Her Marine Next Door

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Her Marine Next Door Page 6

by Burke, Aliyah

  Her instinct was to call Ryliee, her best friend, but she wasn’t able to get calls for another two weeks. Sometimes she hated that Ryliee could be gone and unreachable for these periods of time. Even so, Lesli was a decent second choice.

  “This shit better be good for you to be calling me this early, Sky.”

  She told Lesli what had passed between Parker and her. All the while, she stripped her bed and put on clean sheets, began the laundry, picked up Alpin’s empty dish, and started some food for herself. As she pulled the new sheets on her king bed, she paused as she thought about Reggie.

  “Stop it,” Lesli barked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. I know what you were thinking. You went quiet, and you do that when you’re thinking about Reggie. Stop blaming yourself. He’s gone, and so is Brennen, but this isn’t anything you had control of. Remember that. You can’t continue to live as if your life ended that day, too. Years, Skylar. It’s been years.”

  So much easier to say than to do. At least for her. The guilt was immense and constantly weighed her down. “If he were alive, if they were alive, I’d be a cheater.” Like he had been. She shook off that angry memory.

  “If they were there, this wouldn’t have come up. I’m wanting to like this marine, so I’m going to assume he wouldn’t be poaching on another man’s territory. Reggie was my brother, Skylar. Brennen my nephew. You have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to returning to the world of the living.”

  She frowned and crossed her arms as if Lesli were in front of her to glare at. “I’m in the world of the living. I go out and talk to people.”

  “Your old neighbors don’t count, and neither do the people who’ve hired you to do a job. You’ve submerged yourself in work and even if you’re not out dating this man, at least you’re rotating the old tires and, from the sounds of things, he’s fucking worth it.”

  “Really, rotating the tires? Who even says that anymore?”

  “Whatever. Look, this is good for you. Use him, ride him, grind on him, whatever you need to do. Just go for it and enjoy.”

  “He’s got all these tattoos, Lesli, and dammit, they are sexy as fuck. I’ve never been a tattoo person until I saw his.” She closed her eyes and conjured an image of all that ink.

  “And now?”

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror. “I’m not up for getting one, but damn, he makes them look good.”

  “That, right there. That feeling you have when you talk about him and his tattoos. Hold on to that. Embrace it and live. I have to go, unless you want to be on the phone while I have sex?”

  “No. I’m good, thanks. More than happy to let you go. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Oh, one more thing. We’re taking some time and vacationing for a while. Just wanted to let you know so you don’t think I’m just ignoring your calls. We may be out of range.”

  “Thank you for letting me know. Have fun. I’d say tell Maurice ‘hi’ for me, but I really don’t want to be in your bed.”

  “You’re always welcome.” Maurice’s voice reached her. “Ignore what my wife says. I have a spot for you right here beside me on the bed.”

  “On that note…” she said with a smile, then disconnected the call. Worrying her lower lip, she sank to the mattress and took a deep breath.

  Alpin padded into the room and looked at her before making his way to her side and resting his head on her leg, looking up at her with his large eyes.

  “I wish it were that easy, really I do, Alpin. I just don’t think it is.”


  Parker worked in his garage waiting for Skylar to come back. The kid sat there in a corner, not saying anything and not paying him much attention. He’d tried to engage Cullen in working on his bike, but the boy didn’t care. It was a one-eighty from how interested he’d been in the woodworking at Skylar’s place.

  He didn’t know where Gemma was and, to tell the truth, he didn’t give a fuck. Her car wasn’t in the drive. Interesting, though, how the woman didn’t seem to mind running off and leaving the kid with a man he hadn’t known for more than a day.

  She’d asked him if he was good watching the boy and ghosted the moment he told her he was fine.

  “Do you want to go in the backyard and play?” he asked. What he could play with back there, he wasn’t sure. Hell, he hadn’t expected any children in his life.

  While it wasn’t a huge and astounding affirmation, the slight eyes widening and head nod were enough. Parker wiped his hands off on a rag and draped it over the edge of the workbench.

  “Let’s go.”

  Cullen rose and holding his bear, Murray, by one paw, walked beside him out to the back, avoiding the pool. As he hit the larger bit of the backyard, the boy ran off with Murray dangling from his left hand. There was a steady conversation between him and the bear. Moving to the table he had out there, Parker climbed on the top and sat while he held his cell.

  He again debated calling his parents but really, what would he tell them? They were on a cruise having fun. They already knew he’d been injured and was home doing PT. However, what was there to say in terms of Cullen? He may or may not be the father? The woman he’d fucked a few years ago had shown up claiming this as fact?

  None of that would work well. They’d show up, and then what if Gemma took him and ran, or the test came back saying he wasn’t the father? His parents would have had their hopes up and dashed about a grandchild. That wasn’t fair to them.

  He studiously ignored how this would impact him, because he didn’t want to think about it. For the time being, he was nothing more than a babysitter for C-Man.

  Speaking of Cullen, the boy stood beside the fence, working the lower part of a board, lifting it, so he had enough room to maneuver beneath and scamper onto Skylar’s side.

