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Unwilling Page 6

by Julia P. Lynde

  "Well then," I suggested. "Perhaps you could show me a good example of each type."

  She walked to her dresser and opened a drawer. "I keep some things in here. The rest are in the closet." She pulled something out then hid it behind her back before she walked over to me. "I have a pair of restraints. I am going to wrap them around your wrists."

  "I get to pick which ones you use on me," I told her. "Please."

  "If I don't attach them to anything, these are little more than rather odd bracelets," she said. "Please hold out your wrists, Melissa."

  I looked up at her before meekly holding out my wrists to her. She took her hands from behind her back. She wrapped a piece of thick, thick cloth around my wrist. It secured in place with velcro. She wrapped my other wrist the same way. I looked at them then up at her. "They don't look very threatening."

  "I can attach them together, like this." She did something and I found my wrists clipped together as if I were wearing handcuffs. "Pull apart, see how secure it is. Try to get free."

  I pulled and twisted, but my wrists remained bound.

  "If you tried, you could unlatch yourself," she said. "You can probably reach this and unclip it." She pointed to the short piece of metal between the two cuffs. She unclipped it then moved around to my side and said, "I want to clip your arms behind you now. Will you let me?"

  "Will you let me go?"


  "All right."

  She pulled my wrists behind me and clipped them together. "You could still free yourself," she said. "It might take you a few minutes. It would only take a few seconds with practice." She paused. "If I were semi-serious about this, I would clip them with something that locked."


  "You can probably undo the velcro if you were motivated."

  She reached behind me and unclipped my wrists. "I could clip these to a loop on your jeans, if you were wearing any," she said. "Or I can use some sort of tie and tie you to the bed with your arms spread. Depending upon how I do it, the only way for you to free yourself with these cuffs is if you can undo the velcro. If I left you alone long enough, you could get free. If I'm watching you, you probably couldn't."

  I looked at her and thought about it. "Do it."


  "If I ask, will you release me?"


  "Then do it."

  She smiled at me before walking back to her dresser. She returned after just a moment holding a bundle of cloth straps. "Lean against the headboard," she said. "I'll do this so it's comfortable."

  I crawled backwards so my back was to the headboard, adjusting the pillows behind me so I was comfortable. She walked to my left and showed me that she had two straps. They had a clip on both end. She clipped one end to the cuff on my wrist, wrapped it once around a loop in the headboard, then clipped the other end to the cuff. I had a lot of slack, but then she did something which shortened the strap, drawing my wrist against the headboard. She smiled at she walked to the other side of the bed and treated my left wrist the same way. I tugged experimentally against the restraints.

  "It would take me about twenty seconds to get free from that," she said. "It's about the least secure way I could have done this."

  "Why did you do it this way then?"

  "To avoid scaring you."

  I struggled for a bit then fiddled with a buckle on one of the straps. She stood watching me while I figured out how to release myself.

  "Do it right," I told her once my wrists were free again.

  She nodded and used the same straps, but she attached them differently to the headboard before pulling them taut. This time I couldn't reach the little buckle she had used to shorten the straps. I struggled with it for a while before looking at her.

  "You can still get free," she said. "You either have to snag the velcro somehow, maybe reach with your teeth, if you can lean that far. Or you might be able to unclip the strap from the tether. If I weren't willing to let you get free, I might use a small lock to secure the tether or another pair of cuffs that lock and are inescapable by most people."

  She watched while I tried to free myself from the cuffs. I only worked at it for a minute or two. She reached over and patted my leg. "You'd get free eventually, if I left you alone to work on it." She paused. "Do you want me to release you?"

  "You can show me the other toy first," I told her.

  "All right," she said, walking to her dresser. She returned in just a moment with what looked like a big woolen mitten on her hand.

  "What is that?"

  "Exactly what it looks like," she said. "It's a big woolen mitten."

  "What is it for?"

  "Just for touching you. Will you let me show you? I'll stop if you ask me to stop."

  "All right," I said.

  She walked closer to me and began to caress my foot with the mitten. It tickled and I pulled away. She smiled. "If I were serious, I would have secured your legs first. Please put it back."

  "It tickled."

  "Trust me."

  Slowly I gave her back my foot. She looked at me. "It's going to tickle, but don't pull away, all right?"

  I nodded.

  She began touching my foot, and it tickled, but I realized it felt nice, too. I closed my eyes.

  She caressed my leg, stopping just above my knee. That felt good, too. "That's nice," I told her.

  "I know. This is something you would use on me, too. It can be pretty intense after a while." She paused. "I want to get a little more intimate. Will you allow it?"

  I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Not. Um. Down there."

  "No." She stared at my chest. "I promise you'll like it."

  I licked my lips. "That's what I'm afraid of."

  She opened my robe, watching my face while she did it. I'd been naked around her so much I wasn't embarrassed by it anymore.

  "Melissa," she said. "Close your eyes and let me do this as long as I want."

  "All right," I said.

