Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 25

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.


  To the Inuit and Athabascans of North America, man is the product of a primal creative power and never literally derived from an inferior species. There are many related accounts, describing earthly/celestial unions; it could easily fill a volume of its own. Mircea Eliade, in Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, found this to be “a motif of universal distribution . . . the celestial origin of the first human beings.” In Japanese lore, entities from the abode of the gods came down and mated with earthlings, just as India’s Rig Veda and Vikramaruasi extol the light beings who once became enamored of mortals. In the Sumerian tradition, a divine strain is said to have intermarried with “Adamic” (earthly) females, the angels led by god Ea, whose plan was to engineer a hybrid race by combining lowly savages with the seed of the gods.

  The very beginning of evolution . . . the mystery of man and his origin . . . [occurs] when the One Eternal drops its reflection into the region of manifestation.


  Many religious traditions worthy of our attention embrace the idea of man somehow receiving a soul, receiving a small piece of infinity like the tip of the ray. Humanity as child of the stars is one of the most widespread and persistent legends among the tribes of man. Variations on the theme of this extraordinary amalgam, this hybrid of heaven and Earth, are found in every form.

  Figure 7.3. (A) Assyrian genius with double set of wings found at Nineveh in the Palace of King Sargon, shows man as part mortal, part angel (B) Sphinx figure at Nimrud (C) Eagle-headed genii from an Assyrian bas-relief. “What is the sign of half a dog, of half a horse, and a man’s head?—That man at best is two beings, a beast and a spirit.”13 As portrayed in iconography, human beings are two things: body and spirit (the latter sometimes represented with wings).


  Where/People Celestial Parent Details

  Babylonia/ Babylonians God Marduk Mates with mortal maiden

  Egypt/ancient Egyptians Sky god Nut Mates with Earth goddess Geb, produces mankind

  Europe Fallen angels Mate with mortals, producing fairy children

  Greece/ancient Greeks God Poseidon Mates with mortals Halia, Cleito, and many others

  Greece/ancient Greeks Sky god Zeus Mates with mortal Danae (and many others), produces Perseus

  India/Hindus Sun god Mates with Kunti, producing mortal kings

  Italy/ancient Romans God Mars Mates with vestal virgin, produces Romulus

  Japan/Ainu Ancestors Fell from the sky

  Java/Javanese Moon goddess Marries a mortal; similar stories in Bali and Moluccas

  New Zealand/Maori Sky Father Ranginui Mates with Earth Mother, produces semidivine children

  North America/Cherokee Star Woman Fell from the sky

  North America/Kickapoo Culture hero Wisaka Fell from the sky

  North America/Seneca Sky Mother Brought life

  Polynesia/Moriori Tawhaki Came from seventh heaven

  San Blas, Panama/San Blas Moon god Mates with Indian mother, produces the white Indians

  Scandanavia/Norse God Freyr Mates with mortal women

  South Sea Islands/Native Islanders Angel Hapai Mates with a mortal man

  Sumer/Sumerians God Enlil Mates with mortal maiden Meslamtaea

  According to the eighteenth-century Great Chain of Being (which evolutionists love to discount as a “thoroughly discredited” school of thought), humans were a little lower than the angels. This resonates with the second race of man (Ihin), which race, according to Afghani esoteric lore, possessed ethereal bodies, though the third race was purely physical,14 giving us a rare memory of the otherworldly component of the Ihins, the second race, as against the rank earthiness of the Druks, third race, H. erectus.

