The Purrfect Plan

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The Purrfect Plan Page 7

by Angela Castle

  He took his time blazing a wet trail of kisses and nips down her body, taking care to drive her insane with need as he teased and tormented her breasts.

  It was her turn to cry out. "Oh God, River, more, I want you, please!"

  He shifted down further, pushed her legs wide, burying his face between her legs, his mouth attached to her clit. She cried out as he firmly sucked, while sliding two fingers deep into her pussy. As she was already highly aroused, his pumping fingers tipped her over the edge. Multi-colored lights flashed before her closed eyelids as she came. Her body convulsed in sheer bliss. Her breathing was ragged when he pulled back, covered her with his body, lined up his cock, and in one powerful shove, buried himself to the hilt. Her back arched at the amazing feel of him pulsing within her.

  "I can't ever lose you, cookie."

  Her eyes snapped open. She gazed up into his shadowed depths. The need and vulnerability written clearly on his face tore at her heart. She never thought she could ever be the one to hurt someone else by leaving. It was clear that's exactly what would happen if she ever did. She would break River's heart.

  And mine. How can I ever leave him?

  All thoughts shattered when he pulled out to the tip and drove back in strong steady thrusts, making her moan and writhe under him. He gathered her in his arms, his fingers in her hair, holding her body captive while he powered home again and again, pushing her to another peak, driving her over the edge.

  When she fell, he was there capturing her cries with his mouth. Still, he did not relent. He grunted, pushing harder, faster, keeping her peaking until she thought she would black out at the intensity of the pleasure.

  "Storm, my Storm," he repeated over and over until he snarled his release, his whole body gleaming with a fine sheen of sweat. He shuddered before collapsing against her body.

  Storm lay limply beneath him, trying to regain control of her breathing. Unable to move a muscle even if she tried. River moved his weight from her, settling to her left side, wrapping a possessive arm around her middle and nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

  "Think you can sleep now, cookie?" his soft amused voice said drifting in the darkness.

  "Mmmmm," she replied sleepily. She could easily sleep for years, content and safe in River's arms.

  Chapter Ten

  Gia prowled the grounds of River's home in her cheetah form, her mind going over the possibilities of ridding herself of the woman now in her mate's bed. Of taking what was rightfully hers.

  Humans, a pathetic and weak race. To mate with them was an insult to every shifter. She didn't care if they claimed humans were their true mates; they polluted the gene pool with weak human DNA.

  She sat back on her hind legs, her acute hearing picking up the sounds of passion coming from the bedroom and turned away in disgust.

  She wanted to be rid of the human who had ensnared her mate, instill herself as the Alpha's mate, then nothing would stop her from cleansing her town of the half-breeds and humans.

  River's so-called human mate no doubt would be carefully guarded. First, she needed a plan, a way to get the Black family away. She crept through the dry leafy floor of the surrounding Australian bush.

  In the distance she scented smoke on the breeze. No doubt a bush fire had started, not uncommon for this time of year.

  Gia stopped, a thought springing into her mind. Dare she? Her cheetah gave a cat chuckle. Oh yes, a perfect plan indeed. The best part was no one would ever be the wiser.

  ~ * ~

  River had kissed Storm soundly, letting her know he needed to head down to the company office and handle a few contracts which required his personal attention. He'd be back by mid morning and to make herself at home.

  Storm showered, dressed in a light summer dress, her mind mulling over last night's events, River's words and her feelings.

  She took her laptop downstairs; the kitchen was quiet with no one to disturb her while she worked. Despite the heat outside, the villa was comfortably cool inside.

  Sipping fruit juice and nibbling on toast, she tried to get some work done. Still, her mind couldn't stay on the job. The words on the screen blurred as she thought more and more about how she wanted to stay here, how River so easily stripped away the barriers around her heart. Why couldn't she give in, surrender to what she really wanted?

  She wanted River, and the whole nine yards.

  "What ya doing?"

