Book Four: Billionaire Baby Secret, #4

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Book Four: Billionaire Baby Secret, #4 Page 1

by Nikki Steele

  Billionaire Baby Secret: Book Four

  Billionaire Baby Secret, Volume 4

  Nikki Steele

  Published by NightVision Publishing, 2017.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. December 14, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 Nikki Steele.

  ISBN: 978-1386256595

  Written by Nikki Steele.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Please Read

  This Book has an Accompanying Playlist

  Book 4: A Song for Us

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Author’s Note

  2 FREE Books!

  Exclusive Extra: Billionaire Heat Book 1

  Also By Nikki Steele

  Please Read

  This is the final book in a four-part series. If you haven’t read the previous books, please read the ‘previously on’ section on the following page. Each book is a self-contained episode, but the story is connected.

  It is a short, Erotic Romance. It contains strong, explicit, smoking hot sex scenes.


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  This Book has an Accompanying Playlist

  Music is a large part of the romance and storyline of this series. You are not required to listen to anything to enjoy the book, but if you would like an interactive experience, listen to the music discussed in certain chapters as you read!

  Keep your eyes out for the [music] link at the start of appropriate chapters if you have a multimedia accessible device, or feel free to queue the songs up now.

  Chapter 2:

  Tainted Love – Soft Cell

  Chapter 5:

  Moon River – Audrey Hepburn

  Book 4: A Song for Us


  Curvy Rachel lives with her boyfriend, Dan: an arrogant man who treats her badly, verbally abuses her and has her convinced she’s not worthy of love.

  That all changes on the night of her birthday, when Dan breaks up with her, and she meets Chase—a handsome, suited stranger with a sexy English accent. It is with Chase that Rachel, for the first time, feels like a real woman. He respects her, and appreciates her, and loves her curves. They connect on a spiritual and physical level, and Rachel returns home the next morning happier than she’s been in many, many years.

  But Dan hasn’t left. In fact, he can’t even remember breaking up with her. And though the smile falls from her face, Rachel takes him back. Even though she’s miserable. Even though he’s cheating on her.

  And then she finds out she’s pregnant. The baby is Dan’s. She tells him, hoping it will change his ways. But it only makes things worse. Dan demands an abortion and storms out when Rachel refuses.

  There are problems with Chase, too. After she told him it was over, he made a TV commercial that is airing on every station in an attempt to find her again. It’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her, but he doesn’t know she’s pregnant. Rachel ends up at his doorstep, determined to tell him the truth. After making love one final time, she does.

  The story continues immediately after.

  Chapter 1

  “I’m pregnant, Chase. And the baby isn’t yours.”

  I knew I should try to calm myself, if only for the baby’s sake, but there was no slowing the frantic beat of my heart. It was out there. I couldn’t take it back.

  What had I done?

  I looked up as his hand went to the back of his head, running slowly through his dark hair. His green eyes, normally so expressive, were unreadable. I cleared my throat as he said nothing, just continued to rub the back of his head, over and over. “Did you hear me? I said I was pregnant.”

  What must he be thinking? That I’d cheated on him? That I’d betrayed his trust, and our relationship? All true – though none intentional. I’d been pregnant before I even met Chase, I just hadn’t known it. And I’d thought I was single when we slept together, but I hadn't known the truth there, either. Good luck telling that to Chase though – it didn’t half sound like I’d been trying to pull some ‘you're the father, now pay up’ scam.

  It was a long time before he spoke. His words, when he did speak, were clipped. “I see why you didn’t want to tell me.”

  Was he angry? Betrayed? All of the above? My chin began to quiver. “I wasn’t sure how to break the news. I’m... I’m sorry, I just found out myself.” I clenched my jaws together and swallowed, hard. I wouldn’t cry. Mustn’t cry. My tears were not a weapon. I didn’t deserve his pity.

  “It’s obviously not my baby.” The tone was matter of fact. Cold. Exactly what I deserved. “Whose is it?” And now suddenly he was in motion. “I should have known better. Out for the money. I really thought you were different!”

  “Don’t say that!” And now I was glad for the tears blurring my vision. I didn’t want to see his face—I was afraid of the hatred I’d see on it.

  His outline paused. His tone became harsh. “Were you sleeping with someone else this entire time? Cheating on me?”

  I wiped at my eyes. “I... it’s complicated. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You were the first person I called when I found out.”

  “Because you saw the dollar signs.”

  “No!” I stared at him, horrified. “To break things off! To try and do the right thing by you!”

  “And then you saw the commercial.”

  I nodded, shoulders slumping. Then I’d seen the commercial. And I’d knocked on his door, and instead of telling him the truth, I’d chosen one last reminder of the happiness I was about to give up. “I’m sorry. I should have told you right away.”

  He turned his back to me, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair once more. “What am I to do Rachel? You lied to me. Are you even single right now?”

