The Yankee Gentleman and His Southern Belle

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The Yankee Gentleman and His Southern Belle Page 11

by Tammy Lynn

  In the east 200 Kitten knew rain was close, she could smell it coming, plus it was black as night. After a few rows of hay harvested, she turned back, just to be on the safe side. All she could think of was tornadoes coming. From what she saw on the internet, there was nothing to be concerned about that way, just heavy rain, some thunder and lightening.

  Meanwhile in the Atlantic Ocean Hurricane Emma was setting her sights faster than what the forecasters knew on Myrtle Beach. It was like a bulls eye just waiting to be hit smack dab in the center.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kitten ran into the foyer just as the rain came pouring down. Her eyes were bright, a smile on her face, cheeks red, but because it was the first time in a long time that she had felt alive again.

  Lissa came rushing to her, eyes worried, paper in hand.

  “What’s the matter? Something happened to Mama, didn’t it?”

  Lissa shook her head, worried about what she had heard and what she had seen on the computer. “I didn’t mean to worry you about her, but there is something else. First of all, EJ called. He’s on his way back here.”

  Kitten looked at Lissa. Maybe that’s why she felt so alive again. “You wouldn’t be worried and scared about that, I can see it on your face. What’s the matter?”

  Lissa took her into the study where her computer was on the Hurricane Prediction Center site. “EJ called first, then it came over the radio. She’s coming here. I’ve reloaded the page twice after the updates come over the radio. It’s not looking so good Miss Kitten. I’ve written down what they’ve said.”

  Kitten took the paper, did some figuring of her own and looked at the charts, maps, and predicted times. “They’re off. Unless it slows way down, we’ll be getting Emma in the next two or three days, not the five or six they’re predicting. Have you called everyone here?”

  Lissa nodded her head. “I talked to Randall and Avery, and after they called EJ, they had a list of what was needed. Most of the stuff we had is gone. I told them to get what they needed. I hope that was okay.”

  Kitten nodded and said, “Of course it was okay. I’m sorry I wasn’t available. Let’s get busy. Anything that can’t be replaced, let’s start packing up. I’m not taking chances. There are barrels in the attic, boxes, it’s all up there. I’ll be up after I get a quick sandwich and something to drink.”

  Lissa went on up and knew how much this was breaking her mistresses’ heart. Nothing had gone right in the last couple months. Tornadoes, snake bite, flu, and now a hurricane. It wasn’t fair.

  Kitten took her sandwich and drink into the study, again running the program, and then went on her weather panel where she could ask others questions about what they thought. Within ten minutes of logging on and asking what they thought, they almost all concurred that she either needed to hunker down and board everything up, or she needed to leave, which she knew she could never do.

  Just as the latest updates were coming through, she felt electricity run up her arms and felt two hands on her shoulders.

  “Don’t worry, love, we’ll get through this one too.”

  Kitten looked up and saw him standing there. “Seems like everything is against you leaving me, huh?” A small laugh came through as she stood up and walked past him back into the kitchen, rinsing out her glass and throwing away the napkin her sandwich had been on.

  “I need to help Lissa.”

  As Kitten walked past EJ, he lightly grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. “I know you’re upset, that you’re scared, but don’t be.” He leaned over and quickly kissed her. “I’ll help Avery and Randall when they get back. What do you need me to do now?”

  Kitten knew what she wanted, but didn’t say anything. “Why don’t you see if any of the men need help. Lissa and I have this under control.” She couldn’t tell him that if he stayed in the house she would more than likely keep on kissing him.

  Throughout the night and the next day, everything that was irreplaceable was packed away and put in the cellars, knowing they wouldn’t flood. The men boarded up the apartments and then helped Randall, Avery, and EJ board everything up at the house. The newly erected barns had the doors nailed shut. Everything that could be done, was done.

  Kitten would redo figures as the new predictions came out and then the prediction centers came on board with what she already knew. Hurricane Emma was coming in faster, would slow down as it approached Charlotte, North Carolina, and then start to turn. If it didn’t slow down, damage would be kept down some because of the faster speed.

  Tensions ran high as everyone came out and tried to get Kitten to leave Triple C. She knew that her ancestors never left in face of danger, and she wouldn’t either. Come Hell or high water she was there to stay and told everyone that. The men went ahead with her urgings and took Lissa with them and their families to go far inland. EJ and Kitten remained. Both knowing they shouldn’t be together, but neither admitting to it.

