Soul Matters

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Soul Matters Page 17

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” Natalie said, and extended her hand.

  “You too,” Evelyn responded.

  “Kim, you didn’t tell me Natalie was coming,” Marlene said to her daughter.

  “That’s because Kim didn’t know.” Kim intentionally referred to herself in the third person.

  Yikes. Evelyn tried to keep a straight face after sensing the sarcasm in Kim’s response.

  “Has Wendy gotten here yet?” Natalie asked Marlene, searching for her comfort zone.

  “No, she should be on her w—”

  Wendy came rushing up to them. “Sorry I’m late, guys. I was waiting on Kimberly to get picked up.”

  “Did everything go okay?” Marlene asked.

  “Yes. Her dad was just running a little behind, that’s all.”

  “Hey, Nat.”

  “What’s up?” Natalie was glad to see Wendy’s smiling face.

  “Hi, Evelyn. It’s so good to see you!” Wendy hugged her.

  “You too, sweetie. How is the baby?”

  “She’s doing really good. She’s a chubby little thing.”

  “I know. Kim gave me the pictures you sent. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. She’s only four months and already weighs sixteen and a half pounds.”

  “Are you serious? She certainly is a doll baby. You need to bring her by sometime to see me.”

  “I will, I promise,” Wendy assured her. “You’re looking good, as always.”

  “Oh, bless your heart. Thank you,” Evelyn said humbly. As usual, she wasn’t dressed as casually as everyone else. Evelyn’s idea of “dressing down” was a pair of slacks and a nice shirt, which most people would call business-casual attire. “You look great yourself. I can’t even tell that you had a baby.”

  “I’ve been trying. I owe all the credit to my personal trainer and those kick-boxing classes he has me taking.” Wendy turned to Kim. She could tell by the look on her sister’s face that Kim was not happy. “Uh . . . Can you come with me for a minute, please?” Wendy grabbed Kim by the arm. “Excuse us for just a moment,” she said to her mother, her friend, and Evelyn. She and Kim walked to another part of the store.

  When Wendy let go, Kim stared at her sister with her arms folded. She didn’t have to say a word; her demeanor said it all. “Before you get all bent out of shape, I didn’t invite Natalie here,” Wendy explained.

  “So tell me how she knew where to come, then.”

  “Listen, she called me this morning and said that she wouldn’t be able to come over tonight as we had planned. She asked if we could do something earlier today.”


  “I told her no because I was meeting you here today to look for stuff for your wedding. Next thing I knew, she said she would try and meet me here. I didn’t know what to say, honestly.”

  Marlene, Natalie, and Evelyn observed the way Kim was standing. No one said anything, but everyone pretty much figured that Wendy was explaining Natalie’s presence. “So, Natalie, how long have you and Wendy known each other?” Evelyn asked, trying to strike up a conversation so they were not just staring at the two sisters.

  “I’ve known her since high school.”

  “Oh, so you must also know Gwen?”

  Natalie didn’t like the fact that Gwen’s name was being mentioned, but she swallowed her pride and said yes.

  “I have known Wendy and Kim since they were young girls,” said Evelyn.

  “What about us?” Kim heard their names mentioned as they were walking back to where everyone was. She sounded normal.

  “Evelyn was just telling Natalie that she has known you and your sister for a while.” Marlene looked at her watch. “I think you better tell the lady that we’re ready now.”

  Kim went to find the woman with whom she had set the appointment. She wasn’t thrilled about Natalie being there, especially after what Gwen had told her this morning. However, she wasn’t going to let it ruin her day. They had a long day ahead of them, as Kim had made appointments at several other bridal shops as well.

  “She wants us,” Evelyn said to everyone after she noticed Kim motioning to them. They walked over to where she was standing. Beside her was a woman who favored the actress who played Janet from the television show Three’s Company, with her dark hair and round face.

  The bridal consultant introduced herself with a bright smile. “Hi, I’m Amy.”

