Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2)

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Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2) Page 3

by Renee Dyer

  Maybe next time they’ll pick a place with a V.I.P. section.

  Pinning Eddie with a scowl, I growl, “I’m done. Let’s go.” I don’t give him an option. I half-wave to everyone and walk off, never looking to see if he’s following. I shake off the hands of the women trying to touch me or get me to dance with them on the way out. I don’t want any of them. There’s only one woman on my mind and she’s tearing me the fuck apart.

  Outside, I gulp in the fresh air, lean against the building, and wait for my best friend. I know he’s going to be pissed. He should be. I was a grade A asshole tonight. This isn’t the first time I’ve had throngs of women approach me. I should be used to it by now. I should have handled it better. I should go back and apologize to that last woman, but I can’t stand the thought that she might think it would give her a chance with me. So, I stay leaned against the building with my eyes closed, soaking in the heat of the late August night.

  “What the fuck was that, Tuck? Are you trying to bring the paparazzi down on your head?” I can hear the condemnation in Eddie’s voice and I’m not in the mood. I need my friend tonight, not the writer for my show.

  “How about we have one night where I don’t have to hear how everything I do fucks things up for you, okay?” I walk off toward his car, not caring if he’s following me. I just want to get home. I want to sleep. I want to find some peace.

  I don’t know if that will ever happen.

  Chapter Four


  It’s a slow Saturday, so Alahna and I decide to develop some rolls we’ve had lying around for a few weeks. It’s always fun to see what’s been sitting on our cameras. We make bets as to what treasures will await us in the dark room. Like children let loose in a candy store, we buzz with excitement waiting for the images to appear before us.

  “I think those pictures I took of David Gandy naked a couple weeks ago might be in here. You may want to leave me alone for a little bit,” Alahna jokes. Her obsession grows with every new book boyfriend she reads. Poor David had better pray he never meets her. She may suck onto him and never let go. Maybe I should say, poor Preston better pray she never meets Mr. Gandy. I mentally giggle at my thoughts of Alahna having sucker lips pressed to David and him trying to pry her off.

  I need to get a life.

  My humor is quickly squashed when Tucker’s face begins to form in front of me. He’s bent down, hugging Kaleb. Happiness shines through his eyes. There’s love there too and my fragile heart shatters. My hand flies to my mouth, but it’s a second too late. The sob has already left me and Alahna heard it.

  She’s running for me, but there’s nothing she can do to stop the overwhelming pain that has taken residence in my life. I hear her, “Oh, Adri, I’m so sorry. I forgot I took those pictures.” I turn away from her, from the still forming pictures, and walk out of the dark room, not caring if I mess up the pictures still developing. I can’t take seeing his face. My heart can’t take seeing the love in his eyes.

  How did I let him fall in love with the people in my life? How could I be so careless?

  I don’t ask Alahna if she cares if I go home. I don’t say anything to her. I simply grab my stuff and go. My body is numb and I’m surprised I can find my way there. Thank God we were working at the Epping location, there’s no way I would have been able to drive otherwise. Walking through my door, I drop everything on the floor and head for my comfy spot on my couch. I need to be numb for a while.

  I curl into a ball, pull my knees to my chest, and wrap my arms around myself. Images of Tucker and our time together flash through my head. I want it to stop, but they keep coming at me. “Stop, please,” I whisper into the empty room. “Please, let me move on. This is killing me.”

  My pleas go unanswered as image after image floods my mind until I’m drowning in Tucker. Happy Tucker, angry Tucker, sweet Tucker, sexual Tucker. Sexual Tucker stands out the most. Images of all the places he took me around my house blaze through my mind. On the couch, my dining room chair, my kitchen counter, on the floor, my desk, against so many walls, the bathroom vanity, the pool… there were so many places. He seemed to always want me and he was always ready. My body becomes aroused, wanting him desperately. I hate him and myself for that. I hate that I allowed him to get this close to me, to break through my walls so easily when he can’t be in my life. But, most of all, I hate that every thought of him brings another thought that makes me miss him more.