  “Yes.” I hesitated as my phone began to vibrate—like God calling, to remind me of the truth. “I mean, no. I mean, it’s complicated. I thought I was single, but I wasn’t. But now I am single...” I looked down at my phone. It was Dan. “I think.”

  He spun to face me. “You think.”

  I couldn’t meet his gaze, looking instead at the phone still vibrating in my hand.

  “Is that the father?” he asked.

  I gave the tiniest of nods.

  “Maybe you should answer that then,” he said, stalking from the room. His voice could have frozen water. “I’ll give you two some privacy—you’ve obviously got some things to work out.”

  * * *

  Dan. Of all people! What did he want now? It had been days since he’d walked out on me.

  I cast one last look down the hall, where Chase had disappeared. “Hello?” I murmured, hurrying out the front door.

  “Hey, stranger!”

  I paused, confused, on the front steps. His tone didn’t sound like we’d broken up. In fact, it sounded... happy to hear me? “Hi. What’s up?”

  I stood on the front stoop, peering into Chase’s house through the etched glass of the front doors. Trying to catch a glimpse of him, to see his face. I wanted to know whether he hated me. He was nowhere to be seen.

  “I’ve missed you so much. I was such a jerk. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Forgive you?” I repeated absently, still looking for Chase. Poor, sweet Chase. He’d only ever wanted to make me happy.
Look what I’d done to him.

  Then I realized what Dan had just said. “Wait. Did you just apologize?”

  “Yeah, of course. I had too much to drink, and there was the job thing, and the baby, too. I needed some time to get my mind in order. But I’m good now. I’m excited for us.”

  “For us,” I said flatly. “You’re happy to have a baby now?”

  “I want us to be together. I want to be a father. I’m ready for this.”

  This was my punishment—for coming back to see Chase. “Are you sure? Dan, I can’t handle any games right now. This is too big, too important.”

  “Believe me, I get it. And I don’t blame you, since I was such a jerk. Let me make it up to you, okay?”

  I didn’t want to forgive Dan. He’d walked out on me. He’d wanted an abortion! But if I hoped that one day, Chase might see it in his heart to forgive me...

  I sighed. Heavily. “How do we do this?”

  “Let me take you to dinner tomorrow night. Your favorite, romantic spot. We can talk things over then. What do you say?”

  What could I say? He was the silver medal, and all I wanted was gold. “All right. We’ll talk it out then.” He hung up.

  I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or both. What kind of cruel joke was this? Now he wanted to be with me—one day he didn’t, the next he did. Could I trust him to be reliable?

  I cast one more look behind me, into the house. Nothing. Not a sound, or a sign of movement. I began to walk down the stairs, to hail a cab home. What other choice did I have?

  Chapter 2


  I dressed carefully for dinner the following evening: a simple wrap dress and flat boots. I wanted to look nice for what I hoped was a new beginning with Dan.

  Nice. Not good, not great, not sexy, not ravishing.

  Was it wrong to get back together with the father of your child, even if you didn’t love him anymore? I wasn’t sure about that. But what I did know was that it would be wrong not to give him a chance, if he wanted it. After all, he was the father of my child.

  That didn’t mean I wanted him touching me though—yet, anyway. Hence, dressing nice.

  We would start things slow—start over. Dan would have to earn the right to my body, and my love. Tonight, we would begin anew.

  I would start by clearing the air—letting him know just how much he had hurt me—not angrily, not to start a fight, but rather just to stand in my truth and be strong for my baby. Since we’d be in public, he might even listen.

  If we were going to work together as parents to our child, I would have to start here and now getting more comfortable with speaking up for myself. I couldn’t let him walk over me again. Not when there were two of us to think about.

  I flicked on the radio—I always listened to music when I was getting ready to go out—then paused before the full-length mirror. My body would start changing soon. I stood sideways, checking myself out. Of course there was nothing there yet, but I could imagine it. Vaguely, anyway. It was still such an intangible concept. Me, having a baby. Being pregnant. Thinking and eating for two.

  My breasts would grow larger. Dan would love that. I rolled my eyes, thinking of his clumsy groping. Chase had been so much better—gentle, and skillful, and-

  Stop it. You’ll never have that again. Don’t ruin the rest of your life wanting what you can’t get.

  At least Dan was happy I was having the baby. Chase didn’t want children. I needed to keep reminding myself of that; he didn’t want children, and I was with child.

  I sighed, walking into the bathroom to start on my hair. As I worked, I began to chat with the child growing inside me. “I know I always say you can be a boy or a girl, whatever you want. But sometimes, I hope you’re a girl,” I said, running a flat iron along red strands. “Girl stuff, I can handle. Boys on the other hand? I don’t know much about that stuff—sports and frogs and wrestling and trucks. But I’ll learn if I have to. I won’t limit you just because you want to do things I’m not familiar with. And if you’re a boy who wants me to curl his hair, or a girl who wants to play football, that’s okay, too. Whatever you need.”

  Eventually, the time came to leave for dinner. “This is it, baby,” I murmured, putting on my coat. “Your father wants to be a father. We’ll see if he means what he says. I want the best for you, and I won’t accept anything less. I wish you were big enough to kick me if I lose my nerve.”