  Everyone said hello.

  “As I was telling Kim, I want to concentrate on finding her something first. You all are welcome to look around for dresses that interest you or you can help find something nice for her.”

  “I want to help her look,” Wendy said.

  “Me too,” both Marlene and Evelyn agreed. Natalie was silent.

  “I don’t know, Mama,” Kim kidded. “I’ve seen some of those dresses you pointed out in the catalogs—they weren’t too attractive.”

  “Oh shut up. You keep messin’ with me and I’ll wear one of them myself.”

  Amy laughed with everyone else. She had no idea what style of dresses Marlene had picked out, but she had worked with numerous brides-to-be and the majority of them had ideas that varied drastically from their mothers’. “Well, how about this? Before we get started, Kim can give everyone a rundown of the kind of dress she’s most interested in, and that way we’ll have a guideline and pick out stuff that she’ll have a better chance of liking.”

  Kim thought the idea was perfect and gave a general overview of what she was looking for. The next two hours were spent with Kim trying on one dress after another. She intended to wear a white dress and wanted purple and silver as her wedding colors. Wendy found a purple dress that she considered buying at that particular store. Marlene and Evelyn, who would be wearing silver, also found dresses that interested them. However, everyone agreed that it would be better to look around at the other shops first in case they found something better.

  While everyone looked for dresses, per Kim’s suggestion, Natalie was stuck with baby-sitting the purses and coats. If Natalie had to be there, Kim was determined to find something useful to do with her and keep her out of the way.

  “You’re back!” Amy said in a high-pitched voice. She was happy to see Kim and her family return to the store. It had been several hours since they had left, but they had asked her to hold all the dresses they liked and said they would come back if they couldn’t find anything else. They even had allowed her to take their measurements earlier. Their return ensured her commission.

  “We came to narrow down our choices,” Kim said. She was worn out, hungry, and ready to select her wedding gown.

  “Follow me.” Amy signaled for everyone to walk back to the dressing rooms. “I may have to go back and forth between you and another lady who has an appointment in a few minutes,” she turned and said to Kim.

  “That’s fine. I understand.”

  The shop had gotten busier while they were gone. Fortunately there were enough rooms available for each lady to try things on at the same time. Marlene, Evelyn, and Wendy were at the opposite end of the hall from Kim, who was able to get a very large dressing room specifically for brides-to-be.

  “Natalie, can you come help me zip up this dress?” Kim yelled out to the waiting room.

  Natalie jumped at the opportunity. It was about the most excitement she had experienced all day. She knocked on Kim’s door. “It’s Nat.”

  Kim let her in. “Oooh, I like that,” Natalie said after seeing the gown Kim had on.


  “Yeah. I think you should get it.”

  Kim agreed. She had seen no other dress that could compare with this one. She turned and faced the mirror so Natalie could zip up the back. “So tell me about Kevin.” She’d been waiting for the opportunity to confront her all day. Now she finally had her chance.

  “Whooo?” Natalie was blindsided by the question.

  “Whooo?” Kim raised her eyebrows and imitated Natalie. “You sound like an o

  Natalie felt extremely uncomfortable and realized that Kim didn’t necessarily want her help with the wedding dress; she wanted an interrogation. “I—I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” she responded cautiously.

  “Yeah, I bet.” Kim sneered and turned from the mirror to face Natalie, who was quite a few inches taller than she. “I’m talking about the guy you were plastered all over at Maxine’s last night. Tall, dark, handsome real estate investor. You know Kevin, otherwise known as my sister’s husband.”

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I dance with a lot of guys when I go out. If I was dancing with Wendy’s husband, I didn’t know. I’ve never met him, so how would I know it was him?”

  “But I know you have seen him. You were there when he came over to my mother’s house the day of her baby shower. And if I’m not mistaken, you commented on how fine he was.”

