Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 49

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

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  All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.

  Abel, 143–46. See also Homo habilis

  absorption (extinction by

  amalgamation), 452–54

  Adam, 103

  adaptation, weakness for explaining

  evolution, 330–31, 337–38

  ages of the planet, Oahspean, 379

  Agogwe of Tanzania, 467

  Ainu of Japan, 23, 24, 34, 128–29,

  422, 426–27, 469

  a’ji, 253–55

  Akuria people of Panama, 501

  altruism problem for evolution, 65

  America (New World)

  AMHs in, 446–51

  cultures dated before Bering

  crossing, 500–501

  Ihins and Ihin blends in, 498

  issues for settlement from Asia,


  out-of-Africa theory and, 446–51

  American Paleo-Indians, 12, 496

  American (Guatama) race

  culture and civilization of, 498–501

  origins in Pan diaspora, 19, 27–31

  small size of, 27, 28, 88–90, 91–92

  anachronisms in evolution, 494–95

  anatomically modern humans


  early, 107–10

  in Europe before African

  migration, 402

  first, as Europoid type, 411

  H. erectus contemporary with, 112,

  116, 117–18, 402

  hybrids mistaken as, 439–42

  interbreeding by, 122

  in New World, 446–51

  overlap of hobbits and, 111–12

  See also coexistence of races; out-of-

  Africa genesis (OOA)

  Andamanese people, 133–34, 179,

  420, 422–23, 460


  blood percentage in men, 290–92

  civilizing aid from, 178–79

  incarnation to aid man, 270–72,


  mating with mortals, 273–74, 276,

  278, 280–81, 282, 283–84

  sargis power of, 276, 277

  spacemen vs., 272

  Voice of, 270–71

  See also spirituality

  Apollo, time of, 175, 177

  Ardipithecus kadabba, 217

  Ardipithecus ramidus. See Asu man

  ark, the, 15


  Asu man in, 417

  Bering migration hypothesis,


  H. erectus more primitive than

  African, 400–401

  out-of-Asia genesis, 420–25

  Asu man (Ardipithecus ramidus)

  ape predecessor missing for, 317–19

  artists’ impressions of, 38

  in Asia, 417

  Australopithecus as Asu-Ihin

  hybrid, 40

  blank nature of, 40

  described, 37, 39

  as first race, 11

  not immortal, 268, 290

  remnants in living people, 469–73

  scriptural references to, 39

  soul lacking in, 39–40

  Yaks from crossbreeding with, 363

  atheism, 1–2, 61, 263, 267, 297, 303,

  306, 321, 477

  Aurignacians, 12, 173, 426, 453

  Australian aborigines, 134, 136,

  420–22, 444–45, 460, 465


  as Asu-Ihin hybrid, 40

  cannibalism among, 57

  Flores woma
n and, 72

  H. erectus contemporary with, 417–18

  as human ancestor, pro and con

  arguments, 40–43

  lumbar vertebrae of, 311

  not unique to Africa, 416–17

  Australopithecus sedipa, 218

  Babylonian early civilizations, 260

  back breeding. See retrobreeding

  Bataks of Malaysia, 472

  Bat people of Brazil, 469

  Batututs of Burma, 473

  bearded peoples, 23, 24

  beginnings of life

  experiments simulating, 374

  formative age of, 368–69

  from inert matter, 375

  lightning bolts theory, 376

  nonterrestrial materials and,


  from nothing, 373

  Oahspean viewpoint, 377

  odds against protein evolution,


  quickening needed for, 376–77

  in semu, 370

  Bering migration hypothesis, 496–502

  Blombos Cave AMHs, 441–42

  Border Cave Man, 440–41

  Boskop Man, 436–38

  brachycephalic people

  American, 90, 447

  cremation practiced by, 90

  European Caucasians, 411, 425

  European little people, 91

  pygmies, 77

  Russian, 22

  second race (Ihin), 102

  Tupis of Brazil, 30–31

  brain, evolution of human, 171, 180,

  340–43, 345, 347

  brain size

  dating issues and, 77–78

  of Flores woman, 70, 72

  Ihin contributions to, 208–9

  of little people, 107–8

  mental powers and, 72

  of Neanderthals, 196, 198

  sudden increase in, 170–71, 180

  table summarizing, 73

  Cain, 143–45, 361. See also Druk man

  Cambrian age

  explosion of species in, 169, 170, 185

  no new phyla since, 369

  trilobites in, 189, 247

  cannibalism, 9, 57–59, 414, 440, 446

  catastrophes, extinctions and, 384–85

  Caucasian (Shem) race

  antiquity of, 85

  cross-cultural leads to origins of,

  21–22, 24, 25, 35–36

  as earliest modern man, 411–12

  locations of, 103–5

  in Oceania, 24–27

  origins in Pan diaspora, 19

  Pacific Rim peoples, 22–24

  cave art, 22, 121, 123–24, 179–80, 431

  Chancelade Man, 129–30


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