Soul Matters

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Soul Matters Page 26

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  “I don’t have to,” Natalie snapped.

  “What?” Kevin was astonished by her response. “You don’t have to? What kind of heartless woman are you?”

  “The same woman that comforted your butt when Wendy hurt your feelings. Now all of a sudden I’m heartless? You didn’t seem to think so when you were spending so much time with me. You especially didn’t think so last night when you wrapped your lips around mine.”

  “Yeah, well, I see I made a big mistake by trusting you. You had the perfect opportunity to tell me the truth after we saw Evelyn, but you didn’t.”

  “I said I didn’t know the woman. I meet tons of people in my line of work. People tell me that they have seen me before all the time. Do you actually think I remember every face I see?”

  “You really expect me to believe that?”

  “Believe whatever you want. I told you I didn’t know what’s-her-name last night, and I don’t.”

  “Okay, then what about Kimberly? You’ve spent time with my daughter and me. You’ve also spent time with Wendy and Kimberly. You can’t tell me you didn’t know it was the same baby.”

  Natalie sighed and spoke unremorsefully, “I’m sorry I didn’t come clean with you. Can we just finish dinner? I’m sure after you calm down you’ll see things from my perspective. We can get past this, you know?” she said to Kevin, and took a bite of her food.

  Kevin shook his head. “Unbelievable! You really have no shame, do you?”

  Natalie ignored him and continued eating.

  “I . . . I gotta go to the bathroom.” Kevin got up, threw his napkin down on the table, and walked out of the room.

  Natalie put down her fork and took another drink of her wine. Now that everything was out in the open, she expected to hear from Wendy soon. I’ll tell her that I would have never had the opportunity to take Kevin from her if she wasn’t already giving him away. She sat at the table smiling deviously. He’ll want to be with me rather than her, especially after what happened with Jaylen. Kevin and I have had too much fun together to separate now. He’ll get over this. He just needs a little time. Wendy doesn’t have a chance in this world of getting him back. Besides, I have way more to offer than she does, she thought to herself.

  “Excuse me, ma’am—will this be with cash or credit?” a short, bald Caucasian waiter named Paul asked. He was certainly the least attractive of all the servers at Skyler’s.

  Natalie looked at the waiter. “I don’t know,” she said with an attitude. “You’ll have to ask my boyfriend. He’ll be back—he went to the rest room.”

  “Are you referring to the gentleman who was just in here with you?”

  “Yes.” Dumb question. Who else would I be referring to?

  Paul frowned. “Ma’am, he left. On the way out, he said you were ready for the bill. Again, will this be cash or credit?”

  “What! You have got to be kidding me!” She stood up and snatched the bill out of his hands. “Oh my God!” She grabbed the table to keep her tall, slender frame from falling when she saw the total printed in bold, black ink at the bottom. The cost of the dinner came to $567.98, including tax, tip, and the service charge for using a private room. “I-I-I can’t afford this,” she stammered.

  “You are Renée Coleman, correct?”


  “Ma’am, I’m sorry but the reservation was made under your name. You are responsible for tonight’s meal.”

  “Wait a minute. There has to be a misunderstanding here. I’ll just call Kevin and clarify this whole thing. I’m sure he probably meant to give you his credit card or pay for it before he left.” Natalie nervously got her cell phone out of her purse and dialed Kevin’s number. She had less than twenty dollars in her purse, and all of her credit cards were maxed out.

  “Yeah?” Kevin answered the phone very calmly.

  “Where are you?” Natalie demanded.

  “I’m in my car driving on the freeway.”

  “How dare you leave without telling me. You forgot to pay the bill.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  She turned away from the waiter and whispered into the phone, “Kevin, I know you’re upset, but this is not the time for games. I don’t have any money.”

  “Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can come up with it somehow. Skyler’s does prosecute people who leave without paying. It’s called theft of service.”