  “Do you know how long ago that was?” Natalie said defensively. “I don’t remember what he looked like.”

  Kim just looked at her. Maybe Natalie was telling the truth. Kim didn’t know what to think, but she would sure make it clear that Natalie needed to stay away from him.

  “I swear to you, I don’t even remember meeting anyone last night whose name was Kevin.” Natalie appeared to be hurt by the fact that she was being accused of betraying Wendy.

  “Maybe, but I know that someone did see you with him. Be more selective about who you talk to. If you’re spotted with him again, I will make sure my sister finds out.”

  “Hey, are you done yet?” Wendy knocked on the door. “We’re all waiting to see which dress you decided on.”

  Kim gave Natalie one last look of warning before stepping outside of the room.

  The gown she had selected was a very fitted, long dress with wide straps. It was satin with an overlay of sheer lace. The lace was decorated with clear sequins in various places, even on the train. Marlene, Wendy, and Evelyn agreed that she looked gorgeous in it. It was the perfect dress to fit her slender, petite frame.

  After the long, tiring day, they were all ready to eat. They decided to go to one of the nearby restaurants. However, Natalie declined. Kim had offended her, and she didn’t think she would be able to enjoy herself. Plus, she had other plans for the evening. She said good-bye to everyone and headed in the opposite direction.

  Kevin answered his phone. “Hello?”

  “So how are Daddy and baby doing?” It was Renée.

  “Hey, we’re doing pretty good. She’s demanding all of my attention, but that’s cool, though. What are you up to?”

  “Nothing. I’m on my way back home. I was out with some friends earlier.”

  “Are you going to the club tonight?”

  “Naw, I’m sort of getting tired of that place.”

  “What? That’s surprising. I thought Maxine’s was your spot.”

  “It was, but . . .” Renée was silent for a moment. “I guess it’s just doing the same thing and seeing the same people week after week that’s getting old to me.”

  “So are you gonna take up sewing or something like that?” Kevin kidded.

  Renée laughed. “You’re so silly. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I would like to come and see your baby tonight, if you don’t mind.” Truthfully, she could care less about visiting the baby. Saying she wanted to see Kimberly was an excuse to spend time with Kevin.

  “I don’t know if that’ll be a good idea,” he admitted.

  “Why not?”

  “Because . . .”

  “Because you think that I’m gonna try and seduce you or something?”

  “I just don’t want either one of us to do something we might regret, that’s all.”

  “Kevin, I know you’re married and that you still have feelings for your wife, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t find you attractive.”

  “Same here.”

  “If things were different, I would like to be more than just your friend, but right now, I’ll take whatever I can get. If all you have to offer currently is friendship, then friendship it is.”

  “You’re certainly being very candid tonight. Is everything okay? You sound a little frustrated.”

  “Everything’s fine. I wish you would trust me and stop thinking that my goal is to try to get you in bed.”

  “Look, I didn’t mean to offend you. I just want to make it clear that I do not intend to get involved with anyone until my wife and I have signed our divorce papers.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, if you know, then quit trippin’ and come on over.”

  “Really?” Renée was excited. “You’ll have to tell me how to get there. It’ll be a minute, though, ’cuz I wanna go take a shower and change clothes first. I’ve been out all day.”

  “Okay, but wear some sweats and a big T-shirt. Don’t come over in your lil’ tight jeans and shirt or I won’t let you in,” he teased.

  “Oh you’ll let me in, ’cuz you know you want to see me,” she responded seductively. It didn’t matter what she wore, Kevin would still find her attractive, and she knew that.

  Kevin gave Renée directions to his apartment. “I got another call comin’ in so I’ll see you when you get here,” he said after hearing a beep.


  Kevin clicked over and Wendy was on the other line. “Hi, how’s the baby doing?”

  “She’s fine. How’d it go today?”

