Colette 1: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, Aug. 4, 1969
Collins, J., 1: New York Times Book Review, May 6, 1984
Collins, M., 1: W. Churchill, Great Contemporaries
Columbus 1: S. E. Morison, ed., Journals and Other Documents of Columbus, in L. B. Young, The Blue Planet; 2: Benzoni, Historia del Mondo Nuevo, in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes; 3: I. Wallace et al., The Book of Lists 2
Comte 1: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words
Condorcet 1: E. Bell, Men of Mathematics
Confucius 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, I; 2: H. Margolius, Der Lächelnde Philosoph
Congreve 1: Voltaire, Letters Concerning the English Nation, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Connelly 1: H. Teichmann, Smart Aleck; 2: C. Stinnett, “Travels with Marc,” Signature, Dec. 1981
Connolly 1: Times Literary Supplement, Dec. 6, 1974
Constable 1: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote; 2: D. Piper, Painting in England; 3: P. Johnson, The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815–1830
Constantine the Great 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, III
Cook 1: F. Muir, Irreverent Social History
Coolidge 1: BBC Radio 4, Oct. 11, 1981; 2: I. Ross, Grace Coolidge and Her Era, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ; 3, 6–7, 18, 24: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 4: J. Braude, Braude’s Second Encyclopedia; 5: Los Angeles Times, Aug. 6, 1982; 8: L. Missen, After-Dinner Stories and Anecdotes; 10: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 11: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using; 12: E. C. Lathem, Meet Calvin Coolidge; 13: B. House, Laugh Parade of States, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 14: Edmund W. Starling, Starling of the White House, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 15–16: Cameron Rodgers, The Legend of Calvin Coolidge, in B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes; 17: A. Krock, Memoirs; 19: R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History; 22: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook; 23: “The Well-Known Human Race,” Reader’s Digest, June 1933, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 25: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better
Cooper, Lady D., 1: P. Ziegler, Diana Cooper; 2: W. Amos, The Originals: An A-Z of Fiction’s Real-Life Characters
Cooper, G., 1: P. Hay, ed., Movie Anecdotes; 2: H. Smith, The Life and Legend of Gene Fowler; 3: G. Herman, The Book of Hollywood Quotes
Cooper, Dame G., 1: R. Morley, A Musing Morley
Cooper, J. F., 1: D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Cooper, Sir W., 1: A. Lawson, Discover Unexpected London
Coote 1: S. Morley, Tales from the Hollywood Raj
Cope 1: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia
Corday 1: M. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots
Cornett 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Corot 1: T. Craven, Men of Art; 2: E. Chubb, Sketches of Great Painters; 3: N. Rorem, Later Diaries
Corrigan 1: R. Lamparski, Whatever Became Of…?
Cotten, E., 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Courteline 1: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals
Coward 2: R. Drennan, Wit’s End; 3: R. Marquard, Jokes and Anecdotes; 4: R. Massey, A Hundred Different Lives; 5: G. Brandreth, Great Theatrical Disasters; 6: S. Morley, A Talent to Amuse; 7: R. Buckle, In the Wake of Diaghilev; 8: G. Payn and S. Morley, The Noel Coward Diaries; 9: B. Conrad, Fun While It Lasted
Cowl 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Crane 1: R. W. Stallman, Stephen Crane, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Cranmer 1: J. Foxe, Acts and Monuments
Crawford, J., 3: P. Boller, ed., Hollywood Anecdotes
Crenshaw 1: D. Wade, And Then Fuzzy Told Seve; 2: R. T. Sommers, Golf Anecdotes
Crockett 1: D. C. Roper and F. Lovette, Fifty Years of Public Life, in B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes; 2: H. Greeley, ed., The Tribune Almanac for the Years 1838–1868, in R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History
Crockford 1: W. Walsh, Handy Book of Curious Information
Croesus 1: Herodotus, Histories, I
Croll 1: W. Espy, An Almanac of Words at Play
Cromwell 1: H. Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting; 2: C. Hill, God’s Englishman; 3: C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 4: J. Spence, Anecdotes; 5: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Crosby 1: C. Thompson, Bing
