Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 51

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  diaspora of, 14, 15

  Druk hybrid with (Ihuan), 122–23,

  126, 284

  euhemerism of, 268, 270, 285–86

  in Europe, 91

  evidence for, 80–81

  figures illustrating, 68

  as first mods, 411

  Flores woman (hobbit), 67, 68–72,


  gracility of, 77, 85

  as holy watchers, 285–86

  killed by Druks before the flood,


  linguistic diversity pointing to, 88

  locations of whites, 103–5

  in Oceania, 92–93

  as only survivors of Pan’s

  destruction, 14

  Palauan, 456–57

  preflood peoples descended from,


  in remote areas, 93–96

  as root stock of H. sapiens

  pygmaeus, 11

  as second race, 11, 102

  shrinkage theory about, 75–76, 88,


  small size in hybrids of, 137

  as sons of God, 284–85

  worldwide legends of, 94

  See also diaspora from Pan; specific


  Ihuan/Cro-Magnon man

  as Biblical giants, 285–86

  cannibalism among, 57

  coexistence with Neanderthals,

  124, 126, 162

  date of origin of, 22

  as Druk/Ihin hybrid, 122–23, 126,


  as fourth race, 12

  large size in hybrids of, 137

  Neanderthals killed by, 124

  origins of, 426

  population counts, 258

  remnants in living people, 459,


  retrobreeding by, 123–25, 162, 198,

  201, 202

  spirituality, 177, 179–80

  sudden appearance of, 123

  Voice of the angels heard by, 271

  See also Caucasian (Shem) race

  Ihuan word study, 489–92

  immortality/eternal life, 288,


  Indian hybrids, 133

  intelligent design (ID)

  admissibility of, 302–5

  compatibility of science and

  religion, 307–9

  dismissive stance toward, 2, 300,

  301, 306–7

  man’s difference from animals,


  man’s difference from apes, 311,


  no ape/man common ancestor, 315,


  not tied to Christianity, 306,


  Oahspean viewpoint, 328–29

  purpose and design, 323–25,


  schism in U.S. over, 1–3

  See also evolution

  interbreeding. See crossbreeding

  Inuit people, 23–24, 273, 336, 460,


  island dwarfing or shrinking, 75–76,

  88, 168

  isolation and evolution, 165–68

  Jaffeth. See Mongolian (Jaffeth) race


  Jomon or Yamato people in,


  Pan diaspora to, 33

  ruins on ocean floor near, 34–35

  Jomon or Yamato people of Japan,


  Kabwe Man, 233, 413–14, 415

  Kanapoi of Kenya, 87

  Kennewick Man, 28, 128

  Khu word study, 482–85

  Klasies River AMHs, 439–40

  Kosmon prophecies, 475–76

  Kow Swamp people, 421, 457–59

  language and speech

  early peoples without speech, 349

  as evolutionary drivers, 345–46

  as innate, 347

  physical capability for, 347–51

  linguistic evidence

  Ghan word study, 486–88

  Ihuan word study, 489–92

  Khu word study, 482–85

  Mu-named peoples and places, 106

  Oceanic languages, 444

  little people. See Ihin/little people/H.

  sapiens pygmaeus

  living fossils, 454

  loo’is, 176


  family tree messed up by, 67, 69

  Flores woman and, 72

  Ihin genes in, 86

  large pelvic opening of, 338

  modern feet of, 83

  as mother of humanity, 43

  Malayan (Yista) race, 19

  Malaysian hybrids, 131–32


  advancement of, 7–8

  angelic blood percentage in,


  angels mating with, 273–75, 278,

  280–81, 282, 283–84

  difference from animals, 309–11

  difference from apes, 311, 313–21

  immortality/eternal life of, 288,

  289–90, 292–93

  missing ape/man common ancestor,

  315, 316–20

  as more than an animal, 6

  transcendental aspect of, 262–63,


  See also anatomically modern

  humans (AMHs); races of man

  mathematical impossibility of

  evolution, 334–35, 351–52, 374

  meat-eating, evolution and, 345

  micro to macro extrapolation, 165–

  66, 189, 228, 353–54


  long journeys unlikely for early

  man, 406, 408, 409

  postflood, from Africa, 433–34

  proposed, by Asians to America,


  proposed, by early man from

  Africa, 399–405

  by ship, 410, 442

  See also diaspora from Pan; out-of-

  Africa genesis (OOA)

