Selfless: A Relentless Series Novella (The Relentless Series Book 3)

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Selfless: A Relentless Series Novella (The Relentless Series Book 3) Page 3

by Alyson Reynolds

  He nodded and reluctantly, I pulled back from his hug. I already missed the warmth and security I’d felt in his arms.

  “Mandi, will you go to dinner with me tonight?” He held up his hands quickly so I would hear him out. “Just as an apology for me being a prick, no funny business. It might even help cheer you up.”

  I laughed. “Still as persistent as ever, huh?”

  He made a guttural sound in agreement and I felt my lady bits tingle. This man might infuriate me and confuse the hell out of me, but he was more handsome than when we were just stupid kids. He really should have been an actor. With his strong jaw line, piercing blue eyes, and perfect smile he could have made millions.

  I bit down on my bottom lip.

  Did I really want to open this door?

  “Rhys, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

  “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. Scouts honor.”

  I snorted again. Rhys had jokes.

  “You weren’t a boy scout.”

  His eyes glinted with amusement. “What’s your point?”

  I grinned, despite my reservations. “Fine. Meet me at Flint at eight.”

  Surprise covered his face as he stammered for a few seconds, scrambling to catch up. He obviously hadn’t expected me to say yes. “Um, yeah. Okay. I’ll see you then, but I’ll pick you up.” He backed up a few steps and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. It was hard not to laugh at him. This was the Rhys that I remembered, caring, and generous, and incredibly selfless.

  I tugged at the hem of my skirt as I waited for Rhys to pull out my chair. The kelly green chiffon summer dress I pulled out from the back of my closet was overdue for an outing. I loved the long, flirty sleeves mixed with the short length. High nude colored wedges made my legs look miles long and from the look on Rhys face the outfit was a winner. The shoes hurt like hell because of my ankle, but the glint in his eyes as he stared at my long legs made the pain worth it.

  Rhys winked as he sat down across from me, and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. He looked sexy as hell in a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up his muscled forearms. His dark jeans were just tight enough to show off his muscled ass, and I was trying not to drool on the table myself.

  “You look amazing, Amanda.”

  “Thanks,” I said, ducking my head. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  We gave our drink order to the waitress and sat there in silence for a moment. The silence between us was unexpected. Even in the hospital we hadn’t been awkward. Angry because of circumstances, yes, but being awkward with one another? Nope. His sudden reappearance in my life was throwing me off kilter. I racked my brain for something to say instead of sitting there like an idiot.

  “Thanks for saving me from skinned knees earlier.”

  Fuck. Why did I bring up knees?

  Sexual tension was dripping between us and bringing up knees was putting very naughty images in my head. This wasn’t going anything like I expected and we hadn’t even got our drink orders yet. Either I needed to figure my shit out or end this early.

  “You’re welcome, but you already thanked me for that. I wouldn’t have let anyone fall, let alone a beautiful woman.” I blushed for the second time within a three minute period and Rhys chuckled. “This is so weird. I’m not used to being around you and not knowing everything going on in your life.”

  I nodded. “So what are you doing now? You’re the mystery; if you want to know my past all you have to do is pull up IMBD. Taylor said you own some bars.”

  “Yeah, Micah and I invested in the first one about seven years ago and it spiraled from there. We also own Brooks Construction. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears.”

  “You guys did it huh?”

  “We did.” He smiled sadly. “I guess I got everything I wanted in life.” He was quiet for a second. “Except you.”

  I closed my eyes and tried not to rub at them and ruin my makeup. They stung something fierce and I didn’t want to cry in the middle of this restaurant. God, I was starting to sound like Violet and Taylor.


  “Just listen please.” He cleared his throat. “Shortcake, I messed up so many times growing up, but the biggest mistake I ever made was leaving you. That’s my one regret in life. We should have made it, and I made decisions that changed…everything. Success doesn’t mean anything unless you have someone to share it with.” He took my hands in his and squeezed once. “I never wanted to hurt you, but I needed to protect you. You deserved more than I could ever offer and I didn’t want to hold you back. As happy as I am that we’ve reconnected, I will always do the best thing for you. When we were kids I knew I couldn’t give you what you needed. I wasn’t ready to support a wife and kids.”

  “This goes back to the things I didn’t know, right? Your cryptic message in that stupid letter?” I tried to keep the bitterness out of my voice, but it was there.

  He nodded.

  I was quiet for a moment, trying to process what he’d said. “Rhys, do you really think that money matters to me?”

  He shook his head slowly. “It’s different when you don’t have any though. I’ve been in both situations, and I can tell you having it makes life a lot easier.”

  “It does, but all I wanted was you. All I wanted was our life together. We both grew up knowing money didn’t make you a good person. Our parents were prime examples of that.”

  He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. It was something he did when he lied as a kid “I get it. I really do, but someone had to make sure you reached your potential. I would have held you back. Look at everything you’ve accomplished, Shortcake.”

  His eyes held a wistfulness I hadn’t expected. Did he really regret leaving me?