  “Theft of service!” Natalie looked behind her. Paul impatiently tapped his foot on the floor, waiting for payment. Natalie turned back around and pleaded with Kevin. “Look, Kevin, please come back and pay this bill. Hate me if you want to, but don’t leave me in this position. You’re the one who ordered three entrées, not me.”

  “Sorry, Natalie, Renée, or whatever your name is, but I’m afraid I can’t help you out.”

  “You idiot!” she screamed. “How can you justify doing this to me?”

  “Let’s see. . . . What was that you said to me when I asked you how you could justify your deceptiveness these last few months? Oh, that’s right, you said, ‘I don’t have to,’” Kevin retorted sarcastically and hung up, leaving her stuck with the bill.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  In the Master’s Hands

  WENDY SAT AT THE DESK IN THE STUDY trying to figure out what to do next. She had thought she could trust Natalie but now knew she couldn’t. She should have trusted Kevin and hadn’t. How did my life get so out of control? she wondered. Wendy was dumbfounded after what Kim had told her earlier. “No, not Natalie,”she’d kept repeating. “She wouldn’t do this to me. She’s my friend.”Wendy desperately wanted to believe in her friendship with Natalie, but the writing was on the wall. It couldn’t be any clearer. Natalie encouraged Wendy to call Jaylen and forget about Kevin. All the while, she’d known the truth. Natalie knew that Kevin had never cheated on Wendy and didn’t tell her. How could I be so stupid? she asked herself.

  It burned Wendy up inside to know that it was Natalie who had been at Kevin’s place on Thanksgiving. Wendy’s first instinct was to go and beat the life out of her. She had never been in a fistfight, but she had been ready to try out her fighting skills on Natalie that day. Surprisingly, it was Kim who talked her out of having any verbal or physical confrontation with her backstabbing friend. Kim admitted that she initially wanted to tell Natalie a few things, also. However, after her conversation with Kevin, she realized that Wendy bore the burden for the way things had played out, not Natalie. “You should have read his letter,”Kim had declared. As much as Wendy still wanted to strangle Natalie, she knew Kim was right. If Wendy was to blame anyone, she first had to point the finger at herself.

  The guilt of not believing Kevin when he professed his innocence was magnified when she read the letter. It took some searching, but she managed to find it. It was right inside the desk where she had put it more than a year earlier. Wendy recalled being angry and stubborn the night Kevin came to visit her after he’d returned from Philly. She didn’t think there was any other explanation besides him cheating on her. In her mind, he was guilty and there was nothing he could say to get out of it. She now held the emancipation letter that declared her husband’s innocence.

  Dear Wendy,

  If you’re reading this letter then it must be the last chance I have of making things right with you. I’m sorry for everything that happened. I swear to you that I didn’t cheat on you. Well, how did I get chlamydia, then? you’re wondering. It’s a long story, but I will explain it as quickly and as well as I can.

  Remember I told you about a friend of mine named Joanne? I said that we grew up together. Back in the day, she was one of my best friends. When I first moved here for college, I didn’t know anyone in Columbus. I was homesick. I missed my family, my boys, and even Joanne. Out of all my so-called friends, she was the only one who would come and visit me periodically. I felt special. You know, like she really cared about me. At first her visits were platonic, but eventually they turned into something more. We tried dati
ng for a while, but the distance was hard on us both, especially since we were both college students with very little money to continue flying back and forth. We mutually agreed to just be friends. Every blue moon she would come and visit, but not as often as before.

  Whenever I went back to Philly, I would see her. Although we called our relationship a “friendship,” we still remained sexually active. I’m not proud of this, but Joanne and I had an understanding that this was the nature of our “friendship.” Even when we were involved in other relationships, we still hooked up. This went on for a number of years and we were both okay with it.

  Do you recall the trip I took to Philadelphia a few weeks after you and I had met? There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just spit it out. Joanne and I got together then. But this time it was different. I felt guilty. I had always been able to rationalize my actions when I was dating other females. Either I suspected they weren’t faithful or I knew they were not marriage material for one reason or another, so it didn’t matter to me that what I was doing was wrong. But you, Wendy, you were not like any of the other women I had dated, including Joanne. You were smart, funny, beautiful, caring, gentle, etc. You had goals. Life wasn’t all about partying and seeing which guys you could run game on. You were a lady with class, and I fell in love with you way before I uttered the words.

