Hilbert, David
Hill, John
Hill, Rowland
Hillary, Sir Edmund
Hindemith, Paul
Hindenburg, Paul von
Liebermann, Max, 1
Hinkley, John
Reagan, Nancy, 2
Reagan, Ronald, 14
Bush, Barbara, 2
Hitchcock, Sir Alfred
Simenon, Georges, 1
Hitler, Adolf
Budge, J. Donald, 1
Ho Chi Minh
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 11
Hobson, Laura Z.
Hobson, Thomas
Hodson, Henrietta
Gilbert, W. S., 5
Hoffman, Dustin
Olivier, Laurence, 3
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm
Hofmann, Josef Casimir
Hogan, Ben
Hogarth, William
Heidegger, John James, 1
Holbach, Baron d’
Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse, 1
Holbein, Hans
Henry VIII, 2
Holland, Lady
Orsay, Alfred-Guillaume-Gabriel d’, 2
Holles, Denzil
Holliday, Judy
Holm, Celeste DiCaprio, Leonardo, 1
Holmes, Fanny Dixwell
Holmes, John
Holmes, John Clellon
Kerouac, Jack, 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 4
Holmes, Fanny Dixwell, 3
Lincoln, Abraham, 20
Homer, Winslow
Hook, Theodore Edward
Hooker, Joseph
Lincoln, Abraham, 23
Hoover, Herbert
Long, Huey P., 2
Hoover, Mrs. Herbert
Horowitz, Vladimir, 3
Hoover, J. Edgar
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 4
Hope, Bob
Hopkinson, Charles
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 4
Hopkinson, Francis
Hoppner, John
Porson, Richard, 3
Horne, Lena
Jessel, George, 1
Horowitz, Vladimir
Reagan, Nancy, 4
Horthy de Nagyabánya Miklós
Horwitz, Al
Winters, Shelley, 1
Hotham, Gertrude
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 2
Houdini, Harry
Housman, A. E.
Barrie, J. M., 1, 2
Houston, Sam
Polk, James K., 1
Howard, Catherine
Howard, Elizabeth
Dryden, John, 2
Howard, Leslie
Howard, Lady Mary
Murray, Gilbert, 1
Howarth, Humphrey
Howe, Elias
Howe, Irving
Howe, Julia Ward
Astor, John Jacob, 1
Howells, William Dean
Twain, Mark, 8
Hoy, William
Hoyt, Julia
Chase, Ilka, 1
Hruska, Roman
Hubbard, Mabel
Bell, Alexander Graham, 2
Hudson, Rock
Hughes, Langston
Hugo, Victor
Hulbert, Merritt
Goldwyn, Samuel, 2
Hull, Cordell
Hull, Isaac
Humboldt, Friedrich H. A.
Balzac, Honoré de, 8
Jefferson, Thomas, 9
Hume, David
Hume, Paul
Truman, Harry S., 4
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 9
Hunt, Leigh
Carlyle, Thomas, 4
Hunter, Catfish
Jackson, Reggie, 3
Hunter, John
Hurst, Fannie
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4
Huston, John
Hutton, E. F.
Hutton, Lauren
Huxley, Aldous
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Hyde, Lady Catherine
Hyde, William
Hylan, John F.
Hynd, Samuel
Sobhuza II, 1
Hyrtl, Joseph
Ibn Saud
Ibrahim Pasha
Ibsen, Henrik
Ikku, Jippensha
Inge, William Ralph
Ingersoll, Robert Green
Beecher, Henry Ward, 4
Brooks, Philip, 1
Irving, Henry
Twain, Mark, 12
Irving, Sir Henry
Tennyson, Alfred, 2
Irving, Washington
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste
Jacks, Arthur
Lardner, Ring, 2
Jackson, Andrew
Buchanan, James, 1
Jackson, Joe
Jackson, Reggie
Steinbrenner, George, 2, 4
Jackson, Shirley
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall”
Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob
Jacobi, M. H.
Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob, 1
James, Alice
James, Henry, 6
James, Henry
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 3
James, William, 4
James, Jesse
James, William
James I
Bacon, Francis, 4
James II
Milton, John, 2
Sedley, Sir Charles, 1
James of York
Charles II, 6
Jarry, Alfred
Jefferson, Joseph
Jefferson, Thomas
Adams, John, 4
Franklin, Benjamin, 2
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 20
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Gilbert du Motier, 3
Jeffrey, Francis
Smith, Sydney, 2
Jeffreys, George
Jeffries, James J.
