Conquering His Captive

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Conquering His Captive Page 20

by Ivy Barrett

  “Karris might once have been human, but make no mistake, Project Chrysalis has turned her into a weapon. You can’t allow yourself to forget what she’s become.”

  With a discouraged nod, Cassie turned back to the window. The hatch activated with a hiss, slowly lowering to the waiting sidewalk. Mal Ton, debonair in a black tuxedo, raised his hand to help her down the narrow stairs. Fane tucked her hand into the bend of his elbow and escorted her toward the front door.

  Lower your eyes and stay close. Sarontian women are demure and mysterious.

  She pressed his arm to her side and watched her skirt swish as they strolled along the walkway. They passed through the amo detector then Fane presented their invitation to the waiting attendant. After scanning the card, the attendant announced the arrival of the “Sarontian ambassador and his companion.”

  Should we have provided him with fictitious names or is that how the Sarontian delegation would have been introduced?

  Sarontians value names far more than other races. They believe knowing someone’s name gives you control over them. They only reveal their names to those they know well and trust.

  They reached the entrance to the ballroom and Cassie’s steps faltered. A swirling sea of colorful gowns and smiling people spread out before her. This had once been her world, the privileged elite. So selfish. So myopic. They focused on pleasure and luxuries while the world around them crumbled.

  “Are you all right?” Fane squeezed her hand, drawing her gaze to his face.

  “I’m fine. This is just a little unnerving.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist, warm and supportive. The others are in place. We’re not alone.

  He’d misunderstood the cause of her discomfort, but that was all right. This was something she had to work through on her own.

  “Chancellor Martin Howyn of Protaria.”

  The attendant’s voice rang out over the assembly and Cassie’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. This was it. After tonight, the star system would know her father was a criminal and she would be free to live her own life. So why was she trembling?

  You’re looking panicked again. Shall we find a quiet corner where I can calm you down?

  She smiled and shook her head. I’m fine. I’m just anxious for this night to be over.

  Fair enough. He swept his hand toward the dance floor. “Shall we?”

  “I didn’t know you could dance.” He took her in his arms and merged with the undulating crowd. His steps were light and sure, his hold firm without clutching. “I’m impressed.”

  He bent toward her and whispered, “My entire life hasn’t been lived underground.”

  She relaxed in his light embrace, soothed by the familiar. Couples twirled around them with a rhythmic ebb and flow.

  Bryson’s sitting against the wall. She started to look, but he stopped her. Don’t turn your head. I’ll spin us around.

  Sure enough, the general sat near the exit, seemingly watching the dancers.

  Do you see Karris? Would she be out in the open or hiding somewhere? Cassie wasn’t sure if her mind was still functional.

  Not yet. He pulled her close, his breath warming her cheek. Don’t search with your eyes. Open your mind and see if you can sense her.

  Her abilities didn’t work like that, but she wasn’t about to argue with him. Looking around might draw someone’s attention. Besides, it was making her dizzy.

  I’ve got her. She’s standing by the beverage table in a deep blue dress.

  Cassie waited until Fane spun her around to locate their target. Karris’ aloof expression was mirrored all around the room. Raising a champagne flute to her lips, Karris scanned the crowd with her assessing gaze.

  Shouldn’t we take her now before someone gets hurt? What little calm she’d garnered from the dance dissolved in an icy rush. Who was Karris’ target? Could they stop her before Karris completed her mission?

  Our proof must be irrefutable. Krentz was clear about that. To move against someone as powerful as your father, every detail must be in order.

  Fane led her to the edge of the dance floor and they carefully stepped apart. From this angle Cassie could only see Karris from the shoulders up. Karris pivoted to the right and extended her arm, likely setting down her champagne glass.

  Mal Ton report.

  We’re in place. She might not know it, but she’s surrounded.

  I need you to break off and cover Bryson. The specters can handle Karris.