  “What? Thirty, unmarried, and three failed relationships? My life isn’t as great as you think it is, Rhys. I may have an Oscar on my mantle, but it doesn’t do anything for me.”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.” His hand cupped the side of my face in his large calloused hand. A man’s hand, not a boy’s. “I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry for all of it.”

  “You said that already.” Rhys winced at my sharp tone. “What do you want? You made it clear the other day that you wouldn’t forgive me, but you think I’m not sincere when I’m apologizing—”

  “I am—”

  He held his hand up. “Let me finish. I still love you, Mandi, and I don’t think that is ever going to change. If I could go back and do it over again, I don’t think I could make myself leave again, but I don’t know how to fix everything I’ve screwed up.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  He still loves me.

  “I don’t know what I want. I’m so confused, but I know that I still love you too. It’s painful how much I’ve missed you. But where in the hell do we go from here? You live in Vegas and I’m here. Not to mention we both travel all the time for work. My head is reeling with all of this. I’m not even sure I can forgive you, but I want to try.”

  “So, you’re saying you want to try to work it out?” he asked slowly. “Get back together?”

  I cocked my head at him. “Did you even listen to the rest of what I said?”

  “No.” He shot me a heart stopping grin. “I stopped listening when you told me that you still loved me too.”

  I fought back a smile of my own. “You’re impossible.”

  “You want to be in a relationship with me again.” He sounded so damn cocky.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  His smile fell.

  “Rhys, I’m still confused. I haven’t seen you in twelve years and then you just drop out of nowhere into my life. I’m not ready to just pick things up from where we left off. Can we just take things slowly? Maybe we can be friends first?”

  “I’ve wasted so much time being away from you. If that’s what you’re willing to give me, then I’ll take it.”

  I studied him. Rhys was the same, but completely
different at the same time. He was the one that pushed Scottie Williams down on the playground because he teased me about my pigtails. This was the same boy that told me he loved me at fifteen. He’s the same one I lost my virginity to at seventeen, and he’s the same one that left me a few months later with only a letter to explain why.

  Could I trust him not to break my heart again?

  “You own my heart, no matter what happens between us, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect you. Even if that means I have to walk away from you because it’s too hard.”

  He’d always had an uncanny ability to read my thoughts. Some things will never change. I just wished that I could still read him as well as he could still read me.

  “I’ll let you try, but it’s going to take a lot for you to earn my trust back.”

  A grin crossed his face. “I would be disappointed if it was easy.”

  I let him take my hand in his again. His fingers ran lightly over my pulse point, making my heart race. We stared at each other, lost in our thoughts and memories from the past.

  Rhys’ eyes flashed with the same realization that mine did. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him. It had been so long since the last time he had kissed me. Touched me. And right now I craved the feeling of his hands on my body.

  We suffered through dinner, unable to taste anything even though I knew the food here was amazing. Somehow we’d come to an unspoken agreement. After dinner, one way or another, we would find out just how much chemistry there was left between us. My pulse rose with every bite as we came closer to finishing our food.

  How had we gone from being uncomfortable around one another to ready to find the nearest bedroom? Hell, the nearest flat surface would work at this point.

  “Mandi?” My name sounded weighted as it rolled off his tongue. He threw so much meaning into that one word. I took his hand in mine as we exited the restaurant and tried not to run to the car.

  “Your place or mine?” I asked.

  Where had this bold attitude come from? It wasn’t like me at all, but I liked it.

  “Yours.” The stubble covering his sharp jaw line ran along my neck as he spoke into my ear, sending a shiver up my spine.

  To my surprise Rhys didn’t maul me as soon as we walked inside my house. Lucy greeted us at the door, jumping and whining for attention. The little traitor followed Rhys around, practically begging for him to rub her belly. It was pathetic that I was jealous of my dog, wishing that Rhys was touching me instead of rubbing her silky fur.

  I got us drinks and opened the large glass fold up doors to the back deck. It seemed to be his favorite place in my house, which was just fine with me since it was mine too. The night air was perfect as I took in a deep, calming breath. Rhys held his glass of wine loosely in his fingertips as he stared off into the ocean. I couldn’t help but notice the differences in him from when he was just a kid. A contented sigh slipped from his lips.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said softly. The admission was huge, one I hoped I wouldn’t regret, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he really understood how important it was. It shocked me that I was even willing to open up that much to him. Rhys made me do things and feel things I didn’t think were possible anymore.

  “This is so confusing. I don’t know what to say now that you’re in front of me. There are so many things I’ve wanted to say over the years, but now that you’re here all I want to do is stare at you because I can’t believe this is real.”

  I smiled. “Me too.”

  He held his hand out to me and grinned. “Come here.”

  Hesitantly, I walked to his side. My heart thundered in my chest as I took those last few steps. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his side. I sighed as his lips ran over the column of my neck.

  “Rhys,” I whispered.

  “Every damn time I smelled honeysuckle I thought of you. When I was in New England it was fucking everywhere. I thought I was going to go nuts remembering every detail about you. It was torture not being with you when the memories hit me like that. God, I want to tell you everything that’s happened in the past twelve years. It sucked not having you there to talk to about my day.”