  As the wind slowly started to pick up and the rain bands hit, EJ knew he should have forced Kitten into the storm cellar. He watched her stand on the veranda watching the wind, caught up in the thunder and lightening when it came through. When the tornado warnings started coming in, he could see the panic in her eyes. The wind picked up to where she was forced to go in the house and go ahead and board up the last remaining part of the house.

  Tara creaked and groaned, and Kitten could hear branches hitting the house. The rain came in sheets, pounding against the sides of the house. They heard the wind before they felt the house shake and then all went black. Kitten lit the candles she had ready and prayed that everything would be okay. Hours went by with what sounded like total disaster outside when it started to die down. Even though Kitten wanted to go outside, she knew that it was far from over and would be hit from the other side soon enough. Within the hour it started back up again. Kitten couldn’t take the sounds anymore of what sounded like her home being torn apart and took the candle and started up the stairs.

  “You can’t go up there. You need to stay down here.”

  Kitten tore out of his grasp and started up the stairs again. “I’m checking on my home. I can’t stay and listen anymore.” She raced up the stairs with EJ right after her.

  Somehow he ended up pressed against her on a wall near the General’s room. His mouth took hers without permission, wildly, with passion, but also with anger.

  Her traitorous arms stole around his neck and pulled him even closer. Kitten started rotating her body into his, hearing him groan and pull at her.

  “We need to go downstairs.”

  Kitten shook her head no. “Take me here, take me now. Make me forget what I’m hearing. Please, EJ.”

  EJ didn’t have to be asked twice. He knew that she was using him, just as he was using her. For the millionth time he pushed aside his beliefs and stripped his clothes off, as did Kitten. EJ leaned into her and she lifted herself up to wrap her legs around his hips. What a delectable sensation.

  “Right there, EJ, and don’t stop.” EJ continued to push into her, hearing her back hit the wall, but she didn’t care. The motion became faster, more frantic, until Kitten stiffened and screamed his name, feeling herself come apart.

  EJ arched himself into her, feeling the hardness of the wall against her back, and lowered her down. He led her down the stairs, lay on the floor and covered them with a blanket on the back of the couch. As they closed their eyes and listened to the frantic blowing of the wind, it seemed it echoed the frantic beat of their hearts.

  Two voices, both soft, one male, one female, said at the same time, and love will conquer all. Kitten and EJ slept amid the remainder of Hurricane Emma, wrapped securely in the other’s arms, knowing that no matter what, in their arms they would always be home.

  Kitten woke up and noticed the wind had lessened considerably. Shaking EJ, they both got up, and dressed.

  “No matter what’s out there, Kitten, we’ll fix it.”

  Kitten nodded her head before taking off the boa
rds they had across the door. Closing her eyes for strength, she walked out the door. Branches, limbs and fence boards everywhere. Going outside and walking around the house, she noticed the new barn roof was blown off of the machinery barn, but the one that held the seeds, the extra hay, wasn’t damaged in the least.

  The house seemed fine, but would know better once they got on top of the roof. Going back around the house and down the driveway to the stables to see that half the stables were gone. The extra rooms and front was still there, though.

  Walking the half mile drive she noticed that three of the older trees that were at least a hundred years old was down across the drive and would have to be cut up.

  Opening her cell phone, she tried calling out, but everything was busy. EJ tried his with the same result.

  Going back to the house, they started taking down the plywood covering the windows, and started the generators. When they couldn’t see anymore, they stopped and went into the house. Kitten got her ever present glass of iced water while EJ fixed them something to eat, all the while wondering when she was going to lose her composure. Granted, not much was lost, but there was a lot of cleanup and damage to rebuild again.

  Hearing her phone chirp, she answered it, smiling through a sheen of tears in her eyes. “Hey mama. No, we’re fine. Yes, the house is fine, at least that we know of. Some damage to one of the barns and half the stables is gone again, three of the trees at the beginning of the driveway are down, so we’ll have to cut them up and the fence is gone, but that’s an easy one to fix. I don’t know about the apartments, we haven’t been over there yet. No one can get in or out, the power is out and we’re running off the generators. Yes, I’ll call you when everything is okay. I love you, too.” Kitten hung up the phone, a huge sigh of relief followed. “I’ve been worried about Mama wanting to come back, and I know she doesn’t need this right now.”