  You don’t know how much it meant to me that you didn’t go to work and unexpectedly met me at the airport when I returned to Columbus after that visit. You said that it was all because you missed me. Seeing you at the airport confirmed what I had already concluded in Philadelphia: I needed to let Joanne go. That night I called her and told her it was over. She thought we could revert back to being strictly platonic friends, but I believed we had gone too far over the platonic line to go back. I didn’t want anything or anyone to stand in the way of my relationship with you. I should have told you, but I feared I would lose you if I did. I had no idea that I would one day be in the position that I am in now.

  Over the holidays, I contacted Joanne. She was surprised to hear from me. Believe it or not, she was afraid that you and I had broken up and that I was calling her to see if we could hook back up. She intended to tell me no because, like me, she had found true love. It was weird, but I asked her if she ever had chlamydia. She told me yes. I explained to her the situation I was in with you. She apologized for never calling and informing me that she had it. She said I had made it very clear that I was ceasing all contact with her and, initially, she was bitter about the way I abruptly ended things. Neither one of us can say who gave it to the other because we both had practiced unsafe sex with more than one partner. Just so you know, I have been treated and no longer have the disease. Anyhow, Joanne is willing to verify my story. If you don’t believe me, call her yourself. Her number is 267-555-3273.

  At the beginning of the letter, I said that I never cheated on you. I guess in the larger scheme of things, technically I did. I’m hoping that you will forgive me for the one indiscretion that I committed back when we first met. Since that time, I have never touched another woman and I don’t ever want to.

  Wendy, I am so sorry. I am willing to do anything to make our marriage work out. I don’t want to lose you. I know you complain that I go out too much and you get mad because I don’t go to church with you regularly, but please give me some time. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home like you did. This is all new to me. I apologize for not being more sympathetic during the times you’ve tried to talk to me about these issues. I guess I can understand now why you would think that I committed adultery. Baby, finding out you’re pregnant should be a joyous occasion for us. We’re starting a family. I want many more children with you. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to be a better husband so that I can be a good father. I want to prove to you how much you mean to me. I will stop smoking—it’s unhealthy for me anyhow and it certainly wouldn’t be good for any of my clients to find out. I’m also giving up my party life. To be honest, I was getting pretty bored with it anyhow. Part of me was being rebellious because I didn’t want to give you the power of telling me what to do. So the more you pressured me about not going out, the more I went out. I’m sorry. I’m willing to make improvements in every area of my life where I have let you down. And yes, I’ll even TRY to go to church with you more often. All I need is for you to give me another chance. I love you.


  That was it. That was the letter that explained the side of the story Wendy never knew. It made perfect sense. Kevin had already been infected with chlamydia when he and Wendy married. Dr. Korva said that it wasn’t uncommon for infected persons not to have symptoms or for the symptoms to go unnoticed. Had she not gone to the gynecologist due to her pregnancy, there’s no telling how long she and Kevin would have carried the disease. It wasn’t like she was faithful in scheduling her annual exams. Unless she was having problems, she procrastinated doing so. In her opinion, most single women went to the gynecologist for fear of being pregnant or to make sure they didn’t have any diseases. Neither reason applied to her, so she often delayed her annual checkups.

  Wendy didn’t believe it would be necessary to call Joanne. “Hello, I was just wondering if you had casual sex with my husband and in the process gave him chlamydia.” That would be a strange conversation. For hours, she had been wanting to call Kevin, but she didn’t know what to say. He probably hates me by now after all I’ve put him through, she thought.

  Wendy could hear that Kimberly was still awake through the baby monitor. Tears dropped from her eyes as she thought about how Kimberly’s life would be affected by this whole ordeal. You just wouldn’t listen to him, would you? she badgered herself. He tried numerous times to get you to listen, but you foolishly pushed him away every time, how could you be so stupid?

