Catching Teardrops (MAC Security Series Book 5)

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Catching Teardrops (MAC Security Series Book 5) Page 6

by Abigail Davies

  “Wait.” Dean sits forward, a frown on his face. “We’re working for Charlie now?”

  Ty raises a brow, mimicking Dean’s action as he sits forward. “You’re not working for him; you’re helping him out.”

  “But you’re not gonna get paid,” Dean says, but I can hear the undertone in his voice. He’s baffled.

  “That’s right,” Ty confirms, waiting a beat before standing up and looking at me. “Seven days to get the intel to pass onto Charlie.”

  “Got it.” I don’t wait any longer, standing up and walking out of the warehouse.

  Pulling my keys out, I then press the button to unlock my SUV as Evan shouts, “Luke!”

  Turning my head, I raise a brow, silently asking him what he wants. He jogs over to me, pushing a small box toward me.

  “What’s this?”

  “The device you asked—”

  “Thanks,” I say, cutting him off and pocketing it when Dean comes out of the warehouse.

  Evan turns, seeing Dean and giving him a head nod before turning back to me. “Do you need—”

  “No. I’m good.”

  Spinning around, I pull open my car door and jump into the driver’s seat before starting the engine. Pantera blasts through the speakers, but instead of turning the volume down, I keep it turned up high as Dean gets into the passenger side. Anything to block him out.

  Not saying a word, I reverse before driving out of the compound. I can feel him watching me the whole damn ride to the precinct, and I really want to ask him what the fuck he’s staring at, but I don’t. I play stupid, acting as if I can’t sense him.

  Pulling into the precinct, I turn the engine off and get out before walking toward the main doors with Dean on my tail.

  As soon as I’m inside, the guy behind the desk nods and opens the door to the right to let me into the section Charlie’s team is.

  “This is bullshit,” Dean says when I’m halfway up the stairs. “We shouldn’t be doing this—”

  Halting, I plant my feet wide before turning and grabbing him, my hands curling around the edges of his jacket. “Listen and listen fuckin’ good, asshole.” I push him and his back slams against the wall. “This is the way we work. We help them out; they help us out. It’s give and fuckin’ take.” His eyes widen as I push my face closer to his, but something in their depths doesn’t ring true. I see it, and I want to call him out, slam my fist in his face and leave him here. The temptation is rampant, but I manage to keep it tamped down. This may be our mission right now, but my greater one is to find out what the fuck he’s doing here.

  Letting him go, I part with, “Now shut up and do your fuckin’ job.”

  He rights his jacket, rolling his shoulders back before following me into the main area.

  Charlie is leaning against one of the desks; the main board flipped back so no one can see what’s on the other side. Tilting his head to the side to signal his office when he sees me, he then stands up and walks inside.

  I follow with Dean behind me, not taking a seat but instead deciding to stand near the window, my back in the corner so I can see all directions. You can never be too careful; it’s when your back is turned people target you.

  “Ty said you need surveillance.”

  Charlie sits on the edge of his desk, folding his arms over his chest. “Yeah. We think there’s a gun operation being run out of a bar.”

  He hands me a folder which I open, scanning the intel they’ve already gathered. “I know this place,” I tell him, flicking through the sheets of paper but not needing to.

  “You do?” he asks.

  I look up and flick my gaze to Dean who is sitting on the chair, watching the exchange with keen eyes.

  “Yeah, I grew up there,” I say before moving my attention back to Charlie.

  Charlie’s head tilts to the side, analyzing me. “So you know it’s hard to get in there without being made.”

  I nod, not willing to give any more information, but he’s right. It has its own clientele; any newbies would be made right away.

  “Think you can get us more intel? I need something solid to get a warrant.”

  Closing the file, I place it on his desk as I walk past. “Ty gave me seven days.”

  “Us,” Dean states.

  I don’t bother acknowledging him before walking out, throwing, “I’ll update you soon,” over my shoulder.


