by Grant Fausey
ITOL WARRIOR: (INTEGRATED TACTICAL OFFENSIVE LINE WARRIOR) The corporate soldiers used to patrol the boundary regions between the Triad Abyss and the threshold of the artificially created universe connecting wave corridor interface. Established as a line of defense against hostile intentions from alternate realities.
JUMPSHIP: Vehicle capable of traversing the Time Wave Corridor.
KALAMAR: Ancient race believed to be responsible for living light technology, which allows the creation of artificial life on a natural occurring repetition. Considered comparable to the life giving energy in all living things.
LIVING MACHINE: Entities given existence using living light technology.
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REGEN: The process by which artificial life can be renewed or rejuvenated to a younger, more stable age.
REGENERATION: Regen on a planetary scale. Still experimental, but shows hopeful results on tentative worlds.
RAMPIA/MYATEK/SODIN INTERCHANGE: The corridor connecting twin worlds in alternate realities.
SODIN: Planetary body discovered to be a planetoid-size world machine housing the Industries’ Temporal Convergence Laboratory. Project failed, created the area of space known as the Triad Abyss. Birthplace of the alternate reality created by the Industries and the connecting corridor threshold between universes. Please note: The experiment was never shut down and maintains the threshold of temporal convergence to this day, allowing the passage between the past, present and future of the connected universes.
TRODS: (TANDEM REMOTE OPERATIONS DRONE (DIG SPECIALIST) Biomechanically created living machine counterpart Archeologists.
TEMPORAL INCURSION: A break in the boundary layer separating the original universe from its manufactured counterpart. Incursions can occur in any period: past, present or future.
TEMPORAL WAVE CORRIDOR: The connecting bridge between alternate realities. Available for transit in both universes; universes are multilayered and varying emergence points are at set intervals.
TEMPORAL WAVE CORRIDOR TRANSIT SYSTEM: The system of transit used by the ITOL warriors to traverse the corridor between the universes. Used during operations between alternate realities.
TRIAD ABYSS: Failed experiment residue enveloping the area of space around the planet-size machine world of Sodin: Once thought to be a living mass capable of draining the life energy from all living things in existence, the mass has lied dormant for thousands of years. However, there are signs that the mass is returning to life.
TRITHEN BARRIER: Theorized to be the residue from the big bang initiated in the creation of an artificial universe at the heart of the temporal convergence laboratory on Sodin.
TRITHEN INDUSTRIES: A self-proclaimed power among the giant corporations, which resides on a thousand worlds ruled by the Corporate Assembly. This vast conglomerate consists of five-mega corporations that span the known universe. Trithen Industries and Trini Corporation are the largest, while Konsus Amalgamated, Hyat-Raa Research laboratories and the Hoval-Malee Corporation control the other third of the empire. Control is absolute and unconditional.
TOUR TRANSIT SYSTEM: Economy class: Similar to the commercial system.
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VALCONIAN SYMBIONT: Living machine, (manufacturing date unknown) artificial life form with the ability to bridge life giving energy of an individual with his or her past, present, and future incarnations.
VESSEL MEDALLION: The hardened edge of the living machine symbiont.
WINDRIGGER: Pirate ship. Twenty-two gun sailing vessel with bellowing sails, ice runners spars and tether lines. Most famous of the jumpships used in the Battle of Echo Pass, during the great exodus of humanity.
Table of Contents
ONE: Aftermath
TWO: Traveling Companions
THREE: Tides that Bind
FOUR: Alternate Realities
FIVE: Breadcrumbs
SIX: Yellow Brick Road
SEVEN: Reflections in the Past
EIGHT: Steps in Time
NINE: Silhouette
TEN: Past Tense
ELEVEN: New Acquisitions
TWELVE: Rebound
THIRTEEN: Changing Tides
FIFTEEN: Turning Points
SIXTEEN: Islands in the Sky
SEVENTEEN: Tether Lines
EIGHTEEN: Diagnostics and Judgments
NINETEEN: A Meeting of Minds
TWENTY: Living Memoirs
TWENTY-ONE: Bancore and Creed
TWENTY-TWO: The Fact of the Matter
TWENTY-THREE: Destination Sodin
TWENTY-FOUR: Tanis 489
TWENTY-FIVE: Rooka Rocks
TWENTY-SIX: Life Changes in Reality
TWENTY-SEVEN: Arachnid Fever
TWENTY-EIGHT: A Place like no Other
TWENTY-NINE: Remembering the Past
THIRTY: Rescue Mission
THIRTY-ONE: Phoenix Station
THIRTY-TWO: Throttle Up
THIRTY-THREE: Human Altercations
THIRTY-FOUR: Turning Tides
THIRTY-FIVE: Emergence
THIRTY-SIX: The Beast Within
THIRTY-SEVEN: Bounty and Bounty Hunters
THIRTY-EIGHT: Mop-up Operations
THIRTY-NINE: Grathamar’s Haven
FORTY: Nomad’s Choice
FORTY-ONE: Of Crimson Indigo