Adams, John, 1
Andre, John, 1
Franklin, Benjamin, 6
Margaret, Princess, 1
Waterton, Charles
Watson, Richard
Watt, Frank William
Steinbeck, John, 5
Watt, James
Waugh, Evelyn
Wavell, Archibald Percival
Wayne, John
Ford, John, 2, 3
Weaver, Earl
Webb, Clifton
Coward, Noël, 8
Webb, Sidney
Webster, Daniel
Adams, John Quincy, 2
Clay, Henry, 7
Jackson, Andrew, 4
Webster, Noah
Weems, Parson
Washington, George, 1
Weill, Kurt
Lenya, Lotte, 1
Weiss, Ottocaro
Joyce, James, 8
Weizmann, Chaim
Welles, Orson
Barrymore, John, 7
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Caroline of Brunswick, 3
George IV, 2
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 1
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 1
Raglan, FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1
Wilson, Harriette, 1
Wells, H. G.
Barrymore, John, 7
Werfel, Alma Mahler
Wesley, John
West, Mae
Westbury, Lord
Lear, Edward, 4
Westinghouse, George
Westminster, Duke of
Chanel, Coco, 3
Wharton, Duke of
Addison, Joseph, 2
Wharton, Edith
James, Henry, 3, 5
Wheeler, Joseph
Whewell, William
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill
Buller, Redvers Henry, 1
Leighton, Frederic, 1
Wilde, Oscar, 7, 8
White, Stanford
Mizner, Wilson, 5
Nesbit, Evelyn, 1
Whitefield, George
Chesterfield, Philp Dormer Stanhope, 1
Whitman, Walt
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 8
Whitney, Stephen
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 5
Whyte, L. L.
Einstein, Albert, 7
Widmark, Richard
Reagan, Ronald, 7
Widor, Charles-Marie
Bartók, Béla, 1
Wieniawski, Henri
Wilberforce, Samuel
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1
Wilbur, Richard
Auden, W. H., 8
Wild, Jonathan
Wilde, Oscar
Harris, Frank, 1
Ouida, 1
Pater, Walter, 1
Ruskin, John, 1
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 14
Wilder, Billy
Monroe, Marilyn, 1, 7, 8
Wilding, Michael
Wilhelm, Kaiser
George V, 5
Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria
Wilkes, John
Willes, Sir John
William I (the Conqueror)
William I
William II
Bulow, Hans Guido von, 1
George V, 5
Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria, 1
William III
Halifax, Charles Montague, 1
William IV
Dalton, John, 1
Northcote, James, 1
William of Gloucester
Gibbon, Edward, 3
Williams, Ted
Williams, Tennessee
Bankhead, Talullah, 10
Williams, William Carlos
Stein, Gertrude, 8
Willis, Francis
George III, 7
Willis, Judge
Smith, F. E., 7
Wills, Maury
Wilson, Charles Erwin
Wilson, Edmund
Waugh, Evelyn, 6
Wilson, Sir Harold
Wilson, Harriette
Wilson, John
Campbell, Thomas, 2
Wilson, Richard
Wilson, Woodrow
Clemenceau, Georges, 8
Taft, William Howard, 5
Winchell, Walter
Woollcott, Alexander, 3
Winter, Ella
Steinbeck, John, 1
Winterfeldt, General von
Frederick II, 7
Winters, Shelley
Wise, T. J.
Gosse, Edmund, 1
Wither, George
Denham, John, 1
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wodehouse, Ethel
Wodehouse, P. G., 1, 2
Wodehouse, P. G.
