Her Pregnancy Bombshell

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by Liz Fielding

  Expecting her boss’s baby!

  Pilot Miranda Marlowe is too sick to fly her plane, and she must face the truth: she’s pregnant! She knows well enough that her boss, Cleve Finch, is still grieving for his late wife, so to think, she heads to her sister’s new inheritance, Villa Rosa.

  Despite the spiders and dust, the Mediterranean palazzo is as gorgeous as ever. Until Cleve turns up with a dramatic offer: a convenient marriage as soon as it can be arranged! It may be the sensible answer…but is it enough for Miranda?

  Exhausted, a little shaky from a rough ferry crossing, Miranda handed her passport to the border-control officer.

  “Buongiorno, signora. What is the purpose of your visit to L’Isola dei Fiori?”

  “I’m running away,” she muttered.

  From her job, her life, from the man she’d been in love with since the life-changing moment when he’d applauded her touchdown in a treacherous crosswind.

  Hiding the secret she was carrying.

  Summer at Villa Rosa

  Four sisters escape to the Mediterranean…

  Only to find reunions, romance…and royalty!

  Villa Rosa holds a very special place in the hearts of Posy Marlowe and her three sisters, filled with memories of idyllic summer holidays on L’Isola dei Fiori. And her recent inheritance of the beautiful but fading palazzo from her godmother, Sofia, couldn’t have come at a better time for them all!

  Now this summer, they all escape to L’Isola dei Fiori and rediscover Villa Rosa again.

  Don’t miss all four books in this fabulous quartet:

  On sale June: Her Pregnancy Bombshell

  by Liz Fielding (Miranda’s story)

  On sale July: The Mysterious Italian Houseguest

  by Scarlet Wilson (Portia’s story)

  On sale August: The Runaway Bride and

  the Billionaire by Kate Hardy (Imogen’s story)

  On sale September: A Proposal from the

  Crown Prince by Jessica Gilmore (Posy’s story)

  Only in Harlequin Romance.

  And on August 7, Jessica Gilmore brings you

  an exciting online read—a prequel to the

  Summer at Villa Rosa quartet.

  Available at Harlequin.com.



  Liz Fielding

  Liz Fielding was born with itchy feet. She made it to Zambia before her twenty-first birthday and, gathering her own special hero and a couple of children on the way, lived in Botswana, Kenya and Bahrain—with pauses for sightseeing pretty much everywhere in between. She now lives in the west of England, close to the Regency grandeur of Bath and the ancient mystery of Stonehenge, and these days lets her pen do the traveling.

  For news of upcoming books visit Liz’s website, lizfielding.com.

  Books by Liz Fielding

  Harlequin Romance

  Romantic Getaways

  The Sheikh’s Convenient Princess

  Tempted by Trouble

  Flirting with Italian

  The Last Woman He’d Ever Date

  Vettori’s Damsel in Distress

  Harlequin Kiss

  Anything but Vanilla…

  For His Eyes Only

  Visit the Author Profile page

  at Harlequin.com for more titles.

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  To Kate Hardy, Scarlet Wilson and

  Jessica Gilmore, who helped bring

  Villa Rosa and L’Isola dei Fiori to life.

  It was a joy working with you.

















  Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,

  Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not…

  William Shakespeare


  Andie Marlowe lifted her coat from the rack, took a breath and fixed her face into a neutral smile before turning to face Cleve Finch, the CEO of Goldfinch Air Services.

  It had been nearly a year since his wife had been killed when the little six-seater she was flying was taken down by a bird strike but his grief was still unbearable to watch. He’d lost weight, his cheekbones were sharp enough to slice cheese and right now the pallor beneath his runner’s tan gave him a jaundiced look.


  ‘You’re off this afternoon?’

  ‘I stood in for Kevin last weekend.’

  ‘I wasn’t questioning…’ He shook his head. ‘I just wondered if you could spare me a couple of hours.’

  She did her best to ignore the totally inappropriate way her heart lifted at the suggestion he needed her. He was her boss. He simply wanted her to take on a last-minute job.

  ‘No problem. The ironing can wait.’

  ‘Ironing? It’s Friday. Shouldn’t you be getting yourself ready for a hot date?’ He almost managed a smile.

  She almost managed one back. ‘Men don’t date any more, they just want hook-ups.’

  ‘Men are idiots,’ he said.

  ‘You’ll get no argument from me.’ She’d tried Internet dating in the vain hope that it would take her mind off the only man with whom she’d ever wanted to get naked. It didn’t so she’d stopped. ‘My evening involves nothing more exciting than a darts match in the village pub but if anyone on the visiting team is under fifty I might get lucky.’ She glanced up at the white board on which the flight schedule had been written but couldn’t see any obvious gaps. ‘Has someone called in sick?’

  ‘No.’ He lifted a hand, curled his fingers back into his palm. ‘Imogen called.’

  ‘My sister?’ The sudden heart-pounding obliterated the uncomfortable sensation of being out of control of her limbs whenever she was around Cleve, taking her back to another time when her twin had been the sole focus of her concern. But Immi was fine now, happy, about to be married… ‘Has something happened to Mum and Dad?’