  In the Mayan Popul Vuh, it is said that our forefathers were created and formed from the heart of the sky. The Maya hold that early humans were etheric beings, their sight encompassing the whole of Earth. This ether, to Wallace, consists of “minute vibrations of an almost infinitely attenuated form of matter . . . [a] recondite force. . . . [with] a power of motion as rapid as that of light or the electric current. . . . [T]he whole material universe exists for the purpose of developing [such] spiritual beings.”15

  Ethe (ether) is indeed the medium of sargis phenomena, meaning: materialization by which a being of the spirit world draws upon the ambient energy in our world to manifest itself in a humanlike form.*101 It is this sargis power that has so often been mistaken for ETs, gods, spacemen, and so on. Sargis is the particular power of certain angels who are themselves nothing more than the immortal translation of deceased humans: “the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies.”16

  “Human spirits intervened in the life history of certain hominids,” wrote William Fix in The Bone Pedlars, for they “had the power to draw into themselves finely dispersed elements of matter in the earth’s environment, somewhat the way magnets materialize a magnetic field if iron filings are spread on a paper above them. . . . Such an emergence of man could have happened far more suddenly than anything currently dreamed of in the bone rooms . . . [or] in man’s evolution from the apes.”

  Figure 7.4. Ethe: man must learn to master the elements. Ethe is the most rarified of all substances, it is solvent of all things and it fills Etherea. Ethe or ether is sometimes called the fifth element; it may in fact be the same as dark matter.

  Figure 7.5. Sargis: God’s proxy, a medium; a person who seesor hears angels, likewise an angel who can be seen or heard; anapparition or materialization. The sargis angel can take its bulkfrom the air, electric works, vegetation, or even the cellular energy ofa medium’s body. They can do tricks with it before your eyes, a kindof biological production. Oahspe states, “And whithersoever the Ihinswent, there went the angels . . . [who] often took on sargis . . . andman talked with them face to face. And the angels told man whatwas good for him, showing him the way of righteousness.”

  Thus Spake Zarathustra

  While Asha [the king] was thus speaking, behold, the soul of [deceased] Zarathustra came and stood before them, and he was arrayed in the semblance of his own flesh and color, and in his own clothes. And he spoke, saying: Do not fear; I am the same who was with you and was hanged and died, whose flesh was devoured by the lions; I am Zarathustra! Do not marvel that I have the semblance of a corporeal body, for its substance is held together by the power of my spirit. Nor is this a miracle, for the spirits of all the living each hold in the same way, its own corporeal body. As iron attracts iron, the [risen] spirit learns to attract from the air a corporeal body of its own like and measure.*102

  Figure 7.6. Zarathustra. Illustration from Oahspe.

  The very first fruit of mortality was Asu or Adam; but after contact with the angelic, the second race was born and called Ihin. Thus does author Alan Hayward in Creation and Evolution propose that “Adam was personally selected for upgrading to homo spiritualis.” Dr. John B. Newbrough (himself a gifted medium and sargis), in The Hidden Prophet, put it this way: “The origin of man is . . . the result of the cohabitation of angels with Asu. Modern spiritualism has demonstrated the angel appearance, the coming out of the side of the sargis. . . . It is said Eve was made out of a rib.”

  Monck Materializations

  In John B. Newbrough’s day were the famous Monck materializations: Phantom forms issued from the rib (left side) of the physical medium Francis W. Monck in the 1870s, the heyday of these phenomenal “transfigurations.” Among Monck’s sitters and supporters were none other than Alfred Russel Wallace and Hensleigh Wedgwood, Charles Darwin’s brother-in-law. No concealing cabinet was used in these sessions where amazed sitters witnessed “the extrusion of spirit form into this world of matter. . . . nebulous at first, but growing more solid . . . into full-sized [human] forms,”*103 which showed all the attributes of a man (though the hands were stone cold). Arrested for fraud in 1876, Monck was backed by Walla
ce who deposed that there was absolutely no trick involved; the phenomena were genuine, teaching us of the nonmaterial world and at the same time making “natural selection inadequate as a causal agent to explain the origin of the human mind.” We humans, said the spiritualists, are a duality, not only flesh bodies but also an organized incorporeal form. There was no turning away for Wallace; this knowledge of the nonphysical world “must modify my views as to the origin & nature of human faculty.” Wallace, as it happens, also served as star witness in the 1876 trial of another medium, Mr. Slade, for which Charles Darwin discretely donated money to the prosecution; Darwin also tried to wreck the careers of two other prominent mediums.†104

  Manifesting angels in the Holy Bible include the angelic “guests” of Lot, who ate and drank with him. Hebrews 13:2, moreover, gently advises: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” The angels who appeared to Abraham (Genesis 18) looked like men, as did the one that appeared to Samson’s parents (Judges 13).

