High-Speed Hunger

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High-Speed Hunger Page 3

by Shady Grace

  “What you go and do that for? Oh, shit.” He dug in the breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a hanky and pressed it against her ear. “I’m so sorry, baby. Damn it!”

  “It’s okay. It was an accident.”

  While he kept pressure against her ear, they stared at each other. “See what I gone and done now?” Even though he tried to be tough, she noticed his chin quivered. “Maybe that Ty boy was right. I should listen to you.”

  Despite the stinging and pounding in her ear, Eileen forced a smile for her dear father. “That would be nice. I’m trying to keep you around.”

  “I know. And I know I don’t pay you enough attention, LeeLee. But I love you, and I’m proud of you. Without you I woulda gone and killed myself drunk after your mother left us.”

  The way he said “left us” sounded like she just packed up and left one day.

  Biting back a sob, she didn’t want to imagine what could’ve happened. All that mattered was they still had each other. “I know. That’s why I want you to slow down. We have a racing team to run.”

  A stunning smile lit his face, making the deep lines around his mouth more prominent. “I know, baby girl, but I want you to be happy, too. Racing isn’t everything.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Happy wasn’t even in her vocabulary these days. “I want you to be happy, too. What about that mail lady? I see the way you look at her. Why don’t you ask her out on a date?”

  He grumbled under his breath. “What would that beautiful woman want with a raced-out drunk like me?”

  “Aww, come on, Pop. You’re handsome, a legendary racer, a great father…and you loved Mom with every bit of your soul. Melody would be a fool to say no to you.”

  He made an annoyed face. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get you home. I have a busy day tomorrow.”

  His boyish grin warmed her heart. “Yep, and I’m excited to see what you’re gonna do with that Ty boy. He’s somethin’, ain’t he? Good worker.”

  The mere mention of his name sent her stomach aflutter. “Yes, he is.”

  “Now, let’s get home, so I can bandage that ear up good and tight.”

  Her eyes popped, and she shook her head. “No way in hell you’re fixing me up. I’ll do it myself, thank you.” With that said, she put the car in gear and drove off.

  An hour later, she returned to the bar with one good ear and no puke in the car.

  The rowdy atmosphere had quieted down since she’d taken her dad home. Just a few of the staff remained at the table. Jennifer and Ty were gone—maybe the ungrateful bitch decided him being black wasn’t all bad after all. The thought of him ogling Jennifer the way he’d looked at her made Eileen feel even worse. Jennifer wasn’t good enough for him.

  Bobby was gone, too, and she didn’t give a shit.

  “Get me a drink, will you Mak? I need to visit the ladies room.” She smiled at her lead mechanic and handed over a few bills. “Might as well clear up our tab while you’re at it.”

  Mak stared at her bandaged ear. “What happened to you? Got tangled up with an ol’gater, did ya?”

  Eileen laughed, thinking Pop could be considered prehistoric and dangerous. “Close enough.”


  “No. Something stronger, please.”

  Mak seemed to have a guilty expression, but she decided not to question him about it and turned away from the table.

  While she made her way to the other end of the bar, she eyed a couple making out in a corner booth. A new dash of hopelessness weighed on her shoulders. Too long had passed since she felt needed by a man. Even though her relationship with Bobby had lasted a year so far, the passion had dwindled months ago.

  A noise coming from the ladies’ washroom made her pause. Sure enough, some lucky girl was getting laid in there. Deep, guttural moans resounded through the door and above the noise of the bar. How long had it been since she made love last? At least a month had passed, and even then, he had been intoxicated. But when the hushed words of a familiar male voice echoed from the room, a nauseating ball twisted in her stomach.

  In a daze, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, careful not to make a sound. She rounded the corner where the stalls were and spotted Bobby’s boots standing behind a pair of high-heels.

  “Oh, fuck. Yes. Harder.”