  She watched EJ walk off and call Candra. “Hi honey. Yes, we made it through fine. No, the house is okay, that we know of.” He explained nearly the same as Kitten did. “I know I promised I’d be right back, but I’m going to stay and make sure everything is okay before I come back to get Shilo.”

  There was silence for a second and then Candra asked, “I know we talked about you making a decision before coming back. I was just wondering.”

  EJ knew she was wondering. “I know. I did make a decision, and I’m not going to lie, it was hard, and part of me did want to stay, but I know I have to come home to you.”

  Candra smiled to herself, but wished EJ could have said that he loved her and wanted to come home instead of he had to come home. “I’ll talk to you later, EJ.”

  He hung up the phone without saying I love you, and realized that he did, but that Kitten held a large part of his heart and always would.

  “EJ, did you hear me?”

  EJ shook his head and then looked at her.

  “I said I’m going up to take a hot shower then going to bed. We can start bright and early tomorrow.” EJ simply nodded. He really didn’t want to think of her in the shower, running her hands over her body, he wished he were doing it. Close to an hour later he went upstairs to the room he had been in, but saw a light under her door and heard crying in there.

  Concerned, he didn’t bother to knock and opened the door only to see her laying on her stomach, tears dripping down her face onto one of the pages of the journal she was reading. Kitten didn’t hear the door open or EJ walk in. She was too engrossed in the journal of Josh’s last day. November 13, 1865- I know the time has come. There is no ache, no pains, except for in my heart. Tori has not been up all morning and I fear she can feel what is going on in my heart as I war against myself. On one hand, I have found where my heart resides and it is right here at Tara, but then I know I took vows and I must honor them, no matter the hurt I have. As the sun nears the peak of the day, I hear the key jiggle in the lock and I know that there is no time left. I must say good-bye. Tori walked in and locked the door behind her, all with her eyes on me. Before I could tell her anything, she took my hand and placed it on her heart. I nodded my head because I knew what she meant by that simple gesture, but I also could not resist standing up and placing my hand on her breast or lowering my head and kissing her gently one last time. Tori wouldn’t have that. While looking in my eyes, she took off the rebel uniform one last time and started kissing inch after inch of my chest downward to where the fasten on my trousers were. Before she could go any further, I pulled her up and against me. Raw passion that I had never exerted in front of her came to the surface. Taking the pins out of her hair I wound my hand in it and pulled her head back with the pressure, scraping my teeth on the underside of her jaw, down to her neck where I bit down on the soft sweet flesh and watched her come completely apart. Her hands went down the front of my trousers as my hand made quick work with the tiny buttons down the back of her dress. Giving into the passion, I fear I ripped some of them, but we did not care, as long as we came together faster. I bent down in front of her, suckling on her and heard the sighs turn into moans and then I knew the moment her climax hit her. My name echoed off the walls. We both fell to the bed and I know I entered her fast and hard, but I could not get enough of her sweetness. We were both panting hard and holding onto each other, but in the end it just made it harder to let her go. I dressed and walked down the drive, seeing the fall colors in the leaves of the trees and wishing I could be here to stay. Tori has a spot so deep inside that it will never be filled. Turning around I saw her, the sun against her back, her hair a halo around her head and never have seen or will see anything that beautiful again. November23, 1865-I arrived home today, still missing the love of my life, but happy to see my wife. She hugged me like she never wanted to let me go, and after two years I can understand why. I lay down for a much needed rest and all I can hear is Tori’s voice, her laughter, her humming as she would go about her day. How am I going to get over her? I will have to put this journal down, for every time I open in and read of it, new tears threaten to fall. February 16, 1866-A messenger stopped by the house when Leandra was gone to town. A letter from Tara. Tearing it open I saw Tori’s handwriting and smiled, but it was not good news. She wanted to let me know that the child she had been carrying, and let me know about earlier, she had lost. I never received the first letter. The grief hit me right in the stomach. A child that was mine, now gone. What had I done? Could I have changed the course of history if I would have stayed. God knew the answer to that one, but I wish I did also. I need to see her, but I know if I go back I will never leave her again. Just once more to say that I love her, that I am sorry. Just once more to hold her in my arms, against my heart. Just once more, period, just once more.

  Kitten looked up and saw EJ standing there, wondering when he had come in the door. “She lost his baby.”