  Startled, Storm glanced up at Hawk as he strode into the kitchen, low, torn jeans riding on his hip, his black t-shirt stretched across his torso, displaying his impressive muscles. Hawk reached for the pot of fresh brewed coffee.


  "What is it you do?"

  "I'm a freelance editor for two publishers; I also take on editing work for writers and authors."

  "Smart as well as sexy; no wonder River is so smitten."

  Despite herself, Storm felt the heat rising into her cheeks at his complement.

  "Hush, Hawk, do you wish your brother to tear out your throat if he finds out you've been flirting with his mate?" Maria walked into the kitchen. "Pay no heed to my younger son, my dear, he is an insufferable tease."

  She kissed her son's cheek in a display of family affection, which warmed Storm to the heart.

  "Do you have family la hija?"

  Storm gave a blank stare at the Spanish word.

  "Spanish for daughter." Hawk winked. "Don't fret it, little sis, Riv will teach you Spanish." He sipped his coffee and Maria started pulling items out of the large stainless steel refrigerator.

  "Um, no, no family, both my parents are dead." Storm swallowed back the painful lump in her throat the memories brought. Her toast forgotten and work far from her mind.

  "Oh, my dear, I am so sorry." Maria's expression was sympathetic, as she scrambled eggs and started to fry bacon and other meats.

  Shifters, it seemed, had large appetites to keep up with their fast metabolism, as River had explained over the massive amount of food from last evening's dinner.

  "Have you been on your own long?" Hawk set his coffee down and took a chair opposite.

  "My mother died a month after my father when I was fourteen. I had my gran. I spent more time with her than I did my parents. My gran died five years ago."

  Maria said something to Hawk in Spanish, and Hawk shook his head. Storm was half-glad she couldn't understand the other woman.

  "We are your family now, si. You're home; you are no longer alone."

  No longer alone. Maria's words snapped something into place in her mind. A cascade of overwhelming emotions she'd kept bottled up for so long came crashing in with the force of a hurricane. All the pain and hurt she'd suffered. The thought of having River and a family with him gave her a whole new sense of hope and security she couldn't have on her own, even with a child. The way he looked at her with such passion and love, as if he couldn't bear to ever lose her.

  She'd always been the one to stand strong, bury her past and keep moving on. Her reasoning for wanting a child, an end to loneliness, caused her guarded heart to squeeze in her chest as the barriers shattered. She felt like she was drowning and struggled to breathe.

  "Storm, are you okay? You have gone very pale. You're shaking like a leaf," Hawk's concern was evident.

  Maria said something again in Spanish, and Hawk yanked out a cell phone and punched in a number, speaking in rapid Spanish.

  With shaky hands, she closed her laptop and stood up from the table, trying to focus on taking slow measured breaths. She struggled to hold it together in front of Hawk and Maria.

  "No, no sit down. I won't have you falling down." Maria was by her side.

  "I…I'm okay. I need to see River."

  "He's on his way. Do we need to call a doctor?"

  "Is it the babies? Are you in pain?"

  Storms gaze flew to Maria's at her acknowledgment she already knew Storm was pregnant.

  "How did you know?" she gasped.

  "A mother always knows. Fe
male shifters have a keener sense when it comes to the change in a woman's body."

  "She's pregnant? Damn, Riv works fast," Hawk said from her other side.

  Storm didn't miss the glare his mother gave her younger son.

  "I'm fine, really. I'm not ill, I…I just need some time alone, please excuse me." She pushed back from the chair to walk around the table.

  "River won't be long," Hawk informed her as she walked away from them and back up the stairs to her bedroom.

  She didn't want to worry them. She shut the door and paced for a long moment before sinking down onto the end of the bed. What was she going to do? How could she have let River into her heart so easily? She loved him and there was nothing she could do to stop the barrage of emotions turning her into an emotional wreck.

  It wasn't long before she heard River's heavy footsteps racing down the hall. The door flung open, his wild green gaze searching for her with panic written on his face. Storm jumped from the bed and ran into his embrace. Unable to hold back the dam of tears any longer, she fell apart in his arms.