  Parker grinned. Boy was smart. “I probably should have stopped that,” he muttered, hopping off the table and making his way back to the front. “But now I have a reason to head back over there.”

  Her garage was open, but she wasn’t in sight. He entered as if he had every right to be there and proceeded to the interior connecting door. Pushing it open, he stuck his head in.

  “Skylar? You in here?”

  Nothing. He walked in and passed her immaculate kitchen and through to where he could see out in the backyard. The sliding glass door was open and he went to it and braced one shoulder against the frame.

  Alpin drank out of a bucket and beside him, with Murray’s face in the water as well, was Cullen, not drinking but waiting.

  A slight eek came from his left. Leaning back, he angled his head and promptly lost his breath when his gaze found and latched onto Skylar, his fiancée.

  Holy fuck. She was sexy as hell.

  It was more than that, sexy and fucking beautiful, but there was this air about her. And how she was dressed, or lack thereof, didn’t hurt.

  She clutched the top of the towel against her chest. Like that’s going to stop me, baby. The seafoam towel wrapped around her stopped midthigh, reminding him—albeit unnecessarily—of the body he’d wanted in his bed last night. Or him in hers. Water drops skimmed down her skin, and he licked his lips as he pivoted toward her, drawn with a pull he couldn’t ignore.

  Yeah, they were changing that relationship tonight.

  “What are you doing here?” Her gasp was strained.

  His cock swelled and pressed against his jeans. Raking her with his gaze, he gave her a slow smile.

  “I spend almost all my time over here with my fiancée when I’m home from deployment. And as I’m on medical leave, that is so much more time now. Why are you shocked to see me?”

  Her eyes bounced much like ping-pong balls that had been dropped around the room, as if scared and searching. She narrowed her gaze on him and stepped closer. A furrow
appeared between her eyebrows.

  “I thought you were gone for the day, spending time with Cullen.” Her voice was low, like she didn’t want anyone to overhear.

  He gave her credit—she wasn’t backing down from her agreement.

  Shrugging, he gestured outside. “He, along with Murray, found a loose board in the fence and came over to be with Alpin. I was watching the three of them in the water bucket before someone hot and sexy as fuck distracted me.”

  She flushed, dropping her gaze. “I’m not standing here in nothing but a towel while your son is outside.”

  Parker crossed his arms, flexing his biceps and watching the way her pupils widened as she tried not to be caught looking. Got your number, baby. “I’m all for removing the towel and giving a long, slow look at everything you have. Be a perfect time for us to revisit the conversation of sharing the same bed at night for much-anticipated pleasure.”

  Her lips moved, but nothing came out. She wheeled back, stomped to her room, and shut the door with far more force than necessary. He compelled himself to head out before he trailed her back there.

  “Cullen,” he called out.

  No answer.

  Frowning, he stepped into the yard and looked around. Toward the far end of the yard, he spied Alpin standing partly behind a tree, tail wagging. With a slow jog, he set off and peered around the trunk.

  Cullen was facing away from Alpin, holding Murray tight with his eyes closed.

  “What are you doing, Cullen?”

  “Hiding from Alpin, shhhh.”

  “I hate to break it to you, C-Man, but I think he found you.”

  Cracking one eye open then the other, Cullen made a dramatic turn to look behind him. Alpin canted his head to the side and released a low woof. Parker’s smile couldn’t be stopped as he watched him squeal in laughter and fall to the ground. The dog stood over him and licked him before Cullen bounced up and took off running.

  Alpin sighed, then ambled slowly in the direction the boy had darted off. Parker leaned against the trunk and just enjoyed this moment. There wasn’t any fear in the boy, and Gemma was elsewhere. His woman was inside, covering that luscious body in her peach, mint, and raspberry lotion.

  Home. Family.

  Two words that reverberated through him like a block of C-4 going off. He’d never had anything so clear before, aside from when he’d first laid eyes on Skylar. Everything within him wanted her and for more than just the physical.

  Still, he reminded himself he wanted to continue enjoy the single life. She deserved so much more than he could give. This thing with them was fleeting, perhaps could be continued whenever he was home, but he was a Recon Marine. His men depended on him to watch their backs. He wasn’t about to let them down, because suddenly, the idea of the white-picket-fence life was a slight temptation.

  “I’m thirsty.”

  “Okay, C-Man. Let’s go get you something to drink.”

  Cullen ran ahead, and he followed at a slower pace. Already, his heart went out to him—he didn’t know how he was going to keep his distance. Whenever those blue eyes cut to him, it was like Skylar’s, in that he snared a piece of his heart. He went to the door and stepped inside. Skylar’s soft voice reached him, and he made his way to the kitchen in time to see the boy sucking on his lower lip while he scuffed the toe of his shoe on the floor.


  “Absolutely.” Skylar rooted around in the cupboard and pulled out a tall cup. “Here you are.”

  Parker leaned against the doorjamb and watched his woman interact with the boy. Her jean shorts and peach tank top were havoc on his libido. She helped him fill it with water and gave him a smile as Cullen took it and Murray to the table, where he pushed the cup, then crawled up onto the chair.