  A small smile tugged at his lips as he spoke, making me weak in the knees. What did this man do to me? I lost my freaking mind every time he was around. My friends called me the sensible one. Wasn’t I still supposed to be pissed off?

  “Did you really miss me that much?”

  He brushed a lock of hair away from my face. “I beat myself up every day. My liver took a big hit those first few months, and if it wasn’t for Micah I’m not sure I would have made it through that time. It took me an entire year to not try to call you and beg you to take me back. After that I just resigned myself to the fact that you would never forgive me for leaving in the first place.”

  We were quiet for a few minutes.

  “You terrify me, Rhys.” He leaned back and looked at me, confusion etching his features. I chuckled. “Not like that, I’m just scared of what I feel for you. What happens if you leave again? It destroyed me when you left. You just disappeared and my whole life fell apart.”

  Rhys set down his wine on the ledge and took my face in his hands. “Amanda, I want you. More importantly, I want what’s best for you more than anything in this world.”

  “I don’t know what it would do to me if I opened up again and you left,” I whispered.

  His lips softly brushed mine, and I swear the world stopped spinning for a split second. He tilted my head and deepened the kiss. My fingers gripped the back of his shirt. As we broke apart, I rested my forehead on his. We were silent as we stood there, both of us lost in the emotion of our first kiss for more than a decade.

  “We don’t have to figure everything out tonight.”

  Our phones starting ringing almost simultaneously, jarring us out of our embrace. I looked at him and we both dove for our phones. I answered mine first. Violet was crying and I started to panic.

  “What happened? Is he okay?” My voice was shaky. I was almost scared for her to answer.

  “He woke up! He’s talking and he recognized Taylor as soon as he opened his eyes. Amanda, he’s finally awake!”

  “That’s amazing news, Vi. What can I do?”

  “We’re all meeting up at the hospital now. Can you come?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll be right there. Do you need me to bring anything?”

  “Nope, just get your ass here.”

  I grinned. Rhys was hanging up as I turned back towards him.

  “Jax,” he answered my silent question. “Telling me the same thing that Violet told you I’m sure.”

  “I know you and Stephen had your differences, but will you come to the hospital with me? I told Vi that I would go up there.”

  He kissed my forehead and I leaned into him.

  “Of course.”

  I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the front door. Lucy whined as I grabbed my purse. She was sad we were leaving so soon after coming back. Her treats sat on the front entry table because she liked to look pathetic as I left each day. Rhys petted her small head and gave her one of the nasty chicken jerky pieces that were her favorite. Happily she trotted off, probably to go eat her treat on my bed. Spoiled little brat.

  “She loves you.” I smiled and looked into his expressive blue eyes.

  He shrugged. “I’m good with animals.”

  “You always have been,” I said thoughtfully. “Animals and kids.”

  “Let’s go Shortcake. Your friends are waiting for you.”

  “Come on, our friends are waiting. They called you too.”

  He stopped walking suddenly. Shock registering on his face. “So they did. Huh. I didn’t see that one coming.”

  I grinned and pushed him out the door.

  Violet’s mouth dropped open as Rhys and I walked up hand in hand. I hadn’t even realized we had done it, essentially falling back into old roles that felt natural. Gage and Jaxon stopp
ed their discussion mid-sentence, staring at us like we were a freak show. I dropped Rhys’ hand and he stiffened next to me.

  “Hey guys,” Jax said, then cleared his throat. “Stephen’s awake and he’s doing great. Taylor is a hot ass mess though. She’s laughing one second and crying the next. The emotions from the past week are catching up with her.”

  “Violet’s been wearing off on you,” I said laughing. Jax cocked his head, making me laugh even harder. Vi giggled next to me. Even Gage and Rhys joined in.

  “What are you guys laughing at?”

  “Please, please say ‘hot ass mess’ again. Your Australian accent with that phrase is amazeballs.” Violet was laughing so hard she couldn’t catch her breath. I grinned. We all needed the relief of laughing. Things had been too real and scary for us to laugh in forever.

  “Really it’s awesome Stephen is awake. What can we—I do to help? Does anyone need anything?” Rhys asked when he was finally able to stop laughing.

  I was already making him doubt that I wanted something between the two of us. Damn it. I was such a freaking idiot. Why in the hell did things have to be so complicated between us?

  “We would like to help,” I said, giving Rhys a tight lipped smile. Reaching down, I grabbed his hand again. He squeezed once and dropped it. I frowned, but didn’t move to take his hand in mine again.

  My friends gazes ping-ponged between us and our odd interaction. Maybe it was the fact that I had actually brought a man with me, or maybe it was the fact it was Rhys, but they were all dying to ask a million questions. Thank goodness my nosy friends knew to leave well enough alone.

  Gage was the one that broke the awkward silence surrounding us. “Mason and I are going to move Taylor’s stuff back over to the house tomorrow. Rhys, we could use another set of hands to carry her million boxes of clothes if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure, I would love to help. Mason is Emmy’s, um,” he trailed off, unsure of what to call him.

  “Her ex-husband slash whatever the hell they’re doing, but just for right now, the ex,” Vi answered, shaking her head. “Those two are as bad as Taylor and Stephen.”


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