Waiting to Lose

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Waiting to Lose Page 1

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  * * * *

  Waiting to Lose

  a novel

  Book 2 in The Contest series

  Copyright © 2015 Dawn L. Chiletz

  Cover Designer and Editor: Murphy Rae

  [email protected]

  Formatting by JT Formatting

  Smashwords Edition


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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  For every single person who buys themselves a ticket.


  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five



  About the Author

  HIS HANDS GRASPED her neck through her hair as his lips covered hers with an urgent need. She could feel his heat radiate through her as his tongue invaded her mouth. Everything about him screamed sex. The smell of his skin created a pressing need between her thighs. His touch ignited a burn from her toes all the way to the lips he was biting so seductively; the act itself almost caused her release. His hands slipped down her back as they kneaded into her flesh, causing tiny bumps of pleasure in their wake.


  Boom, boom.

  Fireworks popped and flittered in the sky. Boom, boom, boom. Her body shook with the rumble. Boom, boom, boom. “Bitch, I know you’re in there!”

  That didn’t sound right. Why was Kendra here with them?

  “I have food…”

  Madi Ryan’s eyes flickered open. Her arm was numb from where her head rested, cutting off circulation. She stared at the business law book in front of her, desperately trying to remember how she went from studying, to dreaming of Jake Morgan, to hearing fireworks and Kendra’s voice.

  She shook her right arm, attempting to get the blood flowing again. Her hands rummaged through her long brown hair as she twisted it into a bun before letting it fall once more.

  “I seriously can’t believe you’re ignoring me. I have fucking chicken salad.”

  Madi turned toward the sound, realizing that she had actually heard Kendra’s voice, not just dreamt it.

  Madi stumbled to the door and pulled it open.

  “Sheesh, what took you so long?” Her gum-snapping best friend, Kendra, pushed past her and into her room, plopping onto her bed with two plastic bags. The smell of food wrapped around her like a blanket fresh from the dryer. Her stomach growled loud enough for Kendra to take notice.

  Kendra clicked and popped her gum as she stared from Madi’s abdomen to her face. “What in the hell were you doing? I’ve been standing out there for ten minutes. Aren’t you on call tonight?” Kendra asked.

  Madi stretched her arms over her head, yawned and nodded. She was a resident assistant in her dorm, and tonight, like most every other night, she was indeed on call. “I was studying; I must have fallen asleep. I’ve been sitting here reading for hours. My eyes were so tired I thought I’d just close them for a minute.”

  “A minute, huh?” Kendra asked. “I swear I heard you say Jake’s name. Were you dreaming about him?”

  Madi’s cheeks felt warm.

  “Oh my God!” Kendra laughed as she pointed her hands, still holding their food, toward Madi’s face. “Were you having a sex dream about Jake?”

  Madi pursed her lips. “What did you bring me?”

  Kendra glanced down. “Oh, I figured you were studying and forgot to eat, so I went to the grill and got you a chicken salad and me a burger. We both know you aren’t eating the steak, otherwise known as Jake Morgan, while he’s on tour. Although, maybe you were eating him in your dreams.” Kendra laughed before blowing a gigantic bubble with her gum. “Oh my God,” she mumbled through closed lips. “Get a load of this one. It’s huge.”

  Madi smiled as she stuck her nail into the gum, popping the bubble. “I’ve never been so happy to see you as I am now,” Madi said as she grabbed a tissue, removing the sticky mess from her finger.

  “Sure you have. You were happier to see me at the surprise twenty-first birthday party Jake threw for you in L.A. How is the fine piece of ass?” Kendra asked as she gazed at her phone. “Please tell me I’m not in danger of him calling you, because I’ll have to eat elsewhere. You two make me want to barf.”

  “Nope. You have several hours until the love fest begins,” Madi spouted with a smile as she grabbed the bag from Kendra’s hands. She glanced at her phone: 5:15 p.m. She chewed her bottom lip between her teeth as she realized that in a little over five hours, she would hear his voice again. Every night at 10:45 p.m. they had a phone date. Madi wrapped her arms around herself as the cool October air rushed through her open window. The faint smell of burning leaves wafted through the room, reminding her that the semester was almost halfway over.

  Four years of college had flown by rather quickly, all things considered. Back in May, she believed her biggest decision when she graduated would be whether or not she’d find a job in Human Resources. Now her biggest decision was whether or not to move from Chicago to L.A. to live with her boyfriend. Boyfriend… The sound of the word in her head made a ridiculous smile creep across her face. The thought of the man who possessed that title made her weak in the knees. Her life had changed so much over the last few months. When Jake had finally admitted he loved her, it was like her eyes were able to see for the first time. Colors were brighter, music sounded sweeter and her body seemed to move through the air like she was floating. Being in love—really in love—was a new experience for her. She�
�d gone without sex for months before she met Jake, but somehow having his heart and not being able to have his touch was simply torture.

