Cameron 4

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Cameron 4 Page 15

by Jade Jones


  Jude looked out his hotel room’s window at the city. The foggy, gray sky hinted that a rainstorm was approaching shortly. Instead of going back home he had gotten a room at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Understandably, he needed time for himself to deliberate.

  Jude thought back to King’s wise words: “If you really love this broad—and I know you do—you gon’ make the shit work. ‘Cuz you only find real love once, blood.”


  Rumor sat at the vanity as she called Cameron for the fourth time that evening. She hadn’t talked to her girl since the night they were at Reign Night club, and she was beginning to grow worried. She didn’t know if Cameron just didn’t want to be bothered with her or if she just needed some alone time.

  After drawing her own conclusion, Rumor hung up the phone and tried to put herself in the moneymaking mind frame. It was only Thursday, but Persuasions was fairly busy that evening. When she emerged from the dressing room, she looked around at the crowd and tried to see who was worth approaching.

  Out of nowhere, someone grabbed Rumor’s wrist from behind.

  The moment she turned around she nearly threw up at the sight of Roxie standing in front of her. There was a smug expression on her pretty dark brown face.

  Rumor snatched away from her sister in disgust. “You just love popping up announced, huh?” she asked.

  “Well, it seems like this is the only place I can catch you at,” Roxie said. She looked stunning in an Aztec print Bodycon dress with nude single sole heels. Her long, wavy mane hung over her shoulders. Rumor and Roxie’s resemblance was undeniable.

  Rumor started to walk off but Roxie grabbed her wrist. “Sis, we need to talk. You can’t ignore me forever.”

  “We don’t have shit to talk about,” Rumor snarled. “Go kill yaself.”

  Roxie anxiously pulled out a few crumpled up bills. “Well, fine. Gimme a lap dance then. Since I’ve got the money you’ve got the time. I know how this shit works.”

  “Bitch, don’t get slapped trying to be cute,” Rumor warned her.

  “You have the right to be mad at me…but don’t take it out on Calix. After all, I was the one making all the advances, to keep it real.”

  Without thinking, Rumor slapped the shit out of Roxie. A few passing people stopped and looked at the two sisters standing in the middle of the floor. They were expecting a fist fight, but Roxie didn’t even bother hitting Rumor back.

  “I deserved that,” she said.

  Rumor stepped so close to her sister’s face that their noses were practically touching. “No, bitch. You got what you deserved,” she spat.


  The sound of an HK mp5 going off was followed by high-pitched screams.

  Rumor grabbed Roxie and dropped to the floor after the sound of loud gunshots. Tables toppled over, glasses shattered, and piercing screams drowned out the strip club’s music.

  Four masked criminals dressed in all black stormed inside Persuasion. “Everybody get on the mufuckin’ ground!”

  Two of the goons ransacked the building, snatching money off the dancers, and floors before shoving it inside black trash bags. One of the criminals held the bartender at gunpoint while forcing her to hand over all the money.

  Rumor watched in horror as the obvious leader stomped a guy out for not handing over his Versace chain. It was at that very moment when her life flashed before her eyes. All of her reckless decision-making had led her straight into this situation.

  “Bitch, come up off that bracelet.” One of the gunmen pointed his gun at Roxie. He eyed her diamond tennis bracelet through the eye slits in his ski mask.

  “Fuck you! Kiss my ass!” Roxie hissed. “I’m not giving you shit!”

  Roxie’s boldness instantly set the gunmen off. Ruthlessly, he snatched her to her feet by her hair.

  Rumor quickly jumped to her feet. “Don’t fucking touch her—“


  The butt of a Desert Eagle slammed into Rumor’s temple instantly knocking her unconscious.


  Jude laid on the king size bed inside his junior suite, scrolling through videos and photos in his cellphone’s gallery. He’d watched the one from Cali several times.

  “Scream that shit, bay.”

  Cameron tossed her hands in the air. “WOOOOO! I’m in Cali, bitches!”