  "Oh, cookie, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need a doctor? Tell me, baby."

  "No, no doctor," she managed between sobs.

  "Okay, cookie." He picked her up, carrying her to the bed. He sat down, pulling her firmly into his lap and rocked her as he would a child.

  "Sorry, so sorry," she sobbed over and over.

  "It's okay, cookie. Whatever it is, it's okay; we'll work it out together."

  "Why do you have to be so wonderful? So understanding? Why can't you just be someone I don't love!" she blurted out.

  A soft chuckle rumbled from his chest. "Cookie, I can only be what I am. You love me?"

  "Yes, and it's your fault, damn it. I had a perfect plan until you turned up."

  "If I remember," he kept his tone quiet and soothing, "you were the one who came looking for me. Fate knows what's going on even if we don't. Sometimes we have to trust blindly and keep stepping forward. You don't know the joy it brings to my heart to hear that you love me. I will always love you, Storm, and nothing will ever change that. You have my heart, my soul, always, and that is a hell of a lot of power to give to someone."

  He drew in a deep breath. "But something tells me it's more than just finally realizing you love me."

  She nodded.

  River hooked his hand under his grey t-shirt and wiped her eyes before lifting her chin to meet his gaze.

  "My parents used to fight all the time. Dad had a string of affairs. It killed my mother inside. Dad died of a heart attack in the home of his mistress. A month later, my mother took a shotgun, walked out the back and shot herself."

  ~ * ~

  Like a punch to the gut, he could feel the pain radiating from her. He wanted to tear out his own heart and give it to her. He hated feeling helpless, not being able to change her past. All he could do was hold her, be there for her, and make her future as happy as he possible could.

  He listened as she told him about her last year of high school and the school jock who pretended to like her, getting her to help with homework, asking her on dates. When she gave in to his persistent pressure to have sex, he had mocked her for the physical pain he'd caused her. To make matters worse, unknown to Storm, some of his friends had snuck in and photographed the encounter, the next day posting the images all over the school.

  Bradley Kellen shot strait to the top of his 'must kill' list.

  Her deep distrust of men became crystal clear when she then told him of Mike Miller from her first job working with the Canberra newspaper. Mike had dated her, even proposed. The façade went on until she discovered the man had been only using her to cover up his affair with the newspaper owner's wife.

  She'd been humiliated, hurt and trampled in the dirt for no good reason, other than the selfish amusement and greed of others. It took a hell of a lot of self-control not to tear out of the house, hunt the bastards down and tear them to shreds. What mattered right here and now was Storm. The fact she'd opened her life to him made him treasure her even more.

  She was broken, in pain and needed to heal. Admitting she loved him was a grand step in the right direction.

  When her words ended, silence descended as a heavy veil. He continued to soothe her, stroke her hair and rub her back. "My sweet cookie, do you think I am anything like those men? Do you think I would ever hurt you like that?"

  "No, you are nothing like them. You're a good man, River. I'm sorry for running out on you."

  "There is nothing to forgive. I understand your motives, and look what you have gained, not just our child in here." He placed his hand over her tummy. "But a love which will only grow stronger. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." He tipped her head back, tenderly kissing each tear-stained cheek, tasting her soft salty skin, before lowering his head to brush his lips over hers in a gentle kiss to show her his feelings as words became inadequate.

  She sighed in contentment when he pulled back, her eyelids drooping. He smiled. "Sleep, cookie, you need the rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

  "Thank you for coming back. I hope I didn't ruin any meetings." Her words drowsy with sleep.

  "Nothing is more important to me than you. Work can wait."

  He doubted she heard his last few words as her breathing slipped into a deep even pattern. He lay her down on the bed, kissed her forehead, before going to ease the fears of his waiting mother and brother. He opened the door to find them standing in the hall. No doubt they had heard everything she said.

  "Want me to start tracking the bastards down?" Hawk's tone held a menacing edge.