  EJ took her in his arms and rocked her, knowing there was a chance that history could repeat itself again. “I know, love, and I’m sorry you found out that way.”

  Kitten looked up again. “Promise me that when it’s time for you to leave that you won’t tell me, you’ll walk out the door. I can’t tell you good-bye.”

  EJ swallowed around the lump in his throat. Just the thought was killing him. “I can’t promise you that.”

  EJ kissed her and lay beside her. “Just rest, love, just rest.”

  Kitten went to sleep laying in his arms, and wishing she had never met EJ. At least then she wouldn’t know what love was, and know what it was like to have it taken away from her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three days went by before they got all the trees cut up and moved. Three days of just her and EJ, talking, laughing, working together to get things fixed up. They were lucky that the men’s apartments didn’t sustain any damage, just like the house. Hearing reports that damage in Charlotte was really bad reminded Kitten of just how lucky they had been.

  By the time everyone came back and started working on the rest of the things that were damaged, Kitten knew that
EJ would be leaving shortly and she hated each day that passed, knowing that stark reality would come, leaving her alone.

  One evening she decided to stay in her room, wanting to read Miss Victoria’s account of the lost baby, but couldn’t find it. All of the entries in her journals never mentioned it. Going through the entries once more she found one that caught her attention. This didn’t have a title, but started simply- It is 1902 and I still think of him. Samuel knew I loved someone else and although I had a good life with him, Josh was forever with me, with everything I did, and every thought I had. After Lilianna was born I had her to take my mind off Josh, but as she grew up, I knew it was a matter of time before I would be left alone with my thoughts again, and I was right. Samuel passed away a year ago and Lily has been married for 6 years now. I never met “her” Chamberlain properly, but I know she thinks of him also, as she has told me time and time again. I have finally come to face facts that I need to know what happened to my Josh. I will forever hate myself if I do not try and find him. He Is Here- Just like I brought him to me in my mind, he showed up at Tara. I was upstairs cleaning the room he had stayed in, as it is cleaned every week. I felt such happiness all of a sudden. Desire, running rampant through my veins. Before I could turn around arms wound around my waist and a kiss placed upon my neck. I felt his thick moustache brush my cheek and a smile so wide and so bright I know it could have blinded anyone. I turned around and wound my arms around his neck, fitting my mouth to his as I turned. I let him go a minute or two later and just looked at him. I noticed that he looked like he was in pain and asked him so. He told me that he’s always in pain anymore, but does not want special treatment. When I told him to lay on the bed to rest, he readily agreed. I waited until I knew he was in bed before I came back in. Sitting in the chair beside the bed, we talked for what seemed like hours, about nothing in particular.. He looked so incredibly handsome laying in bed that I wish I could go back in time and have him hold me in his arms. Slowly he touched my fingers, then to my hand, my wrist, and pulled slightly. I took that as an invitation, and although I knew I should not, I lay with him. We did not go after each other as we had when we were younger, but the kisses we shared were just as hot and incredible as they had been. He asked me to lay with him without my clothes on. Although I knew my body had changed so much since he had last seen me, it did not make me change my mind. Lying beside him, feeling his body, was so overwhelming that it seemed not a day had passed. I knew we had to talk more, but he said not a word, just held me tight. It was when the moon came up when Josh sat up in bed, looking to see if I was awake to talk, which I was , and we did. He told me that his wife had died, that he came looking for me to see if I was still alive, that he had been thinking of me since he left, and since I had lost the baby, which I refuse to talk about. To this day it is still too painful. He told me that he had some things to straighten up in Maine and would be coming back here when he was done. He told me I was his past, present, and future, all rolled into one. He left today, a day after he came, with a promise that he would come back to me and this time it would be forever. I cannot wait to be with him forever. As he left he turned around and smiled, mouthing that he loved me. Kitten heard her named being called, but wanted to find out why they never married. No More-Probably the saddest day of my life. I received word that Josh had passed away from related complication to the gunshot wounds he received so long ago. He had went back to Maine to get his holdings in order. He lay down and died in his sleep. I do not want to be here without him. All the years we were apart I never felt the sadness, the emptiness, and loneliness that I feel now. I went into his room and put everything on the bed the way it was the last time he was here. I just want to lay down and fall into a deep sleep and wake up in his arms. I know I will live with the pain for the rest of my life here.


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