  Jude cracked a smirk when he thought about all the good times they’d shared. He could hear King’s voice in the back of his mind saying, “It’s a just a matter of it bein’ worth stickin’ it out.”


  “I don’t want to go to no damn hospital!” Rumor yelled. “I just want to go home!”

  A couple EMTs struggled with trying to get her onto the stretcher. “But ma’am it’s best for you to go to the hospital to make sure you don’t have a concussion. An injury to the head can be very serious—”

  “Rumor, just let them look at you!” Roxie begged. There were tears in her light brown eyes, and she was missing her precious diamond tennis bracelet. The four masked criminals had robbed Persuasion, and its customers of all their money and valuables. Business would surely decline after tonight’s tragic events.

  Rumor shoved a female EMT, and jumped off the stretcher. She nearly lost her balance when she landed on her feet. Half-swaying, half-running, she hurried to her candy red 2013 Lexus. Roxie was hot on her heels.

  “Sis, wait!” she called out.

  With trembling fingers, Rumor hit the unlock button and hopped inside.

  Roxie quickly grabbed the door before Rumor could close it. “Wait, I…I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry…And thank you for what you did in there. I know you probably hate my fucking guts—and I don’t blame you, but I appreciate you sticking up for me,” she said. “You probably saved my life…”

  Rumor wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. “It doesn’t matter. You might as well be dead…” She grabbed the door handle and slammed it shut.

  Roxie was left standing confused in the parking lot as she watched her sister pull off. She had no idea what Rumor meant by that statement.

  Rumor drove to nowhere in particular. She’d told the EMTs she simply wanted to go home, but the thought of being there only saddened her. There was so much history and pain…not to mention Calix being tied up in the garage.

  Tears blurred Rumor’s vision to the point where it became difficult to drive. She was on 75 when she pulled over on the side of the freeway and climbed out. Her head throbbed in pain, but seeking medical attention was the last thing on her mind. Rumor hated hospitals. It was the very place she’d found out she was HIV positive.

  Tears cascaded down Rumor’s chocolate cheeks as she leaned against her car. The moment she found out it felt like her entire world was crashing down. Her future looked blank. She was only twenty-six and living with such a heavy burden.

  Calix swore he didn’t know who he’d gotten it from, and he seemed genuinely hurt and guilty for giving it to Rumor. He’d begged her to stay and even proposed because he felt they could work it out. And she believed it too…up until his recent infidelity…and with his sister of all people.

  Overwhelmed with emotions, Rumor pulled out her cellphone and dialed the only person she could think to call.

  Cameron answered on the third ring.

  “Thank you for finally answering,” Rumor said.

  Cameron sighed. “Sorry, but I’m just going through some things right now—”

  “You?!” Rumor repeated. “Tell me about it. Persuasion just got robbed tonight by some people.”

  “Get the hell out of here!”

  Rumor wiped her nose and sniffled. “That ain’t the worst part though,” she whispered. “I’m standing on the freeway now…There’s an eighteen-wheeler approaching…and I’m thinking about jumping in front of it…”


  “Woah! Woah! Are you serious—You don’t wanna do that, Rumor!” Cameron said, thinking about Tiffa
ny. She’d already lost one good friend to suicide, and she didn’t want to lose another.

  Rumor broke down crying on the other of the phone. “But I’m dying, Cameron…,” she choked out. “And not just physically. Mentally too…I feel fucking hopeless. I feel like a got damn walking zombie, Cam. Like this is the end of my life—this is how my fucking chapter closes—”

  “But it doesn’t end there,” Cameron told her. “It’s only a mere obstacle. Don’t take the weak way out, Rumor. You’re stronger than this. I know you are…”

  Rumor sniffled. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “You love your man?” Cameron unexpectedly asked her.

  “Very much,” Rumor confessed.

  “Then go home. Call that man. And get back what you worked hard for,” Cameron said. “Seven years is a long time. It’s not worth throwing away if it really means something…” she paused. “I wish I would’ve taken my own advice.”