McCoy, Kid, 2
Wojechzleschki, Stanislaus
Nixon, Richard M., 8
Wolf, Hugo
Wolfe, James
Wolfe, Thomas
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 2
Wolsey, Cardinal
Skelton, John, 1
Woodhull, Victoria
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 3
Woolf, Virginia
Smyth, Dame Ethel, 1
Woollcott, Alexander
Adams, Franklin P., 4
Bankhead, Talullah, 3
Chesterton, G. K., 12
Dietz, Howard, 1
Kaufman, George S., 6
Ross, Harold, 8
Wordsworth, William
Wren, Sir Christopher
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Orville and Wilbur
Wright, Richard
Wycherley, William
Wyler, William
Goldwyn, Samuel, 2, 15
Wylie, Elinor
Socrates, 2
Yastrzemski, Carl
Gossage, “Goose,” 1
Yeats, William Butler
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 1
Joyce, James, 2
Moore, George Augustus, 2
Young, Edward
Swift, Jonathan, 6
Young, Sir John
Jonson, Ben, 2
Yusupov, Feliks
Zaharias, Babe Didrikson
Zangwill, Israel
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 2
Zhao Gao
Shi Huangdi, 1
Zhou Enlai
Ziegfeld, Florenz
Houdini, Harry, 2
Zieterns, Captain
Frederick II, 1
Zimmerman, Arthur
Gerard, James Watson, 1
Zimmerman, Georg von
Frederick II, 11
Zoeller, “Fuzzy”
Zog I
Zukofsky, Louis
Barnes, Djuna, 2
Mantle, 3, 5
Rose, 2
Anthony, S. B., 1
Garrison, 1
Phillips, 1–2
absentmindedness. See also forgetfulness
Bowles, W. L., 1–2
Brodie, B. C., 1
Cecil, 1
Chesterton, 9–11
Dudley, 1
Edman, 1–2
Hilbert, 1–2
Hofmann, 3
James, W., 3
Lawson, 1
Lessing, 1
Newton, 8
Schödl, 1
Smith, A., 1
Tennyson, 2
Thales, 3
Toscanini, 6
Trollope, A., 1
academics. See also scholars
Agassiz, 1
Atkinson, 1
Auden, 3
Bradley, 1
Cohen, 1
Edman, 1
Oppenheimer, 1
Phelps, 1
Trilling, 1
Academy Awards
Bogdanovich, 1
DiCaprio, 1
Fonda, J.,
Newman, 1
Travolta, 2
Onassis, J., 2
accents, foreign
Chesterton, 1
Curtiz, 1
Heyerdahl, 1
Kissinger, 3
Thackeray, 2
Adams, F. P., 2
Aeschylus, 1
Edward VII, 9
Faulkner, 6
Jackson, S., 1
Lewis, C. S., 5
Lillie, 1, 4
Lindemann, 1
Mahaffy, 1
Mitchell, 2
Nagurski, 3
Nixon, 7
Reagan, N., 4
Richardson, 1
Routh, 2
Smith, B., 1
Thales, 3
Twain, 3
Armstrong, N., 1
O’Neal, 1
Greeley, 8
Jeffreys, 1
Onassis, J., 10
James, H., 4
Heifetz, 1
Verdi, 1
Barrie, 10
Barrymore, J., 2–5, 8
Hitchcock, 2
Monroe, 3
Olivier, 3
Reynolds, B., 2
Wayne, 1
Lucas, 4
Cornett, 1
actors and actresses. See also movies; rehearsals; theater
Astaire, 1, 3
Bankhead, 9
Barrymore, M., 1
Bogdanovich, 1
Bernhardt, 2, 4, 6, 10–11
Booth, J. B., 1, 3–4
Braithwaite, 1
Burton, R., 1
Calhern, 1
Campbell, Mrs. P., 2
Capus, 1
Chaplin, 1
Cibber, 1
Cohan, 1
Cooper, D., 1
Cooper, Gary, 2
Coward, 1, 3, 6
Cowl, 1
Crawford, 1
Cukor, 1
Davies, M., 1
Denis, 1
Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 4
Evans, E., 1–2
Faulkner, 4
Fiske, 1–2
Fonda, H., 1
Foote, 1
Ford, J., 3
Garbo, 1–2
Garrick, 1–2
Gielgud, 1, 4
Gilbert, J., 1
Gilbert, W. S., 4–5, 8
Goldwyn, 3, 10
Graziano, 1
Gwenn, 1
Hayes, H., 1
Hitchcock, 2, 7
Howard, L., 1
Kaufman, 1, 11
Kemble, J. P., 1–2
Kern, 1
Klöpfer, 1
Korda, 1
Ladd, 1
Lawson, 1
Lincoln, A., 36
Lunt, 1–2
Macready, 2
Matthews, 1–2
Mature, 1, 3
Merman, 1
Molière, 1
Monroe, 1
Morley, R., 1
Morris, C., 1
Nabokov, 3
Nicholson, 1
Olivier, 1–2
O’Neal, 1
O’Toole, 1–2
Parker, D., 8
Rachel, 3, 5
Racine, 1
Rehan, 1
Schwartz, M., 1
Sellers, 3
Shakespeare, 2
Siddons, 1, 3–4
Skinner, C. O., 1
Skinner, O., 1
Taylor, L., 1
Terry, 1–2
Thorndike, 3