  I closed my eyes, and I felt the wool mitten slowly slide up the outside of my leg, then cross my pelvis. I jumped. I tickled. She teased my belly button for a moment, then moved up and began to gently caress my right nipple.

  "Oh god!" I started to squirm nearly immediately. "Stop."

  She pulled away instantly. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "That's intense."

  "Let me keep going," she said.

  "Oh god."

  "You'll like it."

  "I know. But after that, no more, okay?"

  "Your face. Then no more."

  "All right." I closed my eyes. She began brushing my face with the wool. It felt odd, not as intense. It was calming. I liked it.

  "That's not the same at all," I told her.

  "No, it's not. Now I'm going to drive you crazy. Please try to enjoy it."

  She moved down to my nipple again, brushing the rough wool back and forth. I felt the nipple engorge instantly and began squirming.

  "Oh god!"

  She switched to the left nipple and had that one engorged in just moments as well. She spent several minutes with the mitten, caressing both breasts and teasing my nipples like crazy. I couldn't stop squirming. Finally she pulled away.

  I realized I'd been panting with my mouth open. I got myself back under control and looked at her.

  "It can be used for back rubs, too," she said. "But it is still intense and is best when you really are trying to work someone up."

  She took the mitten off and set it on the bed next to me then reached up and released my wrist. She leaned over me to release the other, then collected all the restraints and put them away. She left the mitten where it was. I picked it up and began touching my skin with it. I looked at her. "It was more fun when you were doing it."

  She smiled. "And when you can't stop me."

  "That made it especially intense."

  I handed her the mitten and she put it away.

  "We have a new rule," she told me. "You may not touch
any of my toys without permission."

  "Yes, Alexandra."

  She nodded, climbed out of her own clothing, took my bathrobe from me, turned off the lights, and climbed into bed with me, wrapping me in her arms.

  "What did you think, Slave?"

  I wriggled at her and found a comfortable position. "I think I'm starting to understand, but I also think you showed me the kiddy toys."

  She laughed. "True."

  "I suspect my reaction to some of the others won't be as positive."

  "Not if we were to jump to them." She paused. "People like to turn up the fires. What seems intense now can seem plain later on."

  "Hypothetically speaking, if I asked you to do what you wanted to me, would you be bored with the kiddy toys?"

  "Would you let me secure you completely?"

  "Yes. That didn't seem too much at all."

  "The toys are for your enjoyment. I would only use the ones you wanted me to use. I can drive you crazy with any of them. I get my kick from the restraints and from your submission."

  Thursday night after dinner I cleaned the laundry room downstairs. It was the only thing I got done off the list. When I found Alexandra, she had her laptop on her lap in the living room. I knelt in front of her. "The laundry room is clean," I told her.

  "One toy?"

  I nodded.

  "I need a few more minutes," she said. "Meet me in the bedroom, kneeling while wearing the bathrobe."

  "Yes, Alexandra."

  I got ready for bed then assumed my position on the floor. She kept me there for about five minutes before I heard her turning off the lights and joining me. She walked around me, caressing me while she did so.

  "Restraint or sensation?"

  "I don't know," I said. "The restraints just seem like more of the same."

  She looked at me. "That's probably true. It's how I use them that changes dramatically. I can use rope and it looks like art, for instance."

  "Show me that?"

  "How about tomorrow," she said. "When we have more time."

  "All right. Sensation then."

  "I'll give you a choice. If you let me secure you to the bed again, I'll show you one you'll let me use. Or else we can skip the restraints; I can go to the extreme and show you something I wouldn't use even if you asked."

  I looked into her face. "Which do you want?"

  "To play of course, but you're probably more curious about what I might have I'm not willing to even use."

  I smiled. "Same position on the bed?"

  She returned my smile. "No. Lie down on your back. Get comfortable."

  I climbed onto the bed, arranged some pillows, then tried to relax. She opened her dresser and came back with the same restraints she had used last night. She wrapped one around my right wrist and secured it to the bed somewhere I couldn't see. Then she did the left wrist. After that she pulled each of them taut, and I found my arms spread straight out from my shoulders with very little movement.

  "Oh my," I said.

  She smiled at me. "I'm not done," she told me. She went to the dresser and came back with two more cuffs. "Same cuffs, for your ankles."

  I pulled my legs away. "You promise to stop if I ask you to?"


  I slowly gave her a leg. She wrapped both ankles in cuffs, secured the tethers to the bed, then shorted the tethers, pulling my legs apart. When she was done, I was pulled tight to the bed and couldn't really move either my arms or legs.

  She sat down on the bed next to me and caressed my face.

  "Melissa, you are playing with fire."

  I smiled at her. "I trust you."

  She patted my cheek and stood up, walked to the dresser, and pulled something small out of it. She hid it behind her back as she walked back to me and sat down again.

  "You're going to say No at first," she said. "It looks scary but it feels amazing."

  "Then I suspect you'll talk me into it."

  She pulled her hand out from behind her back. She was holding something that looked like some sort of surgical instrument. It was all shiny metal with a handle and some sort of wheel with spikes on it.