  Rumor mulled over Cameron’s words. “Thank you,” she finally said. “I’ll sleep on it…”

  “Go home, Rumor.”

  “Good night, Cameron…”


  The following morning, Cameron jumped off the couch the minute she heard the front door to her home open. A smile spread across her face when she saw Jude step inside. However, it vanished just as quickly because she didn’t know if he was staying or going.

  Jude tossed his keys on a coat hanger and walked past Cameron without speaking.

  “Jude, talk to me…”

  He turned around and faced ger. “You know you completely obliterated my trust. You know that shit, right?”

  Cameron sighed deeply, opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. In her head, she’d rehearsed a bunch of things to say when he finally came home. Yet now he was here and she couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Jude…I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”

  “Yeah…that you did, baby girl,” he agreed. “But its gon’ take more than some lame ass rapper to make me fall out of love witchu.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of Cameron’s lips. “So does this mean you forgive me?” she asked hopefully.

  Jude slowly made his way over towards Cam. He was a few inches taller than her so he had to look down to gaze into her eyes. “No,” he said flatly. “But I can put it behind me and move forward…startin’ with makin’ you my wife.”


  The sweet aroma of breakfast wafted through the air. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs with cheese, golden hash browns, and croissants lined the dining room table. A pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice sat in the center.

  Beyoncé’s “1+1” played softly on the audio system.

  After preparing the table for a hearty breakfast, Rumor gradually made her way to the garage. This was the first time in a long time that she was actually sober. When she flicked the light switch on she saw Calix lying feebly on the ground. He looked weaker than ever.

  Rumor knelt down, and brought a sharp-edged knife close to him. Muffled screams came from Calix as he instantly tensed up. He calmed down when he noticed she was cutting him free.

  If I ain't got something…I don't give a damn…

  'Cause I got it with you…

  I don't know much about algebra…but I know…

  One plus one equals two…

  After finally setting Calix free Rumor stood to her feet, and walked back into the dining room. For a few minutes, he simply sat on the ground dumbfounded.

  Calix took his time standing to his feet. His muscles were stiff and sore from lying on the hard concrete for days on end. After a good stretch he limped out the garage. He had uttered so many threats and promises to kill Rumor when he was free, but now that he was that was the furthest thing on his mind. Sitting trapped in a garage for weeks had given him a lot to think about.

  Calix joined Rumor at the dining room table, piled breakfast on a porcelain plate, and proceeded to eat like an inmate after being released from prison.

  “I’m really sorry, Rumor…,” he said, breaking the silence.

  Rumor paused but didn’t respond. A simple apology would never return things to normal…but at least it was a start.


  Jude dropped over twenty-two thousand dollars on a trip to Santorini, Greece for a wedding and a three-night accommodation at La Maltese. Instead of having a huge wedding, Cam and Jude decided to have a private ceremony at the five-star hotel. There were flowers, champagne, and even a photographer so they could take pictures.

  The beautiful Greek island was unlike anything Cameron had ever experienced. The view from the hotel offered magnificent scenery. Expensive furniture, antiques, oriental rugs, a grand piano, and chandeliers were only a few of the luxuries offered. The place felt more like a residence or getaway than it did a hotel. La Maltese provided a romantic, elegant setting that Cameron had only ever dreamt about.

  Cam felt like a queen being pampered as she stood on the 250 square-meter veranda overlooking the Aegean Sea. She wore a $2000 Carine Gilson satin robe, and the 14k white gold diamond ring glistened on her finger.

  “This is…absolutely…unbelievable…,” Cameron whispered, looking out at the sea.

  Jude looked stylish and handsome in a charcoal Waraire Boswell suit. His dreads were pulled back and his edges were tapered to perfection. Sitting on the plump outdoor sofa, he poured them each a generous amount of Gerovassiliou Malagousia—a Greek sweet red wine.

  Cameron sauntered over to the sofa and took a seat beside her new husband. The veranda was so quiet, peaceful, and exotic. There was even a crystal blue pool which sat on the furthest end of the veranda.

