know, yes.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “I’ve been working with Lucas since the night of the base attack with you--” he started. Zarah interrupted.

  “I knew it. You did sell out our location!” She jumped at him again furiously. Her energy was dissipating rapidly and the silver from the cuff at her wrist singed her skin deeper. He charged at her again, clamping an angry hand over mouth as she began to slump against the wall from the poison coursing through her system. He’d kept her from crying out at the pain, her tear-filled eyes tracing upward to the metal bar holding that one arm hostage before meeting his gaze again.

  “Yes, I did. I told him where the Compound was confirmed to be once you took me back there. He already knew though,” Ethan continued in a bitter voice, pulling his hand away from her mouth. She frowned but remained silent to let him speak. “He knew because of the Hunters. They’re not stupid. They’d discovered what the building was, but they weren’t going to storm it because humans were in negotiations with him.”

  Zarah leaned her head back and thought about the information for a moment before speaking. “But they could have just busted in during the middle of the day, right? Killed the majority of us. The Fallen staying with us would’ve put up a good fight, but they still would have been outnumbered if we were asleep. Why not do something like that if they knew our whereabouts instead of waiting around on Lucas and pretending like they knew nothing of us? Does this explain that group of Hunters we found in front torturing those two Hiders you’d been staying with? Had that been a set-up?” The questions were really coming now even though there wasn’t much time. She felt him take a seat on the mattress, watched his shadow in the dim lighting of the room take over the wall by hers.

  “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?” She turned to him to see his look of questionable surprise. He’d been the first one cured from Rogue since herself. Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to kill him—no matter the deeds he’d once done, like turning Thomas Rogue and helping Nathanial. Some small voice kept telling her that he wasn’t all bad.

  “When the vampires were outed to the humans that night from the media, Lucas immediately did damage control. He saw the footage, saw your Fallen friends on there, too. He wanted to make sure humans would remain on his side and make vampires the enemy. He’s been friends with President Perkins since.” Ethan explained with a nonchalant wave of his hand.

  “Well, isn’t that nice.”

  There was an awkward silence. Their time was almost up. A guard knocked to remind him.

  “Listen, Zarah, I’m a shitty guy. I’ve done shitty things. Yes. I turned you in. I did it for a reason. I did it because you’re the hero. Not me. Not Draven. Not Thomas. Or one of those fucking Fallen. You. And you can end this for all of us and help turn everything back around. You’re already on the verge of a revolution by creating our new kind, curing Rogues. I’m not going to sit here and say you’re special, but you’re something. I can’t say sorry to you and your brother enough, I know, but I am, and I’ll do everything I can to prove that.”

  Before she could muster a response to any of that, he’d brought his hand up to her to cuffed one in a flash. She heard the lock come free and her now released hand dropped to her lap. Zarah blinked at Ethan.

  “Wha--” she started, only to be hushed.

  He leaned in again to whisper in her ear. “I know Zeke. Keep him close when you make your escape.”

  “And you?” she breathed.

  “I’ll be around somewhere.” He smiled.

  The guards were banging on the door now. He showed Zarah quickly how to slip the cuff on without locking it back in place so that it would look like she was still secure. She’d barely slipped it back on when one of the Warriors burst into the room to finally fetch Ethan. He was heading toward the door and pretended to be agitated.

  “What is it?” he asked the Fallen, his voice rough and on edge.

  The Warrior, taken by surprise at the approach, began to take a step back cautiously. “Uh… Lucas said your time is up.”

  “Oh, right. Coming.” Ethan turned to Zarah and she watched him with feigned fear. “We’ll finish this later,” he growled at her before following the guard out.

  When they left, banging the metal door closed and slapping the heavy lock back in place to leave her all alone again, Zarah pulled her wrist out of the cuff again. She smiled to herself even as she rubbed at the pain in the wounds. Those would heal. Now she may just have a chance.

  Chapter Seven


  “So you’re saying that when I was born, Lucas and his council immediately decided I wasn’t ‘good enough’?” Draven sat dumbfounded, staring at Seth across from him. Thomas stood listening nearby at the balcony window. He was trying to grasp the concept of the Fallen term Unclaimed, and so far Seth had done a decent enough job of explaining things. At least he was understanding why the hazy memories he did have of a past family didn’t include Lucas or Seth.