  Skylar moved by him and ruffled his hair in an easy and comforting manner. The smile C-Man turned on her broke his heart. Less than a day, and he’d already latched onto her in a way he didn’t see the boy interacting with his own mother.

  Or himself.

  A slight spear of jealousy hit him when he watched how easily she took care of the boy, but was so damn determined to keep him at a distance. Exhaling slowly, he let it go.

  She hooked onto his gaze and lifted a brow. He wanted to thank her for treating his son like a person, but those words wouldn’t slip past his lips. If they did, it would only solidify the way this child had already begun to mean so much. He wasn’t ready for that. Had to protect himself as well. So he did what he always did to her when he was uncertain of the words that needed to come. Flirt.

  When he winked, she shook her head and moved past him without a word. Leaning back to watch her vanish from view, he took advantage of the sight before it was removed. Then he went into the kitchen where Cullen sat, quiet, thin legs kicking as they hung over the chair.

  “I’ll be right back, okay?”

  Those small shoulders lifted and fell in a way that told Parker how little he believed him. Or didn’t care.

  “Skylar?” he called out, stepping back to the hallway.

  She popped out of her bedroom, tying her hair up in a ponytail. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. Wondering if you can give us a ride to the doctor. I have to get that DNA test running.”

  A myriad of emotions flashed over her expressive features, and she finished closing the distance to him in a few short strides. Indecision warred before she latched onto his arm and pulled him behind her. They paused in the living room where Cullen could be seen, but not close enough he could overhear them.

  She flattened her lips briefly. “Look, I know I’m the makeshift fiancée here who really doesn’t have a say in this, but there’s a boy’s life in the balance.”

  “I’m aware of that,” he bit off. “I’m doing what I can, but I don’t even know he’s mine.”

  “What’s it take? Three to five days for results to come back nowadays? So you’ll be spending time with him, introducing him to people in your life, how? As your son, right?” She nodded without waiting for a response. “Right. Of course you would. You’re a protector. I see that in you, and you’re not going to just call him the boy. What happens after those days and the results come back that he’s not yours? Have you thought about what that’s going to do to this little boy, who is innocent in all this? To have a man he looks up to and called him his son suddenly be gone and no longer there. That’s going to break him.”

  Her words slammed into him with the force of a hurricane and nearly took him off his feet. By sheer willpower, he remained standing.

  He hadn’t given it the simplest of thoughts. It was about him and how it would affect him, not Cullen.

  I have to do right by him. She’s right.

  Chapter Five

  Skylar flexed her hand and grimaced at the spike of pain shooting up through her palm and beyond into her arm. It should have been further healed by now. Maybe it was time to have Dr. Morse take a look.

  Alpin brushed against her, and she ruffled his head with an automatic smile. “Hey, boy, where’d you come from?” He’d been in the backyard, de-stuffing yet another one of his numerous toys.

  It was official. Her dog was spoiled.

  She shook her head and peered down at the stand she was working on. The design wasn’t quite right to her yet. She needed to tweak and adjust something; however, it wasn’t jumping out to her yet. Maybe if she studied it a bit longer.

  The scrape of wood on the bed of her truck had her looking out the open garage door. Her breath left in a rush. Parker was there, dragging some of the wood for her. She captured her lower lip in her teeth and just watched.

  Pants and boots. That was it. No shirt, and all his tattoos were on display. He hadn’t shaved, and his scruff only added to that hot-ass bad-boy, bad-man, image he had so well.

  The man was just a fucking sex ad. He oozed
it, and not in a gross way but one of those panty-melting, “want to strip naked and offer yourself to him and whatever he would give,” sort of ways. Or drop to her knees before him and see what came up.

  The play of the light along his defined muscles created a low burn of yearning within her gut. At the exact moment he turned toward her, she readjusted and put her focus back on the job she was supposed to be doing.

  Although ogling Parker Jax was a job she’d happily sign up for.

  With her injured hand, she reached for the paper she’d drawn her design on and stared at it. Even so, when he dropped the first load and retreated back to the truck, she couldn’t help but pivot slightly to allow herself the visual spectacle once again.

  Rinse, reuse, and repeat. She did it each time he hefted a load of wood, unable to get enough of watching him work. Gazing back at her paper, she removed the pencil from behind her ear and bent over to fix what she noticed to be wrong—it was the carving on the side.

  Elation filled her as she sketched the fix. A moan slipped free as a large hand settled upon her ass.

  His strong body pressed against her, skyrocketing her body temperature to an even higher degree.

  “You know, if you want me to strip and work for you, I’m happy to do so. No need to hide that you’re staring at me.”

  “You’re not wearing much now.”

  “So you were watching me. Good to know.” He kissed her on the cheek. “What are you doing?”

  It warmed her to have him ask about her work. He actually seemed interested in it and the process she went through to create her pieces.

  Skylar held up the paper and tapped it with the flat end of her carpenter’s pencil. “Something has been off about this since I finished. I just realized what it was. The design on the sides.”

  His booted feet scuffed as he edged closer in an intimate manner and reached out with his right hand to touch the other side of the paper. Her right hand was between his and hers, still indicating the spot she wanted him to look.


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