Say Something: Second Chances, Book 6

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Say Something: Second Chances, Book 6 Page 8

by Mari Carr

  She stretched up on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. “I understand. Last time, I—”

  “No. Don’t.” Nick refused to listen to her explanation. It wasn’t the first time she’d tried to bring up the past and he’d cut her off. At some point, she wanted to talk to him about what had happened, to try to explain why she’d run, what she had been feeling. Georgie hadn’t pushed the subject because she’d wanted time to show him she was different, but one of these days, they were going to have to have that heart to heart.

  She shrugged and gave him a rueful grin. “Okay.”

  He hugged her, a tight embrace that Georgie felt all the way to her soul.

  When he pulled away, the frustration, anger and pain of the previous moments had faded. Her sweet, funny Nick was back, and then he studied her face. “You taste like wine.”

  She giggled, then pointed toward the backyard. “Impromptu happy hour with the girls, soaking up the sunshine before that rain they’re calling for rolls in tomorrow.”

  “Did you eat yet?”

  She shook her head. “No, I was just scrounging around for something when you showed up. I’m afraid the cupboards are bare.”

  “Wanna order a pizza and watch TV?”

  “I’d love that.”

  “You going to put clothes on?”

  She crinkled her nose. “If I have to.”

  Nick laughed. “I’ll let it slide tonight. But do me a favor? Next time I come over, at least leave your bra on. I love your tits and the sight of them is killing me right now.”

  She gave him a silly salute. “You got it, boss.”

  Nick pulled out his cell and followed her to the living room. She turned on the television as he ordered a large with everything. She was pleased when he claimed the spot next to her on the couch as opposed to choosing the chair. That delight grew when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her close to his chest.

  For a moment she was swept back to the first time Nick had held her this way. He’d just broken up with Cheryl and had shown up at her place around midnight, his tie crooked, his hair unkempt and a red handprint painting his cheek.

  When she asked him what happened, he’d merely remarked that Cheryl had a hell of a right hook. She had listened as he told her about the breakup and why he’d done it. Georgie had tried to be sympathetic, but inside she’d been turning flip-flops, dancing for joy.

  Then the night had gotten even better when he’d pulled her close—just like this—as they watched a movie. After a few minutes, she looked up at him just as he was glancing down. Their lips were so close. It had taken very little effort for him to close the gap. And then he was there. Kissing her.

  She had worried that perhaps he was reacting out of pain, reaching out to her because he was upset about Cheryl. God knew that was what Cheryl had believed and had even come right out and said to her on Georgie’s wedding day. Not that Georgie had shared that fact with Nick.

  The two of them hadn’t spoken about Cheryl since the night he’d broken things off with the hateful woman. Mainly because they’d been too busy in bed.

  “Jason invited me to the Buffett concert this weekend. You going?”

  She nodded. “Hell yeah. Wouldn’t miss it. I mean…” She considered his rule for their friendship. She didn’t want to stop hanging out with the wine girls, but with Jason and Kristen growing closer that meant Nick was going to be included more often than not.

  He gave her a look that said he understood her concern. “We have the same friends, George, which means we’re going to be together in a crowd a lot. I don’t see that being a problem. Do you?”

  She shook her head. “No. In fact, we’re doing a picnic thing at the lake for Kristen’s birthday next month. You should come along.”

  “Sounds fun. Thanks.”

  Georgie flipped through the channels, well accustomed to Nick’s subtle yes or no clues in terms of stations she landed on. He gave her a low hum when she stopped on a repeat of How I Met Your Mother that meant keep going. He waved his hand when she breezed over four channels of different baseball games that clearly meant stop there, but she shot him a be serious look. He grunted with approval on Man vs. Wild, but she hated that show. He shook his head when she tried to stop on Cake Boss. Finally, she turned the TV off and tossed the remote on the coffee table.

  “Should I put on a video?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “We don’t agree on movies any more than TV shows.”

