Filthy Desire

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Filthy Desire Page 9

by Sebastian Ex

  “I tried to kill myself once. I walked into the ocean and I kept walking until I couldn’t touch the ground. Then I swam until my arms ached and my legs had no power in them. But I kept going, because I wanted to die. I had nowhere to go, I had no one to go to, and I had nothing but a scarred body and a broken mind.” She pauses and swipes at a tear rolling down her cheek, the memory crushing her. “But the ocean had other plans for me. She didn’t want me to die out there. She kept throwing me back toward the shore, not allowing me to end my life. I was stubborn. I had nothing to live for, so I kept arguing with her, telling her it was my time to die. But she was more determined than I, and she would float me back to shore every single time. I gave up after a morning of trying. I stood where the water touched the shore and told her I’d be back to finish it.” Ella smiles and swipes at another tear. “I could almost hear her laughing, scolding me for being so stupid.”

  “How long ago was this?”

  “Shortly after I got away from Scott.”

  I take another bite, keeping it casual with Ella. She’s opening up and I need her to tell me everything so I can plan on how to fix this. “How did you get away from him?”

  She lets out a humorless chuckle and brushes away stray strands of hair as they blow around her face. “He used to keep me in a dog cage in his basement. I had a bowl of water and that was it. After one ‘weekend of fun’, as he called them, he’d come down to throw an ointment at me for my wounds but my water bowl was empty. He opened the door to the cage to pour more water in it, and when he closed it, he didn’t close the padlock properly. I didn’t notice for hours after he left. I had no idea because usually I was balled up as far away from him as possible. If he was particularly cruel, it was nothing for him to pee on me then leave me in the stench until he’d come home from work, then make me clean it before he fucked me.”

  My hands ball in fists, but I try to hold back on my anger. This is her story, her life and I’m sure she’s never shared the story with anyone else. If I react badly, it could scare her and make her stop talking. “What happened when you figured out it was unlocked?” I take a drink of water, and count to ten in my head, calming down.

  “I couldn’t believe it. He’d never made a mistake like that before. Ever. But I knew he had me under surveillance in the basement, because he’d come back from work and he’d dish up a punishment according to what I did that day or how he felt. Once he beat me because I drank some water, another time he beat me because I didn’t. I fought with myself all the time. I had no idea what to do. Should I stay or go? Was it a trick or was it an accident? I cowered in my cage. It felt like forever while I was trying to decide what to do. Finally, I thought if I don’t try, I’m as good as dead anyway. At least if it was a trap, he’d beat me ‘til I died, and well, that was the best I could hope for. So I decided I’d try, and however far I got would be better than a lifetime in a dog cage. I was naked and had nothing. I ran for it. I got upstairs, and took whatever I could carry to pawn off. I had nothing, I had no time either, so it was whatever I could carry, while being naked.”

  “How did no one see a naked woman running down the street?”

  “I went out the back, jumped his fence into a neighbor’s yard. There was washing on the line. I grabbed a t-shirt, pants and socks and ran. I kept jumping fences, and kept going. It was the middle of the day in a neighborhood where everyone worked, so no one saw anything. I think I had God on my side that day. I got out onto a smaller road and began hitchhiking until I was across the state border. That’s where I managed to sell the things I’d taken, bought a real cheap car and began to move around.”

  “How long have you been running?”

  “Three years. I’ve never stayed anywhere too long, and if I suspected he’d found me, I’d leave.”

  “That’s over. You’re safe now, and you won’t have to leave again. Now you’re with me.”

  “If he finds me again, I will run. I can’t let him hurt you to take me, Matt.”

  This just pisses me off, her insistence on self-sacrifice to save me. “Do you understand what you mean to me? You’re in my care now. I won’t let him get anywhere near you.” I put my water down and move Ella so she’s now sitting on my lap. “You mean too much to me to let anything happen to you.”

  Her eyes fall to her hands, wringing in her lap, “Which is why I can’t let him hurt you.”