Fitzsimmons, Robert, 1
Jérôme, King
Jerrold, Douglas
Jessel, George
John, Augustus
Snead, Sam, 1
John III Sobieski
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Hibbard
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 3, 4
Johnson, Nunnally
Cooper, Gary, 3
Johnson, Samuel
Boswell, James, 1, 2
Goldsmith, Oliver, 1
Siddons, Sarah, 3
Johnson, Walter
Ruth, “Babe,” 6
Johnson, Sir William
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Thomson, Joseph, 1
Jolley, Smead
Jolson, Al
Jones, Dean
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1
Jones, James
Jones, John Paul
Jonson, Ben
Jordan, Dorothea
Betty, William Hernry West, 1
Jordan, Michael
Joseph II
Catherine II, 1
Joule, James Prescott
Kelvin, William Thomson, 1
Jovanovich, William
Russell, Bertrand, 1
Jowett, Benjamin
Joyce, James
Heap, Jane, 1
Joyce, John
Augustus, Gaius, 6
Julius II
Jullien, Louis Antoine
Jung, Carl
Freud, Sigmund, 1
Jungmann, Elisabeth
Beerbohm, Max, 4
Jusserand, Jean Adrien A. J.
Kahn, Otto
Kallio, Kyösti
Kames, Henry Home
Kanin, Garson
Tracy, Spencer, 2
Kant, Immanuelr />
Karajan, Herbert von
Nilsson, Birgit Marta, 2
Karl Alexander
Karnow, Stanley
Luce, Henry R., 1
Karolyi, Bela
Strug, Kerri, 1
Karsh, Yousuf
Armstrong, Neil, 1
Casals, Pablo, 4
Hemingway, Ernest, 8
John XXIII, 3
Shaw, George Bernard, 21
Kaufman, Beatrice
Adams, Franklin P., 2, 3
Kaufman, George S.
Woollcott, Alexander, 10
Kaufman, Mrs. George S.
Levant, Oscar, 4
Kaunitz-Rietburg, Wenzel Anton
Kaye, Danny
Shaw, George Bernard, 23
Kazan, Elia
Kazin, Alfred
Auden, W. H., 8
Plath, Sylvia, 1
Keating, Fred
Bankhead, Talullah, 4
Keats, John
Wordsworth, William, 1
Kefauver, Estes
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 4
Stengel, Casey, 7
Keith, Mrs. Murray
Scott, Sir Walter, 3
Kekulé von Stradonitz, August
Keller, Helen
Kelly, Michael
Kelly, Pat
Weaver, Earl, 1
Kelvin, William Thompson
Kemble, Charles
Kemble, Fanny
Kemble, John Philip
Kemble, Roger
Siddons, Sarah, 1
Kemble, Stephen
Kendal, Madge
Bernhardt, Sarah, 5
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 21
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Joseph P., 4
Kennedy, Robert, 3
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 3
Nixon, Richard M., 5, 6
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 17
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 3, 21
Kennedy, Kerry
Kennedy, Robert, 2
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Edward M., 1
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 11
Kennedy, Joseph P., 4
Kent, Duchess of
Victoria, 3
Kepler, Johannes
Keppel, Mrs. Alice
Sitwell, Dame Edith, 1
Keppel, Augustus
Ker, William Paton
Sharp, William, 1
Kern, Jerome
Hammerstein, Oscar II, 2
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Deborah
Kerr, Johnny
Keynes, John Maynard
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 18
Macmillan, Harold, 1
Zhou Enlai, 1
Kidd, William
Kiner, Ralph
King, Alan
Garland, Judy, 1
Kinglake, Alexander William
Kingsale, Michael William de Courcy
Kingsley, Charles
Seeley, Sir John Robert, 1
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
Kissinger, Henry
Kissinger, Walter
Kissinger, Henry, 3
Nixon, Richard M., 11
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
Asquith, Margot, 3
Kittredge, George
Klein, Charles
Klemperer, Otto
Klöpfer, Eugene
Kneller, Sir Godfrey
Knighton, William
George IV, 1
Knopf, Alfred A.
Jackson, Shirley, 1
Knox, Philander Chase
Knox, Ronald
Koestler, Arthur
Koklova, Olga
Picasso, Pablo, 18
Koo, Wellington
Koppay, Joszi Arpád
Korda, Sir Alexander
Korda, Michael
Korda, Sir Alexander, 6
Welles, Orson, 3
Korda, Vincent
Welles, Orson, 3
Korda, Zoli
Korda, Sir Alexander, 3
Koussevitzky, Sergei
Kranepool, Ed
Stengel, Casey, 4
Krasna, Norman
Cohn, Harry, 3
Kraus, Karl
Altenberg, Peter, 1
Kreisler, Fritz
Krementz, Jill
Flanner, Janet, 1
Krock, Arthur
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 14
Kroll, Leon
Homer, Winslow, 1
Kuhn, Bowie
Allen, Dick, 1
Finley, Charles, 1
Labouchere, Henry
Ladd, Diane
Laemmle, Carl
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Gilbert du Motier
Laffitte, Jacques
Napoleon I, 12
La Fontaine, Jean de
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 2
LaGrow, Lerrin
Martin, Billy, 1
La Guardia, Fiorello
Laird, Melvin
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus
Lamarr, Hedy
Mature, Victor, 2
Lamb, Lady Caroline
Lamb, Charles
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 3, 7
Elliston, Robert W., 1
Wordsworth, William, 2
Lamb, Mary
Lamb, Charles, 1
Lamon, Ward
Lincoln, Abraham, 3
Lanchester, Elsa
Laughton, Charles, 1
Landers, Ann
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain
Landor, Walter Savage
Landowska, Wanda
Landru, Henri Désiré
Lang, Andrew
Zangwill, Israel, 1
Lang, George
Lang, Gregor
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1
Langdon, Charles J.