  “We’ll just have to go back to taking turns. I’m pretty sure it was my turn next,” she teased.

  “According to you, it’s always your turn. I’m working up a schedule.”

  Georgie pretended to yawn, giving him a hard time for what she liked to refer to as his nauseating attachment to organization.

  His hand was resting on the back of the couch, his fingers stroking the nape of her neck, toying with the silver chain she never took off. The touch sent shivers of excitement along her spine.

  “So just to clarify,” she said when her arousal rendered her ability to think useless. “Tonight doesn’t count, right?”

  Nick blew out a long pained breath. “This is exactly what I’m talking about, George. You’re always too impulsive.” He moved closer, the hand on her neck going taut, tugging her forward. “Too impetuous.” His breath was hot on her cheek, his five o’clock shadow tickling her sensitive skin as he whispered, “Too reckless.”

  Somehow none of those words sounded like insults. She shifted, twisting until she straddled his thighs. Nick’s hands found her ass quickly, pulling her toward him until her pussy rubbed against the crotch of his jeans. Even through the denim, she could feel how hard he was, erect and ready.

  There was a little voice in the back of her head, chastising her for starting this, for doing exactly what Nick asked her not to. And while she knew she was in this for the long haul, that there was no other man on the planet she wanted to spend forever with, she still needed to do this right. To prove to him she was worthy of his forgiveness and his trust.

  Before she could pull away though, Nick’s lips were on hers, kissing her hard. Somehow, her fingers found their way to his hair, tugging it, keeping him close.

  Nick put his hands to good use, using them to rub her pussy against him. The pressure was spot-on and perfect. Georgie began to see stars. If anyone could make her come from heavy petting, it was Nick.

  When his fingers drifted under the silk material of her panties, she gasped, the quick intake of breath pushing their faces apart. Neither of them sought to continue the kiss. Instead, Nick studied her face intently as he ran his fingers along her clit.

  Georgie reared as if struck by a bullet. She scrambled off his lap, took two stumbling backward steps before her ass landed on the coffee table behind her.


  Nick frowned. “George.”

  “I, I…” She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t usually walk away from something she wanted. She wasn’t even sure why she’d stopped, but her gut feeling was this wasn’t right. Not yet. She hadn’t done what she’d set out to do.

  “It’s okay, angel.” Nick reached out and grasped her hand. She looked down at their linked fingers as if they were foreign objects she couldn’t recognize.

  Nick tightened his grip. “I told you we were just going to be friends. Then I came in here kissing and touching you. I’m sorry, George.”

  He was apologizing to her? Oh hell, no.

  “No. Nick. It’s not your fault. It’s just…” Again her words failed her.

  “It’s just me throwing a bunch of mixed signals at you. It won’t happen again. I promise.”

  “Your mixed signals felt really good. It’s sort of been awhile.” It had been a year and a half. And he’d been her last lover.

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I get that. I think I’m getting carpa
l tunnel in my right hand. Going to have to learn how to jack off with the left.”

  Georgie laughed, loving his raunchy humor. “I could open a sex shop with all the toys I have up in my bedroom. Of course, I’d gotten a pretty good jump on that collection with you. God, you’re a kinky, dirty bastard in bed.”

  “Is that a complaint?” he asked, though his too-pleased face proved he knew it wasn’t.

  She shook her head and gave him the compliment anyway. “Not at all.”

  The doorbell rang. Georgie couldn’t help but think the bell had saved them. While the tension had abated, the sexual heat between them still pulsed hard. Nick rose, adjusted his shorts—which prompted a giggle from her—then pulled out his wallet.

  “I’ll get it. Since you’re half-naked.”

  She rolled her eyes, but as he paid the pizza guy, she grabbed her shorts from where she’d left them by the back door and tugged them on. Then she threw her bra on as well, though it rubbed against the grain.

  If she had a snowball’s chance in hell of abiding by these just friends rules, it was time to try that grown-up thing Nick suggested. And apparently adult women wore clothes around men they weren’t dating.