  Without explanation, Fane took her hand and led her through the people congregated around the dance floor. Cassie realized their destination a moment before they arrived. Her father was speaking with a lavishly dressed couple she didn’t recognize. He nodded and smiled, but his gaze darted again and again toward the beverage table.

  He’s downright jittery. Cassie drew comfort from his unrest. He should be nervous. His entire world was about to come crashing down on him. The show must be about to start.

  “Could you please excuse me?” He inclined his head respectfully then turned around. His gaze collided with Cassie’s. He offered an automatic smile then narrowed his gaze.

  Whatever he’d been about to say was lost in the mayhem that followed. Karris launched an energy pulse directly at the newly inaugurated governor. The guests screamed and scattered, rushing for the exits. Thom appeared a step away from Karris and absorbed the pulse with his body. He defused the energy through his fingers and sent it streaming into the marble floor.

  Karris raised her hand to try again, but the other two specters appeared. They locked hands with Thom, surrounding her with a living containment field.

  Bryson rushed for the exit only to collide with Mal Ton. A wicked smile parted Mal Ton’s lips as he punched Bryson squarely in the face.

  Howyn’s reaction was much the same. He bolted for the door. Fane grabbed one arm and Cassie grabbed the other, bringing him up short. Howyn’s guards drew their weapons and leveled them on Cassie and Fane.

  “Call them off, Father. We’re not going to hurt you.”

  Much, Fane amended mentally.

  “Don’t fire,” Howyn shouted, his gaze searching her face. “Cassie?”

  The melee continued around them, people pushing and shoving in an effort to evacuate. Karris fired again, inciting a fresh rush of panic. The governor’s guards formed a concentric circle around the specters. Karris hardly noticed. She threw herself at the specters, screaming at the pain only to lunge again.

  Mal Ton, make Bryson call her off, Fane ordered. She’s going to kill herself trying to complete her mission.

  Cassie looked across the room to see if Mal Ton heard Fane’s directive. With Bryson’s arm bent up behind his back, Mal Ton pushed the general toward the crowd gathering around Karris.

  “Get your hands off me,” Howyn snapped, drawing her attention back to her struggling father. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “We’re on to you, Howyn. Drop the bullshit.” Fane tugged him toward the beverage table.

  “This is the man who kidnapped my daughter.” Howyn jerked against Fane’s restraining hold. “Arrest him at once!”

  Cassie let go of his arm and stepped in front of Fane as the guards lunged for Fane. “He’s lying. This man rescued me. He has done nothing wrong.”

  The guards hesitated, holding position without lowering their weapons.

  “Call her off, you depraved son of a bitch!” Mal Ton’s angry cry snapped Cassie’s attention toward the disturbance. Karris continued to throw herself against the energy barrier. Blood trickled from her nose and countless burns and bruises discolored her skin.

  She looked at Fane and he said, “Go. Shut her down.”

  Cassie pushed her way through the fascinated guards and positioned herself between Thom and Eric. “Next time she comes this way let me through.”

  “Are you sure?” Thom didn’t take his eyes off Karris. “Both her hands are cha
rged and ready to fire.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Karris screamed in frustration and agony as she connected with the barrier. She paused for a second then turned toward Cassie. Karris’ gaze narrowed and the glow of energy surrounding her hands intensified. She lowered her head and charged. The specters broke rank and Cassie extended her hand, jabbing Karris in the chest with her index finger. Karris howled and swung for Cassie, but Thom and Eric snatched her back. Karris wobbled, her body swayed and then her knees buckled. She collapsed in the middle of the specters and Cassie sighed.

  “Nice work,” Thom said, and hesitantly patted Cassie’s back.

  “You’re one demented fuck,” Mal Ton snarled at Bryson. “You would have stood here and watched her fry.”

  “I know nothing about this… mutant. Why don’t you ask their king?” He nodded toward Fane with a smirk.

  “We have multiple communications between you and a potential buyer,” Fane said in a calm, conversational tone. “Copies of all our intel have been turned over to Director Krentz at the Interplanetary Consortium. He intends to launch a full-scale investigation.”