  ‘No!’ He reached towards her and, for a moment, his hand hung in the air between them. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm you. She called to let me know that the new aircraft…’ He stopped as if the words were stuck in his throat.

  Every instinct was to take his hand, hold it, give him her warmth, comfort, whatever he needed. Before the message reached her brain and she could do anything so stupid he was dragging his fingers through thick dark brown hair that had once been streaked by the sun but was now shot through with silver.

  Cleve’s grief in the year since his wife’s death had been painful to witness. And he wasn’t the only one. The Mayfly, the six-seater aircraft she’d been flying when she died, had been built by Marlowe Aviation, the company started by Andie’s family right at the beginning of aviation. Both companies had wobbled in the aftermath.

  The Air Accident Inquiry had absolved everyone from guilt; it was clear from all the evidence that the aircraft had been brought down by a bird strike. The shocking revelation that Rachel had been in the early stages of pregnancy—something Cleve had kept to himself until the inquest—and the coroner’s suggestion that, since she was such an experienced pilot, nausea or fainting might have contr
ibuted to the accident, had made it a double tragedy.

  When the enquiry was over Andie’s mother, fearful that her father would follow their grandfather into an early grave, had insisted he take a complete break and, leaving Marlowe Aviation in the capable hands of Immi and her fiancé, her parents were crossing India by bus like a couple of old hippies.

  Cleve, on the other hand, had not taken a day off since the funeral, insisting that his responsibility was to his staff and Goldfinch, the company he’d built from nothing.

  Andie suspected that deep down he was afraid that if he walked away, didn’t get straight back in the cockpit, he never would. And, once the insurance claim had been settled, Cleve, in the most selfless, most supportive of acts, had ordered a replacement for the wrecked aircraft from Marlowe Aviation. The exact same model in which his wife had died.

  Now her sister had called to tell him that it was ready to be collected.

  ‘I can pick it up,’ she said, quickly. ‘I’ll take the train, stay overnight and fly back tomorrow.’

  ‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘There are procedures. Engineering checks to sign off.’

  ‘I can handle all that.’

  Andie had a degree in aircraft engineering and would have been in the design office right now if a good-looking flier, negotiating the purchase of one of her father’s aircraft, hadn’t promised her a job if she got her CPL. If he hadn’t sealed his promise with a kiss that’d had her flying without the need for wings.

  Cleve had been wearing a newly minted wedding ring by the time she’d completed her degree and arrived at his office clutching her CPL, but he’d given her a congratulatory hug and kept his promise. His wife, no doubt able to spot her crush from ten thousand feet and used to fending off silly girls, had smiled sympathetically, confident that with her in his bed he was oblivious to such distractions.

  ‘I just need you to fly me up there, Miranda,’ he said. ‘If it’s not convenient just say and I’ll take the train myself.’

  ‘I just thought…’ Obviously this was something he felt he had to do but she wasn’t about to let him go through it on his own. ‘When do you want to go?’

  ‘Now? Oscar Tango is free this afternoon. If the darts team can spare you.’

  ‘They’ll probably heave a collective sigh of relief,’ she said. ‘I was flying home tomorrow anyway. Immi’s been nagging me about…’ Her sister had been nagging her about a fitting for her bridesmaid dress but she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. ‘If you don’t mind squashing into my little two-seater?’

  ‘Whatever suits you.’

  He held the door for her as she took out her phone and sent a quick text to her sister to let her know she’d be available for the fitting the next day.

  ‘Is it pink?’ he asked as they crossed to the control office to file a flight plan.


  ‘The dress.’

  ‘You read my text?’

  ‘I didn’t have to. I received an invitation to her wedding and I imagine she wants her sisters as bridesmaids. The rare sight of you in a dress is almost enough to tempt me to accept.’

  She glanced up at him but the teasing smile that had made her teenage heart stand still was now rarer than a sighting of her in a skirt.

  ‘If it’s pink with frills there’s no way I’m going to miss it,’ he added.

  ‘Please… Not even as a joke.’

  ‘I hope her fiancé has done his duty and lined up a best man to make your day memorable.’

  ‘Portia’s the oldest.’ The glamorous one that not only the spare men but those who were firmly attached would be lusting after. ‘She has first dibs on the best man.’ And if he was anything like the groom she was welcome to him. ‘Posy and I will have to make do with the ushers.’

  ‘You’re not impressed with your future brother-in-law?’

  ‘I didn’t say that.’ Had she?

  ‘You pulled a face.’

  She lifted her shoulders a fraction. ‘Marrying the boss’s daughter is such a cliché. As long as Immi’s happy that’s all that matters.’ Feeling a bit guilty that she hadn’t quite taken to her future brother-in-law, she added, ‘Dad seems to like him.’

  ‘I congratulate him. Your father has very high standards.’

  ‘Er…yes…’ Talking about weddings with Cleve was too weird and, relieved to have finally reached the control office, she said, ‘Will you go and fuel up for me while I deal with the paperwork?’