  I place the last plate on the drying rack, suds climbing up my arms. Turning around, I wipe them with a towel, looking out of the window at the darkening sky. The stars shine bright, the moon full. I get engrossed in the beauty of it, so much so I don’t hear his footsteps until it’s too late.

  The breath leaves my body in a whoosh, my shoulders drooping as the air swirls with his anger. I should have made sure I was in my room—not that it ever stops him.

  “It’s nine p.m.” His voice sends shivers through me, the demanding tone making way for what is about to come.

  I don’t turn around, keeping my gaze locked on the outside world; a world I want to escape to. It shouldn’t be like this; I shouldn’t have to prepare myself for what is to come inside my home. I should be able to sit and talk to my dad, tell him what happened at school, be able to run to him when the girls spray-painted a cross on my locker again, or when someone hurts me. I shouldn’t have to run away from him.

  “Acknowledge me when I talk to you, Liliana.”

  I need to look away and turn around, open my mouth and tell him I’m sorry for not having the kitchen cleaned by a certain time. But I can’t. My body won’t move, it won’t face the danger I live with. It’s recoiling, preparing for a strike, an attack.

  His footsteps echo around the kitchen, so loud in the otherwise silent room.

  “Liliana!” I jump at his loud voice, my body finally cooperating.

  “S-sorry,” I whisper, swallowing down the lump in my throat as I turn to face him, his dark-blue eyes darker in the muted light.

  He watches me, his chest heaving as if he’s just run a marathon. My gaze flicks down to his hands that are opening and closing by his sides, his arms jerking before he pulls back, stepping away.

  I frown, not used to him having control over himself.

  “My office.”

  I cringe, wanting to shake my head and plead with him not to make me go in there, but it doesn’t matter because he spins around, stomping through the house and up the stairs.

  I squeeze my eyes shut briefly, willing the memories to stay at bay as I drop the towel on the floor, not bothering to pick it up as I take a shaky step forward.


  My limbs move automatically, obeying his command, knowing if I don’t comply quickly it’ll only be that much worse.

  Climbing the stairs feels like it takes all of my energy, my muscles fatigued but readying themselves for what is undoubtedly to come. My mind is screaming at me to run away, to open the door and escape his confines, but I don’t. Instead, I walk over to his office, stopping in the doorway.

  I’m allowing this to happen, but I’m afraid if I move my chess piece too soon, it’ll be checkmate for him. I’ve got to wait—wait until he has no sway over me and I can leave without being pulled back again.

  He waits until I’m inside and the door is closed before he leans back in his big, leather chair behind his desk causing it to creek with his weight.

  “I had a visitor in church today.”

  “You… you did?”

  What is he doing?

  His gaze flicks between my eyes, searching for something. Whatever he sees there must satisfy him because he pulls his lips up into a smile. Only it’s not a normal smile; it’s the kind that says, “I’ve got you right where I want you.”

  “Such a good young man Jonah is. Always honest, and coming to me when he needs guidance.”

  My eyes widen, my hands starting to shake, knowing this isn’t going to go well for me at all. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t gotten my chores done o
n time, he’d already planned to punish me.

  I daren’t look away from him as he pushes up out of his chair and walks toward the bookcase next to the window.

  “Who was he, Liliana?”

  “Wh—” I swallow as he picks up the cane he keeps attached to the wall. “Who was who?”

  He turns his head slightly, his brow raised. “Don’t sass me, Liliana. You know who I’m talking about.”

  I grip my hands together, pulling at them. “I—”

  “Do you know how this looks for me?” He turns to face me before stepping toward me; his hand gripped around the handle of the cane. “For you to be seen with a man… a man, Liliana.”

  “It wasn’t—”

  “Are you fucking him?” he spits out, his gaze running from my head to my toes and back again. “You are, aren’t you?” He laughs, not giving me time to answer before he commands. “Spin around.”