  Closing my eyes, my thoughts are taken over by that night. The memory of that one night together crushes me, but continues to haunt me. Every time I remember it, it takes everything in me to not call him and beg for his forgiveness.

  “Are you sure you want to take pictures with me, Tucker?” I can’t understand for the life of me why he wants to do this. We’ve only just started to get to know each other. Yes, we’ve had sex… incredible sex… many times, but we’re not a couple, by any stretch of the imagination. Why is he doing this?

  He doesn’t have to prove anything to me.

  “Sweetness, why do you question me so?” He feigns hurt and I smile. I love when he acts adorable. His playful side wins me over every time. “I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if I didn’t want to. I want you to have a little taste of my life. And, I’ll have some of you to take back to Vancouver with me. How could I not want to do this?”

  The smile on his face makes me weak in the knees and I wonder if he’ll always have this effect on me. Those damn dimples. Can he turn those on whenever he wants? I look over at my large tub and chuckle. Quite the setting he chose for our pictures. Maybe I should have picked where our pictures were to be taken. Somehow, I think Tucker has other ideas in mind.

  “The tub? Really? This is your idea of a good backdrop for our pictures?” I’m trying to keep a straight face as I question him, but he’s so damn sexy and he’s been walking around with no shirt on, his tattoos on full display. What I want is to trace every one and forget about taking these pictures altogether. But I’ve found that when Tucker gets an idea in his head, he’s hard to persuade otherwise. Thinking of hard things, I suddenly don’t mind getting in the tub with him.

  “What’s wrong with the tub? I thought you had imagination, sweetness?” He raises his eyebrow as he stalks toward me. I start turning to mush with each step he takes closer to me. “Trust me, Adriana. You, me, and some bubbles, what could be hotter than that? The thought of you naked and slippery beneath my fingers...” I watch as he closes his eyes. Watch as he swallows. Follow his Adams apple. His description hitting straight at my core. Slowly, he opens his eyes and I’m lost in a swirling ocean of blue, lost in the passion I see there. “How much longer till you’re done staging our scene? I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  Stopping one step in front of me, my eyes run a path up his chest, taking time to appreciate every muscle, every defined piece of beauty that makes up this gorgeous man in front of me, but what I appreciate most is the art etched into his skin. He is a walking masterpiece. I trace the outline of his tattoo of Greece and its islands, thinking of the note he left me explaining why he got it. A smile curves my lips at how close he is to his Grams and the pride he takes in his heritage.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be setting up our scene instead of feeling me up?” he asks, amusement clear in his voice. I peek at him through my lashes, not removing my fingers from his chest. I take that last step into him, bringing our bodies flush with one another. “I feel like a piece of meat to you, sweetness.”

  My eyes trail down on their own accord and his hands wrap in my hair, forcing my face back up.

  “Fuck, woman! What are you trying to do to me?” His lips smash into mine and I’m in my happy place. Everything else melts away.

  The moment is far too short. I’m panting and need Tucker to take care of the ache between my thighs. He smirks at me, knowing he’s left me a quivering, wet mess. Well, two can play this game. “I’ll set the camera to automatically snap pictures so… for ten minutes you
need to behave yourself. Do you hear me, Mr. Stavros?” Hands on my hips, I eye him down. Well, up. He’s so much taller than I am.

  “What do you mean I need to behave myself? I have no intention of behaving. I plan to touch every inch of that delectable body of yours.”

  I try not to blush from head to toe and keep my voice steady. “I think you can contain yourself for ten minutes, Tucker. I’m not having sex with you in front of the camera,” I say, trying to act prudish. “You will behave. Porn isn’t my thing.” I have to pinch myself to keep from laughing as I watch his face fall.