  As far back as we can go, the paintings and engravings of Western civilization are replete with heavenly beings who came to Earth and “mingled” with mortals. The Oahspe Bible recounts in great detail the consorting of angels and Asuans (adams), which produced the Ihins—the object of it all, to make man “upright.” For earliest man, Asu was tree-dwelling, sometimes quadrupedal, long armed, slope headed, and inarticulate—“dumb, like other animals; without speech and without understanding, even less than any other creature.”17 Though he was a man, physically, he was not yet a sapient being. And as the oldest traditions hold, it was for this very reason that the gods set about raising up that rude creature to the light. Parallel to these arcane histories is one Slavonic tale, in which man was first created from the earth (Asu) by God who then commanded the angels to take some human couples (“ambassadors of the Supreme Being”) to Earth so that they could multiply.


  There alighted upon the new earth millions of angels . . . [to] deliver first man (Asu) from darkness. For he shall rise in spirit to inherit the etherean worlds [everlasting life].


  Siberian mythology speaks of their own descent from space visitors who were transformed by magic into human beings (as told by the Yucaghiri people). Protohistorian Paul Von Ward has recently published his own theory of advanced beings (ABs), his ideas evidently based in part on Judaic sources that describe the progeny of angels and humans: “Homo sapiens,” says Von Ward, “did not just arise naturally, but were products of deliberate intervention by ABs . . . [who] somehow . . . splic[ed] hominid DNA with their own.” Von Ward’s favorite example is the Sumerian Anunnaki, ethereans who “took a brutish Earth being and mixed its genes with some of their own.” In this scheme, Von Ward seems to have lit upon the Ihin race, for he ascribes “the Caucasoids’ appearance [to] the widespread intermarriage between Anunnaki [ABs] and humans. . . . The AB bodies [possessing] smaller bones . . . and a proportionally larger brain capacity, less body hair, thinner and lighter skin.”18 All of which reminds us very much of the Ihin bauplan, in particular the observation that the gracile little people in the fossil record had relatively large brains. No doubt, Ward’s extrapolation was informed by the accounts of Berossus, the Babylonian priest/historian, who recorded that some higher intelligence brought architecture, writing, geometry, laws, religion, and science to the ancient people of Sumeria, who, until that time, lived a humble if not abject existence.

  This is the Oahspe version of how the Ihin race came into being:

  I looked over the wide heavens . . . and I saw countless millions of spirits of the dead, who had lived and died on other corporeal worlds before the earth was made. I spoke in the firmament, and My voice reached to the uttermost places. And there came in answer . . . myriads of angels from the roadway in heaven . . . I said to them . . . deliver Asu from darkness, for he shall also rise in spirit.


  Here we can see that the angels (spirits of the dead) were sent down to teach, not to mix, this fine point faithfully recorded in Incan tradition: “Know that in ancient times the people lived like brute beasts without religion nor government nor towns nor houses. Our father the Sun, seeing the human race in its lowly condition, sent down a son and daughter to instruct [e.a.] them, with these commands: Do good to the whole world . . . you shall imitate this example, as my children, sent to earth solely for the instruction [e.a.] and benefit of these men who live like beasts.”19

  These circumstances are further explained: “I sent angels to man, to teach him who he was, and to rouse him up to his capabilities. . . . And my angels took on corporeal form and dwelt with man as helpmates, to make man understand. But those [angels] who had never learned corporeal things, comprehended not . . . and they were tempted, and partook of the fruit of the tree of life, and lo and behold there was born of the first race (Asu) a new race called man [Ihin].”20

  These angels of heaven, as the saga continues, “took on forms like unto man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be. . . . The earth was in the latter days of semu*105 and the angels could readily take on corporeal bodies for themselves, by force of their wills, clothing themselves with flesh and bones out of the elements of the earth . . . [and] by majesty of their own wills. And in innocence they mingled with the people Asu who were of the earth.”21

  Will man ever know he has been raised up?