Cukor 1: Los Angeles Times, July 31, 1984
Cummings 1: S. Cheever, Home Before Dark
Cunard 1: H. Acton, Nancy Mitford: A Memoir; 2: E. Marsh, A Number of People
Cunninghame Graham 1: Book-of-the-Month Club News, Apr. 1950
Curie 1: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Adventures in Science
Curley 1: W. Manchester, One Brief Shining Moment
Curran 1–2: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote; 3: D. George, A Book of Anecdotes
Curtiz 1: D. Niven, Bring On the Empty Horses; 2: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar
Cushman 1: W. Winter, Other Days
Cuvier 1: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia
Cyrus II 1: K. Edwards, I Wish I’d Said That
Dahn 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Dale 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Dali 1: L. Buñuel, My Last Breath; 2: P. Horgan, Encounters with Stravinsky; 3: J. Gruen, The Party’s Over Now; 7: J. Bryan III, ed., Hodgepodge: A Commonplace Book
Dalton 1: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia
Dana 1: C. Fadiman, Any Number Can Play
D’Annunzio 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Dante Alighieri 1–2: C. Speroni, Wit and Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance
Danton 1: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words
Darius I 1: Herodotus, Histories, IV; 2: F. Paley, Greek Wit
Darrow 1–2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 3: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better; 4: H. Prochnow, The Public Speaker’s Treasure Chest; 5: T. Arnold, Fair Fights and Foul
Darwin, C., 1: J. Chancellor, Charles Darwin; 2: A. Moorhead, Darwin and the Beagle; 3: G. Keynes and B. Hill, eds., Samuel Butler’s Notebooks
Darwin, E., 1: E. Kraus, Erasmus Darwin, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ
Daudet 1: E. Van de Velde, Anecdotes Musicales
Davenant 1: DNB; 2: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words
Davies, Lady E., 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Davies, M., 1: S. Marx, Mayer and Thalberg
Davis, A., 1: N. and B. Donaldson, How Did They Die?
Davis, B., 1: I. Wallace et al., Book of Lists 2
Davis, M., 1–2: B. Crow, Jazz Anecdotes
Davy 1–2: C. R. Weld, A History of the Royal Society, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ; 3: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Dean 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 2: J. Nash, Zanies; 3: C. Sifakis, Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
Debs 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac
Degas 1: R. McMullen, Degas: His Life, Times, and Work; 3: E. Lucie-Smith, ed., The Faber Book of Art Anecdotes; 4: J. Krantz, Mistral’s Daughter
De Gaulle 1: R. Buckle, ed., Self-Portrait with Friends; 2: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better; 3: J. Bartlett, Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations; 4, 10: P. Frederick, Ten First Ladies of the World; 5: The Times (London), Aug. 30, 1983; 7: L. Lucaire, Celebrity Trivia; 8: B. Walters, How to Talk with Practically Anybody; 9: R. Morley, Book of Bricks
De la Mare 1: John Bailey 1864–1931: Letters, Edited by his Wife, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
De Mille 1: Barry Paris, “The Godless Girl,” The New Yorker, 1989
De Moivre 1: C. Fadiman, The Mathematical Magpie
Demosthenes 1: N. McPhee, Second Book of Insults; 2: Plutarch, Lives
Dempsey 1: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better; 2: G. Perrett, America in the Twenties
Denham 1: C. Sifakis, Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
Denis 1: Dugas de Bois St. Just, Paris, Versailles et les provinces
Dennis 1–2: R. Hendrickson, The Literary Life
Depew 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: I. Asimov, Treasury of Humor
Descartes 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac 2; 2: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia; 3: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
De Seversky 1: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using
Detourbey 1: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals
De Valera 1: I. Asimov, Treasury of Humor; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 3: J. Gunther, Procession
De Valois 1: The New Yorker, Sept. 16, 1950