  “Let’s make a toast,” Jude said, handing her a wine glass.

  “What are we toasting to?” Cameron asked.

  Jude lightly clinked his glass against hers. “To a future filled with laughs and happiness as husband and wife.”

  They took a small sip of their wine.

  “I cannot believe we’re married,” Cameron said breathlessly. “I never even thought I’d be here…with you…right now. This is just crazy.”

  Jude kissed the back of her hand. “Believe it, baby…”

  Cameron hesitated because she really didn’t want to ruin the mood, yet her curiosity was getting the best of her. “Jude, I told myself I wouldn’t hound you about it…but now I really have to know…,” she began. “How can you afford all this?”

  Jude released a breath. He knew it was coming sooner or later. “Come on, Cam. Don’t fuck up the mood with all the questions and shit,” he said. The agitation was evident in his voice.

  “Is it legal?” Cameron asked.

  Jude sucked his teeth and stood to his feet. Leaving Cameron alone on the veranda he headed back to their suite. Cameron hastily followed behind him. She was just about to harass him for answers until she saw the white rose petals sprinkled on the floor, leading to the plush king size bed. On top of it was a long red velvet box and an envelope with a card enclosed.

  Jude took a seat on the bed, and pulled Cameron into his lap. Handing her the red velvet box he prompted her to open it.

  Cameron drew in a deep breath as she slowly lifted the lid. Inside was a 1 ½ carat round-cut diamond necklace. Just that quick she’d forgotten about her suspicious. “Jude…I…this…”

  “Let me put it on for you,” he said. After securing the $3,000 piece of jewelry around Cameron’s neck he handed her the rectangular envelope.

  Delicately, Cam opened it and pulled out the greeting card. Several Benjamin Franklins fell out the card, and landed on her lap before she read the bold, cursive lettering.

  To my wife,

  Doing absolutely nothing with you means absolutely everything to me.

  “Sweet,” Cameron smiled. She turned around and looked at Jude. “Thank you—but this doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Jude, I still need answers. I deserve them,” she said. “I could’ve died at that cookout…”

  “Cam, you really workin’ hard
to kill the vibe. Ain’t you?”

  “Jude…I’m serious,” Cameron stressed. “Is it legal?”

  Jude sighed in frustration, and ran his hand over his dreads. “You really want the truth?”

  “Of course…”

  “Nah. Nothing about what I’m doing is legal,” he finally confessed. “I been lyin’ from the jump.”

  Cameron closed her eyes and allowed the pain to settle in. “Well…What is it that you do?” she asked calmly.

  “Bay, I really don’t wanna get into the details—“

  “Tell me!”

  “Aight. I work for an advanced car theft ring transporting stolen cars to Port Newark-Elizabeth.”

  Her mouth curved into a frown. She wasn’t expecting that response at all. “I think telling me it was drugs would’ve been better,” she said. “That sounds like some deep shit.”

  Jude shook his head. He was disappointed in himself, but the money was so easy and convenient. It also felt good to be surrounded by a team of niggas that had his back. With Jerrell gone it was comforting to know that he had someone to look out for him.

  “It is deep—”

  “Well, you need to get out,” Cameron said with finality.

  “It ain’t that easy, babe.”

  “What kinda example would this set for our son?”

  “What kinda example were you setting twirling around a damn pole?” Jude asked sarcastically.

  “And you made me stop,” Cameron reminded him. “Do you remember that?”

  “But you still went behind my back. You remember that?”

  “Don’t turn this on me,” Cameron said, climbed off his lap and standing to her feet. “This is about you.” She tossed a hundred dollar bill at Jude. “Conspiracy.” She tossed another. “Theft.” Then another. “Fraud…Prison”

  “Cam, I just can’t—”

  “I can’t believe you lied to me, Jude.”

  Jude stood to his feet. “You knew it all along, Cam. Be real. You just chose to ignore the shit.”


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