NEBULAR Collection 7 - Guardians of the Continuum: Episodes 31 - 34

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NEBULAR Collection 7 - Guardians of the Continuum: Episodes 31 - 34 Page 36

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Tor’s assumption can’t be excluded. We saw sectors where the physical laws were turned upside down, Vasina thought, waiting for further information from her scientific departments.

  »We found the reason for the instability of this system. The third planet is also affected. The reason is planet number two, which we have baptized Zizor,« the Neo-Sapien Kulatos said with a loud voice via a comm-holo. »Zizor means the traveler in our language. It’s like the planets number three and four, but Zizor is not an ordinary planet of this system, as the science department has just told me. It doesn’t circle the central star but crosses this solar system on an independent path. According to these finding, this solar system actually consists of only three planets plus a vagabond.«

  »A vagabonding planet?« Vasina asked surprised.

  »One of millions of millions crossing our galaxy,« Kulatos confirmed. »These are mostly cells, that during their formation, were unable to combine enough matter to form a star. Although there are many of these wild planets, there are rarely dangerous approaches like what we’re witnessing here.«

  »How will Zizor’s trajectory affect this system?« Vasina asked curiously.

  »It will end tragically,« stated Kulatos, clearing his throat. »The orbits of the outer gas giants will become unstable. Zizor, disturbed and thrown from its original orbit by the gravitational force of the two outer planets, will collide with the innermost planet in just under a month, and then plunge into the star about twenty days later.«

  Vasina paled.

  There’s nothing we can do to prevent such a catastrophe. There’s no way to divert a heavenly body of the size of Jupiter on its course. Such events can only be observed speechlessly and hope that our home planets will never have to be subjected to such a catastrophe.

  Vasina pressed her lips together.

  What’s going on in my head? A serious disaster also affected my home-world.

  »We have, so far, interrupted our flight twice, and every time, we saw destruction and demise,« Vasina whispered. »What will we see when we reach the Sacrificial Suns sector?«

  »The exact data of the terrestrial planet are now available,« Paranas interrupted. The navigator had used all the possibilities of the ship to obtain an accurate picture. »The innermost planet has a diameter of 20,542 kilometers. There are some large, non-connected oceans. The dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, and small traces of hydrogen, creates an air pressure of 200 kilopascals on the surface. The axis of rotation is inclined by five degrees toward the ecliptic. The mean temperatures are around 19 degrees Centigrade. The gravitation is point five times higher than on our home-world Atlantika.«

  »Despite the size of the planet, the parameters are still within the scope of life development. Is the planet inhabited?« Vasina wanted to know with a sigh.

  I hope the answer is negative, because if it were, then this civilization is experiencing the very last days of its existence, she thought.

  Kulatos looked at Vasina with sad eyes.

  »There are signs of a pre-tachyon civilization. To learn more, we would have to pay a visit to the planet.«

  Vasina wiped her hand over her eyes.

  »There seems to be a challenge everywhere we go in the universe, she said.

  It almost seems to me that something wants to stop us from continuing the flight to the Sacrificial Suns, Vasina pondered. Is this coincidence, fate, or an evil omen?

  The planet’s inhabitants may not know about the imminent destruction of their world. Perhaps, we should not get involved in this tragedy and burden us emotionally with the events. Neither can we avert the impending collision, nor can we evacuate and save the planet’s population,« advised Nexus Tor.

  How long does it take for life to develop on a planet? Vasina pondered. And how long does it take, until intelligent life can finally advance, with all its possible facets? Technologies, civilizations, culture, art, ingenuity? How many of these civilizations never experience the miracles of the cosmos, or do not come far enough to comprehend their existence in a higher context and perish prematurely? Their number is legion, and yet each of them is an irretrievable loss.

  »We’re flying to the planet!« Vasina decided with a brittle voice. »Even if we can’t help them, let them at least know that their demise is not being ignored, and their existence not extinguished, without being spoken of later.«

  Nexus Tor nodded weakly. He understood.

