by Nancy Pearl
Fresh Off the Boat
Freymann-Weyr, Garret
Friend, The
Friends, The
Fritz, Jean
Frog and Toad Are Friends
Frog and Toad Together
Frog Goes to Dinner
Froggy Gets Dressed
Froggy Goes to School
Frog on His Own
Frog Prince Continued, The
Frog Went A-Courtin’
From Sea to Shining Sea
From Slave to Soldier
From the Bellybutton of the Moon and Other Summer Poems
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Frost, Helen
Frost, Robert
Fruits Basket
Full, Full, Full of Love
Fullmetal Alchemist
Full Moon Soup, or The Fall of the Hotel Splendide
Funke, Cornelia
Funny, Funny Lyle
Funny Little Monkey
Fusco, Kimberly Newton
Gadone, Paul
Gaiman, Neil
Galbraith, Kathryn O.
Galdone, Paul
Gallo, Donald R.
Galloway, Gregory
Galton Case, The
Gammage Cup, The
Gammell, Stephen
Gannett, Ruth Stiles
Gantos, Jack
Garden, Nancy
Garland, Sherry
Gates, Doris
Gault,William Campbell
Gautman, Dan
Gavin, Jamila
Gawgon and the Boy, The
Gay, Marie-Louise
Geography Club
George, Jean Craighead
George and Martha
George and Martha One Fine Day
Geras, Adèle
Gershon’s Monster
Gerstein, Mordicai
Getting Near to Baby
Ghazi, Suhaib Hamid
Ghost and Mrs. Hobbs, The
Ghost in the Tokaido Inn, The
Ghost of Cutler Creek, The
Ghost of Fossil Glen, The
Gibbons, Gail
Giblin, James Cross
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Gift of the Crocodile, The
Giganti, Paul, Jr.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Gilden, Mel
Giles, Gail
Gilman, Phoebe
Gil’s All Fright Diner
Gilvan-Cartwright, Chris
Ginger Pye
Giovanni, Nikki
Gipson, Fred
Girl, 15, Charming but Insane
Girl, Interrupted
Girl, Nearly 16, Absolute Torture
Girl Can Dream, A
Girl from Yamhill, A
Girl Goddess #9
Girls Got Game
Girls in Pants
Girl Who Hated Books, The
Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The
Girl Who Spun Gold, The
G is for Googol
Giver, The
Glaser, Linda
Glass Castle: A Memoir, The
Glasser, Robin Preiss
Gliori, Debi
Godden, Rumer
Goddess of Yesterday
Goden Name Day, The
Godwin, Laura
Go for the Gold, Atalanta!
Going, K. L.
Going on Sixteen
Goin’ Someplace Special
Golden, Barbara Diamond
Golden and Grey
Golden Compass, The
Golden Goose, The
Gold Fever
Gold-Threaded Dress, The
Golem’s Eye, The
Golenbock, Peter
Gómez, Elizabeth
Gone-Away Lake
González, Lucía M.
Gonzalez, Maya Christina
Good Boy, Fergus!
Good Brother, Bad Brother
Good Dog, Carl
Good Dog, The
Goode, Diane
Good Field, No Hit
Goodman, Susan E.
Good Master, The
Goodnight Moon
Gooney Bird and the Room Mother
Gooney Bird Greene
Goops and How to be Them
Goose Girl, The
Gorey, Edward
Go Team, Go!
Got Fangs?
Gottlieb, Lori
Goudge, Elizabeth
Grafton, Sue
Graham, Bob
Graham, Alastair
Grahame, Kenneth
Grandfather’s Journey
Grandfather Twilight
Grandma Elephant’s In Charge
Grant, K. M.
Grass for His Pillow
Grealy, Lucy
Great and Terrible Beauty, A
Great Brain, The
Great Brain at the Academy, The
Great Corgiville Kidnapping, The
Greatest: Muhammad Ali, The
Great Fire, The
Great Ghost Rescue, The
Great Gilly Hopkins, The
Great God Pan, The
Great Good Thing, The
Great Gracie Chase, The
Green, John
Green, Michelle Y.
Green, Roger Lancelyn
Green Angel
Greenberg, Jan
Greene, Roger Lancelyn
Green Eyes
Green Fairy Book, The
Greenlaw, Linda
Greenwald, Sheila
Gregorowski, Christopher
Gregor the Overlander
Gregory, Julie
Greste, Peter
Grey, Mini
Grey Fairy Book, The
Grifalconi, Ann
Griffin, Adele
Grimes, Nikki
Growing Frogs
Gruber, Michael
Gruesome Guide to World Monsters, The
Guardians, The
Guarino, Debora
Guevara, Susan
Guji Guji
Gündisch, Karen
Guns for General Washington
Gus and Grandpa and the Halloween Costume
Gutman, Anne
Guy, Rosa
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Haddon, Mark
Hague, Michael
Hahn, Mary Downing
Hailstones and Halibut Bones
Hale, Kathleen
Hale, Lucretia P.