  His brows rose a fraction. ‘I’ve never known you let anyone but you touch her,’ he said. ‘You even service herself yourself.’

  ‘I’m cheap,’ she said, rather than admit that he was the only person she’d allow to touch the aircraft her father had given her on her eighteenth birthday.

  The day she’d got her PPL.

  The day Cleve had kissed her.

  ‘Do not drip any fuel on the fuselage,’ she said, taking the keys to the security lock from her pocket.

  She would have tossed them to him but he reached out, wrapping his long, cold fingers around her hand to keep her from turning away. His eyes locked onto hers and she stopped breathing.

  ‘I’m honoured.’

  ‘Make that suckered,’ she said, just so that he wouldn’t think she was going soft. ‘You’ll be using your card to pay for the fuel.’

  She would have turned away but he held her hand for a moment longer until, with a nod, he took the keys and walked away, leaving her normally warm hand like ice.


  ‘Do you want to take the stick?’ she asked, out of courtesy rather than any expectation that Cleve would say yes. He wasn’t a back-seat flyer and had no hang-ups about women pilots—he’d married one after all. The fact was, he hadn’t been flying much since the crash.

  He complained that his time was fully occupied running the business these days, setting up the new office in Cyprus. And, when he was forced to leave his desk, the murmurs reaching her suggested that he was taking the co-pilot’s seat and letting his first officer have the stick.

  That he had lost his nerve.

  He shook his head, climbed aboard and closed his eyes as she taxied out to the runway. His attempt at humour on the subject of her bridesmaid dress had apparently drained him of conversation and any excitement about picking up the new aircraft would be inappropriate.

  Forty silent minutes later she touched down and taxied to her personal parking space on the Marlowe Aviation airfield.

  She didn’t wait for him to thank her. She signed off, climbed down and, before he could dismiss her, crossed to where the chief engineer, no doubt warned by the tower of their arrival, was waiting for them.

  ‘Hello, Jack.’

  ‘Andie…’ He took her hand, kissed her cheek, then looked up as Cleve joined them. ‘Cleve. Good to see you,’ he said, not quite quick enough to hide his shock at Cleve’s pallor. Any other time, any other man, Jack would have made a joke about women pilots, she would have rolled her eyes, and they would have got on with it.

  ‘Jack.’ Cleve’s brief acknowledgement did not encourage small talk.

  ‘Right, well, we’re all ready for you.’ He cleared his throat. ‘Andie, you’ll be interested in seeing the updates we’ve incorporated into the latest model of the Mayfly to come off the production line.’

  It was a plea not to leave him alone with Cleve but, with the tension coming off him in waves, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  ‘I can’t wait,’ she said, touching her hand to Cleve’s elbow, a gentle prompt forward, and she felt the shock of that small contact jolt through him. She caught her breath as the responding flood of heat surged back along her arm, momentarily swamping her body.

  She held her breath, somehow kept her smile in place as he pulled away from her.

  ‘The new tail design is largely down to Andie,’ Jack explained to Cleve as they walked towards the hangar. ‘The sooner she gets tired of life at altitude and gets back to the design office, the better.’

p; ‘Miranda was born to fly,’ Cleve said before she could answer.

  ‘No doubt, but my time will come.’ Jack grinned confidently. ‘Some lucky man will catch her eye and she won’t want to be up and down all over the place once she starts a family.’

  Desperate to cover the awkward silence that followed Jack’s epic foot-in-the-mouth moment, she crossed to the aircraft, sleek and gleaming white but for the new tail that bore the stylised red, gold and black goldfinch identifying the ever-growing Goldfinch Air Services fleet.

  ‘She’s a beauty, Jack.’

  She turned to Cleve for his reaction but he looked hollow and she thought, not for the first time, that this very public support of Marlowe Aviation and the aircraft her father built had been a mistake.

  ‘Why don’t we go and deal with the paperwork first?’ she suggested. ‘If Immi’s in a good mood she might make us—’

  ‘Let’s get this over with,’ Cleve said, cutting her off before she could suggest a bracing cup of tea. But she was the one making all the right noises, asking all the questions as Jack ran through the new design details.

  The chief engineer’s relief when a loudspeaker message summoned him to take a phone call was palpable.

  ‘I’m sorry but I have to take this,’ he said, handing her the clipboard. ‘We’ve just about finished the externals. Why don’t you take her out, try a few circuits? Get a feel for her.’

  ‘Thanks, Jack,’ she said, when Cleve did not reply. ‘We’ll see you later.’

  ‘I’ll be in the office…’

  She gave him a reassuring nod when he hesitated, then turned back to Cleve.

  He was staring at the aircraft, his face set as hard and grey as concrete. Her hand hovered near his elbow but she was afraid that if she touched him again he would shatter.

  As if he sensed her uncertainty, he said, ‘Go and find your sister, sort out your dress. I’ve got this.’

  ‘I don’t think so.’ He turned on her but before he could speak she said, ‘You’re not fit to fly a kite right now.’

  They seemed to stand there for hours, staring one another down and then, as if a veil had been lifted to reveal all the pain, all the grief he was suffering, his face seemed to dissolve.


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