  “He does not have control over you anymore. And you’re not going anywhere; you’re going to stay with me. No negotiation. This isn’t up for discussion.” I crush her body to mine as I hug her and kiss her forehead. “You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known, Ella. And I’m never letting you go.”

  “I like you,” she says as she nuzzles into my neck.


  “I mean, I really like you.”

  “Good,” I say again.

  “Matt,” she says, pulling back to look at me. “I might even be falling in love with you.”

  They’re words I don’t hear often. And I’m not sure how to react, “Good,” I repeat for the third time. “You know I’ll always look after you.” I kiss her on the nose and pull her head against my chest.

  “I don’t want to go. I want to stay with you.”

  I need to get her out of this heavy headspace she’s in. “I hope you’re not tired.”


  “Because tonight, I’m going to treat you like the beautiful woman you are. We’re going to go home, and I’m going to cook for you while you have a bath. Then after dinner, I’m going to treat you the way you’re supposed to be treated. When I’m done fucking you, I might just eat you out, and when I finish licking your pussy, then I’m going to fuck you again.”

  Ella wriggles against me and smiles. “Okay,” she breathes as her arms tighten around my neck.

  “And just so you know, I’m using the vibrator on you tonight too.”

  She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t need to. Her breath grows ragged and her eyes melt into an explosive combination of desire and carnal hunger. A salacious thirst overtakes me, and suddenly I’m hit with a desperate need to be inside her.


  “Get in the bath. I’m going to make dinner.”

  “I can help.”

  “Stop it. For God’s sake woman, I gave you an order to go relax and you want to fight it. Get your ass into the bathtub, and I mean now.”

  She smiles at me and nods her head, “Yes, Sir,” she says in a small voice. Her calling me ‘Sir’ makes me hard. Or should I say, harder.

  On the drive home, I made her undo her jeans and I fingered her until she was almost ready to come. It was fun, feeling her ravenous pussy getting wetter and wetter around my fingers. I loved how she was trying to grind into my hand, attempting to get a release. I deliberately stayed away from her clit. Instead, I kept finger-fucking her until we got pulled over by a cop.

  “Zip your jeans up and sit still. No one sees your pussy except for me.” She smiled and did exactly what I had told her. I pressed the button to roll my window down as I waited for the cop to approach. Ella hid her face, looking out the passenger side, and I knew she was uncomfortable with me being pulled over. “Hey, don’t stress. It’s okay,” I said as I squeezed her thigh to reassure her. She gave me an endearing smile and turned her head to look outside. The tension in her body told me exactly what I needed to know. She was petrified.

  “I was just heading out of the station and who do I see?” a familiar voice boomed as the officer approached my window.

  “Nathan Stone, I haven’t seen you in years,” I said as I turned to see him standing beside my car.

  “Three years to be exact. When I saw your Cobra swerving along the road, and I pulled up the information, I had to laugh.” He ducked down and looked in the car. His eyebrows went up in surprise as his eyes dragged over Ella. “I didn’t take you for someone who would settle down.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  “So, w
hy were you swerving?” he asked as he looked at Ella again.

  “I was finger-fucking her and having a great time doing it.” Ella moaned and when I looked over to her she’d buried her face into her hands, concealing her embarrassment.

  “She’s pretty. Do you still share?” Nathan and I went back a long time, and he’d always known how I was.

  “Not this one.”

  “My loss.” He shrugged.

  “Yes, it is.” I looked at him, giving him a gentle warning.

  “The club doing well?”

  “Yeah, really well. Why don’t you come down one night? I’ll set it up, just tell them at the door you’re my guest.”

  “Sounds great. My girlfriend and I will stop by in a few days. I think she’ll enjoy it. Look, keep your fingers on the wheel and out of your girlfriend.” When he said ‘girlfriend’, I found it didn’t bother me at all. As a matter of fact, I liked it. He turned away with a wink.

  I stir the pasta on the stove and pour the red sauce into a stockpot to heat up. I know I’m not a great cook, but I can do basic things, like pasta. And microwave, of course. Besides, Rhonda had kept me fed, and now Ella does it. “Are you in the bath?” I call as I stir the stockpot again.