  Ugh. How boring.

  When Nick returned, he noticed the return of her pants and bra, but she noted, with some delight, he didn’t seem too pleased she’d covered herself. Regardless, he didn’t mention it. Instead, he popped open the pizza box as she retrieved paper plates and napkins from the kitchen.

  She walked back into the living room to find him kicked back with his feet on the coffee table, a slice of pizza in his hand and the baseball game on TV.

  Georgie grabbed her own piece, looking for the one with the most mushrooms, then claimed the chair, deciding distance was the only thing that would keep her sane.

  She started to complain about the game, but Nick raised his hand. “It’s my turn.”

  Georgie turned her attention back to the TV without argument. He was here. He was giving her another chance. As far as she was concerned, it could be his turn for the next forty years.

  Chapter Six

  July’s flower is the larkspur, which indicates open heart and ardent attachment.

  Georgie sat at the picnic table, fiddling with the bouquet of larkspur she’d given Kristen for her birthday and trying to let the shock of Shelly’s announcement sink in. Apparently her shy, virgin friend had broken through all her hang-ups and reservations in grand style. Ménage style.

  Georgie was still reeling from the news as Shelly shared her new relationship status with the rest of the wine girls. Judging from the expressions on Kristen’s and Laura’s faces, it was good to know Georgie wasn’t the only one floored. Of course, their reactions solidified why Georgie loved these women so much. Not a single one of them judged Shelly for her choices or criticized her.

  Unconditional acceptance. It was the only thing Georgie had ever felt from her friends.

  They’d come to the lake to celebrate Kristen’s birthday. Each of the wine girls had invited friends, which meant everyone had a date. Except her.

  Unless she counted Nick. Which she didn’t. There was no way she could refer to the man who had her living in a constant state of OMG, please fuck me as a boyfriend.

  Regardless of her unbearable horniness, it had been a beautiful sunny day filled with swimming, laughter and food. Georgie glanced over her shoulder and spotted Nick standing by a grill with Laura’s boyfriend, Bryan. The two men were laughing and obviously hitting it off.

  When Josie followed up Shelly’s news by sharing the details of one of her full-moon escapades with sexy bartender, Jake—some kinky ménage role-playing with sex toys—Georgie groaned. “Wow, Josie. Really? You had that sex story in your arsenal and we’re only just now hearing it?”

  Josie laughed. Georgie wished she could find it funny, but she was wound too tight. Struggling with serious arousal issues. Nick had laid down that ultimatum about how they would carry on, as adults and friends who didn’t mess around, and she’d done her best to play along. However, it was becoming entirely too obvious that self-restraint didn’t come natural to her. It chafed. She was a woman on the edge and seeing Nick splash around in the lake all afternoon, his tight ass encased in his swim trunks, had her feeling light-headed and grumpy as fuck.

  Georgie wasn’t made to live in an endless state of sexual need. It wasn’t pleasant. And the fact that all her friends were having great sex regularly was only adding salt to the wound. “Sounds to me like everyone’s been getting laid lately. Oh that’s right. Except me.”

  “I’d be more than happy to help you with that little dilemma, George,” Nick offered, taking her by surprise.

  Georgie twisted on the picnic bench, shooting him a dirty look over her shoulder. “It’s rude to eavesdrop.”

  “Maybe so, but that’s the best way to hear interesting conversations.”

  The last thing she needed right now was Nick joking about sex with her. Her patience was completely gone, so she snapped. “Oh my God, are you seriously going to stand there and—”

  Nick must have realized he’d struck a nerve. He raised his hand in surrender. “Listen, George. Just tell me which cooler has the grill meat and I’ll leave you girls to your sex stories.” And then, foolishly, he added, “Well, I mean they can tell you theirs. Since apparently you don’t have any.”