  mitochondrial Eve, 10–11, 403, 405,

  420, 423–24, 430, 433

  molecular dating, 241–42, 244–46

  Monck materializations, 279

  Mongolian (Jaffeth) race, 19, 27. See

  also Asia

  monogenism. See out-of-Africa genesis


  monsters due to retrobreeding, 359–67

  Moravian early civilizations, 260–61

  morphology, dating by, 234–35

  mound builders, 27, 29, 55, 88–91,

  101, 105, 106, 132, 139–40, 261,

  285, 434, 443, 483, 487–88


  Andamanese, 422–23

  of Bushmen, preflood, 405

  dating using, 230, 242, 244, 256,


  mitochondrial Eve and, 10–11, 403,

  405, 420, 423–24, 430, 433

  of Neanderthals, 205, 206

  order of data entry and, 403, 423–24

  sexual dimorphism and, 138

  of X Woman (Denisova), 122, 218

  mud, creation of man from, 102, 103,

  290, 373

  mutation, evolution and, 334–35,

  351–54, 357–58, 359

  natural selection, 52, 63–64, 333–35,



  cannibalism among, 58–59

  coexistence with Cro-Magnons,

  124, 126, 162

  coexistence with H. sapiens, 119–

  20, 200–201

  crossbreeding by, 161, 162, 198,

  201, 202–7

  difference from animals, 311

  extinction by amalgamation, 453

  extinction dates for, 455

  highlights of discoveries, 1829–

  2011, 194–207

  as Ihuan—H. erectus cross, 125–26

  isolation and development of, 167

  killed by Ihuans, 124

  modernized, 200

  mod types earlier than, 198, 201

  in New World, 447–48

  problems as H. sapiens ancest


  remnants in living people, 465–66

  speech capabilities of, 348–49

  Negrillos and Negritos. See pygmies

  and Negritos

  neutering, 388

  New Guinea hybrids, 132

  New World. See America

  Noah, 15


  on beginnings of life, 328–29

  races of man in, 11–12

  viewpoint on evolution, 328–29


  deluge records in, 24–25

  early civilizations in, 442–44

  early white races in, 22–23

  evidence of high civilization in, 493

  little people in, 92–93

  out-of-Africa theory and, 442–46

  Omo Man, 439

  Ona Indians of Tierra del Fuego,


  ong/ang (spiritual light), 269

  out-of-Africa genesis (OOA)

  American mods and, 446–51

  Australian aborigines and, 420–22,


  Australopithecus not unique to

  Africa, 416–17

  blacks evolving into whites and,


  Caucasians as earliest modern men,


  convergent evolution and, 414–16

  cultural artifacts missing for,


  diminished diversity with distance

  from Africa, 430–33

  early AMHs outside of Africa,


  early Asians, 422–25

  lack of early mods in Africa,


  long journeys unlikely for early

  man, 406, 408, 409

  mitochondrial Eve, 10–11, 403,

  405, 420, 423–24, 430, 433

  Oceania and, 442–46

  part 1: H. erectus migration, 1.6

  mya, 399–401

  part 2: H. sapiens migration, 130 to

  30 kya, 402–5

  postflood migration, 433–34

  racial formation and, 393

  racism concerns and, 412–14,


  theories propping up, 408–9

  worldwide distribution of humans

  and, 414, 416–20, 428–29

  See also diaspora from Pan

  out-of-Asia genesis, 420–25

  Palauan little people, 213, 456–57

  Paleolithic cities, 258

  paleomagnetic dating, 248–49

  paleopolitics, 4–6

  Paleozoic age, 165, 369, 372


  destruction of, 14–15, 16–17

  ocean floor ruins from, 34–36

  other names for, 13–14

  See also diaspora from Pan

  Peking Man, remnants in living

  people, 460

  philosophy, evolution as, 301

  planetary cooling, 382–87

  platycephalic skull in living people, 459

  Pleistocene age

  dating by morphology and, 234–35

  development of human brain in,

  171, 180

  extension of duration for, 228–29

  humanity in, 229, 234–35, 255

  New World peoples in, 446, 449

  Polynesian races, 23

  pongid split in evolution, 317, 319,

  320, 321

  population counts

  Cro-Magnon man, 258

  cyclical nature of, 256–57

  preflood, 257, 258

  underestimation of, 255–56

  worldwide over time (table), 257

  potassium-argon dating, 229,


  protohistorians, 79–80

  psychogenesis, 175–76

  punctuated equilibrium, 172–73

  pygmies and Negritos

  hybrids, 131–37

  Ihin genes in, 76–77

  locations of, 100

  as oldest form of humanity, 93, 96,

  97, 412

  worldwide distribution of, 96–100

  races of man

  after the flood, 19

  angelic blood percentage in,


  archaic traits in living races,


  blacks evolving into whites,


  common ancestor theory, 315,

  316–20, 394–98

  development at different times,


  overview, 11–12

  racial diversity and skin coloring,


  size variations among hybrids,


  See also coexistence of races;