  “Yeah.” I hear a splash of the water.

  I leave the food for a moment and go into the bathroom to find Ella completely relaxed in the tub. “You’re looking sexy.” Her small tits are concealed beneath the water, her hair is up in a messy-looking bun thing on top of her head, and she looks so serene in the hot water filled with suds. The bathroom has a strong smell of vanilla wafting through it, with the lights dimmed to a point of near-darkness.

  “Thank you,” she says without opening her eyes.

  “For what?”

  “For being you.”

  Can’t have her thinking I’m going soft, “When you get out of the bath I want you to dry yourself, fix your hair so it looks better than that thing on top of your head, and wear red lipstick. I know you have red lipstick because I bought you some when we went shopping.”

  She sits up in the bath, exposing her breasts to the coolness of the air. Her nipples elongate and I want to lean down and tongue them. “What would you like me to wear?”


  “Nothing?” she asks as her face looks at me in wonder.

  “Nothing,” I confirm. “Dinner will be ready soon, so you have five more minutes in here then I’ll call you to get out.”

  “What if…” she starts arguing.

  “Ella, stop.” I hold my hand up as I lean against the door jamb. “Don’t think. Don’t worry. Just do as I ask and you’ll be rewarded.”

  Her shoulders slump slightly but the ends of her mouth tug up in a small smile.

  “Okay,” she concedes.

  I walk out to the kitchen to find the pasta almost ready. The sauce is bubbling away and it’s almost done too. I pour myself another two fingers of Ardbeg Scotch, throw it back in one motion then pour another.

  When five minutes pass, I call for Ella to get out of the bath and like the good little kitten she is, I hear the tub drain and then her footsteps as she pads out from our bedroom.

  I check dinner, and it’s ready. I strain the pasta, and place it in two bowls and top it with the red sauce. I go over into the family room and lean against the window looking down at the city below. It’s late afternoon; the sun is setting. The brightness of the day has begun to dim but I can still make out the trees on the sidewalks and people as they go about their business. If someone was to look up, they wouldn’t be able to see me. But if someone looked from a building of the same height, they’d see everything.

  I’m not sure how long I stand and watch the bustle of people traversing the sidewalk below. Couples walking happily, people riding their bikes, people not paying any attention to what’s going on above them.

  “Matt,” I hear her say softly from behind me.

  When I turn I see the most alluring woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. She looks uncomfortable though, almost like she’s shy and trying to fold in on herself. I’ve often wondered why women are like that. Have they been told to hate themselves? Or do they compare themselves to others and feel inferior?

  I love women; they’re simply breathtaking. They’ve got sensual curves, breathtaking lips, and their pussies are the most beautiful and carnal part of them.

  We men don’t look at them with judgment, and the few who do aren’t worth knowing.

  “Come here,” I say as I place my empty tumbler on a small table in the family room. Ella slowly walks over to me, her eyes going to the window then back to me. “Go to the window,” I command. I see her visibly swallow; I’m pushing her outside her comfort zone. But I also have to break her negative thoughts about her body.

  She reaches the window, her head hung low and her shoulders obviously slouched. “Put your palms on the window and open your legs.” Hesitantly, she does. I walk around so I can see her from the side, to read the expression on her face. Her eyes are tightly closed and her mouth is in a thin line. “Open your eyes,” I whisper as I lean into her and kiss her shoulder.

  “I don’t want anyone to see me,” she says, her voice tiny.

  “Why?” I ask, running my tongue from her shoulder blade to her collar bone.

  “My scars are ugly.”

  “They’re a part of you, and you’re beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of. They were done to you against your will. Wear them with pride because you survived the ordeal behind them.” A tear rolls down her cheek as she turns her head to look at me.

  “You’re so good to me.”

  “Now keep your eyes forward. Watch as the people walk past below. If someone sees you, they’ll be envious of me, because I have such a wonderful woman who allows me to fuck her the way she needs, and the way I want.” She gulps and then I leave her to go get the toys we bought earlier today.