  “Wh… porn… Adr… I… what the fuck? I never asked you to take pornographic pictures of us,” he sputters. I didn’t think it was possible for him to be more adorable, but watching him turn bright red and search for words because he thinks he’s offended me makes me realize I am so wrong. Every time I think I’ve seen the best of him, he shows me more. “I just wanted to do something unforgettable with you, something I’ve never done with another woman in my life. I wanted to share part of me with you and take a piece of you home with me. I’m sorry you thought that’s what I was thinking.”

  Well shit, I took this game too far. He can’t look at me. I may have ruined everything. “Tucker, I was joking. I’m so sorry.” Grabbing his hands, I stand before him, praying he’ll forgive me and we can get back to our night. “Do you want me to go back to setting things up?” I ask quietly.

  The twinkle is back in his eye and I breathe a small sigh of relief. “Does that mean you do want to take porn pictures with me?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Ugh. Men,” I say, smacking his arm playfully. His laughter follows me as I turn my back and walk to my equipment. I make quick work of the set up because Tucker keeps walking by and running his hands down my arms, across my back, slapping my ass. I’m a needy mess and the only part of our clothing missing so far is his shirt. That’s distraction enough. Any part of Tucker is distraction. All of Tucker is a distraction. From his blue eyes, to his dimples, to his perfectly sculpted body, there isn’t one part of him that doesn’t scream for my attention. Especially his tattoos.

  Closing my eyes for a brief second, I try to calm the pulsing between my thighs. That damn man.

  I place the last light and make my way to the tub. The scent of Vanilla fills the air as hot water and bubbles fill the tub. “I can’t wait to have you naked in there.”

  His warm breath tickles my ear as his body presses to my back. His lips trail soft kisses along my jaw and throat. He knows I turn to putty when he puts his mouth on me. I fight the urge to lean back into him even though I secretly wish I was naked and he was buried fully inside of me. Pulling away, I shake my finger at him. “Don’t forget what I said. The camera will shoot for ten minutes. Think you can control yourself that long?” I ask, my eyes roaming down his body, stopping at the bulge in his pants. Licking my lips, I look back up and freeze at the hunger burning in his eyes.

  “Make sure you set the timer, sweetness.” It’s all he says, but his voice has dropped to that sexy rasp that promises to bring me to my knees, screaming out in pleasure later. I’m a needy, wet mess and I know he knows it. Damn him.

  I turn off the water and turn to find him in my personal space. It doesn’t surprise me. He likes to put me on edge. His large hands make quick work of getting me naked. I start for his pants, but he takes a step back. His eyes roam my body. I’ll never get used to the way he studies me like he needs to know every line, every freckle. I stand there, allowing his perusal, watching the hunger within him swell.

  “This,” he says, while trailing one finger along the side of my breast, “and this,” he runs another finger along the center of my already aching core, “will be mine. Ten minutes. That’s all you have to play this cat and mouse game of yours, Adriana. After that, make no mistake, I will make the pussy purr.”

  He strips himself of his jeans, leaving me speechless and unable to move. I stand in place as he climbs into the tub, trying to shake off the arousal that has flooded my entire body. It’s no use. I’m drowning in Tucker and the only thing that will save me is his touch. I can feel his eyes on me, burning holes in my skin, stroking my arousal higher.

  “Are you going to join me?” His voice is pure sex and it rolls through me, touching every nerve in my body.

  I quickly set the timer and make my way to the god among men that’s waiting for me in the tub. I still have no idea what he sees in me or why he wants me. All I know is, in this moment, ten minutes seems like an eternity. His words from moments ago swirl through my stimulated mind. I’m afraid of what I’ll do with him and what the camera will catch.

  Climbing into the tub, I move to the opposite side so we’re facing each other. My hair falls perfectly to cover my breasts and I mentally high five myself as the camera starts clicking. Tucker has an amused smirk on his face. He knows I’m trying to avoid being close to him. He knows that I’m turned on and I’m afraid if he touches me, I’ll let him take me while the camera captures everything. I hate that I’m so easy to read and that it’s that easy for him to work me into a frenzy.