  River shook his head. "As much as I want to say yes, it's not what she would want."

  Hawk nodded his understanding, giving River's shoulder a squeeze.

  His mother's gaze shone with pride as she gave him a hug.

  "We're all here for her now. Do not worry. She is strong. The fates have chosen well. We will all help her through this."

  Grateful for the support of his family, River kissed his mother's cheek before heading back to curl himself around his woman. Needing to hold her close, to reassure himself she was safe, never would he let harm come to her again.

  ~ * ~

  River gazed with pride and joy to see Storm happy, smiling; so different from what she was this morning. His cat rolled and purred every moment they were together, but still it was not enough. He had yet to bite her, binding them together for the rest of their lives. Still, he felt reluctant to push her; he wanted things to be perfect and do things the human way first.

  "Are you sure you'll be okay, cookie?" He was worried about leaving her alone for even a few hours.

  "Yes, I'm fine, I need to get this work done, and you're too much of a distraction." Her gaze lustily wandered down to his tightening crotch.

  He growled low, knowing exactly how she affected him.

  "If I need anything, I'll bother Bank over there."

  "Hey, I heard that," Hawk grumbled from across the table as he read a newspaper.

  River chuckled, dipping his head to give her a deep thorough kiss.

  "Hey, do you mind? Unmated horny male here," Hawk piped in again.

  "Why is he here again?" Storm asked, arching an elegant eyebrow, humor dancing in her warm brown depths.

  "'Cause I have the day off. Mr. High and Mighty has worked me into the ground, gallivanting around after his mate."

  "Feel free to smack him up the back of the head for me," River murmured against her lips.

  Storm laughed.

  She was breathtaking when she laughed; her beauty shone from within and without. It took a hell of a lot of strength to pull away from her rather than grab her, toss her over his shoulder, carry her upstairs and make love to her for the rest of the week. He had to get his jobs done, organize, plan. "Remember I'm just a phone call away."

  "Go, I said I'll be fine, you need to get work done and so do I."

  River straightened before pointing a finger towards Hawk and s
aying, "You behave. No more flirting with my mate."

  "Uh, I like my balls where they are. What do you take me for, an idiot?"

  "Just checking." With one backward glance and a wink, River headed out toward the garage.

  "Never a dull moment around here," he heard Hawk quip to Storm before River was out of earshot. He grabbed the keys hanging on the rack. In the car he pulled out his phone, calling one of his contacts in Sydney.

  "Hi, Justin, it's River Black. Listen, mate, think you could email me a catalogue of engagement rings ASAP?"

  Chapter Eleven

  The long wail of a siren coming from somewhere in the distance jolted Storm awake. River was not by her side. Glancing around at the clock, she was shocked to find it was already late morning. She rolled out of bed, rummaging though her suitcase. She slipped into a summer dress, quickly brushing out her tousled hair before heading out of the door and downstairs.

  Both River and Hawk were talking on different phones.

  "How serious is the threat?" she heard River ask.

  Maria spotted her standing by the door and beckoned her over.

  "What's going on?" she whispered to Maria, not wanting to disturb the serious conversations going on.

  "Bushfires. We have faced this threat many times over; have survived some hard conditions. Our town is again under threat. River has ordered the town alarm be sounded giving everyone plenty of time to evacuate," Maria explained in a hushed tone.

  "Call everyone together and implement the town fire plan." River's gaze drifted to her as he shut the phone, giving her a smile of reassurance.

  "High northerly winds are pushing a fire front right towards Black Town. We're hoping the winds will shift, but to be safe, I want everyone to evacuate. The men are preparing our trucks and are heading out."

  He came around to pull her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. "How are you feeling?"

  She gave him a soft smile of gratitude. "I feel good, but is there anything I can do to help?"

  "Just stay with mother. There are a lot of younger children in the community. Would you help take care of them? We need to keep everyone calm. We've been through this a few times before. We have an evacuation spot in a place by the lake at the bottom of the mountain."


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