  Paranas re-activated the FTL drive of the Atlantika.

  High altitude flight

  The vagabonding or stray planet was already reaching the Earth-like planet with its gravitational forces and left its marks on the surface of the green-brown world. Already from space, rupture edges along the tectonic plates were visible. Menacing smoking shield volcanoes, lava-spewing deep crevices, and wide cracks extending over several thousand kilometers across the countrysides indicating the approaching demise.

  Vasina tried to preserve her composure. Nexus Tor’s face was petrified while the command central crew was staring at the images on the central display.

  »There are hundreds of cities on this planet. The development of this civilization is, however, still in the pre-industrial age. There is no technical infrastructure, no radio communication, no modern traffic connections between the larger cities,« explained the first navigator concerned. His face twitched as he continued, »Some cities have already been devastated by heavy earthquakes, or have been overcome by erupting lava flows.«

  »The gas giant is already threateningly close and should be visible in the sky of the inhabited planet,« explained Tranos. »The collision will be very slow. It’s not like a frontal collision because the stray planet follows the terrestrial world on its orbit and catches up steadily. The outer atmosphere of the gas giant will graze the inhabited world. This could probably be the end already, but the following unleashed tidal forces will be devastating. In the end, the terrestrial planet will face the same fate as the two moons of the outer planet of this system. It will be torn apart and form a debris cloud. The stray planet will shortly afterward experience a similar fate and plunge into the sun. What happens then and how the dwarf sun is going to react to such an impact, we can only speculate about.«

  »Is there nothing we can do to help?« Vasina asked, unable to turn her eyes away from the planet.

  »It’s too late for that,« the powerful voice of Hellas sounded, who had just entered the command central. With his hands on his hips, he said, »I asked you to call me if we were encountering a difficult situation.«

  Vasina frowned.

  »And I told you to rest and sleep! How do you feel?«

  »I came directly from the infirmary and received a shot of tropzepine. So, I’ll be able to go on for another twelve hours, fully awake!«

  »We only administer this drug in the most extreme situations,« Vasina said seriously. »It can be bad for your health!«

  »I believe this is such a situation, Egemena,« Hellas replied, before going to his commander’s seat. »Here comes your relief, Paranas.«

  Paranas got up and gave Hellas the control glove. Hellas just nodded and took his seat.

  »I’ve been informed about the situation on the way to the command central. Before you ask, I’d like to clarify – no, the capacity of our auxiliaries and shuttles is far from sufficient to conduct a large-scale evacuation. I won’t permit the Atlantika to land on the planet, open all the airlocks, and take in a limited number of these unfortunate creatures. We don’t even know how they look like. Apart from the dangers, the situation could get out of control and end in chaos. Besides, who decides who of the inhabitants is allowed to live on and who isn’t?«

  Hellas frowned.

  »As much as I’d like to help, we have come too late. Until the GCC arrives with a rescue fleet, the planet, and its inhabitants will have already perished.«

  Vasina nodded slowly.

  »To keep the necessary distance and weighing the pros and cons se
riously in this situation should be the order of the hour. Nevertheless, I am subjected to my feelings.«

  »We’ve detected something, Egemena,« Tranos exclaimed in astonishment. »The sensors show a high-flying object in the mesosphere of the planet.«

  Vasina looked up.

  »I thought the civilization down there doesn’t know any technology. How then can a ship operate in the near orbit of the planet?«

  »It’s not a ship, Egemena. According to the data, it’s a balloon or Zeppelin, probably filled with rare gas or hydrogen, which has risen to this altitude. It’s incredible!« Tranos acknowledged.

  The shield bearer captured the object with the short-range scanners and transferred the resulting image to the central display. A more than adventurous looking aircraft was shown.

  »It’s a kind of Zeppelin, but it consists of three big, cigar-shaped balloons, rigidly connected with each other. The gondola, which is suspended by ropes, is still large enough to keep up with the cargo space of one of our atmospheric gliders. Around the entire airship, propellers are mounted, probably for controlled flight corrections. But at this altitude, the Zeppelin would be almost entirely unable to maneuver. The atmosphere is too thin. I’ve never seen such a craft with my own eyes,« Nexus Tor commented, surprised.

