SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1)

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SILENCE (DS Addison McCain Series Book 1) Page 11

by Sara Dalton

  “You should go to bed now. When tomorrow comes, we will sort this out. We won’t tell Robert about your past, but we will bring this to his attention. I will help you.” Fletcher gave her a smile. She nodded and headed to her bedroom. She came back out a few seconds later with some blankets for Fletcher.

  “Thank you for staying. I didn’t have anyone else to call. I don’t actually have many friends.” Addison handed the blankets over and a spare pillow.

  “Addison, I will be here for you. You can rely on me from now on.” Fletcher made himself comfy on the sofa as Addison went back to her bedroom.

  Within minutes of getting into her bed, Addison had fallen asleep. Knowing that Fletcher was here too, she felt very safe. Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day.

  Chapter Twenty

  2nd June 1981

  Brentwood, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Alan arrived home early to drop his things off before he would go and pick up his little brother. He walked through the door and noticed that his dad was home with some company. He dropped his bag in the living room and walked out of the front door, he couldn’t believe that his dad had his mistress at home.

  Alan was angry that his dad could be so careless by bringing his bit-on-the-side home. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and sent a text to his mother asking her to come home as he needed to talk to her. His mother deserved better than his dad and he hoped that one day she could move on from this. He knew it would break her heart, but he will be there to pick up the pieces along with Ian.

  He finally arrived at the school in time as everyone had started leaving after the end of the day bell rang. Alan waited for Ian to appear. He noticed he was walking with someone and it seemed unusual to him. Ian nodded goodbye to his friend and had a skip in his step as he headed to his brother who was waiting for him.

  “Hi Alan,” he greeted.

  “Who was that?”

  “Oh, that’s Keith, we’re partners for a science project.” Ian smiled. Alan and Ian both started walking home together.

  “Just so you know, mum and dad are probably arguing right now,” Alan mentioned.


  “Well, dad has his bit on the side at home. I text mum and told her to come home because I wanted to talk to her.” Alan smirked.

  “What, are you crazy? This could break her heart.”

  “He’s been doing it for ages, it’s time she found out.”

  “We better hurry up and get home then.” Ian started to pick up his pace as they turned the corner, arriving home. They noticed their mum’s car on the drive, but their dads were gone. Ian started rushing up the steps and opened the front door.

  “Mum,” Ian called.

  “She’s probably in her room, crying,” Alan suggested. The boys headed upstairs and entered the bedroom. The room was trashed upside down and Alan knew that it kicked off. Anthony had left in the heat of the moment and left their mum alone. Alan saw the bathroom door slightly open and he peeked inside. His eyes widened when he found his mum.

  “Ian, stay there,” Alan said sternly. He didn’t want him to see her like this. Alan stepped inside and saw her lying in the bathtub, a knife in her lap with her wrists bleeding everywhere. Ian poked his head inside and he saw her.

  “Mum.” He squealed

  “Call an ambulance, now!” Alan yelled. Ian ran out of the room and hurried to get the phone, he quickly dialled the numbers calling for an ambulance. Alan already knew it was too late, she had no pulse and her touch was cool. He put his arms into the tub and pulled her up against his chest. He held her tight.

  “This was all my fault. I did this,” Alan said. Ian came running back into the room with the phone in his hand. He handed it to Alan.

  “Tell them what’s happened.” Ian sobbed. Alan took the phone and Ian used the sleeves of his school shirt to wipe his tears from his face. Alan spoke to the operator who has told him that an ambulance is on its way. The operator stayed on the line with the boys while they waited for the ambulance to arrive. They heard sirens outside and Ian rushed down to open the front door. He guided them up the stairs into the bathroom. They checked her for a pulse, but they knew there wasn’t anything else they could do. Alan started to dial Anthony’s number.

  “Alan, you little shit,” he heard his dad’s voice.

  “She’s dead,” Alan said, and he hung up. It was his fault this happened. If he didn’t text her she wouldn’t have turned up to catch his dad in bed with another woman. He wasn’t even sure if his dad was the one who killed her and staged it like a suicide. Alan went over to Ian and hugged him, guiding him downstairs so that he doesn’t seem them doing their job. The police will be here soon. He was going to tell them everything and how he thinks that his dad killed her.

  Alan saw his girlfriend standing by the front door. She rushed over to him when she saw him.

  “Jade, what are you doing here?” Alan went over to her. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to the sofa where Ian was still sobbing.

  “What’s happened? Why is there an ambulance outside?”

  “My mum, she killed herself,” Alan told her. Ian wailed after hearing him say it.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jade said as she pulled Alan into her arms. She hugged him tightly and reached out to put her hand on Ian’s back rubbing it slightly. Alan jumped up from his seat when he saw his dad walk through the door. He charged at his son, grabbing him by the neck and landing a punch on his face. Alan pushed him back hard and Anthony stumbled backwards. He caught his balance and Alan had a fist plowing towards his dad’s face. He landed a hit and another one followed.