  “That’s right. You were born premature. Small. So when the decision was made, you were adopted by an Exiled woman.”

  “Why don’t I remember anything? It’s like everything is blank from before I was turned vampire.”

  Seth sighed. “Because you were hurt severely in a battle, and then that night you were turned by Nathanial. The memories could return if you let them. And they probably will now that you know the truth and have seen the video.”

  “Were you there that night?” Thomas finally spoke. His voice was flat, emotionless, and he kept his back to them. Draven stared at Seth cautiously. He could tell the Fallen was contemplating his words carefully before answering.

  “Yes.” Seth didn’t elaborate and Thomas didn’t ask him to. Instead he turned cold narrowed eyes at him and the room tensed in an awkward silence. Draven watched nervously between the two of them as the seconds ticked by, but without another word passed, Thomas stalked out, slamming the door behind him.

  “He’ll be fine. Just lets his emotions over-power him…. He and Zarah share that in common.” Draven’s attention was pulled back by Seth’s voice. He’d been staring at the door Thomas just walked out of, his brows creased in worry, wondering if he should go after him. Turning back to face Seth, he saw the Fallen’s face was impassive as he leaned back against the couch and took a long swallow from a glass of wine.

  Draven frowned. “What happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. What happened that night? Thomas didn’t ask you to elaborate, but I am. What were you doing there? What was I doing there? How did I get hurt?”

  Seth took another drink. “You ask too many questions, Brother.”

  “I’m not your brother. At least I certainly don’t feel like it. And I don’t remember shit from before, so what’s the point?” He sighed in frustration.

  “You’ll get your memories back soon. I know you’re already starting to see flashes. I see it in my own mind.”

  Draven looked at him suspiciously. “You can read thoughts?”

  Seth gave a brief nod as he refilled his glass. “Well, not really. It’s clearer with humans mostly. I get flashes here and there, images, a feeling. Better if there’s skin contact. I usually keep it off because it can get overwhelming if I’m in a room full of bodies. No matter the species.”

  “And in answer to your questions, you will remember in time. Just before she left, Zarah accused me of trying to murder her that night. She’d had some kind of dream. But to be clear, I wasn’t, and drop it for now. Only talk about it after you’ve
had your memory back,” Seth continued. The irises in his eyes had grown dark and dangerous.

  Draven decided to move on to a different subject. If he was really working on getting the memories back, he would just find out for himself what happened that night and why Seth wasn’t so keen on answering right away. Why would Zarah accuse him of attempted murder after a dream, though? That was strange. He stared at the lounging Fallen across from him. Anger spiked in his chest.

  “Do you even care that she’s been gone now for six days? We don’t know where she could be! All I know is that wherever it is, she’s in pain because I feel it consistently through the bond. She is starving and exhausted and poisoned…. And you’ve done nothing to show any attempt that you’re trying to help us.” Draven was standing over Seth by then, his voice in a near shout and furious at Seth’s nonchalance throughout the night.

  Seth was on his feet before Draven could blink, towering over him with his fists balled at his sides. “Of course I care,” he growled through clenched teeth.

  “You have a funny way of showing it.” Draven turned and walked toward the door. He was done with the conversation. Done dealing with any Fallen for the next few hours. All he wanted to do was get a little sleep in before there was more work to be done.

  “And I bet she’s thinking the same thing about you. At least I have someone on the inside I’m sure is helping her out the best he can.”

  Draven stopped with his hand on the door and a confused frown. “What?”

  “Oh, you mean I didn’t tell you?”

  He looked back to stare at the Fallen fully. Immediately he was annoyed by the mocking smirk when he gave him his attention again. Biting his tongue from any retorts, he waited in silence for Seth to continue.

  “I knew that night she wasn’t being taken by just human Hunters. There was one in particular leading the way that I’d known—a Fallen—and it was obvious she’d figured it out also before she even left. I saw it by the way she was staring and acting. I knew it was him because I sensed his power. We have a similar ability.”


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