  When she recognized Jennifer’s voice, tears pooled in her eyes. Although she should’ve known by their actions earlier this would happen, she didn’t want to believe he would actually cheat on her, and with the secretary to boot. Eileen choked back a sob, unable to stop herself from imagining how they appeared behind the stall door.

  How could he do this to me?

  “Yes, you like that don’t you? You dirty slut.” Bobby’s voice echoed hollow off the empty walls.

  She couldn’t take any more. She wanted to scream and lash out, but it hurt too bad to deal with it at the moment. She needed to be alone.

  Needed to cry in private.

  Eileen ran from the room and past the staff, unable to be around them. They knew what was going down, and it hurt to know her staff chose to protect Bobby over her. She got in her car and sped off the lot.

  There was one place in the world where she could find solace.

  Chapter Four

  The moment she entered the shop, relief washed over her. Many hours had been spent here after school, a young, wide-eyed girl watching the team prepare for a race. When she grew into a woman, her father had her doing odd jobs. Over the years, she learned the business, tinkered with the cars, and then became his business partner.

  She wandered through the shop, taking in the environment she loved and allowing childhood memories with him to soothe her aching heart. Although there shouldn’t be any surprise by what she saw tonight, the thought of Bobby banging the secretary during a staff party made her feel worthless and pathetic. But did he expect her staff to keep his secret forever?

  He’d acted like she meant something to him, and yet, he had no issues slaking his needs elsewhere. How could a man do that to a woman he supposedly loved? Maybe all this time he’d used her to keep him in good graces with Pop. That thought really hurt. Even though she no longer loved Bobby, she did care about him.

  She had worked her ass off to keep this place going, ensuring the books were on par and the staff happy, all while taking care of her father who almost gave up on life. He was a handful, too, in constant party mode. Somebody had to keep on his ass to stay focused. How much more bullshit could she take?

  No more. Never again.

  Flustered, she shook off her jacket and tossed it over a nearby toolbox. Needing to relax and forget her troubles, Eileen pulled her blouse out of her skirt, letting it fall over her blue mini. Maybe sleeping in one of the cars for tonight would be best in case Bobby tried to go to her apartment. She didn’t want to see him…not tonight.

  Where did life go wrong? Was she that focused on work that her own pleasure had been forgotten?

  Pleasure. A vivid image of Ty attempting to kiss her earlier made her neck and face heat. When Bobby kissed her, it was familiar—stale even. But when Ty had grazed his lips at the corner of her mouth, her body reacted as if awakened from a deep sleep. No man had ever made her feel so owned by a kiss.

  She kicked off her heels and strolled over to the boom box at the back counter, located her favorite radio station, and turned up the volume. Aretha Franklin’s “Rescue Me” blared through the speakers.

  Needing to be elsewhere—to step away from the familiar and allow her inner child to take over—she giggled aloud, grabbed a screwdriver from the counter, and struck a pose in the middle of the shop. Holding the handle of the screwdriver up like a microphone, she sang her heart out, shimmied her hips, and raised her hand high, forgetting what tomorrow would bring. A sense of liberation guided her through the song while she pranced between the cars and shouted into the handle like she were in the spotlight on stage.

  Just as the song ended an
d she bowed for the invisible crowd, loud clapping resounded off the walls. When she noticed Ty leaning against a hoist, a blush stung her cheeks.

  The soft lilt of a sad love song thickened the air around them.

  He approached her, his mouth set in that familiar, sexy grin. “Do you need rescuing?”

  “I can’t believe you just saw that. How did you get in here?” How embarrassing to be caught singing and dancing like a twelve-year-old.

  “Forgot where I live already?”

  “Oh. Right.” She turned her face, her cheeks so hot her makeup must be melting off.

  “What happened to your ear?” He reached out to touch her but dropped his hand when she retreated. “Bobby didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No, no. It happened in the car and it was an accident. Pop hooked his finger in my earring.”