  Nick had pushed the last button and he was going to pay for it. She rose from the picnic table. “I’ll get the meat since I’m perfectly aware of your lacking skills in finding stuff. A snake could bite you in the ass and you still wouldn’t see it.”

  She wanted to get him away from her friends so that she could say what she was really thinking.

  He was grinning when they reached the cooler and were out of earshot of the others. “George, I was just kid—”

  His comment died when she knelt in front of him, purposely putting her face at dick level. “You have a lot of nerve teasing me about my lacking sex life.” As she spoke, she lifted the lid of the cooler to conceal her hand, running along his bare calf. A quick glance told her she was definitely generating the response she was going for. Nick’s shorts began to tent. “Considering you’re the reason I’m living in this constant horny state.”

  Nick didn’t move as she inched her hand upward past his knee. “Careful, George. We agreed to—”

  “Be adults. But that’s not me, Nick, and you know it. My whole body hurts.” Georgie’s finger crept under the hem of his shorts. She sort of expected him to laugh, so she was surprised when he cupped her jaw and tilted her head up.

  “Mine does too. I haven’t had sex since you left me, George.”

  She sucked in a gasp. “Really?”

  “Really.” Then he narrowed his eyes, clearly waiting for her response.

  The devil in her made him wait. When it was clear, he was about to lose it, she laughed. “I haven’t been with anyone else either.”

  If Georgie had known that little tidbit would elicit such full-blown joy in his face, she would have shared the information months ago.

  Then Nick adjusted his crotch, trying to reposition what must be painful for him. She grinned when his attempt fell short. Way short. He hadn’t hidden anything. Actually, his cock looked even bigger and more pronounced now. Her fingers traveled another inch below the material of his shorts before Nick grasped her wrist. “Your friends are all around us. Please. Have mercy.”

  “I will if you will.”

  His jaw tightened at her words. “What do you mean?”

  She hesitated to say what she wanted, too afraid of pushing him away, but apparently he knew exactly what she was talking about.

  Nick took any decision away from her when he clasped his hands around her upper arms and lifted her from the ground. His gaze never left hers as she stood.

  “There’s a little boat hous
e on the far side of the lake,” he said, through clenched teeth. His arousal was clearly as painful as hers. “It’s empty.”

  Georgie reached for his hand, intent on dragging him every step of the way if necessary. “Yes.”

  “Hey, Nick,” Bryan called. “Any luck with the meat? The coals are ready.”

  “Fuck,” Nick muttered, his breathing labored. “Yeah. Just a sec,” he called over his shoulder.

  Georgie felt guilty for starting something at such a bad time, but it had been a damn long day spent with lots of couples who were clearly having great sex. A haze of pheromones had surrounded her for hours on end and it had taken its toll. “I’m so sorry. I swear I’ve been trying to play by your rules, but—”

  “I know you have.”

  “I’ll rein it in. I promise. If you’ll give me another shot, I know I can do better.”

  “No.” Nick shook his head. “This obviously isn’t working for either one of us.”

  Panic set in. “I don’t want to stop seeing you.”

  Nick cupped her cheek. “I don’t want that either.”

  Rob yelled out to invite Nick play corn hole. Nick waved to show that he’d heard. “We’ll revisit this later, George. When we’re alone. Okay?”

  She nodded, wishing she weren’t so damn horny. It was taking all her strength not to tackle Nick to the ground and have her wicked way with him. Unfortunately Josie had brought her little son, Tommy, along today, and she was sure her friend wouldn’t appreciate that.

  “Take a deep breath,” he advised when she felt a trickle of sweat run along her face. “You’ll get there.”

  She closed her eyes, sucking in as much air as her lungs would hold before releasing it. Then she opened her eyes and glanced down, giving him an amused grin. “What about him?” she asked, pointing to his very erect cock.

  Nick looked down and shook his head. “Fuck if I know. I don’t think he’s very happy with me at the moment. You mind taking that meat over to Bryan? I need a few minutes alone.”


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