  “Hey,” Kendra said, snapping her fingers in Madi’s face. “Where’d you go?”

  Madi grinned as she broke out of her trance-like stare. “Sorry, thanks for dinner. I forgot I was hungry until I saw you.”

  “I make you hungry, huh? Does Jake know you have a thing for me?” Kendra laughed as she twisted her fingers through her short blond hair, pulling on the strand she recently had dyed blue.

  “Oh, yes… He’s well aware of my deep love for you,” Madi said matter-of-factly as she opened the bag and pulled out her chicken salad with honey mustard dressing.

  “Speaking of the fine piece of ass, does he have any idea that you’re coming out to L.A. for Halloween to get some of his?”

  A slow, devious smile crept across Madi’s face. “He doesn’t have a clue! Ang is brilliant. No one knows I’m coming.”

  “How did whole thing come about again?” Kendra asked as she unfolded her wrapper.

  “Well, Trey and Annie decided to have a huge costume party for their friends and family since it’s his daughter’s first Halloween. They arranged for the L.A. concert to fall on that weekend so Trey could be home. When Ang told me her idea about surprising Jake, I couldn’t resist! He’s begged me to fly out to meet him for the weekend more times than I can count. I keep telling him I can’t because I’m on call.”

  “You’re lying to him?” Kendra feigned surprise as she took a large bite of her burger and continued to speak with a mouth full of food. “I thought you two were all about honesty. If I remember your words correctly, you said, ‘Jake and I promised to always be truthful about everything, no matter what. It’s the only way this long distance thing can work,’” Kendra replied mockingly, shaking her head. “You’ve ruined my sparkling opinion of you.”

  Madi rolled her eyes. “I’m not lying. It’s a tiny fib so I can surprise him. I wouldn’t lie to him under any other circumstances. Lying and hiding things destroys relationships. This trip will help our relationship. I’m sure when he sees me in my sexy costume, he will be so happy to see me that he’ll forgive me for keeping this a secret. I can’t wait to see the look on his face!” Madi giggled as she took a fork full of salad and dipped it in her cup of dressing.

  “What’s the costume?” Kendra asked as she shoved a french fry into her mouth.

  Madi held up her finger and swallowed her food before she began to speak. “It was Ang’s idea. Jake’s going as a firefighter, so Ang’s sister is sewing me a flame costume. Then Jake can put out my fire.”

  Kendra rolled her eyes and smirked. “Madi Ryan needs sex? Who would have thought someone so prim and proper would be such a nympho.”

  “Have you seen him? Do you not remember his ass?” Madi moaned in appreciation as she munched on her salad. “He’s so flipping hot. I can’t believe he wants me.”

  “Stop that!” Kendra demanded. “If I were a guy, I would totally do you. Of course he wants you!” Kendra took a bite of her burger and stood to get a soda out of Madi’s mini fridge.

  “I’m glad to know you find me appealing,” Madi laughed.

  Kendra turned to face her, pointing her finger. “He’s the lucky one, and I won’t ever let him forget it. I swear if he hurts you again, I’ll make his life a living hell.”

  “He didn’t mean to hurt me. He thought I knew he loved me. I thought he was saying goodbye and he thought he was showing me how he felt. It was a miscommunication. Hence, the ‘honesty’ thing.”

  Kendra scooted down to the floor. “I know what he thought, but still. He should have told you how he felt. He’s lucky he got you back. I’d have been long gone and on to the next poor sucker.”

  Madi turned her head to the side, glaring at her as she wiped the corners of her mouth. Just as she was about to respond, Kendra broke in again. “Seriously though, you have nothing to be concerned about with him. I saw the way he looked at you at your birthday party. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you and he hadn’t even kissed you yet.” Kendra popped the tab on her Diet Coke, took a sip of soda and reached upward to set it on Madi’s desk.

  Madi smiled briefly, but her lips slowly turned downward. Kendra’s shoulders slumped. “Are you still worrying?” Kendra asked. “When I find out what ass-hat sent you that picture of Jake with that actress, Allison Gregory, I’m going to beat the crap out of them.”

  Madi cringed as a thoughtful look played in her eyes. “I don’t know who would have done it. No one even knows were dating. What would be the motivation for sending me their picture?”

  “Whoever it is, they’re obviously just trying to make you jealous. God, just because he hugged her at some hospital charity function doesn’t mean they’re dating!” Kendra uttered, narrowing her eyes and shaking her head.

  Madi considered her words momentarily before pouring the rest of her dressing on her salad. “I guess the press suddenly found him more interesting after the report from the Chicago concert. The fact that he dedicated a song to a girl he was trying to win back gave him new appeal.” Madi lifted her hands in quotation. “They didn’t get the ‘Madi’ part. They thought he said ‘Allie,’ as in Allison. The paparazzi started following them around, desperately trying to link the looker with hooker.”