Tracy, 1–3
Tree, 1, 2–4
Unzelmann, 1
Ustinov, 2
Wilding, 1
Smith, S., 6
Crawford, 2
Williams, Ted, 2
Churchill, W., 15
Modigliani, 1
Alcott, L. M., 1
Allen, F., 3
Allen, W., 1
Anders, 1
Auden, 8
Bartók, 1
Bennett, A., 5
Cabell, 1
Carroll, J., 1
Chaplin, 5
Galli-Curci, 1
Gray, 1
Hemingway, 9
Holmes, O. W., Sr., 5
Jackson, T. J., 5
Joyce, James, 7
Klein, 1
Koussevitzky, 1
Lind, 1
McCullers, 2
Paderewski, 5
Roosevelt, E., 4
Schmidt, 3
Shaw, 19
Stengel, 5
Stravinsky, 8
Talmadge, 1
Blume, 1
Ambrose, 1
Mauch, 1
Carson, 3
Goldwyn, 19
Lippert, 1
Martinelli, 1
Pulitzer, 1
Rogers, W., 3
Butler, S., 3
Clark, M. W., 1
Curie, 1
Davis, M., 2
Eliot, T. S., 4
Emerson, 4
Fiske, 2
Foote, 6
Gaisford, 1
Hartleben, 1
Held, 1
Hitchcock, 2
Horowitz, 1
Huxley, A., 3
Kazan, 1
Landers, 1
Maugham, 5
Onassis, J., 7
Paige, 1
Root, 1
Spellman, 1
Stein, 8
Swedenborg, 1
Tracy, 3
Truman, 7
Wright, F. L., 1
affectations. See also snobbery
Jowett, 1
Lenclos, 2
Kern, 1
Franklin, 15
Navratilova, 2
Thomas, D., 2
Thoreau, 1
Adams, J., 3
Anthony, S. B., 3
Grant, C., 1
Hepburn, 3
Mantle, 3
Reagan, R., 5, 14, 23
Shaw, 12
Sitwell, E., 1
Dreiser, 2
Hayward, 1
aging. See also old age
Auber, 2
Churchill, W., 5
Maugham, 2
Niven, 2
Picasso, 2
Shaw, 20
Stengel, 8
Swift, 6
Williams, Ted, 3
Yeats, 2
Brooks, 1
Darrow, 3
Fields, 5
Webb, 1
airplanes. See also flying
Corrigan, 1
Metaxas, 1
Philip, Prince, 4
Auerbach, 1
Alice in Wonderland
Carroll, 3
Holmes, O. W., Sr., 3
alliances, national
Pétain, 2
Philip V, 1
Talleyrand, 8
Croesus, 1
Darius I, 1
Sheridan, R. B., 10
Agrippina, 1
Beaton, 1
Beckett, 1
Bernstein, L., 1
Caesar, 6
Churchill, W., 6
Empedocles, 1
George III, 3
Henry VIII, 1
John XXIII, 5
Kennedy, J. P., 3
; Madonna, 1
Montgomery, B. L., 2
Picasso, 1
Renoir, 2
Rhodes, 3
Richard I, 2
Schiffer, 1
Talleyrand, 3
Wilde, 3
Acheson, 2
Gorki, 1
Waugh, 6
Raglan, 1
amusement parks
Gorki, 1
Hawthorne, Nigel, 1
Davies, E., 1
Astor, N., 5
Gladstone, 2
Liliencron, 1
Dumas père, 2
Gardner, I. S., 2
Iphicrates, 1
Margaret, 1
Smith, S., 5
Harris, 1
Scott, 3
Hammerstein, 3
Hunter, 1
Lincoln, A., 27
animals. See also cats; dogs; pets
Goering, 2
Grey, 2
MacNeil, 1
Ustinov, 1
Newton, 7
Gibson, 1
Moore, M., 1
Reagan, R., 17
Rickey, 1
Shaw, 12
Greeley, 3
Mizner, W., 6
anti-Semitism. See also Jews
Alexander I, 3
Chwolson, 1
Disraeli, 1
Hobson, L. Z., 1
Kaufman, 6
Marx, G., 3
Montefiore, 1
Woollcott, 5
McGraw, 2
Auden, 5
Barrie, 1
Beaverbrook, 1
Blackwell, 1
Chesterton, 9
Choate, 4
Hope, 1
Jefferson, T., 10
Sheridan, R. B., 10
Skelton, 1
Toscanini, 1
Voltaire, 1
Macready, 1
Philip II, 1
Aquinas, 1
Bankhead, 2
Braque, 1
Broun, 2
Caligula, 4
Campbell, Mrs. P., 6
Charlotte, 1
Chesterton, 2
Crockett, 2
Darrow, 1
Eden, A., 1
Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 6
Gilbert, W. S., 9
James, H., 1
John XXIII, 3
Kelly, G., 1
Laïs, 1
Lardner, 1
Lincoln, A., 17, 30
Longworth, 2
Rigaud, 1
Roosevelt, E., 2
Roosevelt, F. D., 4
Ross, 7
Shaw, 1, 6
Twain, 19
William III, 1
Virchow, 3
Napoleon I, 13
DiMaggio, 1
Reagan, N., 4
John XXIII, 1
Arabic language
Nasser, 1
Christie, 1
Evans, A., 1
Schliemann, 1
Franklin, 13
Mies van der Rohe, 1
Mizner, A., 1
Mizner, W., 5
Urban VIII, 1
Wren, 1
Wright, F. L., 1–2
Bing, 4
Brummell, 3
Geoffrin, 1
Goldwyn, 2, 17–18
Hammett, 3
Johnson, N., 2
Lincoln, A., 11
Martin, 1
Mazarin, 1
Modigliani, 1
Peter I, 2
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