  “Is this true, Bryson?” Howyn stepped forward, his face a mask of indignation. “I knew you were obsessed with these humans but…” He looked at Fane and shook his head. “I had no idea he had taken things so far.”

  Fane laughed, but Cassie could sense the fury seething beneath his surface calm. “Do you honestly expect us to believe you had no knowledge of Bryson’s actions?”

  “Believe what you like. I’m sure the investigation will reveal my innocence.”

  Cassie covered her mouth with her hand as dread washed over her. Her father was far too smart to involve himself in something illicit without a scapegoat waiting in the wings.

  “I’ll offer my full cooperation in exchange for amnesty,” Bryson said, his infuriated gaze focused squarely on Howyn. “That bastard orchestrated every move I made. There is no way I’m taking the fall for this!”

  “It’s out of my hands.” Fane turned toward a tall, dark-haired man waiting beyond the clutter of people. “Director Krentz, I don’t envy you this tangle.”

  Krentz gave a soft command and a small army filed into the room from every available doorway. His men disarmed the other soldiers with silent efficiency. Karris was loaded onto a hovercart and taken away.

  Cassie moved toward the newcomer, unable to let the situation slip beyond their control without a little more information. “Director Krentz, perhaps Bryson could demonstrate his willingness to cooperate by telling us the location of the lab.”

  “And if he has a way to track the other human,” Mal Ton added. “I need the frequency if he tagged her.”

  Bryson’s lips twitched, but he managed to suppress his smile as he looked at Mal Ton. “Brianna is a wild one. Did she slip away from your man too?”

  “Answer the question.” Mal Ton took a menacing step toward the general.

  “Sorry. You’re on your own. I had no idea she’d be foolish enough to run, so I didn’t think to tag her.”

  Mal Ton accepted the information with a disappointed nod.

  “And the lab?” Fane prompted.

  “Is this the beginning of a deal?” Bryson asked the director.

  “I need to evaluate the value of your information before I can tell you what I’m willing to offer.”

  “This is outrageous!” Howyn moved forward and Krentz’s men pressed in around him. “I will not be treated like a criminal and I will not let the lies of a desperate man incriminate me.”

  “His testimony alone will incriminate no one,” Krentz assured. “All decisions will be rendered on the evidence.”

  “Oh, I’ve got evidence,” Bryson said. “I’m not nearly as incompetent as Howyn thinks.”

  “Please give us the location of the lab.” Krentz raised his brow expectantly.

  Bryson recited the address then Krentz’s men led him away.

  Howyn’s exit was not nearly so uneventful. He tugged and shouted, screaming in fury and frustration as Krentz’s men dragged him across the ballroom. “Cassie, this is wrong! Why are you among my accusers?”

  She took a step forward, but Fane placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Don’t listen to their lies!” Howyn lunged for the archway as they reached the exit. “Call my lawyer!”

  Cassie shook her head as her father’s last request echoed off the ceiling. “That was seriously awkward.”

  Director Krentz looked at her with compassion shining in his eyes. “His fingerprints are all through the information I’ve received so far and I’ve just scratched the surface.”

  “I know. The show was for my benefit, a desperate attempt to recapture my support.”

  Krentz turned to Fane. “This operation was an undeniable success. We captured the primary players, turned one against the other, and accomplished it all without loss of life.”

  “We’d like to take Karris back to the Underground,” Fane replied. “We’re better equipped to deal with her injuries.”

  “If you’re willing to allow one of my men to tag along.”

  “That’s an acceptable compromise.” They shook hands and Krentz departed. As soon as the director was out of earshot, Fane turned to Thom and said, “Follow them to the lab. I don’t have a problem with their collecting the evidence. I just want to make sure they don’t miss anything.”

  “Consider it done. They’ll only know I’m there if there’s a problem.” Thom stepped into the shadow realm and disappeared.