  Ty’s face took on a painful expression. “Ouch. Here, let me have a peek.”

  “No, no. It’s fi—”

  He closed the distance and removed the bandage with gentle fingers, while she breathed in the intoxicating scent of vanilla-spice and pure man. Everything about him set her body afire. How embarrassing. The boss should be calm and in control, not wet between her legs and fumbling for words.

  “No need to be shy, sweet Eileen. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “That’s not what I’m afraid of.” Shit. Why did she have to say that?


  Dancing around the subject seemed like the smart thing to do. “So, are you excited about your test drive tomorrow?”

  He chuckled—a deep, sensual sound that seemed to flow like silk from his delicious mouth. When his breath tickled her injured ear, she closed her eyes. The subtle heat eased the sting.

  “More nervous than anything.”


  His body tensed. “I watched my father die in a car crash back home.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath and opened her eyes. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

  “Was he a racer?”

  He smiled broad and proud. “One of the best. Well, the bleeding has stopped.”

  “What?” She stared up at him, confused by his last words.

  “Your ear. It stopped bleeding,” he said with a crooked smile. “You have a little tear, but you’ll be happy to know you won’t be a one-earring wearing woman.”

  “That’s…good.” That’s good? Ugh. I’m such an idiot. A few inches in separation from this big, sexy man left her brainless.

  He cupped her shoulder. She glanced at his hand. It was large enough to do harm if he wanted, yet smooth enough to create heaven as well. Jesus. I’m acting like a nervous teenager. “I…um…why did you come down here?”

  Ty’s smile was delicious. “I heard the music and had to investigate. I’m glad I did. You put on a great show.”

  “When did you leave the tavern?”

  “After you. I’m not much of a partier.”

  She stared down at his boots, unable to look him in the eyes. Knowing he wasn’t a partier pleased her, considering she always had to babysit Pop and Bobby.

  His hand appeared in her line of vision. “Dance with me?”

  “An Old Fashioned Love Song” played in the background. “To this?” She giggled, thinking he must be joking. “It’s not a slow song.”

  “Why not? I’ll dance with you any day or night, even to this shitty song, sweet Eileen.” His playful smile made her ache to kiss him hard.

  The way he said her name with that sexy accent made her skin tingle, too. “Okay.” An instant connection washed through her the moment their hands connected. He reached round and pulled her body close, like he had every right to. Without thought, she drifted into his embrace. Pressing her cheek to his chest felt so natural. Following his smooth guidance, she closed her eyes and exhaled.

  It didn’t matter the song wasn’t a slow one. He had a way about him she couldn’t ignore. Everything he did was mesmerizing, calming, and maybe a little protective, too.

  All negative thoughts of Bobby faded away, and just the two of them were there, in the garage, holding each other. After a while, she glanced up and smiled. “I can’t remember when I danced last. He never—”

  “Shhh…leave him out of this,” Ty whispered. This time, when he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t shy away. His lips brushed hers, and an instant, needy ache pooled between her thighs. Eileen moaned and allowed herself to be enveloped in his undeniable passion. Never before had a man made her feel so hot from a single kiss.

  Entranced, she hugged his neck, pulling him closer. Maybe pain fueled her desires, or maybe she just needed to feel treasured. Either way, she clung to him like a lifeline.

  He groaned and thrust his hips forward, giving her a taste of his erection.

  She had never been a bold woman…had never acted on impulse. But tonight was different. Bobby had cheated on her, embarrassed and hurt her beyond compare. At this moment, Tyrone Ellis made her feel desirable. Instinct made her reach between them and caress his hard cock.

  They both panted in unison.

  “Is this what you need?” he murmured.

  Stunned with herself, she pulled back and stepped away. What had she done? He must think she was easy. “I can’t. I… Do you feel sorry for me? Is that why you came down here?”

  He seemed shocked and maybe a little hurt. The urge to throw herself at him was strong, but she was determined to hold back.