  crossbreeding; specific races


  out-of-Africa theory and, 412–14,


  social Darwinism, 61–63

  radiometric dating, 236–41

  reconstructions of ancestors, 45–47


  angelic blood diluted by, 292

  by Australopithecus, 86

  by Druks, 361–63

  by man and ape, 359–60

  monsters created by, 359–67

  with Neanderthals, 161, 162, 198,

  201, 202–7

  retrogression due to, 54–55,


  sacred cow, evolution as, 45

  saltation, 123, 168–72

  sargis, 276–77

  Sasquatch, 456, 466–67

  sedimentary layers, dating using,

  247–48, 249–50

  semu, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 378

  sexual dimorphism, 138, 440

  sexual selection, 10, 331–32

  Shem. See Caucasian (Shem) race

  shrinking or island dwarfing, 75–76,

  88, 168

  size variations between races, 137–43

  skin color, 390–93

  Skull 1470, 77–79, 116, 126

  social Darwinism, 61–63

  South American hybrids, 136–37


  brain size increase, 170–71, 180

  complexity and, 184–87, 188–90

  crossbreeding and, 70, 75, 150–51,

  173, 211–14

  crossbreeding vs., 8–9, 115

  Darwin’s model of, 147–48

  definitional problems for species,

  211, 219–20

  homeostasis and, 166, 173–74,


  hominid, 161, 163

  hybrids mistaken as transitionals,

  128, 160

  intelligent design view of, 148–49

  inviable intermediates problem,


  isolation theory of, 165–68

  lumpers vs. splitters, 216–20

  microevolution, 165

  micro to macro problem, 165–66

  missing ape/man common ancestor,

  315, 316–20

  missing intermediates problem,

  151–61, 173–74

  not possible by chance, 357–59

  not possible for man (book’s

  premise), 7

  promissory materialism about,


  punctuated equilibrium, 172–73

  reversion to original traits, 165–66

  specialization vs. generalization

  and, 182–84

  spiritual influence on, 175–80

  sudden (saltation), 24, 168–72

  See also evolution

  spectrum hypothesis, 198, 200

  speech. See language and speech


  angelic blood percentage in men,


  angel/mortal mating, 273–75, 276,

  278, 280–81, 282, 283–84

  angels’ civilizing aid, 178–79

  angels’ incarnation given up,


  angels’ incarnati
on to aid man,

  270–72, 279–83

  angels vs. spacemen, 272

  Asu not immortal, 268, 290

  atheism, 1–2, 61, 263, 267, 297,

  303, 306, 321, 477

  consciousness and, 262, 266

  Cro-Magnon, 177, 179–80

  Darwin’s anti-spiritualism, 267,


  eternal life/immortality, 288, 289–

  90, 292–93

  euhemerism of the little people,

  268, 270, 285–86

  human genesis and, 175–77, 263,

  264–66, 272–81

  ignored by evolutionists, 267

  loo’is, 176

  man’s reception of a soul, 275

  Monck materializations, 279

  ong/ang (spiritual light), 269

  religious scientists, 326–27

  sargis power of angels, 276–77

  spiritual influence on speciation,


  transcendental aspect of man,

  262–63, 267

  Voice of the angels, 270–71

  Wallace’s spiritualism, 264–66,


  stasis problem for evolution, 54

  swamping (extinction by

  amalgamation), 452–54

  symbiosis/cooperation, 64–66,


  Talgai of Queensland, 457, 458

  Tasmanian aborigines, 460, 463

  terminology of evolution, biased, 3–4

  Tertiary age

  false dating for, 247–48

  movement of human evolution to,

  229, 230

  tool use, evolution and, 340–41

  tree shrew at root of family tree, 312

  Tupis of Brazil, 30–31

  U.S. Supreme Court, 1

  variability, evolution and, 127–31, 161,

  293, 429–33

  Veddas of Sri Lanka, 84–85

  Vostatek, Carl, 328–29

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 264–66, 279

  White Lady of Brandberg, 431

  wild men (Homo ferus), 466–73

  word studies. See linguistic evidence

  X Woman (Denisova), 122, 408

  Yaks, 361, 363

  Yamato or Jomon people of Japan,


  Yeti, 456, 466–67

  Yista (Malayan) race, 19

  Zarathustra, 278

  About the Author

  Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is a writer, linguist, teacher, paranormal researcher, and recognized authority on the Oahspe Bible with a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University. The author of The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln and The Hidden Prophet, she is the book review editor for the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies. She lives in Clayton, Georgia.

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