  “That is so cool,” Cassie muttered.

  “Maybe, but I remember him stepping aside while you dealt with Karris,” Fane reminded.

  She smiled, warmed by the praise. “We all played a part.”

  “Which is the foundation for any successful mission,” Mal Ton agreed.

  Fane slipped his arm around her waist and led her out into the cool night air. “Who will take over for your father?”

  “Harold Lansford, at least for the interim. I’m sure the council will call for an election once Krentz has finished cleaning house.”

  “Harold?” Mal Ton mused. “Wasn’t that the name of Milleepon’s contact?”

  Fane shook his head. “The audio files were positively identified as Bryson. It was just an alias.”

  “I hate coincidences. I’ll make sure Krentz knows about the anomaly.” Mal Ton activated the hatch for them then went around to the front of the ship.

  Fane and Cassie settled into the plush seats in the passenger cabin and waited for the subtle pressure indicating takeoff.

  “This was one hell of a night.” Fane scrubbed his face with his hand, smearing the carefully applied bronzer. “I can’t wait to take a shower.”

  She smiled as she remembered what they’d done in the shower earlier. “And I can’t wait to get out of these clothes. The gown might look amazing, but it’s uncomfortable.”

  “You can take it off now.” He grinned. “I don’t mind.”

  “I’d only have to put it back on, unless you want me to parade through the Underground naked.”

  He chuckled and rubbed his eyes hard enough to dislodge his contacts. “I doubt anyone would mind, but I’d rather reserve your exhibitionist tendencies for private demonstrations.”

  “I agree.” She took a minute and unpinned the headdress, eager to be rid of the confinement and the weight. “Ah, that’s better.” She tossed the decoration aside.

  Fane, you are not going to believe this. The frustration in Thom’s tone made Cassie look at Fane.

  What now? Fane asked with a sigh. I gather this isn’t good news.

  Someone cleaned out the lab. Everything is gone! The strangest part is we’re pretty sure Bryson didn’t know about it. Krentz thinks this was a double cross.

  Any suspects? Fane rubbed the bridge of his nose, obviously frustrated.

  It’s too soon to know. Krentz said he’d keep you in the loop.
  Thanks for the update.

  “This complicates the hell out of treating Karris,” Cassie said. “I was hoping for some background data on exactly what they’ve done to her.”

  “Don’t you just need to reprogram her nanites?”

  “It’s more complicated than that.”

  “In what way?”

  “The program I wrote would have allowed her to absorb the energy, but I’m not sure how she converted that energy into actual abilities. That smacks of genetic manipulation.”

  “Which puts us in Allen’s arena?”


  They were silent for a moment. Speculation made Cassie’s mind race. Sarah was stabilized but not yet fully recovered. Roark would bring Lorelle out of stasis as soon as her treatment reached Stilox. Roark and Andrea would be thrilled to learn that their physiology was compatible for conception, and Allen’s involvement had opened up a whole new level of possibilities. It was staggering to think about all the changes that had developed since Max snatched her from her apartment.

  “Has Allen harassed you about the mysterious donor?” Fane’s question drew her back to the present.

  “He mentioned that he would really like to examine the person, but I let him know in no uncertain terms it would never happen.”

  He smiled and reached for her hand. “My hero.”

  “I know what you risked by compromising on this and I’m going to uphold my end of the bargain.”

  “Bargains.” He blew out a ragged sigh. “My bargaining position was obliterated tonight.” He raised her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I’m a man of my word, so you are free to go whenever you want—if you want.”

  “Free to go where?” She stared into his eyes and opened her mind, revealing the depth and intensity of her devotion to him. “You destroyed my illusions and dismantled life as I knew it. You changed everything.”

  He cupped the side of her face with his free hand and smiled. “You make that sound like a bad thing.” Affection and tenderness pulsed back from him, every bit as consuming as her emotions.

  “It was painful and overwhelming, but I wouldn’t go back, even if I could.”


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