  »It’s the only flying object, on the whole planet,« Tranos confirmed, adding, »For me, this looks like a daring attempt to escape the imminent demise.«

  Vasina suddenly looked determined and turned to Nexus Tor.

  »I want you to use one of our auxiliaries to make a rescue attempt. I wish to see that the passengers of this airship are safely brought to the Atlantika.«

  Nexus Tor quickly activated a comm-link to his HOT command. Just a minute later, a Hummingbird Hawk left the battleship, flew toward the planet at high speed, and took a direct course toward the unusual Zeppelin.

  On the central display, it was easy to see how the Hawk approached the airship on its unstable flight. Several HOT specialists transferred to the unique craft with their spacesuits. Nexus Tor, who was monitoring the mission radio channel, got big eyes, then he informed Vasina, »Egemena! My specialists have encountered only one passenger on board the airship. It is a distantly humanoid being, who had, strangely, expected us. At least the stranger didn’t display any fear upon our arrival and is ready to follow my men to the Atlantika.«

  Only one of billions of other intelligent beings who are still living and dying on the planet, thought Vasina depressed and nodded to Nexus Tor.

  »Take the stranger on board under all precautionary measures, of course.«

  »Of course,« Nexus Tor confirmed, and spoke quietly into his comm-device to inform his team accordingly.

  The Brave Klu

  As the stranger left the Hawk with heavy steps, they all held their breath for a moment. Flanked by two HOT mission specialists, he entered the large hangar of the Atlantika and seemed to regard this as the most normal thing in the world.

  Vasina had hurried into the hangar, facing the stranger at shouting distance. Tranos stood firm by her side and was always ready to protect his Queen in case of an attack. One of the HOT specialists had briefly whispered to Vasina that the universal translator was ready. The extraterrestrial had been talking on the return flight without interruption and supplied sufficient data to the device to function reliably.

  A small, incredibly muscular humanoid with big shoulders, four fingers, which turn into scoop-like claws. His ancestors must have been tunnel diggers. He’s hardly more than a meter tall, Vasina thought, summing up her first impression. It’s a miracle that he has survived at this height in this hand-made, seemingly leather-clad suit. His little black eyes are lively, his face is pointed. He’s small and thus perfectly adapted to the gravity of his planet.

  »My name is Klerk Klu, also called the Brave Klu. You must be the witch-master of this flying castle. I feel and perceive clearly that much magic is resonating at this place,« said the stranger with a high and amused voice, bowing so deeply that his pointed nose almost touched the ground. »This magical metal belt, which seems to be carefully forged by master craftsmen, and which allows me the enjoy my normal gravity and free breathing, seems to me a miracle. This is very great magic! My breathing bag was almost depleted, and I would not have made it much longer. Witch-master, you deserve my favor.«

  Noticeably, Klu had recognized the highest authority of the flying castle and turned directly to Vasina.

  She shook her head slightly and had to familiarize herself with the strange way her guest addressed her. Then a smile went over her face, and she replied kindly, »This place is not a castle but my ship. This has nothing to do with magic, but that doesn’t matter for now. I’m glad that we came in time to save you from suffocation. I would like to welcome you on board my ship.«

  The Brave Klu trembled with laughter, which, with his high voice, sounded so contagious that even the rational Nexus Tor had to smirk.

  »I understand you well,« the Brave Klu panted. »Even though your language sounds a little strange. But this is a privilege of the mighty who have been blessed with magic at birth by Sgogan. Of course, all which-masters hide their abilities from ignorant people like me. I am just a simple inventor and do not know magic formulas. I won’t be able to reveal your secret skills to anyone. So, do not turn me into a herbworm, because I’ve already seen your helpers use a tamed iron dragon to save me from my Trippelin. Such an undertaking would be unthinkable without magic. Besides, what is the difference between a flying castle and a flying ship? Both cannot fly without the influence of magic. This ship, however, apparently flies much higher than my Trippelin.«

  Vasina twitched at her mouth and nodded weakly.