Hale, Shannon
Haley, Gail E.
Half Magic
Half Moon Investigations
Hall, Lynn
Hall, Zoe
Hallensleben, Georg
Halloween Hats
Halloween Is . . .
Halloween Night
Halloween Parade, The
Halloween Play, The
Hallo-Wiener, The
Halperin,Wendy Anderson
Hambly, Barbara
Hamilton, Edith
Hamilton, Martha
Hammett, Dashiell
Handelman, Dorothy
Hanging on to Max
Hang Tough, Paul Mather
Hannigan, Katherine
Hansel and Gretel
Happy Birthday, Dear Beany
Happy Hocky Family, The
Happy Hocky Family Moves to the Country!, The
Harkrader, L. D.
Harriet the Spy
Harris, Robert J.
Harris, Robie
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Sue
Harry the Dirty Dog
Hart, Elva Trevino
Hartinger, Brent
Harvesting H
ope: The Story of Cesar Chavez
Hastings, Selina
Hatch, Elizabeth
Hatkoff, Craig
Hatkoff, Isabella
Hatseller and the Monkeys, The
Haugaard, Erik Christian
Haunting of Alaizabel Cray, The
Haunting of Freddy, The
Hautman, Pete
Hautzig, Deborah
Have a Hot Time, Hades!
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel
Hawes, Louise
Hawkes, Kevin
Head, Ann
Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia
Headless Cupid, The
Headless Horseman and Other Ghoulish Tales, The
Hearing Us Out
Hearn, Diane Dawson
Hearn, Julie
Hearn, Lian
Hearn, Michael Patrick
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, A
Heart of a Chief, The
Heart on My Sleeve
Heart’s Blood
Hearts in Atlantis
Heart to Heart
Heaven to Betsy
Hegley, John
Heinlein, Robert A.
Heir Apparent
Helen Keller: Rebellious Spirit
Helfers, John
Hello, Goodbye Window, The
“Hello,” I Lied
Henkes, Kevin
Henry, Marguerite
Henry and Mudge
Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas
Henry and Ribsy
Henry and the Paper Route
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg
Henry Huggins
Henry the Christmas Cat
Henry the Sailor Cat
Here Comes Mother Goose
Here We All Are
Hero and the Crown, The
Heroes of Baseball
Herrera, Juan Felipe
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins
Hesse, Karen
Hewitt, Sally
Hey, Al
Hi, Cat!
Hiaasen, Carl
Hiccup the Seasick Viking
Hickox, Rebecca
Hidier,Tanuja Desai
High King, The
Highly Trained Dogs of Professor Petit, The
Hightman, Jason
High Wizardry
Hill, Kirkpatrick
Hill, Stuart
Himler, Ronald
Hindenburg, The
Hindley, Judy
Hip Cat
Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons
Hippos Go Berserk!
Hitler Youth
Hitty: Her First Hundred Years
Hoban, Lillian
Hoban, Russell
Hobbit, The
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Hoboken Chicken Emergency, The
Hoeye, Michael
Hoffman, Alice
Holbird, Katharine
Holding onto Sunday
Hole in My Life
Holland, Isabelle
Holm, Jennifer L.
Holm, Matthew
Holub, Josef
Home Is East
Homer Price
Homes,A. M.
Homesick: My Own Story
Honey . . . Honey . . . Lion!: A Story from Africa
Honey, Baby, Sweetheart
Honoring Our Ancestors
Hoobler, Dorothy
Hoover, H. M.
Hopkins, Ellen
Hopkinson, Deborah
Hornbacher, Marya
Horowitz, Anthony
Horse and His Boy, The
Horvath, Polly
Hosni the Dreamer : An Arabian Tale
Hot Air
Hot-Air Henry
Hotze, Sollace
House at Pooh Corner, The
House Is a House for Me, A
House of Stairs
House of the Scorpion, The
House on East 88th Street, The
House on Mango Street, The
Houses and Homes
House With a Clock in Its Walls, The
House You Pass on the Way, The
Houston, Julian
How a Book Is Made
Howard, Joan
Howard, Paul
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear?
How Do You Spell Geek?
Howe, Deborah
Howe, James
Howe, Norma
Howey, Noelle
How High Can a Dinosaur Count?
How I Became an American
How I Live Now
Howl’s Moving Castle
How Many Trucks Can a Tow Truck Tow?
How to be a Pirate
How to Eat Fried Worms
How Tom Beat Captain Najork and His Hired Sportsmen
How to Tame Your Dragon
How We Crossed the West
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane
Hubbard, Patricia
Hughes, Langston