  The doorbell rang. She looked at the clock. It was after nine. Who’s coming to visit this time of night? Probably Kim and Gwen coming to throw a pity party. On the way to the door, Wendy tied her robe, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Once there, she looked out of the peephole and gasped. Standing on the other side wasn’t her sister or her best friend; it was her soon-to-be-ex-husband.

  He rang the doorbell again.

  “Hey,” she said solemnly once she opened the door.

  Kevin noticed the traces of dried tears on her face. “Is this a bad time?”

  “No, come in.” She moved out of the way so he could enter the foyer. “Do you want me to take your coat?” she asked after shutting the door.

  “No, I ’m not going to stay long. Um . . . has Kim been by today?”

  “Yes . . .”

  “I just wanted to come by and apologize.”

  “You don’t owe me an apology. I’m the one at fault. I also blame Natalie because she betrayed me, but I really can’t say the same thing about you.”

  “Wendy, I swear I didn’t know who she was. I promise,” Kevin pledged as they stood near the door.

  “I believe you and I really appreciate you coming all the way over here just to say that.”

  “No problem.” He gripped the doorknob. “Well, I better go. I have a long day at work tomorrow.”

  “Wait!” Wendy placed her hand on the door to prevent him from opening it. She wasn’t ready for him to leave. “Do you want to see Kimberly?”

  “Is she still up?”

  “Yeah—at least she was a minute ago.”

  “Of course I want to see her.”

  “She’s in the nursery.”

  Kevin walked behind Wendy to Kimberly’s room. Kimberly’s head lifted up when the door opened and she started fussing. Kevin took off his coat and spread it over the back of the rocking chair. When he walked over to the crib, he smiled as Kimberly reached her arms out to him. “How’s Daddy’s baby doing?” He spoke in a soft child-like manner and kissed his daughter on the cheek. “What are you still doing up, young lady? I think it’s past your bedtime.”

  “Maybe she sensed that you were coming.”

“Is that it, pretty girl? Did you know your daddy was coming over?”

  Kimberly made a baby noise that sounded like she answered yes. Her parents laughed. Wendy wiped the baby’s slobbering mouth while Kevin held her.

  “I’m sorry,” Wendy blurted, and started crying.

  Kevin looked at his wife.

  “I’m really sorry for not believing you. I read the letter. I know it’s too late to change the past, but I’m sorry.”

  Kimberly yawned and laid her head on Kevin’s shoulder. He patted her back.

  “I don’t think we should talk about this right now.”

  “I know. I hate the fact that I have been so stubborn.”

  “Me too,” Kevin sighed.

  “Do you—do you think we could try again? I mean, I know you already started the divorce and all, but I’m willing to make it work this time.”

  Kevin stared at the Winnie-the-Pooh decorations on Kimberly’s wall. “Why? Why do you want to make it work now? I’m honestly not sure what the right thing to do is. There were a lot of things said and done that I just don’t know if we’ll be able to get past.”

  “We can try counseling or something.”

  “What happened to the woman who didn’t love me anymore?”

  “I’ve always loved you.” Wendy owned up to her feelings. “I was hurt”—Kevin looked like he was going to speak, but Wendy stepped in. “I know, I know . . . had I read your letter, this would have all been cleared up. But I didn’t. I can’t change what has happened. I wish I could. God, I wish I could,” she belted. “I don’t want my marriage to end.”

  Tears hadn’t fallen out of Kevin’s eyes yet, but he couldn’t hide the quivering sound of his voice. “You know, Wendy, if I hadn’t caught you here with that guy, I might believe that you want to try. I thought you were just mad at me and so you were trying to make me jealous that night you said you had plans. Renée wanted to go out with me and I turned her down. Seeing you here with another man devastated me. It became painfully apparent to me that you had moved on.” Kimberly had fallen asleep on Kevin’s shoulder, and he placed her in the crib.


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