  “You piece of shit. How could you leave her like that?” Alan shouted. He kept hitting his dad and he wasn’t fighting back anymore. “I wanted her to find out about you. I didn’t realise she would do this. You broke her heart and I helped you do it.” Alan screamed. Anthony grabbed his son’s arm and pulled him down into his lap, cradling him as he wept.

  “I’m so sorry, son, I’ve let you down. I’ve let you both down.” He said as he motioned for Ian to come over. They were all sitting on the floor, grieving the loss of their mother.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  10th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Addison sat up in her bed suddenly, awoken from the smell of bacon. Bacon she was pretty sure she didn’t have. She rolled out of her bed and slipped on her dressing gown. She headed out of her bedroom and into the kitchen where she found Fletcher cooking bacon sandwiches.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I borrowed your front door key to get some bits. You had nothing in your cupboards or fridge. What food do you even live on?” Fletcher laughed as he placed the plate in front of her on the counter. Addison wiped the side of her mouth with the sleeve from her dressing gown.

  “I don’t mind. You can do this more often.” She laughed. She took her plate and sat down on the sofa staring at the box of files in front of her. Fletcher had got them all stacked up and ready to take back to the police station. He sat beside Addison on the sofa as they both demolished their breakfast.

  “I’ve not eaten something so good in a long time.” Addison praised him.

  “Don’t you cook?”

  “Not really, I never have time,”

  “That’s not healthy,”

  “You are more than welcome to come over and cook whenever you would like to,” Addison suggested. She laughed as Fletcher gave her an amusing smile.

  “Buy me a can of beers and you might just have a deal.” Fletcher glanced at her. She nodded approving.


  Addison got up from the sofa and placed her empty plate into the sink.

  “I’m going to nip home and have a quick shower before we confront Robert. I’ll take the boxes with me, is that ok?” Fletcher asked.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Thank you, Andrew.” She said. Fletcher nodded and carried the boxes out of her front door. Once he was gone she rushed to h
ave a quick shower and ready for work.

  She went outside to see her car didn’t have a piece of paper on it. She wanted to clear it before she went to work, but someone already did it. She suspected Fletcher, she smiled to herself at the thought of him helping her.

  She climbed into her car and took two attempts to start it. She huffed knowing she needed to get a new car, maybe in the upcoming months. In a small journey, Addison finally made it to the police station and parked her car in her normal spot. She noticed Fletcher who was waiting for her at the front entrance.

  “What’s up?” She asked.

  “We may have to delay bringing the case to his attention. He wants to take you straight to the morgue for Joan Charles autopsy.” Fletcher told her. She rolled her eyes and went inside, followed by Fletcher. She entered the department and headed for her desk. She put her things down and Robert had already called her into his office. Addison glanced back at Fletcher and shrugged her shoulders. She entered Robert Arrows office where he was up onto his feet as she closed the door behind her.

  “Good morning,” he greeted.

  “Morning sir,” she smiled. Addison noticed that he was in a good mood today. She wanted to pry but she knew not to, he wouldn’t tell her anyway. He would most likely tell her to stay out of his business.

  “Dr. Charlie Richards has summoned us to the morgue this morning. He’s got the autopsy report back.” Robert said as he grabbed his jacket and ushered Addison out of his office. She followed him, grabbing her jacket on the way out.

  “Is Fletcher not coming with us?” She asked Robert. He glanced back at her.

  “No, I’ve sent him to talk to Joan’s parents again,” Robert replied.

  “I spoke to Anna Willis again. She had a lot to say, and there was a piece of the puzzle I managed to figure out. I’ve got everything taped, so you can listen to it.” Addison confessed. Robert got into the car and Addison on the passenger side.

  “What’s that?” Robert asked her. He was curious to see what she had.

  “She’s best friends with Rebecca Charles and they are in most of the same classes together at school,” Addison told him. She knew he was surprised, but he tried not to show it. He nodded his head as he took in this new information. He started tapping numbers on the car navigating system and called Fletcher’s phone. After a couple of moments, Fletcher answered and his voice filled the car.

  “Fletcher, I need you to ask Mr. and Mrs. Adams about the friendship between Anna Willis and Rebecca Charles. Anna has told Addison that they are best friends at school.” Robert demanded.

  “Yes sir,” Fletcher said and hung up his phone.

  “I want you to send me a copy of that chat you had with Anna Willis,” Robert told Addison.

  “Yes sir,” she said.

  Robert parked outside the mortuary hospital. Dr. Charlie Richards was standing outside having a quick cigarette when he noticed they had turned up. He stumped the butt out on the ground and straightened his white hospital jacket.

  “Greetings Robert,” he put his hand out for Robert to shake which he did. Addison gave Robert a dirty look as he didn’t shake her hand when she first met him.

  Charlie turned his attention to Addison and put his hand out for her to shake. She smiled and gladly took his hand.

  “What do you have for us, Richards.” Robert said as they followed him into the hospital. Charlie Richards led them to the same morgue room as before. The body was already lying on the silver trolley with a white sheet covering her. As they entered the room Charlie whipped the white sheet off and exposed the body completely. Addison took a step forward when she noticed the body had ‘shh’ carved into the stomach again. She knew this was the killer’s trademark which made him different from the silent killer from twenty years ago.