  Kendra choked on her food as she gawked. “Did you just make that up?”

  Madi nodded and half grinned.

  “Is Jake the looker or the hooker?” Kendra laughed.

  Madi rolled her eyes. “She’s been with, like, fifty guys. Why Jake? Why can’t she find her own man? He’s mine.”

  Kendra rested her chin on her hand. “No one knows he’s yours, remember? The press must be desperate to get a story. Knowing Jake, he probably hates the attention.”

  “Hate is not a strong enough word. They actually show up outside every hotel he stays at and hang around the tour bus.”

  “Why won’t he just tell them he’s with you?” Kendra asked.

  Madi wiped her mouth with a napkin, then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “He doesn’t want people following me around school, asking me questions and taking my picture.”

  “Hmm…” Kendra hummed as she focused on reordering what was left of her burger.

  Madi’s hands fell into her lap. “What? Just tell me what you’re thinking. I can tell by the way you said ‘hmm’ that you aren’t buying his reasoning.”

  Kendra finished the last of her sandwich and crawled up from the floor. “I guess I understand, and I don’t think he’s up to anything, but does he realize how much you worry and overanalyze everything?”

  “He knows me too well,” Madi mumbled as she picked at her salad. “I know keeping us a secret is probably for the best, but I go back and forth between agreeing and wanting to tell the world. I know I can trust him. He’s just trying to take care of me in his own way.”

  “He’d better be good to you, or he’ll have a whole of barrage of people ready to kick his ass, and I’m first in line.” Kendra crumpled up the paper from her sandwich and tossed it in the trash. “Well, sorry to run off, but Max said he might stop by for a quickie tonight.” Kendra licked her lips and raised her eyebrows simultaneously.

  Madi’s head fell in a sigh as she furrowed her brows. “I don’t like Max. He’s just using you for sex.”

  “No, I’m using him.” Kendra straightened out her shirt and tugged it down, revealing more cleavage in the process. She grabbed her purse and asked, “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Madi said, brushing away the invisible issue. She stood and enclosed Kendra in a quick embrace. “It’s you I’m worried about. Honestly, you could do so much better.” She pulled back slightly and shook Kendra’s arms. “You could have any guy you want. One who sees all the stuff you hide underneath. You need to find someone who can appreciate you for more than just your hot bod.”

  “I like having my hot bod appreciated. I don’t want a relationshi
p. It’s not for people like me. It’s for people like you. I like being on my own. It’s who I am.”

  Madi squeezed her tightly again before releasing her altogether. “You’re never on your own. You have me!”

  Kendra rolled her eyes as she opened the door and slid out. “Good luck on your test. See you at lunch tomorrow.”

  “Be safe,” Madi shouted as Kendra walked away, garnishing looks from people in the hall. “Make sure he wears a condom!”

  As she strutted away, Kendra turned briefly to flash Madi her middle finger. She raised her hands in the air and turned to speak to all who would listen. “Use condoms, people. Don’t use luck when you fuck!”

  Madi quickly closed the door, laughing to herself. She lifted her bowl of salad onto her desk, repositioning her laptop screen and clicking the tab at the bottom. The picture of Jake with Allison Gregory, which she’d been staring at for days, infiltrated the screen. Allison was beautiful. She wondered if Jake thought so too. Ugh... Madi sighed and quickly snapped it shut.

  Her eyes skimmed the pages of her textbook, but she couldn’t summon the will to read. She glanced up briefly as she heard the sound of laughter coming through her window. She tapped her foot anxiously and lifted her head to peer out. A red-haired girl jumped onto the back of a tall, stocky boy. The smiles on their faces said it all. It must be love, she thought. As soon as the word love played across her mind, her eyes flicked to the picture on her desk, and Jake Morgan’s gorgeous face permeated her brain like water to dry soil.

  It had been almost two months since she’d seen him face to face, and her memories were all that were keeping her sane. Did he have issues? Yep. Was he controlling and pig-headed at times? Absolutely. Was he more messed up than any other guy she’d ever known? Definitely. But, for some reason, his faults didn’t make her turn and run like the others before him. There was something special about him that drew her in from the start. Maybe it was his music and the way he sang. Maybe it was his smile and the way his blue eyes lit up when he was laughing. Maybe it was the way he handled his fans and made them feel so important. Maybe it was the stubble on his face that gave him a dark, brooding look. Madi took a deep breath to steady herself after the thought. The stubble framed his beautiful lips—lips that knew how to kiss. As far as lovers went, Jake Morgan knew how to use his hands, lips, and hips better than any other man she’d ever known. She could feel her face to begin to flush as a growing need for him caused her to press her thighs together.


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