  “Please,” I beg. “Please just listen—”

  He jerks forward and grips my arm before yanking me toward him. “I don’t have to listen to the filthy lies that come out of your mouth!”

  He lets go, pushing me. My hand reaches out to catch myself, gripping the edge of his desk as my chin and lip smack off the hardwood. Blood leaks down my chin and I run my tongue along my lip, wincing at the sting of the cut. I try to stand up, not wanting to be in a vulnerable position, but I’m not quick enough. His hand lands on the base of my back, pushing down with so much force I’m almost sure he’ll break a bone if he doesn’t let go.

  “Another lesson I have to teach,” he comments, worming his hand beneath the waistband of my leggings, pulling them down and exposing my ass.

  I squirm, trying my hardest to get away from him but it’s no use. The cane swooshes through the air before slapping against my skin, a cry of pain escaping my throat at the force.

  “Please, stop!”

  “You will learn to adhere to my rules.” He brings the cane down again, this time on the opposite cheek. “You will not be seen with men.” Hit. “You will have respect for my reputation.” Hit. “You will…”

  I block him out, my mind going to the place it needs to escape to as I stare out of the window and into the darkened field. If I concentrate hard enough, I can see me running between the poppies, laughing, having fun, and being a child. Memories of good times.

  But the thing with memories is they’re never a true form of what happened. Each and every time your brain remembers, it adds something, takes something away. You’re not your own reliable source. The only thing you can rely on is the emotion that surrounds the memory, and in each and every one I know I radiate happiness.

  A happiness that is long gone… but I hope one day to recapture and keep it close.


  The sound of Dean’s chomping as he eats a bag of chips again grates on me so much I want to reach out and punch him in the face.

  Why the fuck is he always eating in my goddamn car?

  We’ve been sitting here for ten hours, neither of us moving out of the SUV. Dean wanted to leave when it hit 4 a.m., but I ignored the dick. He hasn’t got a clue what it takes to do something as simple as watching a bar. What he doesn’t understand is we could sit here for twenty-four hours and still find nothing, but that last hour you could have a breakthrough you never saw coming.

  It’s now 8.a.m., and even though no one has been inside the bar for the last three hours, I’m still reluctant to move. If it wasn’t for the fact Ty wants us back at the warehouse for the morning meeting, I wouldn’t even consider leaving.

  “Fuck me! Can you stop?”

  I whip my head around, facing Dean as he’s about to put another handful of chips into his mouth. Jesus fucking Christ.

  “What?” he mumbles, food spraying everywhere.

  “I swear to fuckin’ God.” Shaking my head, I turn the engine on. “I didn’t think you could get any more annoying.”

  He laughs, shoveling the food into his mouth. “You love me really.”

  “I fuckin’ don’t,” I growl, speeding out of the parking lot and heading back toward the compound.

  Any other time, I’d stop in at Mom’s being close by, but there’s no way in hell I’ll do that with Dean in the car. He’s hiding something, I know he is, and I won’t let him know any more about me than he already does. The problem is that I still don’t know what.

  My nostrils flare when I think about the camera I planted in Kitty’s house where he’s staying yesterday and the footage I’ll be able to look at when we get back to the compound.

  The thought of him living where my family is, being able to get to them within minutes and nothing to stop him has my anger growing even more.

  I protect those who I love... I’d kill for them—I have killed for them.

  Shaking the thoughts from my head before I go somewhere I really can’t afford to right now, I pull into a gas station and jump out before starting to fill the tank.

  Dean gets out, stretching his arms over his head before announcing he needs to piss.

  Rolling my eyes, I ignore him, finishing up and heading inside to pay.

  Pushing my card into my wallet as I walk back outside, I’m not prepared to see her when I look up. My heart hammers in my chest as my head swings toward where the restrooms are and back to her. She hasn't noticed me yet, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

  “You know her?” Where the hell did he come from?

  I make a noise in the back of my throat and walk away from Dean.

  “Hey!” he shouts, and I spin around, shooting lasers out of my eyes in warning, but he ignores it and jogs over to me.