  “Joan Charles, white, female and she was 39 years of age. She was a young mother. Same as before, she has ‘shh’ carved into her stomach. This time, there is an injury to her head. A blunt instrument, it’s quite a rounded shape.” He said.

  “Like a hockey stick?” Addison asked. She remembered seeing a hockey stick being taken for examination.

  “Exactly like a hockey stick. She’s also got a puncture wound to her neck here,” Charlie showed them. “She was injected with Brevital Sodium to put her to sleep, she was stabbed in the heart.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Addison asked.

  “You just did,” Charlie smiled.

  “Another one,” Addison chuckled at him.

  “Go on,”

  “Well, I’ve been trying to come up with a motive that’s encouraging our killer but I’ve come across an old case and there is a lot of similarities that link these two cases together.” Addison started.

  “The silent killer case,” Charlie added. Addison was surprised that he pulled the words straight from her mouth. She noticed Robert moving closer to the mention of the old case. “It’s funny you bring that up now, I was going to suggest to Robert to consider it. I believe you are right, there are many similarities between the two cases and it’s not to be taken likely. This could be a copycat you have on your hand's Arrows.” Charlie said as he glanced at Robert.

  “We are going to head back to the station and I want to get these files,” Robert demanded. Addison nodded as he stomped out of the mortuary hospital, she followed him out and got into the car.

  “Is there anything you want to tell me?” Robert turned to face her.

  “I don’t know sir, is there?”

  “Don’t play games with me, Addison. You brought that case up for a reason, so it better be a good one.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I was hoping you would tell me the truth.” Robert said. Addison sat in silence as she realises that Robert already knows about her past.

  “You know,” she whispered.

  “Do you really think that I would miss a connection like this? I knew about the old silent killer case and I knew about you.”

  “I’m sorry sir, please don’t take me off the case,” Addison begged.

  “Oh, I’m not, but when we get back we will be having a discussion what our next steps will be.” Robert started the car. Addison knew what was going to happen next and it’s the reason she kept it a secret. She didn’t want to be the one to visit her dad in prison, but it’s going to be suggested and she will be the one to do it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  10th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Robert and Addison were back in his office the moment they arrived at the police station. Fletcher came into the room with the box of files that were requested. Nora Williams and DCS Brian Dowell were there as Robert wanted everyone to know about their new findings.

  “Dr. Charlie Richards has come up with a theory for us that’s worth considering. He said that there are many similarities with this case we are working on and the silent killer case.” Robert started. Fletcher glanced at Addison. She shook her head letting him know that it wasn’t her that brought the case to his attention. “I believe that visiting Alan Reed in prison might give us an insight of what our copycat killer is thinking.” Robert carried on. He glanced at Addison and she knew what was going to happen. “Addison will be the one to interview him along with myself and Fletcher.”

  Addison hung her head as she had to face the biggest fear of her life. She knew Fletcher and Robert would be by her side, but she hasn’t faced him for twenty years. It scared her.

  “So, this is a copycat we are after?” DCS Dowell asked to confirm it. The last thing they need was for the reporters to find out. The silent killer case was all over the papers for a long time. Once they finished the chat in Robert’s office, everyone had left apart from Addison.

  “Thank you for not telling him.” She said to Robert.

  “Don’t let me regret it.” He replied. She nodded and left the room to find Fletcher waiting for her.

  “He knows about me. He kne
w this whole time.” Addison started as she sat down at her desk. Fletcher sat beside her.

  “You mean, he knows who you really are?”

  “He’s never going to trust me now.”

  “I’m sure he will, he’s relying on you to speak to Alan Reed.”

  “That’s because I’m his biological daughter. He might not even recognize me because I’ve not seen him since I was a teenager.” Addison flopped her head into her hands. Fletcher put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

  “You will have us there by your side. Don’t worry, it will be fine.” Fletcher said. He whipped his hand away when Robert came out of his office putting on his jacket.

  “The prison officers are aware that we are coming. We are leaving now.” Robert demanded. Fletcher shrugged his shoulders at Addison and they both got up gathering their things together for the trip.

  The whole trip to the Brookfield prison Addison was nervous. Her hands trembled as they drove through the large metal gates. The building was in the far distance as they started to drive down the dirt track road. The placed was surrounded by barbed wire fencing. There were guards everywhere and cameras.

  They stopped at a little car parking area where they parked. The guard came out to them and led them through the next set of gates with a metal detector just outside the entrance. They walked through and were checked by the more guards inside, then they had to sign in their badges for visitor passes.

  “It’s very guarded here.” Addison found herself saying. Robert glanced back at her and at that moment, he suddenly realised she hasn’t seen her father since being in prison. She was stroking her scar, which he knew she did when she was nervous about something.

  “If you don’t want to be the one to talk to him, I don’t mind stepping in for you.” Robert said. Addison was silent. She didn’t know what she wanted. She was terrified of seeing him, but she didn’t know what was going to happen. He might not even recognize her at all.


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