  “Good. We all found our dresses.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Are you sure you want her overnight?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. She’s fine, Wendy. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “I know. Give her a kiss for me.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Wishes Do Come True

  HI, IS THIS PAT?” Wendy asked the woman who answered Kevin’s phone.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “This is Wendy,” she said to Kevin’s mom.

  “Hello, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine, thank you. How about yourself?”

  “I’m doing pretty good. I’m enjoying spending time with Kimberly. She’s as cute as she wants to be.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Kevin keeps telling me that I’m gonna have her too spoiled ’cuz the minute she looks like she gonna cry, I’m picking her up.”

  “Uh-oh. I bet she’s lovin’ that.”

  “Oh, I tell you, she is absolutely adorable. I wish I could take her back to Philadelphia with me. Did Kevin tell you that Kyle’s wife is pregnant?”

  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “Yeah, she’s due in March.”

  “That’s nice. Tell them that I said congratulations,” Wendy said. She had never really gotten a chance to know her in-laws well. She’d talked to Pat on the phone while she and Kevin were still together, but the two women hadn’t spoken since Wendy was supposed to go to Philly with Kevin last Christmas. Wendy had never called to explain why she hadn’t come, so she knew that Pat must have been disappointed. “May I speak to Kevin, please?”

  “Sure, hold on.” It sounded like Pat put her hand over the phone, but Wendy could still hear what she said. “Renée, can you go tell Kevin that he has a phone call, please?” Pat removed her hand. “Just a second. He’s in the back changing the baby.”

  “Okay,” Wendy said quietly. She could have sworn that Kyle’s wife’s name was different, although she couldn’t remember what it was.

  “I got it, Ma,” Kevin said after he picked up the phone.

  “Okay. Nice talking to you, Wendy. You take care.”

  “Thanks, you too.”

  Pat hung up the phone.

  “Hello?” Kevin said.

  “Your mom told me Kyle’s wife is having a baby.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “What’s her name again?”

  “Valerie. Why, what’s up?”

  Valerie—yeah, that’s it, Wendy thought to
herself. “Then who’s Renée?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I heard Pat talking to someone named Renée. Who is she?” Wendy demanded as curiosity got the best of her.

  “Oh, she’s a friend of mine,” Kevin admitted.

  Wendy couldn’t explain why, but she was upset. “What do you mean, she’s a friend of yours? How come I never knew her?”

  “Wendy, please. Now is not the time for this.”

  “Why is that? ’Cuz your lil’ girlfriend is there?”

  Kevin rolled his eyes and sighed. “I told you that she’s a friend of mine. She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Did she eat dinner with y’all?”


  “I don’t have dinner on the holidays with my friends,” Wendy said sarcastically. “I spend that time with my family.”

  “Wendy.” Kevin tried not to raise his voice. “What do you want? Surely you didn’t call here to talk about this.”

  “I want you to bring my baby home.”

  “There you go with this foolishness about Kimberly being your baby. I thought we agreed that she could spend Thanksgiving here because you wanted to be with her on her first Christmas.”

  “We did, but that was before I knew you would have your girlfriend there.”

  A frustrated Kevin gritted his teeth and spoke into the phone. “How many times do I have to tell you that she’s not my girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  “You know what? I’m not going to talk to you about this. You’re jealous because I’m not sweatin’ you anymore and now you want to put Kimberly in the middle of it.”

  “You—” Wendy tried to speak, but Kevin cut her off.

  “I’m not bringing her home right now. She will spend the day here as we had planned, and I will drop her off in the morning.”

  “What?” Wendy was irate. “How dare you tell me that you won’t bring her home. I—” Before she knew it, Kevin had hung up the phone on her. She immediately called back.

  “Don’t answer that!” Kevin yelled from the bedroom. The phone continued ringing until it clicked over to voice mail. A few minutes later it rang again. By the third time Wendy called, Kevin had taken Kimberly to the other room with everyone else. He went back into the bedroom and answered the phone. “I wish you would quit acting childish.”


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