Devonshire, Duke of 1: Duchess of Devonshire, The House; 2: J. Pearson, The Serpent and the Stag
De Wolfe 1: J. Smith, Elsie de Wolfe
Diaghilev 1: D. Boorstin, The Creators; 2: B. Taper, Balanchine: A Biography; 3: M. Georges-Michel, From Renoir to Picasso
Diana, Princess of Wales 1: The Times (London), Apr. 13, 1983
Dicaprio 1: M. Wiley and D. Bona, Inside Oscar
Dickens 1: G. Chesterton, Charles Dickens; 2: R. Hendrickson, The Literary Life; 3: J. Forster, The Life of Charles Dickens (1872–74), in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 4: F. Locker-Lampson, My Confidences, in Sutherland, OBLA; 5: E. Johnson, Charles Dickens
Diderot 1: E. Bell, Men of Mathematics
Dietz 1: Los Angeles Times, Mar. 30, 1983
Diogenes 1: Plutarch, Lives; 2–3:
Diogenes Laertius, Eminent Philosophers; 4: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 5: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz; 6: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook; 7: H. Margolius, Der Lächelnde Philosoph
Dionysius II 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Dirichlet 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Disney 1: C. Finch, The Art of Walt Disney
Disraeli 1: DNB; 2: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 3: R. Marquard, Jokes and Anecdotes; 4: F. Muir, Irreverent Social History; 5: M. MacDonagh, Fortnightly Review, Aug. 1902, in Shriner, Wit; 6: Shriner, Wit; 7: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz; 8: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit; 9: N. McPhee, Second Book of Insults; 10: I. Wallace et al., Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People; 11: E. Longford, The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes; 12: H. H. Marie Louise, My Memories of Six Reigns, in A. Hardy, Queen Victoria Was Amused
Divine 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 2: L. Rosten, People I Have Loved, Known, or Admired
Dix 1: P. Smith, Trial by Fire
Doherty 1: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Dole, R. 1: J. Simpson, Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations; 2–5: B. Dole, Great Political Wit
Donatello 1: A. Poliziano, Diario
Donne 1: Sir J. Prior, Life of Edmond Malone … , in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 2: I. Walton, The Lives of John Donne,…Robert Sanderson, in Sutherland, OBLA
Douglass 1: B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes
Doyle 2: P. Mahony, Barbed Wit and Malicious Humor; 3: J. Nash, Zanies
Drake 1: J. Williamson, The English Channel; 2: DNB
Dreiser 1: S. Mayfield, The Constant Circle; 2: Bennett Cerf, At Random, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Drew 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Dreyschock 1: H. Schonberg, The Great Pianists
Dryden 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 2: J. Prior, Life of E. Malone; 3: G. Colman, Circle of Anecdote
Du Barry 1: L. and M. Cowan, The Wit of Women
Duclos 1: Dugas de Bois St. Just, Paris, Versailles et les provinces
Du Deffand 1–2: C. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots
Dudley 1: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Dulles 1: H. Temianka, Facing the Music
Dumas, A. (Père), 1: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 3–6: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz; 7: L. and F. Copeland, 10,000 Jokes, Toasts, and Stories
Dumas, A. (Fils), 1–2: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals; 3: A. Castelot, Paris: The Turbulent City
Dunsany 1: S. Winchester, Their Noble Lordships
Du Pont 1: The New Yorker, Dec. 13, 1952
Durocher 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury
Duse 1: S. Radecki, Das ABC des Lachens; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Duval 1: C. Roberts, And So to Bath
Duveen 1: S. Holbrook, The Age of the Moguls
Dyson 1: Oxfam, Pass the Port
Eastwood 1–2: P. Hay, ed., Movie Anecdotes; 3: P. Boller, ed., Hollywood Anecdotes
Eddy 1: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Biographies of Religious Leaders
Eden, A., 1: A. Cooke, Six Men
Eden, Sir W., 1: C. Fadiman, Any Number Can Play
Edison, C., 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook
Edison, T., 1: Henry Ford, My Friend, Mr. Edison, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ; 2–5: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 6: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 7: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook; 8: N. and B. Donaldson, How Did They Die?