  I had already taken both the Lelo toys out of the box and had them on charge. When I return, Ella’s still in the same position.

  “Before we start, tell me your safe words.”

  “Green is good, yellow is slow and check me, and red is…” She pauses only for a few seconds. “Red is for you to stop.”

  “My good little kitten.” I grab her jaw with my hand and forcefully twist her so she’s looking at me. I smash my mouth to hers, giving her the type of kiss she deserves. I let go of her face and spank her bare ass. “Turn back around and watch outside. Do not close your eyes.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmurs. Christ, she looks so lovely. Top slightly tilted forward, concentrating on looking outside with her legs nicely spread apart for me.

  I get the Lelo vibrator, turn it on and gently, teasingly run it over her pussy. She stands beautifully still.

  I don’t allow the ears to touch her clit. I want to work Ella up, drive her to a point where she’s just about to come then stop. I take the vibrator away and palm her left tit, pulling on her nipple, allowing her mind to get used to me playing with her body. Letting go of her tit, I move to stand behind her. Ella turns to see what I’m doing. “Eyes forward,” I tell her and she turns back to face the front. Flattening myself against her, I push her further forward. Her body is right up against the window pane.

  A small, guttural moan escapes her lips, vibrating through her entire body. I snake my hand around to her hip, pulling her flat against me as I drive my clothed erection against her. I move her hips far away from the glass so I can now maneuver the vibrator into her pussy. I insert it, gliding it into her wet, insatiable hole. “Oh please,” she begs in a throaty, desperate voice. Our foreplay in the car earlier must’ve already revved her body up to high alert.

  “What do you want, kitten?” I ask her in a low voice, while kissing her back and fucking her with the vibrator.

  “You,” she moans as her voice tightens. The sound goes directly to my cock, making it jump. I catch a glimpse of my forearms, the veins sticking out as I lace my fingers with hers against the c
old glass and continue to move the vibrator around in her pussy with the other. My body is yearning for her; it needs her. Her body is igniting a fire within me, a desire to claim her and keep her with me.

  She’s writhing against me, her butt wiggling into my pelvis. My blood is slowly heating to a boil as I continue to fuck her with the vibrator.

  Abruptly, I pull the vibrator out of her, and drop it to the floor. I grab a condom from my back pocket, unzip and push my jeans down, all within seconds.

  Grabbing Ella’s hips I pull them back further, and push on the top of her spine so she’s bending in front of me. “Keep your hands on the glass,” I say. Spreading her glistening pussy lips open, I thrust into her. I just can’t be gentle. I want her hard, and fast, and right now.

  Ella moans again. The sound drives me crazy. I weave one hand into her hair, and yank it to snap her head as far back as I can. Her back becomes a sexy arch and her palms remain on the glass. The air between us is crackling, the sound of my balls slapping up against her fills the air. I pin her with my hips, my hand possessively gripping her. I need for her to know she belongs to me.

  Letting go of her hip, I reach around to cup her tit and pull on her nipple as I increase my grip and pull on her hair. There’s nothing soft about what we’re doing. It’s animalistic and raw. I’m treating her the way she deserves as the woman I have claimed. There can be no doubt in her mind that I care for her.

  “I want to hear you, my little kitten.” I keep fucking her. Ella’s groans become labored, her breath coming in short, fast pants. My cock is steel; it’s hard and needs her. She feels amazing sheathing me, I want her more than ever.

  “This is so good,” she says breathlessly.

  But ‘good’ isn’t good enough for me. I let go of her tit and hook my arm under one of her legs. “Steady yourself; use me to balance.” I lift her leg so it’s over my arm, and I keep on pounding into her, deeper inside her. Ella’s grunting tells me she loves this as much as I do. I slow my thrusts, my hips grinding in deep, slow waves.

  “I’ve never felt anything like this before,” she gasps. The muscles in her shoulders loosen and she finally relaxes into me. “It’s never been this good.”


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