  »I see, you’re an excellent observer, Brave Klu. I also realize that you’re bearing your name with full rights. You don’t seem to be frightened. If I might ask, what magic did you use to steer your craft so high into the atmosphere of your world?«

  The Brave Klu obviously felt flattered by Vasina’s question and said, »A long time ago, a whistling, hissing geyser opened up before our city. This was the time before the big quakes began and when many cities were destroyed. I was called to analyze the escaping gas and found that it would allow things that are heavier than air to rise to high altitudes. All I had to do was catch the gas and fill it in containers. At the same time, our shaman saw evil signs in the sky. He asked me to bring our magical rune stone to safety before it could disappear in the maw of the evil dragon, along with our world and all the Knorrs, regardless where they live. I should use all my skills for this high and honorable mission, and I decided to build a Trippelin, the first and only one ever. I started successfully, circled my world several times before I managed to reach a high altitude. Then I waited for your arrival. On this journey, I saw many countries which I had never visited before.«

  Vasina glanced at Nexus Tor briefly, wondering before she asked the Knorr, »You expected our arrival? How is that possible? We only visited your solar system by chance. No one could have known in advance of our arrival.«

  »I know, as a sorceress, you have an all-seeing eye, and only want to test me with this question. Your arrival was announced, of course. Our Oracle, a sorcerer like you, but less powerful, has a cube that can show magical images. In it, he saw a being like you, a heavenly angel, who has announced this encounter.«

  Vasina’s eyes flickered briefly. She whispered, »What did he tell you?«

  Klu’s voice seemed to suddenly sound sad. His shoulders sagged, and the strong claws appeared powerless.

  »He said that the last days of our existence have come and that only this one encounter remains to preserve our most precious treasure from destruction.«

  »That was all?« Vasina asked breathlessly

  »There was no need for more,« Klu said. »As you can see, I’ve made it, and I am here, in your … your flying ship.«

  »The Brave Klu swiftly reached into a bulging belly pocket and took out an object, wrapped
in a velvety cloth. Tranos twitched, but Vasina put her hand on his arm. The shield bearer relaxed again.

  Klu produced an object that looked like an oversized, round pebble. A Human or Progonaut would certainly have had trouble offering the round stone just as Klu was doing with both hands. The stone was about forty centimeters in diameter. Vasina examined the relic more carefully and recognized very fine engravings in the emerald green surface of the stone. The filigree crevices showed a deep yellow mineral or metal, which illuminated the inscriptions.

  »This is our most precious treasure, a magical and holy rune stone, in which, consecrated and specially trained priests of my people, engraved the history of the Knorr, from the very first moment, we became aware of our existence. I would ask you to save our holy relic so that it may last.«

  Vasina’s eyes became wet as Tranos took the heavy stone for her. In a soft voice, she asked, »How is it with you, Brave Klu. Don’t you want to be saved?«

  Klu raised both hands, apparently, a gesture of denial.

  »What can a lonely Knorr do in the crystal sphere where only the stars glitter and powerful sorceresses like you live? I better return and bring the good news to my people. The stone is safe! My work is done, and we will have a final, big celebration! I do not want to miss it.«

  Vasina nodded silently.

  Klu knows exactly what a return to the planet means.

  In a sympathetic voice, she answered Klu, »Take the magical belt as your gift from us. It creates an aura, which we call a protective field. It will keep you from the effects of the high atmosphere, until you have landed safely again. With your permission, my helpers will go on board the Trippelin and check it for its flight worthiness.«

  »Are you going to cast a spell for my journey home?« Klu asked in a trembling voice.

  »Of course! You know for yourself, there’s a little magic in everything,« Vasina said softly.

  »How can I thank you for your help?« the Knorr asked.


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