  My pulse quickens at the sound of her voice. I close my eyes, count to three, then turn around to look directly at her.

  She watches me for a beat before stepping onto the forecourt slowly, her gaze swinging to Dean and back to me.

  “I… erm… hey.”

  “Hey,” I answer her, watching through narrowed eyes as she fidgets on the spot.

  “You two know each other?” Dean asks, and when I turn to face him, he has a smirk on his face, one I want to wipe off with my fist. Fucker.

  I nod slowly, my gaze tracking Lily’s tongue as she swipes it over her lip. Fuck, what is wrong with me? I can’t be watching her like—

  “Been in a fight, huh?” Dean comments and I stand straighter. Her eyes widen, her hand swiping up and covering her lip. “You in high school?” Dean continues, and when she nods, he laughs. “It’s rough being in school with all the cliques. Although I…”

  I block him out, stepping closer to her, my nostrils flaring as my breaths become faster, my mind running away with what could have happened.

  I may not know Lily well, but I know she’s not the kind of girl to get into fights. So something either happened, or it was her—

  “Yeah.” She laughs, moving her hand away, her eyes sparking with something I see right through. “Never piss off a cheerleader.”

  I step closer, now only two steps away from her as I whisper, “You’re lying.”

  Her head whips my way, her face falling for a millisecond; I would have missed it had I not been watching so closely.

  “I erm… I better head to school.”

  She steps back, her head bowing as she looks down at her feet. I don’t know what the fuck comes over me, but I reach out, grabbing her arm and causing her to gasp.

  I let go like she burned me. “Fuck.” Scrubbing my hand through my hair, I pull at it. “Sorry, angel.”

  “It’s…” She takes another step back, her gaze moving back to the road. “It’s okay… I gotta… go.”

  I nod, not knowing what to say or what to do. I’m not this person. I’m the kind of man who takes control of a situation. My instincts drive my decisions, and they’ve always kept me alive, kept me and my family safe. But right now, I have no idea what I’m meant to do. Should I tell her I know what’s happening, even though she hasn’t said a word
to anyone? Or should I let her walk away and forget about her?

  She’s not my problem; she’s not my—who the fuck am I kidding? Ever since I saw her standing in the doorway of the church, I’ve felt… protective of her.


  I watch her walk away, rushing down the sidewalk, but even when she’s out of sight, I still don’t move. There’s something about her, some part of her that’s calling to me in a way nothing else ever has. Fuck me; I sound like a goddamn Hallmark card.

  “Shit, is Luke almighty crushing on a teenager?”

  My pulse skyrockets, my body being overtaken by some other force as I spin around and grab Dean, pushing him against the back of my SUV.

  “I’m only gonna say this once, so you listen fuckin’ carefully.” I give him another push, lifting his feet slightly off the ground. “You stay out of my fuckin’ business. Got it?” I wait a beat, but when he doesn’t say anything, his eyes wide and his face turning red, I shake him.

  “I got it,” he squeals out, much like a five-year-old boy who’s just had his favorite toy taken from him.

  “Good.” I give him one last shake before letting go, not looking back at him as I stomp around the SUV and pull the door open.

  I can’t stop that little voice in the back of my mind telling me he’s right though.

  What the fuck am I doing?


  “Anything?” Ty asks from the head of the table once we’ve walked inside the warehouse.

  I pull my chair out and sit down. “Not yet. I’ll head back there after seeing Mom later.”

  Ty nods, his chocolate-brown eyes watching me. I know he can see the dark circles under my eyes and the way my shoulders are drawn up.

  “You should take the night off,” he says, but I’m already shaking my head.

  “I’m that way anyway, may as well get a couple of hours surveillance in.”

  Ty leans forward, drumming his fingers on the table. “Me and Kay are heading to Mom’s for dinner, and Evan will be with Lexi.” Ty turns his head, facing Dean. “You good with staying on the compound?”


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