  * * *

  I stepped out of a cab and onto the pavement in the Upper West Side. I hadn’t been in this area since... well, that didn’t matter anymore. I straightened my dress, took a deep breath and pushed Chase from my mind. Tonight, Dan and I would wipe the slate clean, and start again.

  I pushed through the glass restaurant doors with sweaty palms, looking left and right. Would he already be here? My heart was beating just a little too fast. I felt like I was on a first date.

  Dan stood up as I walked in. He was holding a huge bouquet of red roses, which he gave to me when I reached him, then pulled out my chair. “You look beautiful,” he said, kissing my cheek.

  I sat, slightly bemused. First date indeed—I hadn’t been treated this way by Dan, ever! Maybe he had turned over a new leaf?

  “How’ve you been?” he asked, once he was seated too. “How are you feeling?”

  He looked handsome, put-together. He was, in that moment, the boyfriend I’d always wanted him to be. “All right, I guess,” I said shyly. “Sort of sick in the morning...”

  “How far along are you now?” he asked, cutting me off.

  He must be nervous. “I’m nearly seven weeks,” I said. “Very early, yet.”

  “It’s amazing that a woman can even know she’s pregnant so early,” he said. “I mean, there’s barely anything there, is there?”

  “That’s... true,” I said. “But believe me, had I been paying attention, I would have figured it out. I just had a lot on my mind. Some women are lucky enough to never have morning sickness. I’ve had it for a while but just chalked it up to eating something at dinner that didn’t agree with me the next morning.”

  “Jeez, I would never know the difference. I feel sick almost every morning.” He laughed.

  I bit my tongue to keep from explaining the difference between morning sickness and a hangover. Dan was trying, and I should too. “Yes, well, I don’t drink very much, so...” Gosh, this was uncomfortable. Had we always been this awkward? It wasn’t hard to believe, seeing as how we’d never had much in common. And Dan had never been a sparkling conversationalist.

  I chided myself. Why should I expect sparkling conversation now? I had to stop being so demanding and simply learn to accept him the way he was. I was being unfair, comparing him to Chase. No one was going to be like Chase. He was one in a million.

  “How have you been?” I asked. “You said you’ve been looking for a job. How’s that going?”

  “Really well. I’ve put in a few applications, sent my resume around.” He was reading the menu, not looking at me.

  “Cool. Where?”

  “Huh?” He glanced up at me.

  “I asked where you’ve been applying. Just out of curiosity. What are you looking for?”

  Dan put down the menu with a sigh. “Can’t we get through one meal without you nagging me? I asked you here so we could have a nice dinner together, and you can’t wait five minutes before you start prying and asking questions.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to needle. I’m just trying to make conversation. I mean, I haven’t seen you in days. I was wondering what you’ve been up to, is all.”

  “I haven’t asked you that, have I?”

  “No you haven’t.”

  I placed a hand over my belly, unconsciously. Dan acted as though not caring was a virtue. Be careful, my instincts warned. He hasn’t changed as much as he wants you to believe. I felt my shoulders tighten.

  Dan sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just really stressful searching for a job, tha
t’s all. I want to do well for you, and there’s a lot of pressure out there. It’s not easy to talk about.”

  I forced my shoulders to relax. “I understand. As long as you’re trying.”

  So he did see us as a family. Perhaps this would work out after all. See, little one? I knew he would come through for us. He wants you, and he wants me.

  After we ordered, Dan raised his wine glass in a toast. I raised my own glass, filled with water. “To us, and a fantastic future.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, though a little part of me wanted to. We touched our glasses together.

  He glanced at me as our glasses lowered to the table. I knew that glance. It was the look of a little boy who knows he’s about to do something naughty.

  I frowned. What did Dan have up his sleeve? And why did I suddenly have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach?

  “I have to ask you something, and I hope it doesn’t come off the wrong way,” he said.

  I gulped. “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Were you seeing anyone on the side? Like, when we were having trouble recently? Was there somebody else?”

  My heart sank. So that was it. He was going to say the baby wasn’t his. This was just like him! Trying to wriggle out of his responsibility to me and the baby-

  No. I stopped that line of thought. He wouldn’t have met you if that were the case. He’s being nice. Don’t assume anything.

  I cleared my throat, pushing aside knee-jerk anger. “Why are you asking?”

  “It’s just that... I’ve suspected for a little while that there might be somebody else. Not that I blame you,” he said, holding up a hand. “I was a real jerk. I can imagine you’d want to go off with someone else. You’re only human.”

  I looked at Dan, eyes narrowed. This was a loaded question. It had to be. But where was it leading, and how should I answer?

  For once, I didn’t have the moral high ground. Even if I hadn’t cheated that first time, with Chase, because I’d thought Dan and I had broken up, I had the second. Though he had been off that same weekend, sleeping with his secretary, it didn’t excuse me.


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