Edman 1: Book-of-the-Month Club News, 1947; 2: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me
Edward I 1: E. C. Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Edward III 1: B. Vincent, ed., Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates; 2: Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Edward VII 1: Private Life of Edward VII, by a Member of the Royal Household, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 2: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals; 3–4, 6: R. Collier, The Rainbow People; 5: G. Lieberman, The Greatest Laughs of All Time; 7: H. Atkins and A. Newman, eds., Beecham Stories; 8: P. Mahony, Barbed Wit and Malicious Humor; 9: C. Aslet, The Last Country Houses
Edward VIII 1: D. Herrmann, With Malice Toward All; 3: A. Chambers, Dream Resorts
Einstein 1: P. David and R. Hersh, The Mathematical Experience; 2: I. Rosenthal-Schneider, Reality and Scientific Truth; 3: T. Ferris, Coming of Age in the Milky Way; 4: P. Frank, Einstein; 5: C. Seelig, Albert Einstein; 6: J. Bernstein, Einstein; 7: G. Whitrow, Einstein; 8: M. and A. Guillois, Liberté, Egalité, Hilarité; 9: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 10: A. Toynbee, Acquaintances; 12: W. Novak and M. Waldoks, The Big Book of Jewish Humor; 13, 18: S. Harris, Pieces of Eight; 15: New York Times Book Review, Sept. 26, 1982; 16: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 20: D. Halberstam, The Fifties; 21: E. Longford, “Continuity and Change,” in Testament, ed. C. Fadiman; 22: British Medical Journal, 1985; 23: L. LeShain, From Newton to ESP
Eisenhower 1: Merlo J. Pusey, Eisenhower the President, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 2: M. Dietrich, Marlene; 3: D. Eisenhower, Eisenhower at War; 4: D. Halberstam, The Fifties; 6: R. Crouser, It’s Unlucky to Be Behind at the End of the Game; 5: R. Sommers, Golf Anecdotes
Eleanor of Aquitaine 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, IV
Eliot, C., 1: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, June 27, 1963
Eliot, J., 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Eliot, T. S., 1: I. A. Richards, “On T.S.E.,” in T. S. Eliot: The Man and His Work, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 2: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac 2; 3: A. Tate, ed., T. S. Eliot, The Man and His Work; 4: S. Weintraub, The London Yankees; 5: P. Ackroyd, T. S. Eliot; 6: Publishers Weekly, Jan. 8, 1982; 7: P. Horgan, Approaches to Writing
Elizabeth I 1: E. Longford, The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes; 2: D’Israeli, Curiosities of Literature; 3: J. Aubrey, Brief Lives; 4: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 5–7: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Elizabeth II 1–3, 8–12: E. Longford, The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes; 5: V. Wade, Courting Triumph; 7: R. Lacey, Majesty
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 3: J. Bartlett, Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations; 4: D. Duff, Elizabeth of Glamis; 5: B. Cerf, Good for a Laugh; 6: K. Edwards, I Wish I’d Said That
Ellenborough 1: L. Russell, English Wits; 2: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Elliott 1: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Elliston 1: T. Moore, Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ
Elman 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Emerson 1, 3, 9: O. Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson; 2: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Biographies of the Great Philosophers; 4: I. Wallace et al., Book of Lists 2; 5: Mary B. Claflin, Personal Recollections of John Greenleaf Whittier, in OBALA; 6: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 8: Edward Wilson, The Shock of Recognition, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Empedocles 1: Oxford Classical Dictionary
Enesco 1: W. Espy, Another Almanac of Words at Play
Engels 1: G. Pijet, Duell mit der Vergangenheit
Epstein 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook
Erasmus 1: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique
Eric the Red 1: H. Rawson, Dictionary of Euphemisms
Erskine 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 2: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Erving 1: P. O’Brian, Talkin Sports
Este 1: C. Speroni, Wit and Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance
Euclid 1: I. Asimov, Treasury of Humor
Eugénie 1: D. Duff, Eugénie and Napoleon III; 2: F. Loliée, Gilded Beauties of the Second Empire
Euler 1: E. Bell, Men of Mathematics
Euripides 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Evans, Sir A., 1: C. Bowra, Memories 1898–1939
Evans, Dame E., 1–2: B. Forbes, Ned’s Girl
Everett 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac Fagiuoli 1: J. Papesch, Europa Lächelt Noch Immer
Fairbanks 1: V. Castlerosse, Valentine’s Days
Fallières 1: M. and A. Guillois, Liberté, Egalité, Hilarité
Faraday 1: S. Bolton, Famous Men of Science
Farouk I 1: R. Byrne, The 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
Farquhar 1: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Farr 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Farragut 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac
Faulkner 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 2: G. Herman, The Book of Hollywood Quotes; 3: S. Mayfield, The Constant Circle; 4: S. Graham, The Garden of Allah; 5: Robert Coughlin, The Private World of William Faulkner, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 6: B. Cerf, At Random, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 7: J. Bryan III, ed., Hodgepodge Two
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