  “You look beautiful.” He pauses and licks his lips. “All naked and wet, but you’re much too far away for my liking.” The way he elongates the word “wet” has me flooding at my core and I’m relieved that he can’t see it happening. “Too fucking far away from me.”

  I watch as he stalks toward me on hands and knees like an animal. I sit in frozen contentment as he slinks closer and closer to me; my body getting hotter with every inch closer he gets.

  His shoulder connects with my body first and I feel the familiar electricity race through me. Closing my eyes, I revel in the feeling of intimacy I’ve found with Tucker. He flattens himself against the tub wall, pulling me into his lap and bringing my back flush with his chest, my ass flush with his erection. Instantly, I wonder how many minutes are left on the camera.

  His arm comes around to my breasts in a tender embrace. “Relax, sweetness. We’re supposed to be enjoying this,” he whispers into my ear.

  I am enjoying this. He has no idea how much I’m enjoying this. The problem is, I want to shift just a tad so I can get him inside me. Damn him for turning me into a wanton woman.

  “What do you want to do?” His words filter through my sex filled thoughts. How do I answer that question?

  “Huh?” Great answer, slick, I mentally chastise myself.

  “The camera’s clicking. Let’s make this memorable.” I feel his smile against my neck and as much as that turns me on, I reel my inner sex kitten in.

  “Whatever you want.” The words leave my mouth before I can think and I’m left with an “Oh Shit” feeling in my gut.

  Tucker starts splashing water all around us and laughing like a little boy. Some of the candles are put out by the water flying through the air. I know the floor is going to be soaked, but I can’t find it in me to care. This is the childish side of him that I love seeing. The side he buried for so many years. Caught up in his playfulness, I grab handfuls of bubbles and start blowing them around the tub and into Tucker’s face. He laughs and smiles big, his dimples on display. It makes me happy and tugs at my heart that this part of him was taken away for so long.

  I place my hand still covered in bubbles to his cheek and give him the biggest grin I can bring forth. I want him to know that I love this idea that he came up with. I may have been hesitant at first, but now—being here with him and seeing him smile like this—there’s nowhere I’d rather be.

  He’s looking down at me and I see the change in his eyes. I know this is the “Oh Shit” moment. His hands come around my waist and in one move, he has me turned so our chests are touching. I wrap my legs around him, thinking he’s finally going to take care of this ache, but he just stares at me, a smirk on his face again. I want to shove his face or his dick somewhere. Handle business myself.

  “Tucker,” I whimper out, hating that I sound like a whining, begging mess, but that’s what I am.
  Need flashes in his eyes before his lips crash into mine. Oh God, this is what I want. Tongue on tongue, we war against each other. We can’t seem to get close enough. I want to devour him. His growls are lost in my mouth, swallowed in our kisses. His hand reaching around my neck, grasping my hair, makes me cry out for more. I can’t stop myself from grinding on his engorged shaft.

  The beeping as my camera timer goes off has Tucker breaking our kiss. He looks at me with mischief on his face. “Time to purr, kitty,” he says while making a purring sound. Holy fuck, I think I orgasmed right then.

  Grabbing me by my waist, he lifts me to the edge of the tub, spreads my legs, and proceeds to make the pussy purr. I scream his name so loud, I think the entire neighborhood is able to hear me.

  Body like jelly, I melt back into the tub as Tucker watches with a smile. Damn that man for knowing he’s good.

  I ease my still reeling body over to him and climb onto him. Locking eyes with his, something has changed. Arousal still burns there, but it’s different now. He made his point. He claimed me. Oh hell yes, he claimed me. Left me a quivering, bones are jelly, on the edge of the tub, you claimed me mess. His arms snake around me, helping to steady me above him. Never losing eye contact, I press down on him until he’s buried as deep as he can go.

  We watch each other the whole time. It’s not the wild sex we’ve been having. I’m not sure I’d call it making love either, but it’s different. There’s a different connection this time. A different level of intimacy. We hold onto each other tight afterward and it’s then that I know things are changing between us.


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