Twain, Mark, 3
Langdon, Olivia
Twain, Mark, 3, 4, 7, 11, 17
Langtry, Lillie
Lansdowne, Lord
Rogers, Samuel, 1
Laplace, Pierre-Simon
Larbaud, Valery
Joyce, James, 6
Lardner, James
O’Hara, John, 1
Lardner, Ring
Ross, Harold, 13
Lasorda, Tommy
Latham, Harold
Mitchell, Margaret, 1
Latimer, Hugh
Laudon, Gideon von
Frederick II, 9
Laughlin, James
Nabokov, Vladimir, 1
Laughton, Charles
Lauzun, Armand Louis de Gontaut
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, Frieda
Lawrence, D. H., 2
Lawrence, Gertrude
Elizabeth, Queen Mother, 4
Lawrence, James
Lawrence, Sir Thomas
Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 3
Lawrence, T. E.
Lawson, Wilfred
Lazenby, George
Reynolds, Burt, 1
Lazzeri, Tony
Alexander, Grover Cleveland, 1
Ruth, “Babe,” 7
Leachman, Cloris
Bogdanovich, Peter, 1
Collins, Joan, 1
Leadbeter, Don
Nixon, Richard M., 7
Leahy, William Daniel
Lear, Edward
Leblanc, Georgette
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 2
Leblanc, Léonide
Aumale, Henry d’, 1, 2
Lecouvreur, Adrienne
Voltaire, 3
ollin, Alexandre Auguste
Lee, Gypsy Rose
McCullers, Carson, 3
Lee, Henry
Walker, James John, 1
Washington, George, 9
Lee, Nathaniel
Lee, Robert E.
LeFlore, Ron
Brown, Gates, 2
Lehman, Herbert
Smith, Alfred E., 1
Lehmann, Lilli
Leibnitz, G. W.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 7
Leigh, Vivien
Richardson, Sir Ralph, 1
Leighton, Frederic
Lely, Peter
Cromwell, Oliver, 1
Lemierre, Antoine
Voltaire, 15
Lemmon, Jack
Cukor, George D., 1
Gwenn, Edmund, 1
Hayworth, Rita, 2
Lenclos, Ninon de
Leng, Kyrle
Beaton, Cecil, 1
Lennon, John
Leno, Jay
Dole, Robert, 5
Lenya, Lotte
Leo X
Godiva, Lady, 1
Léon, Jean
Baker, Josephine, 2
Leonard, Elmore
Leopold II
Lepke, Louis
Lowell, Robert, 2
Lerner, Alan Jay
Lloyd Weber, Andrew, 1
Leschetizky, Theodor
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
LeSueur, John
O’Hara, Frank, 1
Levant, Oscar
Gershwin, George, 1, 2, 3
Hart, Moss, 1
Leventhal, Albert
Bernstein, Robert, 1
Leverson, Ada
Wilde, Oscar, 16
Levi, Peter
Seferis, George, 1
Levick, M. B.
Ross, Harold, 3
Levine, Joseph
Mastroianni, Marcello, 1
Lévis, Guston Pierre Marc de
Lewin, Al
Thalberg, Irving J., 2
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, “Ham”
Truman, Harry S., 8
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Lewis, Robert
Clurman, Harold, 1, 2
Lewis, Sinclair
Warner, Jack, 1
Lewisohn, Ludwig
Woollcott, Alexander, 5
Li Bo
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
Liebermann, Max
Liebling, A. J.
Lieven, Dariya Khristoforovna
Liliencron, Detlev von
Lillie, Beatrice
Lincoln, Abraham
Buchanan, James, 2
Garfield, James A., 1
Grant, Ulysses S., 5
Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1
Pope, Arthur Upham, 1
Stevens, Thaddeus, 2
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 2
Whitman, Walt, 1
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lincoln, Abraham, 36
Lincoln, Robert Todd
Lind, Jenny
Lindbergh, Charles A.
George V, 3
Lindemann, Frederick Alexander
Lindsay, John
Berra, Yogi, 7
Lindsay, Vachel
Hughes, Langston, 1
Linowitz, Sol M.
Root, Elihu, 1
Lipchitz, Jacques
Stein, Gertrude, 6
Lippert, Barbara
Li Si
Shi Huangdi, 1
Lister, Joseph
Liston, Sonny
Ali, Muhammad, 5
Liszt, Franz
Littlewood, J. E.
Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 1
Liveright, Horace
Anderson, Sherwood, 1
Dreiser, Theodore, 2
Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice
Bartlett's Book of Anecdotes Page 121