  “I’d never take advantage of you. I’m not that kind of guy.” He lifted his hands in a gesture of defeat. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone.”

  He turned to leave and a sick feeling consumed her. “Wait.”

  He halted, his back broad, straight, and tense. After a long moment, he turned around. When she saw the expression on his face, her heart tripped. Like he’d just lost everything he held most dear.

  “What is it that you want from me? Is it just sex?” She tried to hide the pain in her voice, but even to her own ears it was evident.

  “I want a lot more than that. But it’s up to you what you choose to give.”

  Her throat tightened, and her eyes stung. Why couldn’t she have met this guy years ago when everything was simpler? When there was time to fall in love? Life was such a bitch. “Bobby’s out of the picture.”

  He seemed relieved, yet guarded. “Good. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  “I haven’t had sex in a long time.”

  “Neither have I.”

  “It might be awkward.” She lifted her chin and squared her shoulders, as if the gesture would make her vow less pathetic.

  His mouth tipped up at one corner. “I doubt it.”

  She fidgeted with the hem of her blouse. “I don’t want to complicate things.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Maybe it….” She fought for some kind of excuse to save herself the embarrassment of seeming like a complete, sexless fool. But at the moment, all she managed to do was stare at him and pretend not to feel the blazing heat between her thighs.

  He looked about to laugh. “If you don’t feel comfortable, it’s okay. I’d never think any less of you.”

  She should know better, and excuse herself and walk away. But that wasn’t happening. Instead, she started unfastening the buttons.

  She needed this…needed to free herself. Discovering Bobby’s cheating ways first hand had been hurtful and unbearable. But since the day Ty walked into her life, she knew they were meant for each other. Now that she was free, acting on her desires wouldn’t be callous…and she wanted to feel cherished, if for one fleeting moment.

  His gaze followed her actions. “Not here.” Without another word, he closed the distance between them and scooped her up, swinging her over his shoulder. Although this was not the romantic version of being swept away, she clung to his strong shoulders for balance, and squealed with laughter when he dashed up the stairwell.

  “Why not here?” she asked, taking in t
he gorgeous view of his ass from upside down.

  “Because you deserve much more than a quick bang in a dirty shop.”

  And those words were just one of the reasons why she knew she’d fall hard over a man like him. Whatever happened tonight, she would cherish every wicked moment spent in his arms.

  Chapter Five

  He opened the apartment door and lowered her to her feet. “You don’t have to do this,” he said, still staring while she continued unbuttoning her blouse. He appeared like a starving man about to devour his last meal. She was happy to feed him.

  One-by-one each button popped away, and the blouse gaped open. From the lust dirtying his gaze, she guessed a bomb could explode outside and he wouldn’t notice.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.” She shrugged out of the blouse. The silky garment slid over her shoulders to pool on the floor. “Do you like what you see?”

  A sound between a growl and a groan rumbled in his chest. “Like isn’t a strong enough word.”

  She gasped when he cupped her breasts, and pinched both nipples until the puckered peaks ached for his hot, wet mouth.

  Instant heat and a trickle of desire wetted her panties. He sucked and nibbled on her nipples, before kissing his way up her neck, all the while, working a hand down to cup her pussy.

  “Mmm…sweet Eileen.” Ty held her close and guided them backward until her ass hit the table. “Tell me what you want.”

  Nothing excited her more than the burning ache to draw him in—deep and demanding—wrap her legs around his waist, and never let him go. She gripped his shoulders and whimpered when his hard cock nudged her belly.

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  With soaked panties and her entire body tingling with anticipation, he gripped the hem of her skirt and slid it up, skimming his fingertips over her smooth flesh along the way.

  Her nerves sizzled, every part of her burning with need.

  Not being a small woman, he still handled her like she weighed no more than a dinner plate. He set her on the table, wedged between her spread thighs, and ground his erection against the junction of her trembling thighs.


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