  "This is a Wartenberg pinwheel," she said. She reached over and ran it across my palm. The little spikes poked me lightly.

  "You're right," I said. "It looks like it hurts."

  "It does if used too firmly. You can draw blood easily. I've only done that once, and it was because she jerked around on me. I've gotten more careful."

  "It feels good?" I was dubious.

  "It depends upon how I use it," she said. "I can use it to tickle you terribly. I can just wake up your nerves with it. Or I can use it so it's deliciously painful. You wouldn't be ready for that."

  She slid on her butt to the foot of the bed near my feet.

  "Oh god," I said, starting to struggle.

  "You have five seconds to tell me 'no'. After that, I won't stop until I'm ready to stop."

  "Oh god, Alexandra."


  I struggled to get away from her.


  I stared at the wheel in her hand while continuing to struggle against the restraints.


  I wasn't able to free myself, which I hadn't expected.


  "Oh god."

  Slowly she lowered the wheel to the bottom of the foot. I immediately tried to pull away. She grabbed my foot with her free hand and began running the wheel up and down my foot.

  I expected it to hurt. It didn't. But it tickled badly.

  "Oh god! Oh god! Stop!"

  "No." She continued to tickle my foot.

  I began thrashing around, begging her to stop while trying to pull away from what she was doing to my foot. She was grinning at me.

  Eventually she stopped tickling. I slumped against the bed.

  "That was exactly one minute," she said once my breathing was calmed down. "Imagine twenty minutes per foot."

  "Oh god," I said. "I'd be promising you the world after five."

  She smiled.

  "Release me now," I told her.

  "If you ask again, I will," she said. "But I hope you will let me show you how good this can feel, first. I promise not to tickle."

  I looked at her then nodded.

  She lowered the wheel to the top of my foot then drew it carefully across the top of my foot to the outside of my leg. It felt weird. I began to squirm. She worked her way up my leg in a series of long, light strokes, barely touching me. She used the wheel to caress my sides and arms, always gently, and I soon couldn't stop squirming.

  "Oh god," I said.

  "I know," she told me. "Starting to understand?"

  "Yes. Please don't stop."

  She chuckled but continued to caress me with the wheel. She stayed away from my breasts and the insides of my legs, and she was very, very careful around my face, but she used it everywhere.

  "Imagine a backrub involving this."

  She kept it up for a while, and I continued to squirm. Then she slowed down and finally stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "It's starting to become too intense for you. You'll stop enjoying it soon."

  I squirmed a little more. What she had done was very intense. I felt like all my nerve endings were alive. The way I was tied left me feeling very helpless and vulnerable. She could do anything she wanted to me, and I couldn't stop her. I looked up at her. She was standing over me, looking at me spread on the bed, helpless. I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

  I couldn't tell her what I was thinking. I didn't want her to stop.

  "What else would you do?" I asked her instead.

  "You know darned well what I'd do," she replied. "Straight girl."

  I closed my eyes, imagining her hands touching me. Then I felt her settle on the bed and felt her hands on my foot. "Yes!" I thought before I realized she was releasing me.

  She released both my ankles then my wrists, taking only a few seconds for each. I was so disappointed!
br />   But I couldn't tell her. She would laugh. I couldn't stand it.

  I rolled over on my side facing away from her and curled up a little. She sat on the bed behind me. "Are you all right, Melissa?"

  "Yes," I said.

  I lied like that. Then I felt her hand on my hip. "What's wrong?" she asked.

  "Will you hold me?"

  "Of course." I felt her lie down behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," I said. "I'm just feeling vulnerable. I liked what you did."

  I felt her smile against my shoulder. "It was pretty intense."


  She started to pull away.

  "Please don't go," I asked her.

  "I'll be back," she promised. "Then I'll hold you and we can talk."

  She left me for a few minutes. I heard her use the bathroom then move around the house, turning lights off. She came back to the bedroom and stripped out of her clothes, hanging them up. I still had the bathrobe bunched around my shoulders, so she pulled me up to a sitting position and slid it off me, then peeled the bed covers back and slipped me into the bed.

  She was very kind and gentle.

  She turned the rest of the lights off and slipped into bed behind me, wrapping me in her arms again.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Sort of," I said. I wriggled closer to her and kissed one of her hands. "I would never let a guy do any of this to me," I told her.

  She giggled. "I told you, I wouldn't either."

  "I'm serious," I said. "But with you it's different."

  She kissed my shoulder. "Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to me."

  It was a lot more than trust. Why couldn't she read between the lines? We lied like that for a few minutes, neither of us saying anything. She shifted away slightly, pulling her top arm away, and began caressing my arm, back, and side, all the way down to my hip. When she ran her finger down my back she stopped just short of my bottom. I didn't want her to stop.

  "How many love slaves have you had in the past?"

  She giggled. "For more than a week? None. You're the first."


  "For a weekend or so, six or seven. And some of them were repeated a few times."

  "How many people have you tied up?"


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