  Will he be believing?

  Or will he, too, need to go to some new world and raise up its first fruits and toil his hundereds of years with naked mortals?


  Adam Sedgwick, Cambridge geologist, friend and mentor of Darwin, saw his student’s theory of evolution as “grievously mischievous,” its advocates “led by the nose.”22 Sedgwick believed that the so-called transmutation of species was a “frenzied dream” and that, instead, a provident power, some “creative interference,” was the cause of species, “as if matured in a different portion of the universe and cast upon the earth.”23

  Now a new race descends from the celestial realms.


  We hear more of this dramatic event in the New Testament (Jude 1:5) as well as in The Book of Jubilees: “the angels of the Lord descended upon earth—those who are named Watchers—that they should instruct the children of men . . . [for] uprightness upon the earth”—which is not unlike the rabbinic version where angels invested with sublunary bodies descended to Earth and mingled with the daughters of men.


  When you think of it, even the biblical Virgin’s immaculate conception repeats the old idea of divine impregnation of an earthly woman. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Watchers are mentioned in the passage that recounts how the antediluvian patriarchs were reminded of their white-haired ancestors when Lamech’s wife bore a son, Noah, whose flesh was “white as snow” and long locks “white as wool.” Radiant, “like a child of the angels,” the infant rose from the hand of the midwife, opened his mouth, and praised the lord of righteousness. (In the early day, the righteous ones were the Ihins, “the sons of the righteous . . . sons of God . . . called God’s chosen. . . . The Lord brought the Ihins together in lodges and cities, and he said unto them: Henceforth ye shall live upon the earth as an example of righteousness.”24)

  But the prodigy proved quite disturbing to Lamech, who feared the wonder of his son’s strange birth. The superstitious people murmured: Was this child from the watchers? Distraught, Lamech went to his father Methuselah and pleaded for an answer. Methuselah, in turn, went to his father Enoch, the scribe and righteous man, who told him: “To be sure, in the days of my father Jared, heavenly beings did indeed come down to earth and seduce mortal women and begat sons like giants.”25

  Giants? I don’t think this is quite right. Bear with me as I try to untangle this of
t-quoted myth. Let’s look at the standard genealogy for a moment: Adam begat Seth begat Enos begat Cainan begat Mahalaleel begat Jared begat Enoch begat Methuselah begat Lamech begat Noah. Seth (apparently half-brother of Cain and Abel) is the leader of the second generation of patriarchs. All right, but after the birth of Seth’s son Enos (see chapter 9 and Genesis 5:10), the righteous ones strayed, and the worship of God was “wretchedly corrupted by the race of Cain,” the legendary “infidel giants” who became condemners of everything divine.

  Now, if these histories can be deciphered, it seems that the godly line of Seth’s son Enos broke the rules and took wives from the ungodly line of Cain (read: the little Ihins married out with the large Druks and degraded Ihuans). According to some biblical scholars, the sons of God indeed denotes the lineage of Seth; but in the following generation a measure of intermarriage took place with the daughters of men, that is the line of Cain (Druks and barbarians).

  Sorting out these old legends, we realize that the sons of God were actually the holy Ihins; while the daughters of men were the Druks (erectoid tribes). “The ground people came to the Ihins beseeching for food. . . . And the chosen were tempted.”26 The Druks fetched the root of babao (an intoxicant) and brought it to the little Ihins to eat and get drunk, saying “Lest the white and yellow people fall upon us, and our seed perish on the earth, make us of flesh and kind, bone and bone, blood and blood”—the seduction reminiscent of Hebrew lore (following on the Legend of Alconuz), which recalls the depraved daughters of Cain, women of a lower order, who had charms and enchantments with which they seduced the “sons of God.”

  The faithful, the sacred tribes who lived apart, were long called the children of God (sons of God); but the rest of humanity were termed children of men (daughters of men)—as in Genesis 4:26, 6:1, 2: “And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the Sons of God saw the Daughters of Men . . . and took them wives of all which they chose . . . and they bare children to them . . . [who] became mighty men, men of renown.”


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